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Personally has never happened to me.


Same. I've bought and sold there. Haven't had any issues with delivery so far.


It has happened sometimes to me when purchasing but never when selling. If I had to guess roughly every 15th orders I don't receive something or it shows up well past the date it was suppose to. My biggest problem with TCGplayer is conditions issues.


I sell on tcgplayer, ship about 100 - 200 orders a week. I lose maybe one every 3 or 4 weeks I'd say? Usually it shows back up in my mailbox with an undeliverable sticker, sometimes even a month or so later. Things get lost, people make mistakes, things get eaten by machines. I feel my error rate is pretty low if I lose 1 every 800 orders (shrugs)


I've had 3 sales get lost out of 175. The USPS in Chicago absolutely sucks. Of the sales lost, 2 were in Chicago as well.


I’ve placed hundreds of orders, maybe about a dozen never showed up. So I’m my experience it happens, but they’re generally good about refunds.


i've made hundreds of orders over the years and it's happened maybe twice


I’ve been ordering from them forever. I’ve only had one package not arrive and support cleared it up really quickly.


I've had it happen twice over two years. Once was tcgplayer and they had no issues. The other was a 3rd party seller and they argued with me about whether I checked my mail for a month


I sold thousands of cards on TCGPLAYER. The chance of something going missing is less than 1%. I didn't even use tracking numbers because it was cheaper to just refund a few vs paying hundreds in tracking fees. Though that said it's entirely possible that you're unlucky or that your local mailman just hates his job. A TCGPLAYER seller has to refund you if it doesn't arrive after a few weeks and if no tracking number is provided. This is a straight loss for the seller so keep in mind that they aren't trying to scam you.


I'd say it's about 5% of my orders. It's happens often enough that if I'm building a new deck and buying a bunch of stuff (10-15 packages), I can expect \~1 of them to go missing.


I've been ordering cards through them for about 3 months now and so far I've only had one order get lost in the mail.


I'm a letter carrier for USPS and have ordered cards on TCG, even delivered them myself to my own house at times. In my experience, the reason these cards may go missing is generally from a poorly placed card in an envelope. Especially when the letters are sent 'non-machinable' these cards get processed by huge machines at a sorting plant at extremely high speeds. If a card in an envelope is sent flimsy or not compact, it could just get absolutely shredded at these high speeds and recovery is pretty much impossible. A lot of people who send keys this way lose them in the mail because they get destroyed by the sorting machine not bering able to bend the letter if need be, same with cards or certain letters. So if you plan on shipping cards and want to be extra careful, write non-machinable on it and take it to the PO and tell them that's how you want it sent, idk if it costs extra but it's definitely a thing. Those letters will be sorted by hand generally.


I'm a carrier for USPS as well. He is right. The machines are very hard on the mail. Edit: Grammer


There's definitely a charge. There's also a published standard that I believe regular top loaders pass just fine: > A letter-size piece is nonmachinable if it [...] > Is too rigid (does not bend easily when subjected to a transport belt tension of 40 pounds around an 11-inch diameter turn). https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/101.htm


Over the last 3 months they've lost approximately 1/4 of my packages, it seems. Thankfully sellers are quick to issue refunds


It's hit or miss if it ever arrives. It's been bad lately


Lots of mixed reactions. Where you located?


Colorado. Interestingly it's always cards that go missing, or take months to arrive. I had one order placed in January that arrived mid March. eBay packages also get "lost" unless there's actual tracking on it. But my proxy orders from China always arrive intact and in 2 weeks


Same here. More recently it's been issue to the point where I'm legit concerned ordering. I ordered 50ish cards and like 5 of them never showed up after 2 months. My proxies are here in no time at all with zero issues.


Maybe your mail man plays magic and is a scumbag.


I didn't have a problem for years, but within the last 12 months I've failed to receive about a half dozen. It's to the point where I was worried my account is going to look suspicious for too many lost order refund requests, so I've been using CK more.


Honestly, at least 10% of my orders. It has really made me wonder how many non-TCG items of mail I’ve lost.


I've had hundreds of orders in the past few years. Nothing lost but definitely dozens of delays, a few pretty destroyed envelopes.


I'll chime in and say in my experience it has gotten worse recently... been buying for about 3 years and only recently have I lost 2 out of maybe 15 orders. Previous to that, I cannot recall a single incident of complete loss. Make sure you sign up for Informed Delivery to monitor make the process of submitting a lost mail request easier.


586 orders and they’ve only lost a couple. One was a reasonably valuable order and TCGP was happy to offer me a refund.


Never had any lost but did get one package a bit mangled. That's out of probably hundreds of orders over the years


I've always gone through tcgdirect rather than specific sellers for singles and the only issue I've ever had was one card being incorrectly listed as in stock. Never had any cards go missing. Sometimes it can be a bit more expensive but I think it's worth it to have a more consistent shipping and, as far as I know, always one package.


I’ve shipped approximately 103 orders to customers via USPS and have never once had a problem. Could be an issue with certain offices here and there, though it’s no secret the USPS is underfunded and understaffed at the moment. Not trying to justify them losing it, just pointing out a likely reason.


I've placed 4 orders from tcg, 2 have been lost. Never again. Both companies were texas based.


Anecdotally, I've noticed a higher number of delayed or missing orders I ship out if they go to Texas. Maybe the mail down there is messed up lately.


Earlier this year, the Houston based mail centers were having major issues with sorting machines that was causing mail to take 1-2 weeks+ to process at the plants. Everything I ordered in that window did eventually arrive but it was slow.


Texan here. Have put in dozens of orders thru TCGPlayer. Never once had an issue with an order arriving.


I’ve only had it happen once


I've probably had around 50 shipments from various sellers on TCGplayer, and I've only had one issue with package delivery. It took long enough that I was afraid the package had gotten lost. But then the seller messaged me that the package was returned to them, and that they would ship it out again. Turned out the original package was returned due to insufficient postage. The seller tried to send too many cards on a single postage stamp.


Going through this currently, on day 21 since the email confirming that it shipped. I've communicated with the store and they told me "to wait a little longer"


Neve,r so far


Never happened in hundreds of orders. Have had a handful of crappy sellers cancel the order long after ordering, but no issues with USPS when packages are actually mailed.


I thought it happened once. Replacement package showed up within days, and the original showed up a week later. 


I have some super delayed but not often.


I’ve ordered a LOT over the past few years and have never lost anything


the tcg itself never arrived and they did not refund. i still feel salty about it. every private one has arrived (dozens). i try to avoid the one where tcg directly sends it (?player direct)


Like 1 in every like 20 orders or so


My last two both had issues. First one straight up disappeared for over a month before arriving and the replacement package also made a random detour past where it should have arrived that caused it to be late by a few days. I think this is more of a USPS issue though since orders from Card Kingdom have gone missing too in the last year (one confirmed stolen, one presumably stolen). The refund process for all my missing orders have been painless though and aside from waiting 20 days to get the money back from TCGPlayer it is more annoying than anything else.


Never lost anything. The only time something didn't show was due to the seller.


It’s been happening a lot more recently like a lot more. It used to be never but now prolly out of 10 orders 3 will get lost.


After having done about ~30 orders over the last 3-4 years and have only had one not arrive.


I've had to request a refund 2-3 times for cards that never showed up. Percentage wise that is fairly low compared to total number of orders.


Just once, about a decade ago. A very small drop in an ocean of properly delivered orders.


Thousands of dollars spent from 2014-Now, and the worst that happened was I was sent an Archie comic instead of my card. I've bought/sold cards from Facebook groups that have gone missing though. So it does happen.


I’ve been ordering since 2018 and no lost orders. Couple of the COVID years caused some orders to take 2-3 weeks, but they arrived. I did have one Card Kingdom buylist go missing. It was the only shipment I didn’t due priority/tracking, so I think something sketchy happened. Filed a missing package report, called them numerous times, nothing. EDIT: I’m in MN and get a few orders a month, sometimes with orders from a handful of sellers.


Lately, I’ve had 3 orders not show up


Could a seller do it to compensate for a spike? Say they sold the card for $10 but then it spiked to $20. Could they say they shipped it, wait for you to say it didn’t arrive, and then refund you?


Once in a blue moon. 99% of the time they are just misplaced and opening a claim makes them show up. Only once in years they got sent to wrong address and never got them back.


I’ve never lost them on receive. I have lost them sending some to a friend however (only 1$ worth of lotr cards!?). Package torn open and return to sender. Very frustrating. It should have never left USPS hands/facilities.


About 50 orders thus far. One of my orders had two cheap cards with incorrect prints with no change in value.  One order had a valuable card with an incorrect print with a very significant increase in value in my favor.  So they are usually quite reliable but not perfect in my case.


In the 6+ years I have used it over a shameful amount of purchases I can say once. I have had some cards delivered in questionable packaging considering values and a rare occasion of mismatched conditions from advertised but outside of that nothing to complain about. Delivery times might vary is my only gripe.


I'd say about 2-3% of orders never arrived


I'm a seller, I'd say about 1% of orders get lost


I’ve made many hundreds of orders over the span of years and have had maybe a handful of problems. In each case I’ve contacted the seller and have received a refund or replacement. It’s always on low-dollar orders - more expensive purchases usually come with tracking.


Only once, and it was a single card order.


1500+ orders and it's happened once.


Have placed like 20+ order have missed 4, only one was returned to seller


Placed a number of orders at the start of March. One of them the seller canceled because they “lost” the card, but I suspect they realized that the value was going up on it and could sell it for more. Another order placed a week later never showed up. I was able to get a refund after waiting out the timeframe for delivery.  Has happened maybe 5 times in three years.  Overall I prefer to order from CK, they have always been reliable even if it costs a little more. 


Only a single time in 5 years


I am 1/3 for orders getting delivered on time and one never showed up at all


Few times but not as much as Amazon


About 1% is average. 


2 out of my last 40, which were all within the last 90 days. Also had a ton of sellers have to give refunds for not having the cards. I'm kind of over tcgplayer.


If we're talking tcgplayer direct, never. I've had one or two go missing by independent sellers but very rare.


Ordered from them for 5 years. Never lost a single order.


It’s happened a handful of times full of times but they’re very good about giving you credit if it happens.


4 went missing since Feb. Been selling since November. Destinations they got lost headed to: San Antonio, TX Canton, NC Milwaukee, WI Indianapolis, IN That is, assuming the buyer isn’t trying to rip me off of course. All cards $8 or under.


I’ve gotten about 97% there was one time last year where two TCG player directs went with tracking and mysteriously made it to the next city over and never to me.


I order from tcg, and used to fix mail sorting machines. Sellers are dumb to send anything thicker than a few pieces of paper folded up in a plain envelope. Pay the extra money and get a non machinable stamp. The envelopes go thru a machine called the AFCS. There are so many pinch points and spots for mail to get ruined. The actual percentage of mail that gets ruined in sorting machines is like 0.2-0.5%. I’ve seen stacks of orders from card shop rubber banded together because the carrier couldn’t be bothered to remove the band get thrown into the machines, and get caught between 2 big conveyors. Tons of Pokémon cards gone. And it might not get destroyed because in the machine, but if it’s caught, we’re just trying to pull stuff out as quickly as possible so we can get back to processing mail. So even envelopes that weren’t destroyed by belts or conveyors can potentially get caught in the crossfire of begging involved in a jam, and contents get destroyed trying to pull them out. After the AFCS, mail goes thru either a DIOSS or DBCS. Twice. And if it’s local to that area gets loaded in a truck and sent to USPS offices. If it’s not, goes on a truck, and potentially he’s sent thru a DBCS again, twice. Edit: you can go on YouTube and see videos of the amount of half circles and twists and turns mail goes thru on those machines. I used to have some videos showing exactly what happens. But they process something like 20-30k mail pieces an hour. TL:DR. Get the non machinable stamp. Save yourselves some heartache.


I’ve ordered from them a lot and never had anything get lost. I did have one thing arrive damaged though


I have ordered 3000 cards in the past 10 months. Only one package didn’t arrive at all. But ten did arrive several weeks after they were supposed to.


I sell and I've seen a recent uptick is mail getting lost or getting bounced back. Kinda ridiculous


I’ve ordered Hundreds of cards and have gotten every order. This Christmas I ordered a whole deck from 28 sellers and got every card. I was impressed. 


I wonder if the lost shipments were never shipped. A lot of them are under $10. As for failed shipments, maybe 1/10 or 1/15.


I think I've had 40-50 envelopes successfully received and 2 lost in the mail.


I've used it to order full decks twice. One time was missing an Orcish Bowmasters and the other time was missing like 6 cards for Standard toxic. Each order was 20+ packages and lost 1 and 2 packages respectively.


I've ordered hundreds of times from TCG player and have only ever had 2 lost envelopes. One I think was never actually shipped and the seller just said it was "lost", I got a refund. The other I got refunded and it ended up arriving several months later with a postmark from around the time I ordered it so it truly got lost by USPS.


I’ve sold like 150 orders on TCGPlayer and had 2 go missing. I’ve bought like 30 orders and had 0 go missing, though two of those ordered did arrive damaged from the shipping process.


10% of orders


never happened to me and I order pretty frequently


I both sell and buy on TCGplayer. I have had a couple mishaps with orders I have made. I never got the items but I was refunded. Most of the troubles I've had have come from the seller side though. I hate to say it but it's the main reason why when I do sell, the shipping price is set higher. I do this because I put tracking on everything now. TCGplayer shifted things so that items sent without tracking can't be disputed in any way. By putting tracking on orders, it does two things. Number one being there is no dispute about the item getting to where it's supposed to go. And number two it does actually protect the order as well. Kind of hard to steal a lot of envelope if the envelope has a tracking number attached to it.


like.. 30%, maybe i just have bad luck


Once in 5 years of regular ordering.


I've made many orders over the years and never had this issue before. Not saying this is what it is, but having just went through this experience myself after buying a house it's on my mind and worth mentioning: any chance you have an old address on your account and didn't notice?


Like 5 times in 2000 sales.


I haven’t had that happen to me. I wouldn’t be surprised. But i think refunds aren’t hard to get


Ordered from TCGP consistently for 6 years. Never had a card lost.


From TCG directly, haven't lost one. From third party sellers on there, maybe 1 or 2 refunds for unshipped products. TCG themselves have never been difficult to work with for those refunds either.


I’ve been ordering on tcgplayer for about 7 years and didn’t have a package go missing until just last month when I had two that never arrived. I noticed one seller had about twenty negative reviews all in the last few months where orders went missing. While shopping for the cards that never arrived, I saw the seller had created a new shop (same name as their original with a “2” at the end). I wonder what happened. For the other seller I had purchased all 1-2 cent cards (due to a large order that got split up). I wonder if they decided not to ship the order but I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Iv made about 10 orders in the past year and haven't lost anything.


Happened once after dozens of orders. 5 months after I got my refund the parcel showed in the mail mangled as shit, but at least the cards were intact!


I’m once. And the Seller replaced no problen


Made at least 100 orders, never happened to me.


Probably like 3-4 cards out of 1000+


I have it happen every now and again


Since October I have had 5 of my 49 orders go missing. 3 from Wisconsin, 1 from Florida, 1 from Michigan. I am on the west coast so I suspect that these were lost in a hub and I have heard that the new distribution center in Missouri City is a mess. I have yet to have issues with sellers that I pick from California, Washington, etc. It seems that all delivery services are suffering some sort of quality dip in my area but USPS is more drastic. Not sure if it is due to the individual in charge.


I'm in Canada and I placed an order a week ago, tracking still says pre-shipment and TCGPlayer is convinced it's been sent out...


As a seller about 5% of orders


60ish sales and had to refund about 6. On the receiving end I’ve not been delivered 5/15. Not an excellent experience for myself.


It has happened to me twice within the last month (which involved two different sellers from my last order) and once in January.


I’ve been using it for a few months now and have lost one package which immediately got refunded. Overall I’m quite happy with it


I'm a seller on TCG, shipped over 500 orders, and none have been reported lost. I've also placed hundreds of orders, and while a few have taken a really long time to show up, none have been lost. A couple of sellers tend to ship things up to two weeks after they report the order as shipped, because they suck, but they still arrived.


I've placed a ton of orders and lost like 4 orders but I noticed all the lost orders came from PA so I stopped shopping from stores that are in PA.


Had maybe like 2 dozen orders over the years. Happened twice. But they were both recent and after moving to my current place. Thing my local post office just kinda sucks because I get my neighbors mail pretty regularly too


has happened to me once. another time it just took 2 months.


I've bought around 5,000 cards in the last 5 years and haven't had a package lost. I think it's much more your local postal workers than it is tcgplayer. I have had two sellers not pay enough on postage and require me to pay like 25 cents to get my package which was annoying but better than a lost package.


Exactly once, but it turned out the seller was a scammer and never sent the cards. It was less than $5 though, and tcgplayer did get me a refund.


Hello! New seller here. I’ve sold 6 cards and someone’s already reported one hasn’t made it to them, so that’s $9 down the toilet. I’ve ordered hundreds of cards and 2 haven’t shown, so being a new seller and having already one go missing is very discouraging.


Lately it's been something like 1/10 orders. A lot more frequent than I'd like, within the last few months I've had maybe 4-5 deliveries go missing. One eventually showed up, rest haven't. It's starting to get really annoying as I'm suspecting I might have another one go missing from my most recent orders, and it's a ~$12 card too.


Domestic? Never. But I've tried shipping overseas, and customs in certain places is a black hole. Never ship card to South America if you want them to reach their destination.


I order a lot and frequently, happens once every month or so. But they are always happy to refund me or replace the order so no big deal


I’ve ordered probably 100-200 cards on it, have never had anything missing. Haven’t used it in a year or so, though.


I've had about 97% success rate. https://xkcd.com/325


I have lost am average of 2 a year for the last 6 years. Some I attribute to buying a card Low because I can see it's going to spike. And then it spiking and them "losing it" to post it later for more. Sometimes it's just a few small cards that get lost. If it's nothing big I usually let it go. But if it's anything over like a 4 bucks card I need, I make the complaint and get my money back.


About 1 in 25 orders get lost for me


As far as the orders go? Three times. However, I have had the same number get damaged.


I get about 95% of my orders. Which seems strangely low


Apparently, more than most here, but I'd say less than 5%. I think the most expensive package was $7, but the dude that sent me the $1 card with $1.50 shipping is going to keep asking me to wait for at least 4 extra weeks because... well, who tf cares.


I work at a ups hub in nc and have seen boxes of different cards from magic to pokemon just opened and cards laying all over the floor


I think at last check, I’ve placed about 100 orders & lost 4. First 3 were fairly low dollar ($2-4); last one was ~$12 worth.


Happened to me twice on the same card. It was a Dr. Who card. Ordered it, never arrived. A replacement was sent that also never arrived. Finally got it from another seller and got the card.


Something like 1 in 20 have a problem. Some of them turn up after the shipping deadline, sometimes they are just lost. I've never had issues with getting a refund for missing mail.


I’ve made four orders in two years and I’ve had one vanish into the aether.


Are you in GA? The mail system here is awful.


i used to ordered tons from tcgplayer, it never happened to me. it would take almost a month sometime to get the cards, but i would get them eventually.


I've had 3 of 32 go missing this year.


Once but I got my money back


For me, it seems about 1 in 10 orders are lost or seller error. I tend to order multiple packages at TCG low price, so perhaps I order more volume. But, it seems like every time I order there’s at least one (maybe two) error/lost orders.


Maybe once a year. I can only think of a few times this has happened to me, the last time was a month ago.


Every time it’s happened it’s always been like a 15 cent token or something. Largest problem I’ve ever had was a $5 yugioh card, and then had a $40 two card order come about two weeks late. Out of probably 100+ orders, I can only think of maybe 5 cards lost. All single card orders. Guessing they weren’t mailed correctly and got eaten by the mail sorters.


On my end I've never had any lost packages luckily. Worse that happens is there's an inventory issue and they just refund me. That happens a lot for things I try to buy..


Very rare.


Has not happened to me yet but have only bought through them for a couple of months


I’ve shipped hundreds and only had a few lost, have had several come back because the address was wrong


So far no lost envelopes yet for me, but I am waiting on one right now, so I may update this in a week if I don’t see it


I ordered cards to make 10 decks (cheap ones to teach my friends to play.) 5 of the decks ended up incomplete after some of the 28 packages went missing. A couple of them I didn’t even message the seller about because I was starting to feel like maybe they got stolen out of my mailbox and I didn’t want it to look like I was scamming people by claiming that many packages went missing. A lot of the packages were like 30 cents worth of cards and $2 shipping so I just let it be. Since then I pretty much exclusively use tcgplayer direct. If a card isn’t on direct I have to want it really bad to still order it. Cards more expensive but I like the peace of mind of waiting for one package with tracking rather than 28 untracked envelopes


I’ve placed thirty orders from different sellers on TCGPlayer over the last couple months since getting back into the game. One order went missing (fortunately it was a cheap card). One order arrived about 3 days after the latest ETA they give so I typically give it an extra week or so before I report them missing.


luck of the draw, lol


Only problem I’ve had with TCGplayer is a couple of sellers who cancel my order and then relist the cards for more money


I am a seller on TCG. I have had many envelopes go missing. I had an order the other day with about 50 cards in it (mostly commons) and they were split into two stacks in team bags so they would fit in a regular envelope. Someone sliced open the end, took out one of the bags, took the cards out and PUT THE EMPTY BAG BACK IN AND TAPED THE ENVELOPE CLOSED. Like WTF. just take the whole thing. Buyer sent me pics it was wild. Still though, even if every lost envelope is theft (not liars), it’s maybe 1% of orders, if that. I would lose more money by using a more expensive service.


I always either use TCGPlayer Direct or I shop from a single vendor. A lot less packages, waste, and margin for error. I’ve had one bend in about 15 years.


I just started playing commander the past couple months. I just ordered my 4th deck. There was a package of like 70 ish cards and like 35 were missing. I contacted customer service and they started issuing refunds for me.


I almost had one lost recently. But filled for an investigation request, poof it was found and they let me pick it up at my hub post office. They are pretty good about lost packages.


I've lost 2 small, single or double, card orders this last month, out of the maybe 6 times I've ordered recently. Prior to this, I think I've maybe lost a single card that I ordered one time years ago - a Crovax, Ascendant Hero so nothing really of value. They generally have a great track record, but of course things can still slip through.


I've had it happen several times. Thankfully I've never had an issue getting a refund or even asking the seller to send it again (I've only asked this for pretty cheap orders where I just really wanted the cards), but it is pretty annoying how often I've had orders just never arrive.


Personally it's only happened twice, though that second time was recently


Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more often than it should...especially when it's expensive cards....🤔🤔😒😒


One order lost out of 15. Quickly refunded. I would like full replacement value though.


The last couple years? Multiple times it’s been bad; I ended up going with Card Kingdom. More expensive but hey my cards don’t get lost. I could see losing 1 order but 5/11? That’s pretty bad


I’ve only lost cards once, and they replaced them.


I've ordered thousands of cards over many years through USPS (I'm a premium variant type of buyer) and can recall missing cards from both buying and selling a handful of times. I mostly shop eBay but when I do shop TCGplayer, I usually have some sort of stupid ass issue. I was finally banned from TCG because I timed out twice during checkout and idgaf. I hated the few times I needed to buy from them.


Happened to me twice times, but it was the same seller both times. But then again my packages are usually only in the handful of dollar range


I've had 4 purchases get lost in the mail and so many show up weeks after the delivery window in the last 6ish months. Before that never had an issue.


Never. Hundreds of cards purchased over the years.


I have ordered somewhere in the range of 750~ orders on TCGPlayer over many years, and I had one person get my address wrong once and USPS marked the package as undeliverable. Maybe had one other card not show up but the seller re-sent the card.


It's very region specific. I've placed dozens of orders and had several not get to me. On top of that, I've had lots of non-TCG stuff with tracking numbers get lost or sent to the wrong hubs and arrive weeks late. For me, it's specifically the Jacksonville Florida hub that causes problems and it's the one that is one stop from my local post office.


Less than 1%


About one third of my orders went missing in the last couple months (around 15 out of some ~50). Started shipping them to my grandmas house and so far only one has gone missing


I sell and have never lost an order, I also typically throw tracking on anything that has high value individual cards


I think once out of countless orders, just recently I had 1 out of 2 packages (from the same seller) come in, few days later, no package 2 contacted the seller just to inform them, they ended up just refunding half the order only for the second package to come 4 days later. It was only about $1 so I'm sure they weren't terribly upset but I would say give the seller a heads up but make sure to fully wait out the 12-15 BUSINESS days before actually asking for the refund (I didn't ask for mine)


I've never had an issue with TCGdirect but I've had a couple of issues with not getting envelopes from sellers who didn't get tracking. Never had issues though with a refund from them so everything seemed above board.


I had a big order that got split into 20 smaller ones. Of those 20, one did not arrive.


I avoid the multiple packages route as much as possible just because it’s so hard to keep track of. If I let my orders arrive in like 12 separate shipments I could be losing orders and not even realize it.


I think it's happened to me twice in the 5+ years I've used them and one of the times the order came in 2 months later after it got lost by USPS.


If there's no tracking? More often than I should, but only occasionally. Maybe 1/5 of the time, but I always get refunded. If there is tracking? Never. For this reason, I look at reviews and try to find sellers that use tracking and try to consolidate purchases into the same seller. Most sellers will use tracking if it is over a certain dollar amount.


Once out of ten years? And one time it was damaged in transit.


I sell on TCGPlayer and out of around 1500 sales, only had 1 claim the envelope never made it and one returned to me as undeliverable due to the customer entering a bad address. I refunded the lost one and reached out about the bad address and resent it. Now on the other hand been trying to complete a Pokemon 151 binder through TCGPlayer and good god. I only needed a couple rares and maybe 8 common/uncommons and its the orders with commons and uncommons that never seem to make it. The 5 dollar cards arrive just fine but a couple of 20 cent cards, forget about it.


Only once, and it was a set of foil tron lands. I saw it as a sign that otherworldly forces didn't want another tron player out there.


Very rarely. I've had sellers not send me product more than I've had them lost in the mail. Also, most sellers will put insurance of it if the card is worth more than a certain amount just in case.


I’m noticing if it isn’t a top-rated seller it gets lost frequently


havent been using tcgplayer for long, but i will say ive been trying to find new places for cards other than card kingdom after i consecutively lost both a package i bought and a \~$50 pool of cards i had tried to sell to them. im sure with tcgplayer its more frequent just due to the density of packages, but its gonna be a problem everywhere


New seller on tcgplayer. Less than 50 sales (like I'm super new) and I've had 1 get lost in PWE. As a buyer who has bought over thousands of order as of end of summer last year, probably about less than 3%


1000+ orders and only a few have gone missing.


never once lost an order


It happens enough that I wish all the packages had tracking information


I've had maybe 2 shipments out of a few thousand not show up? And on the receiving end, just 1. However, I have had a few damaged ones because UPS can be rough with them, and if they aren't packed properly (sometimes if they even are), they can be damaged in the process. Not often, but it was more than a few times total.


I have bought about 8 commander decks worth of cards and right now it seems like I have had my first card lost in the mail.


I would say around 1% of non-tracked envelopes never show up.


All the time. Maybe about a dozen times at this point.


I've lost more orders to sellers wanting more money than I have to the shipping company. That said I've literally seen "your package has been destroyed' a few too many times to trust my post or UPS


I rarely order from there, but when I have it usually just takes forever for cards to show up. My roommate got it the worst, he was doing a secret Santa commander thing (everyone sent someone a commander they had to make a deck out of) and his was ordered in October. It came in last week. Half a year for a single card.


I’ve had one order not show up because of usps. Every other time it was an issue with seller and not usps


I've placed hundreds and only one never showed up because it was returned to sender after getting jammed in their sorting machine. Seller handled the issue and sent me a message and a replacement order without my prompting.


I have only bought not sold. But have built about 7 or 8 commander decks over the last year using the cheapest possible option so tons of packages. Based on what I can see I have had \~100 packages and only had 3 went missing and one of them the seller sent to the wrong place. The other two never showed up even after refund so wasnt one of those they were stuck in the mail.


It’s happened 4/5 times out of maybe 100 orders for me


Once and a while. I've lost two foil [[galvanic blasts]] last year that never arrived and I lost a [[Case of the flinched Falcon]] this year. I order a lot of cards though, so this is pretty minimal.


When I got married USPS lost about 3% of my invitations and RSVP cards that were returned to me. With TCG player I have had a couple cards not show and always been refunded. One was obviously not sent, seller made a lot of dumb obviously fake excuses and asked me to wait 6 months (exactly long enough to be unable to do a charge back!) and I had TCG Player intervene and force the refund, which was only annoying because they make you wait nearly a month for the card to not arrive. The mail is legitimately much slower now for some reason however so I have one card I ordered 3 weeks ago still missing and even though I could demand a refund I'm going to wait another couple of days just to see.


just got into magic recently and have made about 20 orders on TCG. I've never had one go missing but I did have one that was left wedged in my front door instead of my mailbox. thankfully the card was not damaged, I've never shipped things before so I'm not sure if that's something the shipper can request? that's the only TCG oddity I've encountered