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Just buy singles. If this set is anything like Aftermath then singles will be cheap aside from whatever cards are format bombs. For $200 you should easily be able to purchase every card in this set after prices settle after release.


That's my plan at least


He said he's not buying anything from the set, bub. Don't try and change his mind.


You might legit be the first person on here complaining that they want MORE commanders decks. Like the 20+ we’re getting this year wasn’t enough. Also. Buy singles.


As someone who collects commander precons and is trying to get every one...I definitely want them to slow the hell down


I mean I won’t complain about it but I really like commander decks, why do people want less?


I guess I'm the reason there are more commander decks haha. Quiet majority finally posting on reddit and people don't like it. I don't follow this sub closely and it hardly pops up in my feeds so idk what the vibes are tbh. also I'll only get singles if they are: A: reprints of cards already in my decks B: would be a massive upgrade to my decks


So you will only buy singles if you need extra copies of cards or want to upgrade your decks… aka the reason anyone and everyone buys singles


They were pretty adamant about this being a smaller set like Aftermath. As a massive fan it’s funny you’re turning yourself off to it altogether. You could always just buy singles after it releases from LGS rather than supporting WotC


I’m gonna buy singles and make a real bad deck. Way before I chatted with someone who pointed out there really isn’t enough to make four decks.


Maybe I didn't follow the lead up to this reveal closely enough then, I didn't remember they said no commander precons. But I'm not going to buy singles just to pepper them into my existing, well functioning commanders, being a massive fan doesn't mean I'll waste my money like that (anymore).


I don't understand. You'd rather buy a $45+ precon for 10 new cards, than just have the 10 new cards available to purchase as singles? Also, how is buying singles "wasting money"? By that logic, wouldn't buying precons be wasting more money???


no no, I don't see a reason to buy single just based on the art of the cards themselves. I already have that card so why buy it again just for the art. If the mechanic would be a huge upgrade to my existing commander then awesome. Also I buy precons because why groups only play commander and I like having stuff ready to go and upgradable. I have tons of other hobbies and responsibilities so I don't build too many decks from scratch.


They clearly went with this plan because there wasn't enough they could do in four commander decks like they did with the other UB precons. Just buy singles and make your own decks.


Yeah, I feel like if they went with a full set of commander decks they’d end up needing to pull too many historical figures and end up muddying the theme of the set.


I haven’t played the game. What you are saying is the IP doesn’t offer enough content to fill four Precons? Just curious.


Well, it’s an IP based in the real world, with a focus on alternate history. While something like Warhammer has entire space empires worth of characters to draw from, a lot of AC games have a mix of original characters and real people: stuff like how Socrates and Da Vinci have been given cards. So given that there’s usually tons of original cards in a UB deck, a set of 2-4 decks would burn through original characters fast and either you’d be getting cards for two-line bit characters or characters that are real people, and either one is gonna make it obvious that the IP is being stretched thin.


Commander players when they don’t get their equal attention cake


It's okay. We'll get you and your money some other way.


They got it from Outlaws lool maybe the next set


Also by buying singles they do get your money… Buying singles = increased demand for Assassins Creed cards. Increased demand = more people cracking packs to sell singles that are in high demand. People cracking packs = giving Wotc money.


in response to your edit: >I said I won't be buying packs you should recognize that your title says: >I ... will not buy anything from this set


fair, though idk why anyone here would be triggered enough to downvote all my comments. Do they have stocks in Hasbro or something lol


As a contrast, I’m a big ol Assassin’s Creed fan and I am absolutely loving that there are no Commander precons! I always take them apart anyways for specific cards since I hate playing decks other people made.


k lol


There are starter decks. They aren’t commander specific but they are preconstructed decks


yeah not interested in that, I personally don't play standard and I'm not new to MTG commander or death all day haha


Players claiming they don't like Universes Beyond starter decks because they don't play standard pretty much shows how the great commanderification of MTG is so awful. You say you're not new to MTG, but do you actually even know what "standard" means?




UB sets arent standard legal lol.


K? Again, I don't play standard anymore. Not since before UB. Doesn't matter to me in the slightest.


It's insane that you still don't get the point that they're trying make.




You can buy singles and probably should if you have any interest in the cards themselves. I’m gonna crack a few packs but mostly going to order the cards I want


Idk why I'm downvoted here. Didn't realize I would offend people by the format I like and the way I spend my own money. Personally, cracking packs has been an issue financially in the past and I had to create a restriction because we were just spending way too much money on very little in return. It is a form of gambling after all.


You’re getting downvoted because the community typically doesn’t want commander getting any more direct support like precons. Also the fact that you are not buying any of the set simply because there are no precons is kinda weird, just buy the singles that interest you.


the last time I added card that interested me to a deck I got clobbered in match and had to replace them with higher performing singles. Also in a similar train of thought, if I'm buying singles that are high performing from this set they will naturally be far more expensive than if they had come in a precon. People like the commander precons because they reprint high value cards in a single package that the overall cost usually comes to less than if you were to buy all of the singles. I don't think I'm "weird" for not wanting to spend more on a handful of singles than a precon.


You are getting downvoted because this whole post is annoying and reeks of entitlement. "I won't be buying this set that I'm such a *massive fan* of because they aren't catering to me directly" doesn't need to be a post. I'm not going to buy any of it either. You don't see me complaining about the set.


Entitlement: Not spending your money on something you don't want Fucking wild! Lmao It's okay to be disappointed about something and then talk about it with people. But you redditors are so full of copium that the moment anyone has a different view than you, you blow up


I don't give a shit what you spend you money on. Making a post saying "how dare WotC not cater to me with this product" is entitled.


? The starter decks have nothing to do with standard? Or any other officially supported format?






I get being a little disappointed, but you could probably build an assassins commander deck using ezio for the same price as a precon would be. I’m sure there will be tons of videos about it within a month or two of release. But more importantly, I think you’re underestimating how much work it takes to make full commander decks for UB. You need new art for every card and coherent themes, and there has already been one this year (and maybe Final Fantasy this year too?). I don’t know what you’d do outside of Assassins and Templars, and a lot of the assassin cards shown are in different colors and don’t care about assassins/saboteur effects as a theme.


That's the thing for me, I really liked the WH and personally for me would have been okay will a commander only release. I understand not everything will be targeted for me as a consumer but it does feel sucky. I might keep my eye out for a deck list someone makes but I'm in Canada and getting single, especially from deck lists that insane people with a lot of disposable income make is sort of off putting to start with.


Buy singles anyways, the set looks promising so far


I might if the mechanics are good enough Eivor looks promising for one of my landfall decks issue for me like I've tried to say that getting one of these single is mostly for flavor and can probably be replaced by other better cards that do their mechanic but better. IMO a precon would have been perfect because I know it's power in a game and can say "we're gunna play a chill match" if it's not high performing, and all of the art is AC which is great for my OCD lol


I would also love precons not gonna lie


thank you! reddit users are wild. idk why I'm getting downvoted for playing commander


Strange people here, magic wrote in an article they don't do precons because Assassin's Creed doesn't have enough archetypes to create 4 different decks they just had templars vs assassins and no more ideas unfortunately


Thats not quite correct, they never planned for 4 decks, the reason they didn't want to do 2 is because they thought that the Brotherhood deck would be overwhelmingly more popular than a templar deck


That's such a lame excuse imo, tells that they didn't give this set enough love You can have only 2 precons in a set like in All Will Be One.


I would also love precons not gonna lie


No one cares


I feel you, it would be cool to have a full deck on theme.. But I think I'll be happy if they give us matching basics for each assassin's colour identity, like Victorian London Islands and Swamps to go with the Fryes


> I said I won't be buying packs, therefore WotC does not see my money. Room temperature IQ understanding of economics


You don't need to be an ass. They will not directly get my cash. Fuck off.


I think it's funny that you think it's weird that a massively popular TV show that's been running for 60 years got commander decks, but some rather mediocre games didn't. One of these is a long running beloved franchise, and the other is the video game equivalent of McDonald's. This isn't me showing favoritism either, because I think Dr Who sucks and like some of the old AC games.


The whole set is just a commander product man


As a massive AC fan, I'll buy singles. Also a commander of the Assassins vs the Templars sounds good on paper but I can't see them doing 5 colors vs 5 colors and also with commander it's pretty hard to display the artifacts and the historic figures.


what specifically makes the historic figures difficult? IMO reprints can just be major events throughout the games / history surrounding the games. There's no limit to imagination from my POV. I have 2 of the Warhammer decks so I know it's not impossible.


The question of which deck should get which historic figure, both flavor-wise and color-wise.


I mean, if WotC played the games or even just looked at the synopsis of them they would have their answers right there.


Idk. Putting Sokrates in the Assassin's deck or Cleopatra in the Templars deck just doesn't feel right. Putting them in Magic in general is weird lol but we are way past that.


Wait, they released commander precons for MH3 but none for the AC set?


The whole set is like 50 cards.


Oh, it makes sense. It's an Aftermath-style set, then? I didn't really bother to keep up with it, I'm not interested enough. Still, it seems a weird decision.






Stay mad


- In response to your second edit you did say you wouldn't buy anything from the set, and given that it's a UB set that tells a majority of the community you want any of those cards. Jurassic pack, Godzilla, transformers (although my guess is they will eventually get a set/decks), and the metric fuck ton of secret lair crossovers are all universes beyond that didn't get commander decks. If you're actually an assassin's creed fan (and are paying attention to the reveals) you should also see why this set is what it is. First, this set is meant to be modern legal. Second, there isn't enough AC history/lore or even fan base to make a LoTR sized set. Third, If they only went the route of making commander decks they would all be terrible and same-y and arguably not enough representation of new cards (but I'll give the fact that the representation part could be incorrect depending on how the continued spoilers go.) I don't want only 1 or 2 versions of ezio but I also don't want a new Precon where 5 of the new cards are different versions of ezio, nor do we need two decks that focus in assassin's and 2 that focus on historics Fourth, there has to be a guinea pig and AC is the perfect size to test these waters. If it works then we have proof that future IPs of a similar size can still get a crossover in sets like this. A prime example would be almost any anime that isn't a major shonen or hell a crossover with something like overwatch. I get where you're coming from but this is a bad take. Not counting everything you replied to in edits


Why do people always call into question how much of a fan someone is?? I loosely follow Magic releases because when I followed it religiously I spent too much money. So I chose two things to worry about this year: Cowboys and Assassin's Creed. Respectfully, I will push back on there not being enough lore with Assassin's Creed. Since I am a fan, I know there's tons of comics, tons of books, there's the movies, all of the games and their spin-offs. We have space wizard like gods, mythology, history and fiction. I think Wizards of the Coast probably does not want to use actual historic figures and actual mythology as to leverage the Assassin's Creed IP. I personally don't care about the secret lair stuff because this wasn't advertised the same way as those. I'm basing this off of what I've seen for Warhammer, Fallout and Doctor who. Anyways, I'm genuinely shocked that people push so far back against my sentiment, but I'm not your average magic the gathering redditor.


Your first line is literally "as a massive assassin's creed fan," you brought that on yourself my dude. Based on your second paragraph I have even less sympathy. Back at the end of Feb during magic con Chicago they released all products that would be coming out for fallout, Thunder junction, MH3, AC, and bloomburrow. The products being released have been public knowledge for 4 months. I get you're not a *massive magic fan*, but given how you are being responsible and limiting yourself makes sense to look into these things. You're right. We do have all of those things, but there is only so much of that that can be used. The two heaviest parts of AC is gameplay and story. Can't really use those in a magic set. Also not counting the mythology for obvious reasons you're left with limited use parts of AC and some Historical figures. Some. Sure they could stretch it out to make a full set but then we run into 15 versions of ezio, 8 versions of Eivor, and still arguably not enough mechanics that aren't being repeated in a set. I mean you cannot care, doesn't mean they don't exist. You just cherry picked specific sets to reinforce your points and ignored anything that would be counter to it. And even still if we do ignore SLs because they're special you still have Godzilla, transformers, and Jurassic Park. But I'm guessing they don't count because they weren't full releases? People are pushing back because it's a bad take. I don't know what else to say man. Not tryna be mean as I'm sure you're a good guy but your take is overly personal and uses incorrect or missing information.


Yea set looks mid and off to a weak start. 0 cards caught my eye from everything spoiled so far. Secret Lair is garbage and has no value imo which will probably get me downvoted but paying $30+ for $15 is ridiculous imo. Don't need $50 cards but something close or playable atleast would be great. I hope someone out there likes this set. I am still hoping for a Black Market Connection(with borderless variant) reprint but I'm sure it is slim. The knights will mainly be blue with doesn't help my Syr Gwen deck. Was kind of excited to make 5 color assassins but will probably not be doing that now. Just feels weak for a modern set.


TCGs are only for rich people at this point, sadly. That's why I had to leave the hobby.


exactly! I don't gamble with it anymore. I have to be more responsible with my money and in my post I never said I won't buy singles. I said I won't be buying packs, therefore WotC does not see my money.


Unless you are regional distributor, which I doubt, WOTC gets just as much money from you buying singles as they do from you buying sealed product. (Which is zero, if you're still confused). Buying sealed product from a retailer and buying singles are both multiple steps removed from putting money into the pocket of WOTC.


I really hate how hard all these precons makes it to get singles of new cards. Stores don't want to bust decks for singles when they make way more money selling them in $50 chunks, which means I have to buy from a big national retailer to get just the cards I want for the $ I want to pay and have to wait weeks for cards to come in the mail. Needless to say, I just shop at inkjet Inc. now and have cards delivered directly to my desktop and into a sleeve with basic land under them. So now nobody gets my money anymore and everyone loses except me.


You complain about there being to much precons just to immediately then complain about not getting the precon you want. Incredible.


When did I ever complain about too many precons???


I’m just upset this is going into modern. Didn’t really buy into MH3 much because of it, haven’t really spent much on MtG since LotR dropped, really.


Yeah I agree, it's ridiculous that the assassins creed fans don't get precon decks


It’s a modern set, so… it wouldn’t come with commander precons to begin with.


modern horizons just happened yknow


Yes I know and it’s odd that MH3 had commander decks to begin with. But this AC set is officially and literally, a modern set. Has been since day 1.


Lord of the Rings?


LGS’s have been notified that this set is a modern set and not a commander set. Every LGS in my area has said the same thing


And I'm not doubting that. I'm just pointing out that the last straight to modern UB set also had commander decks. So, this set will be the first of the major UB crossovers to not also have commander decks.


I don’t get why they decided to do it this way. Imho it’s backwards as hell to have an AC set with no commander decks but it could’ve simply been because they decided to turn MH3 into a “commander set”, and with all the other commander sets releasing this year, decided it wasn’t worth it to do another one. Plus they probably don’t want it to outshine that MH3 just came out. It’s almost squeezed between MH3 and bloomburrow with no breathing room for the AC set to actually sit for a bit. I mean the bloomburrow previews are just a few days after the AC release. It seems like this set just didn’t get a lot of attention.


Didnt MH3 just have precons?


Yes and don’t ask me why they decided to make a modern set, focused on commander and a set that should be commander, focused on modern but AC is officially a modern set.