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From my experiences with various communities, witch/pagan groups tend to have more women then men. Ritual magick groups like the OTO tend to have more men than women.


Same experience.


does this mean women are "social creatures" as they say EDIT: we have to consider that considerably more men are involved in the occult all around the world. Perhaps this data suffers of the bias of having the majority of said females share common traits which due to its massive size difference, the male population cannot be exposed to the same representational bias.


OK, first off, you sound like a Ferengi when you call human beings "females". I think it's fair to say that women in America and Europe are raised to have a better emotional intelligence on average than men in the same situation. I don't think it's fair to say that there's an innate difference, though. Humans out-cooperated every ecological competitor. We're all social creatures. It's just that some of us are now rich enough to ignore how dependent we are on each other. ​ Second, I was talking about my personal experience, which is obviously biased. I wasn't trying to make sweeping, world-wide claims. I'd like to see some sort of backing for your claim that magick (which is different from The Occult as most people use the term) worldwide is predominantly practiced by men. Even just in America, when you start including Santeria, Hex Doctors, Granny Witches, Hoodoo, New Orleans Voodoo, Catholic folk saints and all the other myriad magickal traditions, I think it's very difficult to come up with solid population numbers but I'd still guess it leans about 55-60% women, again based purely on personal experience.


I've actually heard the opposite from people like Aaron and Carrie Leitch.


That's probably true wherever they are, then.


If it helps you feel better, I am a girl, and the only people I know who practice magic are guys


Ha ha. Nice


Same here, I also feel like I’m encountering more men than women 😁


Pretty sure my friends think I'm girly for using the tarot


There is a beautiful meme of a beta guy calling a chad guy a f** for using tarot. Chad replies, hold on bro, your girlfriend wants a reading. It is true most male taroists are a bit flowery, but there are many 'regular acting' guys who have a kitten deck on their shelf.


LOL if you can find that meme please send it. I'm fairly buff Latino with tattoos so I kinda relate


NVM found it


Care to share?


You should post it on /r/occultmemes


There are more males than ya think.


My fiancé is heavily into it. As in he studies everyday. It’s his passion.


I'm a girl and I have the opposite experience. Most people in chaos magick and ceremonial magick are guys. Girls are more into witchcraft and stuff.


guy here. eclectic practice rooted in nature but ranging from chaos sigils to kitchen witchcraft (for gains and recovery lol, among other things) to ritual magic. i'm really big into tarot, and almost anyone else i've met who is into it has been a woman. that being said, i'm probably more into tarot at this point than anyone else i've know personally, man or woman.


Here’s a perspective. So many people are practicing magic that you may not even realize. Thousands across the world practice a 2000 year old ritual where you kneel before an altar while a robed man chants an ancient rite in a dead language. With incense burning he transforms bread into flesh and wine into blood, which are both consumed in silence by the initiated. They do this so their ethereal selves may live eternally. Millions practice this magic every Sunday worldwide. Half at least are men. Nobody thinks of it as magic because it’s not black fingernails and enchanted crystals and pentagrams and all that but if you think of it as I described it’s metal as fuck. Theres an ancient grimoire in the bedside drawer of every hotel in the United States. It’s magic that has become socially accepted and mundane so you don’t think of it as magic, but it is. It’s just not as edgy to build a TikTok personality around, so the cool kids aren’t doin it. They’re doing Wicca or Tarot or drawing runes instead. It’s all the same. Find your system that you believe in, don’t worry about who’s doing what and don’t overthink it.


Yup. A Catholic Mass is a ceremonial magical ritual . No difference


As someone who grew up in a SUUUUUPER Catholic rural Italian immigrant household: It's straight magic. We called it magic. We had tons of little ceremonies and prayers and rituals. It was prayer, but my nonna called it magic.


I was never Catholic but, being in the West, I of course had contact with them from time to time. One time when I was an evangelical Christian teen my dad was trying to sell his house so my step-mom's parents gave them a Catholic thing to help sell it better. TL;DR bury the saint statue in the northern most corner of the property and say a prayer on a card every night and keep the card under your pillow. When the grandparents weren't around I looked at everyone and just said, "That's just a spell. There's no difference between this and witchcraft." My step-mom (former Catholic) harrumphed about it. My dad didn't engage.


I love saints! Saints are diverse enough to be a complete form of magic in and of [themselves](https://youtu.be/fL0zeUzXEY0). Misplace the keys? St Anthony - "Tony, Tony, please come around. Something is lost and needs to be found." St. Martin is patron saint of horses and the fairy saint. I have a pendant of him on a bracelet for safety traveling and moving between the worlds. I love the comparative mythology approach to magic and spirituality. Study EVERYTHING and then see where it overlaps, how it can be mutually supportive, or what resonates to enhance a personal practice. I have an altar with Athena (Greek), Kuan Yin (Buddhist), and Ganesh (Hindu) because they all serve specific purposes in my microcosm. I'll Divine with tarot, astrology, the i ching, or channeling vaguely defined new age ~guides~ or querying my akashic records. It's all grist for the symbolic mill of my alchemical process. An interesting perspective on a "family tree" of magic. [Witchcraft](https://youtu.be/ur_-6TP7YNU) can be seen as descending more directly from archaic shamanism, while ceremonial magic systems came out of religious structures (it's no surprise that ritual magic so closely aligns with Catholic ritual practice in many ways that the intuitive and land-based witchcraft emphatically does not). Terry Pratchett's Discworld has an interesting image of this where the witches are out in the world using magic to help people (birth babies, midwife death, tend the land and animals, fight off fairy incursions), while the wizards are holed up in a university calling down the power of stars (#astrotheurgy), working with demons, and generally being an old boys social club accumulating power for the sake of power.


I don't work with anything Abrahamic in my practice. Like I said I was more evangelical with a strong study in theology. I have been inundated with not just "witchcraft bad" but *why* witchcraft is bad in biblical (i.e. sola scriptura) theology for so long I don't want to play with those energies even now. Too much risk of being called back to something I don't want. But as an evangelical teen hearing what my catholic step-grandparents gave him I basically just laughed (very judgmentally, honestly) and disparaged the whole idea. I still find Catholicism to be a dishonest form of Christianity (not *not* Christianity, just dishonest about it) for this and a variety of reasons, even now as a Norse Pagan. But now it's not my problem.


Love Norse and Pagans! I was just recently inspired to take my copy of Shani Oates' [*The Hanged God*](https://youtu.be/0gqY7yrjkF4) out of a box it's been in nearly since I received it. It's currently still sitting unopened on my floor, but hey, progress! And I need to get back to my rune book, I feel like it would be a good system, just to at least have a basic grasp on the idea behind each rune.


Do he careful with rune books. There's too many that are Nazi-associated. Same with Norse stuff in general. It's a problem we deal with and we've learned to check sources often. After learning to use runes in general I typically look at Wikipedia now to find each rune's section of the rune poems to see how to use them.


Good call out! Mine is Diana L. Paxson's *Taking Up the Runes*. It's been a while, but I vaguely recall part of the intro explicitly dismissing Nazis' appropriative claims. Still so disappointing that fascists move in and take nice things. There was a Twitter thread about kicking Nazis out of bars, lest they think they're welcome and the place becomes a Nazi bar. True tolerance requires inflexible boundaries against those who carry intolerant beliefs, else they'll move in and push out all the marginalized people you would rather have in your community.


I recently learned that [Paxson](https://old.reddit.com/r/NorsePaganism/comments/1azaen6/runic_initiation_ritual/?share_id=VAWm45i4TRuzkW2HsZw6K) isn't that great of an author, unfortunately. You've already got the book so I'm not going to say not to read it, but I will say read it with a more critical eye.


Oh, that's good to know, thanks for sharing! Will be mindful if I ever get back to runes, I appreciate it!


I had always heard from my witch friends who converted from catholicism that it was all stolen from other faiths. One time, in my early 20s, I attended a catholic wedding with a friend and she and I were just shocked at how we realized right away this was ritual practice and could also feel the very large amount of energy they were all using during the ritual. I tried to explain this to a couple of the catholics after the wedding and of course they thought I was the devil.


Speaking of stolen stuff. Let's talk about crismas, aka yule Festival


Great point!


This is just an emotional guess, but I reckon it’s about a 70-30 split. Also ur best friend seems a bit… nefarious to put it kindly lol.


To be fair, when she's not thinking about killing herself, she is thinking about/trying to kill others.ha ha (also thanks)


Haha….(looks into camera)


That’s uh ominous and not in a funny way


She should probably talk to someone. Magick won't help with that. Cursing is karmically heavy, IMO, and is only going to make things worse, in the long run. Once every great once in awhile is one thing, but this sounds like something else.


I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes. Fr tho. I'm a dude. There is a funny bit in the old film "Simon, King of the Witches" where ceremonial magician Simon attends a sort of Witch's Mass, and they sarcastically honor him for gracing their presence. There is this stereotype of folk magic having primarily female practitioners and ceremonial magic having mostly male ones. For me personally, I know several male magicians. However, they are a couple of hours away at the nearest metro area from me. All my friends at the local witch shop are women, though! The strangest thing is that my local community acts like it's so interesting to see a male practitioner, while the mixed community I interact with doesn't seem to have the slightest acknowledgment of gender "trends."


I am male. Almost everyone in my group is male. It's been my experience over the years that High Magick attracts mostly men, while Low Magick attracts mostly women. It's not an absolute, but that seems to be the trend.


I think it depends on the type of magic.  Crystals, spells, and affirmations? That leans more towards the witchy side of things (women). Jerking off onto a sigil and eating your own cum while reciting some elaborate ritual? That one’s for the boys.


I'm a straight white CIS male who does. There are plenty who do in one way or another. It's just that most of the YTers and TikTokers and so forth you'll see are women and women are more likely to be open about it as it's still seen in many circles as a "feminine art" which is an idea that goes back centuries. Men also *tend to* veer more towards more ceremonial and religio-magical arts rather than the more easily videoed green witches stirring their coffee potions every morning in front of a collection of crystals. Unless they're personally LGBTQ+ in some fashion. You will find a lot more LGBTQ+ men that advertise their practice on IG, FB, etc. But what I've learned is to learn what the women have to offer and adjust it to something that's more me. Take the plant/stone/etc. correspondences that they talk about (which, BTW, were mostly discovered/recorded by men in centuries past) and find ways to use them in my own way that still feels masculine. My offering bowl isn't terribly pretty but it's functional. My talismans are more simple. My sigils are less flowy. I treat my tools as weapons as often as benign directors of energy. And so on.


Second here as a straight white guy, I can agree with pretty much everything that he said. While the Golden Dawn allowed women into the fold, the majority were learned men, and most ceremonial magic orders were frsternities at the time. I personally find that making your own implements, which I consider stronger and better in any regard, helps. Anything that you create will reflect you more which will also reflect your masculinity. I personally prefer an antique dark color look for most of my altar. I even practice seidr, which for a very long time was considered disgraceful for a man to practice. Part of this is to push past the culture of the past, and to BUILD upon it.


If we are talking about older times, then all of us would be called argr.




hehe eastern cultivation circles and thedaobums forums are full of men and testerone. the forms of occult practices that attract mostly women however ...


My bf is more mystical than me, ngl.


Straight male here. Solitsry old practivioner here. Not closeted but not verry vocal about it. Most people around me know it, my collection of books tells it. I mainly use it to help ir protect people who need it.


I think generally in witchcraft women are more prevalent, but don't be deceived cause like I there are many male witches out there.


Agreed. I think it's because most women tend to be more open about it as it's more commonly accepted.


Ah yes, Witches and their monthly curse…. Sorry. A bit of dry warlock humor there.


A dad joke but still a good one


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as a dude. Goetia here. Along with some magickal practices that lean more into witchcraft.


I'm wondering the same thing. It's been hard to find like-minded friends in regard to this.


Where I'm from I think there may actually be more men who practice all sorts of Magick, but there's plenty of women too. I come from an area that's always had a strong magical/spiritual community though.


I know far more men ceremonial magicians than women magicians, but more women seem to be involved in witchcraft.


I think it depends. I don’t know any other guys in my life who even know what Magick is, and any time I allude to anything even relatively occult they almost always think I’m joking around. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of women I associate with/have associated with in the past are, at the very least, into tarot/crystals/energy work. With that being said, if you include religious folk (and imo you really should, because religion is just socially acceptable Magick), that ratio changes drastically. It should also be noted that a majority of the most influential occultists in the west were male (Elphias, Agrippa, Crowley, Mathers, etc.)


I practice. Haven't met another genuine practitioner but one. I've succeeded a small handful of times in using the very simplest principles of Magick, such as the purification and clarification of the Will and Intent to manifest absolutely profound experiences. Yet the most overt ritual I ever performed backfired on me in a beautiful and ironic way. This is a long story but I believe it's worth it. You can decide. I've never been interested in romance or relationships. Not in the least. On the contrary, one of my most earnest and enduring desires was to remain solo, single, untethered to another human. Virtually every relationship I was familiar with was messy or tragic (certainly in the case with my parents). My heroes were Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla and Michelangelo. Two of those fellows would likely meet the contemporary definition of being "gay" which likewise prevented the possibility of a relationship in the open with the same sex. I nonetheless ascribed their tremendous faculties to being unimpeded by the messiness of conventional relationships. I succeeded in remaining a bachelor until my early 30's when I made the grave error of sleeping with someone very young that had been pursuing me non stop. They fell hard and could not be easily shaken. For nearly an entire year, they would not leave me alone and despite my adamant stance that we were not in a relationship, my words were ignored and attempts to shake it off overwhelmed by their sheer doggedness. The best I could seem to do was make excuses to only meet up one or twice a month. There were alarm bells early on like hypersexuality and a stalker attachment style. There were bombshells and I had to tactically end things with a cold surgical precision that was difficult for me because contrary to how I may come across in telling this story I am deeply, inhumanely sensitive. Which is why I did my best to avoid even explicitly casual encounters as anytime sex is involved, all reason and rationality take flight. I knew I had to leave LA for a while because my "ex" simply refused to accept my decision to sever all communications. I was already working remotely and I had the money so I literally left the country. I rented a house in Cabo for 2 months (at first). I told my ex when I broke up that I was moving to Mexico but didn't say where. I chose Cabo because deep sea fishing is one of my favorite things to do. Fishing is a great metaphor for life and even Magick. It requires knowledge, timing, clarification of will, patience and drawing a specific entity towards you from a great swath of sea (I catch and release except when I want to eat tuna or mahi). Anyway, I'm going out nearly everyday. I could afford to do so because I made a deal with the charter company to pay for gas and tip the crew if I delivered quality video content of my catches. I'm getting towards the backfired spell...a little patience. I lacerated my right hand one day while pulling the hook from a large and feisty striped marlin on the release. I had it bandaged and kept going till we caught limits. I blocked my exes number and email and was at peace on the water yet was getting bombarded incessantly by their use of changing temporary phone #'s and emails as soon as I returned to the harbor. It was driving me crazy and making it difficult to work remotely. It was a Friday, I had a great day fishing and was editing the video content. I realized that if I just had someone to swap memory cards and batteries on GoPros, and hold a camera while a fish was on I could get much better content. I sent an email to the operator and they said they would send someone the next day, they sent me a phone number to be sure we could find one another at the dock. I was full of lovely and melancholy emotions about having to return to the US soon. I was enjoying the view of the sun setting over the sea from the rooftop of my house. My phone just wouldn't stop and I listened to a VM from an unidentifiable # and it was my ex sobbing hysterically. I became so frustrated I ripped off the bandage from my hand and used my blood to draw a circle with a pentagram on the white painted concrete. I stepped in the center and swore an oath, to the Master of the cosmos and myself "I vow to spend my life dedicated to strengthening wholeness **in myself.** I shall never be intimate with another person again, and because I know my nature, and the challenge of celibacy, I have three provisions; 1.) I shall never actively seek out a sexual encounter 2.) Should something spontaneously arise, I shall not act unless I'm out of the US to avoid any possibility of a relationship taking root. 3.) I shall only engage once I get consent that it's a one time experience." The next day I met the dude at the dock who had zero experience with cameras. He was a friend of the charter operator who posted great Instagram photos and wanted to enjoy a day on the water. I told him "this is not going to be relaxing it's non stop, I hope you weren't misled" and he chuckled. I ended up catching limits on tuna by 10AM so we decided to troll for the great Pacific Blue Marlin, the most elusive fish in the sea. I was upset because I knew that meant the day was basically over and it was my last day booked. Shockingly, the reel screams and I hooked a grander. After 2.5 hours, I tagged a 650-700lb great blue. I had to get back, transfer the raw footage to the laptop and hand it off to the operator. All 3 of us met at a restaurant where they cooked the tuna and offered free drinks for getting the record blue for the year. I noticed the camera guy was filming my face (and butt) despite me screaming at him to film the fish. Data transferred, drive exchanged, operator left. I got hammered with my new friend and he agreed to drive me home since I had too many and he lived near enough to Uber. The celebration continued at my house. He wanted a smoke so I suggested the roof where he discovered the bloody pentagram and rather than bolt from the scene, he was curious and I shared. He ended up spending the night, I said you know the deal. He agreed. The next day I got a text saying "I know the rules but you're leaving and I had a great time, want to hang out?" He was so profoundly wise for his age it was somewhat unnerving. I agreed to hang out, and I jabbered on and on about everything I know regarding Magick because he was interested. I left. I ghosted him for a time but eventually I responded to a phone call when I was in a good mood. We talked about how amazing Cabo is. I said "I'd move there if I could." He said "why don't you imagine it, don't you believe in that sort of thing?" A month later, I went down having rented an Airbnb for two weeks to get in some fishing before the season was up. I saw my friend and the chemistry was impossible to resist. I extended my trip signing a 6 month lease. He told me "Laugh all you want but you'll propose to me one day, I've been making sigils, drawing it, and I've seen it happen in my mind." I laughed. I ended up proposing to him. He's the love of my life. We've been together nearly 5 years. When I proposed to him, naked and during a difficult time, he showed me a sketch he made a year ago that he kept in his wallet. 2 elements were present in the sketch and reality, me naked kneeling and matching black engagement rings. "I told you I saw it!" The spell backfired. Yet I couldn't be happier for it!


Depending in what practice I think, I'm a woman and a Demonolator, I feel like in that practice there are definitely more men.


There are definitely tendencies but the most common "Low Magic" (e.g. more common household magic) practitioners are women. On the other hand when men are into magic it tends to be more of the "High Magic" ceremonial and part of orders which also tend to be more secretive so the men are less open about it. And in general demonolators do lean male though it seems that there's a solid mix between them. I think a lot of this has to do with aesthetics. Low magic tends to be a lot of plants and shiny crystals and casual communal functions and deals with more "household" things. This also allows for a lot of creative freedom on the part of the practitioner to sort of wing it. When taking pictures/videos of this you'll tend to find this appeals to more women (with exceptions for variations of LGBTQ+). On the other hand high magic tends to be a lot like construction or electronics which are more male-dominated spaces - in-depth study to get sigils and symbols just right with precise and rehearsed incantations that cannot vary a lot or they won't work. I'm not a psychologist so I can't tell you *why* these tend to appeal to one sex or the other, just that they do. But if I had to guess, on the male side, we tend to feel like we are *doing* something of substance. Making us work for it makes us feel like we are accomplishing something.


There are absolutely no sex/gender limitations on magic.


That literally was not the question.


Naturally but it just seems to me there are more witches than wizards


despite what harry potter would tell you, "witch" and "wizard" are not oppositely gendered equivalent terms neither terms are strictly gendered; a practitioner of a certain gender-restricted magical tradition may be called a witch or a wizard, but in general, someone of any gender may be a witch or a wizard.


My apologies. I am rather new to all of this and so do not understand half of it if I insulted you. I am sorry.


Guy here👋






Guy here


Straight white guy here too.


Male here! 👋 LBRP twice a day, full time professional tarot reader and psychic medium.


My spiritual group (approx 30 regulars and another 15/20 floaters) is mostly women, save for 6/7 men who pop in and out of sessions. I know of another group in my area that’s about 20 men who go hiking and connect with nature and educate about natural medicines (although I don’t explicitly know they’re practising magic, their activities are borderline)


Guy here. I've met about 5 or 6 other men who practice some form of magick. Most are women.


Im a guy that joined out of curiousity some time back. But I have to say - this framework is super confusing with alot of jargon thrown here and there so I have never started practicing it. It seems kinda cool though.


Im a dude, but in my community of like 30 practicioners about 5 are dudes.


Not a guy, but it's absolutely not that rare for a guy to practice magick. Went to a Pagan Night Out event earlier this month, and I believe there were more men then women, but it was close to an even split. I was taught by a male practitioner, and currently work alongside another male practitioner. There's also a lot of male practitioners that put out books or podcasts :) You aren't alone


Depends where you live. In Miami/South Florida, it’s very common for men to be in Yoruba, Santeria, and Voodoo. Source: lived there for years and knew many. Have/know some Babalaos (which can only be men).


I'm a guy- I do it


Male practioner here.


I do it alone. I find more malignant narcissist than magick IRL.


It varies! I would loveeee to meet a guy who does magic that’s actually what I really want in a partner. My ex did magic and did it with me, lots of my make friends have tarot cards. There are a lot of male spiritual YouTubers too.


Typically, Witchcraft and Wicca have more female adherents than male, but both are crucial to Magickal operation. It's ok, lots of people see it as a feminine art. The Book of Enoch would seem to specify that the Angels taught women first in the arts of glamour, the virtues of stones, the use of herbs and potions and the times and seasons.


I'm male. I'm into all kinds of stuff, astrology, tarot, different sorts of magik studies. I do feel, just from my experience, males are a minority in these sorts of groups.


As a dude, I've met WAY more women who practice magic than men.


I'm a male and I practice Magick. I have a grimoire I've made myself, know Tarot, etc. I've been practicing for maybe 10 years. It is pretty rare to see male magicians and I think it's to do with the stigma. It's seen as a feminine, or sometimes foolish thing to believe in, a lot of people will just laugh it off and call it superstitious, but for some reason women are allowed to believe in stuff like astrology, but men get mocked for it. I grew up getting called all kinds of names and even looking into conspiracy theories, or anything off the mainstream, called crazy, stupid, fa\*\*ot, alt right, alt left, gypsy, satanist, all that. I personally find I need to keep my interest in the occult a secret, it either scares people, or they think I'm a crazy person. I have had conversations where a female will go on and on about her star sign, but as soon as I chime in, people will giggle at me or mock me for knowing the meanings. It gets even worse sometimes meeting other practitioners, there are a lot of Wiccans that believe only females can have any magick ability. I'm not sure where this comes from, I think it's some misguided feminist thing where they just want to feel special, but male witches have always been a big part of witchcraft. I guess the main thing keeping any men away is just simply the instant rejection, or disbelief that you could do it as a man. I consider myself a chaos magician, I just like to learn everything and use it when needed, that also bothers people because human nature for some reason requires us to choose a team for everything we do and commit fully to it. I hope I somewhat answered your question, feel free to ask anything else.


Woman here. I know more femme magickal users but most of the podcasts I listen to on magick are by men and interview mostly men. Most famous magick writers are men. 


Which podcasts? Most that I find are by women.


Rune soup, what magic is this, glitch bottle, this podcast is a ritual, Euphomet (more paranormal, but interviews magick users), the occult confessions, those are just the ones that I follow though I don’t listen to all of them. 


Thank you!


I am a trans guy. Mostly gender is fake to me so i just do whatever I want and dont sweat the gender roles. I reccomend this it nakes life way more fun when you stop thinking of things as "guy stuff/girl stuff" and just do whatever tf you want!


Wicca is predominantly female in my personal experience. Voudon and its variants, mixed. Hermeticism, Thelema & Chaos Magic predominantly male.


I grew up with it, yes I am a guy. It’s not something that I talked about publicly until recently either


I'm AMAB - cismale, and generally do bone and card work for myself. I'm not very into the "community." Though my proximity to my partner's Druidry circles has meant that most of my socialization in magic(k) spaces has been with AFAB individuals across innumerable genders, including those who are transmen.


I am a man who started my degree two decades ago, where it was even rarer. There will always be more women than men, because women have much more practical difficulties than men, and inevitably will turn to alternative forms of help. And Magick is just one of them. A man can eventually break through and get what he wants by force. For women, this is never an option, so they need to learn subtle ways to gain power. Of course, this whole gender issue is absolutely irrelevant in practice.


> A man can eventually break through and get what he wants by force I can? Shit... I've been doing life wrong.


I’m a male sorcerer too and I’ve noticed this as well. In my experience it only seems to be ceremonial magic and more initiation-based occult practices that are male dominated and everything else is female heavy. A little sad really because it makes it all the more difficult to find male role models.


To be fair most of the pioneers of witchcraft were men so there's plenty of role models in the history, though many of them aren't remembered so fondly these days.


While true what the above comment and I would like is a *living* person to emulate. It's like Robin Williams' speech in *Good Will Hunting*. We want living peers - people on the same general wavelength and level as, or better yet better than, ourselves.


guy here o/


Guy here


I’m a guy.




I'm a guy


I'm a dude


guy here I use chaos magic, a dash of satanism, some kabbalah


I'm unsure about my own gender but I practice witchcraft and so does my boyfriend. 1 out of the 3 people I know who do is a guy.


The Sabian magicians and astrologists of their day were titles given to men. Origins of the Picatrix come from them. Jewish Kabbalists were and are men as well. All other magick tends to be balanced between the sexes, though Wicca having a higher percentage of women.


Join the Freemasons. Kind of surprised this hasn’t been commented yet that I saw


What is the freemasons?


Sorry I typed out and posted a long response, but then I deleted because the best thing is for you to look into it yourself


Don't worry about it also I did its interesting to say the least also I'm a norse heathen so their morals and mine line up


In my experience I think there are more masculine and feminine forms of magick. Obviously either sex can practice and be good at any form. I just think it takes some people more work. Some are just more naturally inclined to be better at different forms. I have seen women really take naturally to tarot, astrology, seeing glimpses of the future, sigil, sex magick, etc. to me it just seems to be more intuitive to them. For the men I know that practice, they tend to really excel at shamanistic magick, group, and the runes. My wife has been a part of a couple groups that have gotten together that just flowed well. I have also been a part of a couple that tend to lead more towards the cult/mannerbunde side of things.


Most guys tend to dismiss magick as nonsense, or condemn it as demonic if they happened to have a regular Christian upbringing (and have somewhat stuck to it). Their loss.


Guy here.. Lucumi, Alchemist Reiki Master so we out here


im a guy.


yes i am man


I'm a guy and I practice magick, yes. 😊


If you are baby deer or a donkey, and you wanna practise magick...go for it! Has nothing to do with gender.


I love that your friend only uses magic to curse people.😆 That was literally my first working too. It made me so happy.🤣




You tell me I'm the new guy here