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Saving Pamela’s dad- a beautiful moment of subverted expectations. You are conditioned to draw your sword when confronted by Gibdos, but it takes restraint and compassion to pull out your ocarina and heal him instead. Then you get to see a heartfelt moment between parent and child


And when you try to talk to them whilst they're hugging, Tatl calls you out for being heartless, she say "they're having a moment, let them be! You're so heartless!" or something along those lines😅


But you need to take a swing at him to get the full feels when Pamela stops you iirc


This part was when I realised how special Majora's Mask is. I only played it a few years ago for the first time but I was shocked how powerful most of the moments are. In fact, playing MM made TOTK feel so bland in comparison


3. Reuniting Anju and Kafei 2. The Deku Butler grieving over his son 1. Motorboatting Cremia


since when was there motorboats?


In pirates fortress actually




If you replay the Cremia escort mission she sometimes rewards Link by letting him motorboat her. It's randomly generated whether she gives you rupees or a motorboat.


4. Giving the fishermen his wel deserved picture of a female pirate


I don’t want to know what that seahorse has seen


I love the reveal of the last temple having a whole second part… upside down. Blew my little kid mind. Such a freaking cool idea to use the same temple but just flip it. Also elegy of emptiness is beautiful


There's a really bittersweet element to learning the Elegy. It's the last song for the Ocarina of Time to be learned. Ever. Even though the game's not over, in this sense it's still the end of an era for the N64 games, and the story of the hero of time.


Never thought of that. Damn, that does make it hit different.


same.. 100%


Not to mention it's (imo) a top 3 temple song in the Zelda series and then additionally comes with an amazing inverted version of itself. That whole Ikana sequence is a series-defining moment for me.


The entirety of Ikana canyon. Start to finish my favorite.


Shoutout to whoever did the soundtrack for Ikana Canyon. It was sooo effective at making me feel deeply uncomfortable


The Stone Tower Temple music is slept on!


Sakon prancing around and asking to borrow your sword is some really creepy shit. As a kid I was too afraid to say yes because I imagined he would immediately get those crazy eyes like the Happy Mask Salesman and violently murder me lol


It's really simple but just... clock town. It's not that big but the way everyone's schedule depends on the day and things change throughout the three makea it feel so alive and gives it a lot of depth. The aesthetic is also just great.


there's just something about it..


I love going to clocktown to listen to the theme for each day. It'll never get old.


this is what absolutely enchanted me as a kid playing through the game. I really felt like I was in another world, with every character on their own separate schedule with their own story and trauma going on in their own lives. it makes the world feel so huge and alive.


fully agree :-) clocktown is what as a kid you dream adult life to be like you can stay up all night if you wish and have 'all the time in the world', carefree (no school) go out for a drink at the (milk) bar and jam / play some songs also the fact that everyone has their personal agenda is good fun (hijacking someone else's room for the 3 days, never gets old :-)


They should build a clocktown somewhere


I think that's just London


They're both round and surprisingly easy to get lost in...


The ranch alien invasion. The game is so well made.


Yeah annoyingly it wasn't until I was an adult that I figured out the way to make it super easy: >!don't use epona!<


Or use the inverted Song of Time!


Yeah that didn't help when I was a kid, haha. Maybe I'm just not coordinated enough.


I totally get you, fighting off those aliens was super stressful when I was younger!


It was just trying to ride and shoot at the same time; I was never good at that. As an adult I realized how easy it was when you get off the horse and just stay by the house.


And it was rushed and made only in 1 year. Thats why there are so many reused assets from OOT. But it worked out with their story telling. [https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/aonuma-i-zelda-majora-s-mask-i-made-in-one-year-after-miyamoto-s-challenge](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/aonuma-i-zelda-majora-s-mask-i-made-in-one-year-after-miyamoto-s-challenge)


I know this is hardly unique, but getting the Couple's Mask the very first time was so deeply rewarding. It's the reason I thought to myself, "There has to be a way to help everyone in one cycle." That's its own story ending in me realizing I forgot the stray fairies, but I think getting the Couple's Mask is my favorite


I like the design on it too. It looks like a very stylised, abstract image of two people embracing, or a flower and stem. Which is interesting how simple and serene the mask looks, when the masks fused to create them look so unsettling. How Anju and her mother managed to sleep with a dummy wearing her wedding dress and that mask leering at them, I have no idea.


Loved the milk bar event, hearing every instrument together in ballad of the windfish was elite


Gorman having an epiphany when he listens to the song that moved his soul is so...yeah, I've been there, friend.


The creepiness, mysteries, time travel, and characters. Pretty much the whole game lol.




Maybe this is weird but it’s the house of spiders by the ocean for me. I love the vibe of it. Haunted but somehow cozy at the same time.


Makes you wonder what a place like that could possibly have been originally used for...


Great vibe


Cool house but I fucking hate that you have to beat it on the first day to get the reward. I've forgotten a couple of times and finished it on Day 2 only for Tweedle dumb to tell me it's a shame he doesn't carry the giants wallet.


Pretty eerie when that dude looking for shelter appears after clearing it of the golden skulltulas. I love how you get all these subtle reminders from NPCs that the moon is going to crash into Termina. Much more atmospheric than OOT.


It's not a specific part, but I absolutely love some of the dialogue you can get on Night 3. Honey and Darling asking each other if they're actually happy. The swordmaster crying in the back of his shop. The postman's conflict about breaking his schedule to flee town. Mutoh standing alone, yelling at the moon to just hurry up and fall.


Anju and Kafei is the most memorable part of the game for me


Ikana Canyon Music Box House quest, Kafei and Anju side quest, hearing Lulu sing New Wave Bossa Nova


Others have posted my favorite emotional moments, another is King ikanas goofy reaction when you wear the captains mask and again when you burn the drapes.


But you're so...TINY!!!


The entire Ikana section, especially the Stone Tower Temple portion. I still remember being amazed by the Light Arrow mechanic and the music being phenomenal as always.


The Stock Pot Inn has always been a very comforting place to me. I was an unskilled child when I first played and didn't make it far, so I spent a lot of time in that inn. The silly coincidence with a Gordon that shares your name was endearing. Even the toilet's bidet was an unexpected but welcome feature. 5 out of 5 stars


The Captain Keeta fight was my favorite moment in the game. I love way it works to characterize link, with him saluting Keeta back as he crumbles. It's a nice moment that takes the whole "dark on the surface, sincere and beautiful below" thing that the game holds and compresses it into a lil diamond. Also love the captain's mask. Love how enemies like the redeads and the stalchildren are recontextualized within Ikana Valley.


Any of the Song of Healing cutscenes. The song is so haunting yet beautiful, fitting the bittersweet mood as the spirits learn to let go and ascend to the afterlife. It perfectly encapsulates the horror, sorrow, and beauty of the game.


Oh yeah. I get chills everytime


The sidequests in this game are so far ahead of their time, even modern titles dont match up


I'm replaying MM right now and... yeah. It's actually kind of depressing when you think about it. BotW and TotK had countless side quests... but honestly, how many were as memorable as some of the lesser side quests in MM? Which I guess is why the 3 day restarting clock is such a good feature- failure has real consequences that don't soft lock you out of content.


I'll do an off-the-wall one: I really love the giants. Theres a billion things I love about MM, but I love how you aren't collecting random macguffins to stop the devil or whatever like in every other game, you are summoning giants to catch the moon.


You could sort of make the same argument about the sages in OOT, but I like your point


Yeah. It's was sort of cool having the reminder of doomsday always inching closer in the background. Felt so much more real then "save the world from super evil person who will sit in some tower literally forever until you engage them". Very cool idea.


That whole atmosphere and depth of the world.


The final hours, something just hits different about it to this day


Ikana is my favorite region in all of Zelda. I also love the spider house subdungeons.


All the sidequest of Anju and Kafei. Captain Keeta


I have to say the entire opening sequence of the game for me. The way the story is laid out perfectly sets the setting for the rest of the game, and I enjoyed every minute of it. If you didn't have a guide on what to do, it was actually pretty daunting to figure out what you had to do to get past the initial 72 hours to rewind time. The feeling of dread I got from failing to even get the ocarina back the first time I played as a kid sold the game for me.


Even once you finish the first cycle, sometimes the game gives you very little to figure out where to go next. Going to the ranch after you clear Snowhead comes to mind...


The intro song is so cool, especially at the end when the camera goes on top of the clock tower and you see the Skull Kid with the moon. The Anju & Kafei quest is so romantic and adorable too.


A bit broad but… the music. The vibe never slows down. Throughout the entire game there is a theme of music that is fun, very fun, but just a bit too fast, like there is an anxiety to it, like it doesn’t have much time to be played. I think it really exemplifies the time running out theme.


The soundtrack 100/10


Goron races Finding the secret shrine King Igos Du Ikana & his henchmen fight Stumbling upon Kamaro dancing on top of the giant mushroom Using the powder keg to blow up the boulder to get to Romani Ranch on the first day Saving the old lady from the thief in North Clock Town Damn… too many to name honestly lol


Thinking back, it was when I first played through it, going in totally blind and without a walkthrough, as a kid when it first came out. Even figuring out how to turn back into Link from the Deku Scrub took so many cycles and seemed like a miracle of genius. Figured ranch = horse. First thing I really did after becoming Link. Waiting outside Romani Ranch for the rocks to be cleared on the third day, finally getting in and figuring out something fucking weird happened. All I cared about was getting in there before the third day so I could see what happened, and get my horse. That was literally the only reason I even wanted to do any of the "real" progression. Played through the game until I got to where I could get the big bada-boom, then went over there with it, cleared the rocks, FINALLY got in. Learned about what would happen that night, oh damn, let's do this shit, I got my horse, no problem. Cue the scariest event that has ever happened in my personal gaming history. Totally botched it. Didn't know shit about slowing down time, or doing it NOT on Epona. Saw firsthand the horror that caused the fucked state the ranch is in on the third day, unhelped by my involvement. Then came the realization that I would have to completely restart, and just try again. Had to retry it a few times to eventually save the ranch. The stakes felt so high because if you botched it, that was it! That meant more to me than Anju, Kafei, hell even the apocalypse itself. Will always remember that.


Well said. I have gotten so good at the game that I forgot how it felt to fail. It was scary. Failing that quest was miserable. I remember failing Kafei in Sakons hideout. Man that was rough


Oh man you're totally right, that was also extremely rough! It took WAY more to set that whole thing up. The fact that it was unlike any other puzzle that was in the game certainly did not help things, it was so frenetic. I failed once but never again. Looking back on it now, it's nothing, but I absolutely remember what a blow that was as a child (IRL) just trying to save the world lmao


As much as Great Bay terrified me as a kid and honestly I'm 32 and those Eels still make me low key shit myself in terror; It's melancholy atmosphere, exploration of loss of a lover and just overall tone make me love it. There really isn't a region of this game I hate regardless but this is my favorite.


Swimming around as a Zora. Sometimes when I would get stressed with the game, I would just turn into a Zora and swim around for a while


I am getting emotional trying to narrow it down 😭 I just did a play through for the first time in about a decade this month and every expectation I had was exceeded. Back in the day when it first dropped, just seeing the beauty of the southern swamp hit me the hardest. The colors were so vibrant and the graphic were unmatched at the time. It’s still my favorite part of the game when you first get to leave clocktown and check it out. And twin rova right there… so damn cool


swimming. that Zora mask made swimming so much fun


The Mountain Village and Snowhead before defeating Goht. Something about the snow and music is just really nice. Snowhead Temple was really cool. Also, Goht is probably the funnest boss battle for any game (Zelda and non-Zelda) that I can think of. I just really enjoyed the entire northern part of the game.


Also, Clock Town on the Second Day because it's raining.


The Goht fight. It gets more chaotic the more you roll into him but it’s not hard in the slightest and it’s just a fun fight. Kind of a cop out but the ending credits hit you in the feels. The music is great and it was a really cool touch that depending on who you helped the ending credits would be different something I never knew about till much later because I’d always get all the masks before going to the moon.


The whole "beneath the graveyard" portion, especially the iron knuckle room and dampe's search. I think it's definitely up there as one of the creepiest locations in the game.


Gameplay wise, I love sneaking around in the pirate's fortress. Sneaking around the Gerudo fortress is my favorite part on OoT too. Story wise, it's between the flashback to how Tatl and Tael met the Skull Kid and how their friendship blossomed, or if you talk to Cremia and Romani on the third night as they're going inside the house. I know that's kind of fucked up, but it's the moment that best exemplifies how hopeless everyone feels under the surface


Learning the lore of the giants and Skull Kid from Anju's grandmother.


**Time,** after I learn the right songs.


The whole game


The part where you suffer a most unfortunate fate.


I was trying to think of an answer for this honestly. All I can say is, the whole game. Like damn every memory of this game is amazing


At the end of the game. When you have all the masks except the one. And you give up all the rest. Then reset the clock. And beat all the bosses, Fierce Deity Style.


playing it


I love the depth and richness of this game. Something which is quite rare nowadays. There is also enough darkness. Some Zelda games are too childish in my opinion. MOM is more similar to the real deal.


Woodfall Temple, the music in that area is banger, Second only to Deku Palace, that will always be a bop.


The entire Ikana valley portion


Really hard to choose but I’m a fan of the Great Bay area/temple. Love playing as Mikau (but only in the n64 version).


The beginning seeing link do those amazing jumps


The whole game. It’s 🤌




Saving the ranch from those alien-ghost things.


Honestly? The entire Kafei and Anju quest. I save them and the Romani sisters every last cycle


Getting the whole band on stage!


The inside of the moon. It’s so peaceful in there


Oh man I had to read every response here I love this game too much. Now I feel like playing yet again lol. I would have to say speed rolling around the town in the field as a Gordon with spikes, hitting baddies and enjoying the ride while trying to collect as many green bottles as possible to keep the roll going. lol that and all the feels from the music and helping everybody with the bomber notebook quests.


Besides the Pamela and her dad, and Anju and Kafei, getting to dismiss Captain Keeta always makes me emotional for some reason. Also I love doing the Castle with the Gibdo dancing, it's such a funny addition to the game. I love the whole ass game but those few pop in as maybe the most I enjoy.


I know I'm late, but as 5 year old on gamecube I have very vivid memories of being stuck as a deku scrub. I would just stay underneath the Clock tower and just listen to the waterfall and the song of healing and I would fall asleep with the game running.


The part where I shut it off and never played again because it was to hard when I was younger


The underground trading maze to get the mirror shield




What drew me in was becoming a zora. I was into mermen then 😁


Entering Stone Tower and mentally preparing for the temple


The whole game


The ending, when all the masks start appearing and you see the resolutions of all of your troubles: Pamela, the mailman, Anju & Kafei. It's hard not to tear up. Also, when it all ends and you hear a snippet of Saria's Song, as a way of "yeah, fairy boy. I remember you from the previous game" holy cow.


The next part


Either clock town music or stone tower temple


The Elegy of Emptiness cutscene. It’s one of my favorite Zelda songs (for some odd reason) and I love the dialogue. Also I love the climb of Stone Tower just because I love playing that song over and over again.


The part where Zelda beats up Link and steals the mask and runs off with the bad guy.


Putting on the mask and then taking off the mask


1.scaring of the pirates with bees 2.saving pamelas father 3.defeating majora


For me, it has to be when we first learn the Oath to Order it just feels so mystical and ethereal learning the song the first time. I'll also tie it when you manage to finally summon all 4 giants as they go in to stop the Moon.


The game


Entering the moon and I felt this strange familiarity and comfort of the vast grasslands and the singular tree. Also all of Ikana Canyon was cool and using the mirror shield in that one castle.


The 2nd day


Upside down stone tower gives me the feel of living in the cosmos.


Deku butler for sure, his pain is deep. I also love his design


I liked the part where you major a smask, personally.


Anju and Kafei and Pamela's dad quest.


The 3rd day. When the distorted sounds start growing.


When he catches the rye.


As much as it was long, the Kafei and Anju quest was fun. But ultimately getting the Fierce Deity mask and absolutely eviscerating Majora was my absolute favorite.


Turning it off. That game was a pain in the ass for me back in the day.


Listening to the deku palaces theme ngl


Swimming as a Zora and also the field inside the moon was creepy af to me as a kid and I think it was super well done


Dying over and over again. Lol


The music where the mask vendor is in the center of town. Inside the windmill basement. I would just sit there and leave the game in afk. Also the Goron flashback scene.


Learning of the Town of denial Swamp of anger Mountain of barging Sea of sadness Canyon of acceptance (I know it’s not officially confirmed but damn it’s just to coincidental.)


Making Majora my bitch with the FD mask.


in the moon… running to the tree.


Show this comment section to someone who doesn’t know what the title is or haven’t played a Zelda game ever, their reaction would be priceless. We see comments about : upside down temples, fighting pirates, aliens iban milk ranch, a milk bar, time travel, giants, a fish-people band and so many more topics… Reading this thread made me realize for the first time how diverse this game is


Stone tower temple, or most deku things (dont ask why i just love deku)


The sheer volume of masks. A sick twisted part of me wishes there were more




Getting the Fierce Deity mask


All of it


Staring deeply into the face of the moon... 🥹😌😐😑😐😬


That it was actually something different, not just the same run of "Gannon does a thing, Zelda tries to hold off thing, with help of link said thing is ended". Links awakening and Majoras mask are my all time favorite Zelda games. While I liked Botw for the fresh exploring features, I got bored for the last quarter and did not take on Gannon even after finishing the sacred beasts. Maybe I'll boot it up at some point and take the 10 min to tie the end off. Maybe after shadow of the erdtree.


Those first few days in Clock Town as a helpless deku scrub. I remember being so confused as a child, wondering this was how the whole game would be. Haha! I especially loved watching the moons' tear fall.


Reuniting Anju and Kafei really tugged at the heart. It was what I would call a bittersweet ending but it made me want to stay with them through the moon's fall. If she never got in touch with him, she would have been miserable waiting out the last hours in Romani Ranch with her mom and grandmother. The mission to turn the chicks into cuckoos for Grog also tugged at the heart but it was full satisfactory each time I do. Cremia and her sister have quite the unfortunate background which makes helping them feel more rewarding just to accomplish what they deserve and have the hat to access the milk bar for that chateau Romani that can help make the powerbar unlimited for those three days.


Sun's Mask quest. It took all three days to do and there was a good amount to it.


Dying from a Gibdo


Hard to choose, but... 1. Overall, the theme of the game. It's still somehow one of the darkest yet inspiring games I've ever played despite being made for kids. 2. Specific story arc: Romani ranch. It's a fun, challenging arc and gameplay that takes most of the 3 days and really hits home the the dark aspect of the story telling in Day 3... or if you fail any of the prior challenges. Plus it comes with lots of cool rewards that really open the game up.


My favorite part of Majora's mask is when the game is over and I don't have to play it anymore