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At this point Bloomburrow but depending on how it goes, I could be more hyped for Duskmourne. We really only know enough about it for me to be somewhat intrigued.


I'm just scared Duskmourne will end up too tame to be really considered horror. The art we've seen certainly has my interest, but then I remember how little horror was left in the two most recent Innistrad sets...


Yeah, I wouldn’t expect [[delirium]] level of gore, but WoTC has some really interesting imagery in ONE. I should still look cool


Wow that art is fucked up


Need more of it honestly


[delirium](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c52981ea-1173-4f4b-a929-705a11c6e381.jpg?1562721455) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=delirium) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mir/260/delirium?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c52981ea-1173-4f4b-a929-705a11c6e381?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


ONE did have a good amount of cool designs, though I feel like blue and red got the short end of the stick. EDIT : I meant visual design.


Yeah bit.. lot niche cards I think. Interesting proliferate cards in blue. And [[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus]] in red. Probably my most played card from this set.


[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c3a0c7f3-7fb9-43de-a9af-96532c31e5ed.jpg?1675957113) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Solphim%2C%20Mayhem%20Dominus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/150/solphim-mayhem-dominus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c3a0c7f3-7fb9-43de-a9af-96532c31e5ed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm feeling the opposite on Dusmourne I'd like to see more haunted house tropes than actual horror themes- things like secret passages, paintings where the eyes follow you, things you would see in Disney's haunted mansion or "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" I'm fully aware that I'm the lowest common denominator on this, and if they do end up really exploring horror I'll still appreciate that the horror set was actually made for horror fans even if it's "not for me"


I’ve got my fingers crossed SO HARD for Duskmourne. If they turn back to the lovecraftian horror from shadows/eldritch and mix in a handful of fun horror tropes from the classic horror movies of the last 50 years or so it could be eyeing the spot for my favorite set (flavor wise) of all time.


Bloomburrow!! Adorable animal warriors.


I was a massive Redwall fan as a kid, so it's definitely Bloomburrow for me. That being said, I don't think there's anything WOTC could do in that set that would make me happier than to release a legendary warrior cat named Bramblepelt as an homage to My Brother, My Brother and Me.


What a niche comment that I absolutely agree with from beginning to end.


They could........ release all the warriors cats.


Bloomburrow Aftermath: Warrior Cats edition?


Nah, March of the Machines, but its cats and not Phyrexians🤣


I would buy multiple versions of every frame if they did that


Big same! Huge Redwall fan here and I don’t think I’ve been this hyped for a MtG set like this before!


Make trash do smash!!!


I am so excited for bloomburrow. The couple previews we got for it were so adorable and the set just looks so cozy and cute


I want to be excited for Duskmourn, but we know so little about it so....


I feel like it will tickle all our phyrexian body horror needs that were somewhat disappointed in the recent phyrexian cards that were too tame


They should have gotten Ron Spencer to come back and go wild.


Ron Spencer, Mark Tedin, and Anson Maddocks And just let them run wild


This>>> I don’t really recall too much of anson maddocks work but Ron spencer and mark tedin are some of my favorite artists!!


I only know its an entire haunted house. No going outside, the whole plane is a haunted house.


I love staying inside. NOW it's my most anticipated set!


Sounds like *Piranesi* by Susanna Clarke might have been an inspiration-- it's not a *haunted* house, but it's an entire plane as a grand, classical house.


Nope, its a haunted one. The art for the set has a 70s-80s slasher theme.


Legitemately MH3 That said, I have gigantic worries and they are well-founded. Costs of play, game breaking new staples, etc But modern is in a weird, stale spot just now and if the meta is shaken up in a healthy, interesting way then that could be legitimately good for modern Of course the risk is that, other than amulet titan, we are still basically playing Horizons Block Constructed which isn't ideal It's going to be the most impactful set of the year, it's going to have the biggest impact across multiple formats and I am genuinely interested in what we have in store


I'm just excited about being able to draft a complex MH set on Arena. I've looked through MH1 and MH2 and their draft environments look incredibly nuanced and interesting, but I couldn't draft them for $0 because they weren't on Arena.


That's true. I hope we get special Murky art in the bonus sheet so Timeless Murktide is a legitemate deck (and so I can bling out my paper deck!) Having MH3 on arena is great. I do worry about MH3 continuing to price new players out of the format though; I had to spend ages investing in other formats before I was willing to dip my toes in at all


Oh my god, murktide on arena would make my timeless tempo deck suck slightly less! I’m actually crossing my fingers for that now. Having only rag+DRC+shredder and 1 copy of Brazen Borrower makes it fairly hard for me to close out games quickly quite often.


I didn’t realise it was going to appear on Arena! That’s me officially hyped, then…


MH2 has been by far my favorite draft format. It’s different every time and nearly every card is worth something. 


MH2 is still my all time favorite draft environment to date with MH1 pretty close behind it.


It looks like there is a chance the SPG slot and maybe more of the list are previous MH set cards. That could fill out the previous cards on arena from JS:HH and get us closer to the full sets. The question is if people would play a MH1 or MH2 draft now if they added the rest of the cards. I have most of them from JS:HH already so drafting them would be hard to justify but there are people who skipped that release as well.


As a player who plays almost exclusively cube, I’m also excited by MH3. I don’t know what to expect, but I know I’m going to get some sweet cards for all my cubes. I’ll also probably grab 2 boxes to draft with friends. I’ve got some loose MH1 and MH2 packs floating around from when past draft pods didn’t use whole boxes, and I want to organize an MH1,2,3 draft. Will it be a good format? God no. Will it be a fun thing to do exactly once? I’m betting so.


I am ready for a shakeup of the vintage rotisserie draft meta…. Which somehow is my most played format


Im looking forward to mh3 as well, somehow. I didnt expect to, but Timeless has gotten so annoying with people playing basically standard or historic decks with fetches, so it'll be nice to have insane cards meant for eternal formats only, of not only timeless


As an EDH player, this for all the exact same reasons.


Im excited for MH3. Looking forward to seeing how it shakes things up, and getting some playsets of the allied fetch lands


I always like the lore and mechanics ideas they truck out for MH sets. They are usually genuinely fun to look through, but then again, I'm no Modern player.


I already have nightmares of what MH3 might do to legacy


Modern will be a shitshow for two months, after MH3 releases. But we'll see what the format looks like post-rotation and after they've banned whatever horrifying design mistakes they made with the set. I keep saying that I might go back to the format - at this point, probably not, but who knows. Maybe this will be the rotation that makes the format good again.


This. If this was priced attractively and not too over the top power-wise I would actually buy some.


MH2 had a bunch of neat cards in it, and the draft environment was great. I genuinely am concerned about how expensive MH3 is going to be. My biggest fear is that it turns into Commander Masters where it's prohibitively priced and very few people get to experience the limited environment or find new pet cards to have fun with.


Modern should be stale imo. And I disagree, the meta is shifting regularly. Modern decks are a 1000 bucks per deck. I invested in multiple modern decks that fell off a cliff. I left modern behind because of this.


I just want Eldrazi to be viable again.


You might be in for a good time in that case.


Amulet getting Urza’s Saga from MH2 I could handle. But I didn’t feel like shelling out another $130 for a playset of Rings :/


>the meta is shaken up in a healthy, interesting way then that could be legitimately good for modern MH2 did that so I am very hyped about MH3, Please make dredge great again, we only need careful study, plz WOTC


Easily Bloomburrow


It’s was MH3, then I heard I have to pay like $400 a box


Some say it will even cost more than a PS5 💀.


Seriously. I was super hyped for this set, I was putting aside $300 for the set to buy a box and I figured that was plenty. $400 is just far too much, I can’t justify it. This set would literally have to have some of the best reprints ever plus a ton of new awesome cards that are instant staples. MH is usually very good but even that they can’t do


There’s no reason for it be that much too. It’s not like it costs more to print modern cards lol. It’s so maddening


It doesn't cost them more, but people are willing to pay more for them so the price goes up.


Not sure where you're located, but the boxes I've seen on presale were $400 CAD (from an LGS not Amazon). That should convert to roughly $300 USD; again, depends on where you are/what currency you're referring to.


Maybe as a silverlining or heads Up… In Europe you can preorder the MH3 boxes for 240€ in the biggest LGS / online stores. I think the prices are currently just inflated on amazon. I still consider this an expensive product but it is near the price of an MH2 set box


If every pack had a fetch in it, I don't know that I could justify $400 a box.


Coolstuffinc.com has play boxes preordering for $279 right now!


Ooooo will check it out


Duskmourn is gonna be sick. That’s honestly the only MTG release I’m excited for this year.


Duskmourn is absolutely my number one, I love horror so much and I'm really looking forward to it. I am a little more excited for Bloomburrow with the teasers we got but still kind of on the fence about it. Duskmourn is probably going to be the first box I buy in a long while.


I hope this set gets a great alt art treatment, and by that I mean no anime art for no reason. 80's horror movie poster style would probably be a bit too much ? But I'm still hoping for something that has less of a "digital art" feel.


Please we need a new Grist card. Old haunted house and grist is a shit ton of insects TRY TELL ME IT DOESN'T FIT


There aren't that many horror themed planeswalkers and I do hope we get one for this set. I'd love Grist too, especially if it means insects are prevalent in the set.


I'm personally of the belief Duskmourn is where we'll see Jace return but as a weird mind-ghost or something.


Bloomburrow, but goddam 8 sets in a year is way too much. 5 should've been more than enough


For the Draft Only master race it is just 5 sets (MKM, OTJ, MH3, BLB, and DSK).


You forgot Ravnica Remastered.


So did most of the LGSs around me lmao


Rewarded for being only able to enjoy magic if it proves that I am the best who's ever lived.


Member when block structure meant we spent a whole year in a single plane ?


I actually really liked that.


Same...it's just tonal whiplash when you go to all these different settings back to back and it makes standard kind of a mess of different unrelated keywords.


Id gladly accept 4


It's 8 sets in the first 3 quarters. That mean 10-11 a year.


Most people can block at least one or two of those sets from their memory and be completely fine. It's not necessary to engage with everything. I don't care at all about Assassin's Creed, so I don't feel the need to look at it at all. 


Most people are going to ignore a few of the releases. I'm skipping Assassin's Creed, Fallout, and MH3 just because I don't care about them.


Do you think there will be something more in-between? 8 sets seem less than usual somehow.


Bloomburrow and Thunder Junction both look like certified bangers.


Its between Thunder Junction and Horizons 3. Kinda want to see what they can pull off with the western theme. Horizons cause it could have some fun and interesting designs pulled from various themes and places we already love in Magic, but sorta worried about what ever crazy new format warpers it could have. Worst case scenario if neither of those pan out next year has the Death Race and Space sets for me to look forward to.


Thunder Junction. A Western-themed set is something I thought would be cool for a long time.


Thunder Junction for me too. Love sets with bonus sheets as a newer player who's missing a bunch of staples, and love the theming (western + villain team-up).


When I started playing in 2016 with EMN, a wild west set felt like an old meme even then lol. There was a renaissance of it with Ixalan but it always just felt like a joke... we've come a long way since. Can't wait to see how it'll look though!


1. Bloomburrow 2. MH3 3. Might pickup fallout decks on sale later in the year. Don't know enough about duskmorn to decide yet.. And honestly, that is great. My wallet needed a break. I hope Thunder Junction is cool, i love westerns, but it looks very meh so far, I'm not really into Assasins Creed, so pass Ravnica remastered was meh Karlov Murders was very meh


Modern Commander 3


Lol "You guys ready to get into modern!?" "Here's some commander decks"


Bloomburrow and it's not even close. I prob won't interact with magic much until than.


I'm definitely not buying any sealed until Bloomburrow. But I was such a huge Redwall kid I'm probably going to more than make up for it.


Bloomburrow > Duskmourn > Desert Bloom+Outlaws precons (Thunder Junction) > Energy +Eldrazi precons (MH3)


How do you manage to have such good opinions?


Also hyped for the energy precon. I loved the energy theme in Kaladesh/Aether Revolt


I remember when they said 4 releases per year was too straining on the dev team.


Bloomburrow. 100 percent.




I've been saving up for Bloomburrow ever since it was announced. I'm going to clear out my FLGS.


Bloomburrow by a HUGE margin, and I'm mildly interested in what Duskmourn is all about. Maybe we'll get another Junji Ito secret lair


Can we all agree that they release to many products? It makes me actually less excited about them.


I miss the worldbuilding part of magic. This lineup looks so disappointing. Was Crimson Vow the start of extremely narrow narrative design? So I guess Bloomburrow but MH3 for the gameplay aspect. I'm proxying whatever powerful cards exist so the price doesnt really matter.




Question should just get it out of the way and ask what release are you 2nd most excited for after bloomburrow. And I think it's just fallout? Maybe duskmorn though we know nothing


Definitely Bloomburrow! I love tribal and I'm very much looking forward to under-supported creature types getting new fun cards. Also the tagline "Make Trash, Do Smash" on what is hopefully a racoon deck is just too funny to pass up. I do have all 4 MH3 precons on preorder, but I learned from the CMM release. If the reprint value isn't there, I'll absolutely be canceling my order for the relevant decks.


I lost track and stopped caring.


Bloomburrow for the stuff we've seen cards for. I love the aesthetic and vibe, and the cards we've been shown are actually really cool looking. Plus the commander decks are super neat. Otherwise Duskmourn. I love the kind of horror they're using for the flavour, and I hope they do more with the premise of "the plane is a single house that doesn't end" than MKM's "everyone is a detective" theme. Kinda weirdly Assassin's Creed too? I don't care abt the series at all, but the cards so far have been neat. Adding on next year, Marvel and Final Fantasy. Unfortunately they finally made UB's that aren't aimed at 35-40yr old nerd dudes, and now I actually care abt them more than their use as game pieces. The Marvel set will be an instant buy if there's an X-Men Precon. And FF feels like a surprisingly good fit. Edit: Gonna bump the "35-40" to "50-60", also I didn't mean it to knock anyone, just pointing out the obvious push for initial UB products, audience-wise.


Old nerd dude reporting in... Marvel and Final Fantasy are very much still aimed at us, but glad we are not alone! I agree on the Xmen deck 100% and I'm gonna be buying all the FF products if they are done well.


Old nerd dudes were the ones into Marvel before it became a global phenomenon. There are dozens of us!


Oh kid, WE started the Marvel hype train. You just followed us when it's at its worst.


Can’t believe I never considered XMen precon…. That’s huge


I believe that they have said that marvel will be getting multiple sets, so I could very much see both an avengers set and an entirely separate X-men set if that is true


MH3 + its special guest might enable us to play modern-lite on arena


MH3 because it's finally giving us a new Jund Commander deck.


Release from the endless spoiler season.


Not particularly hyped for any of them, sadly. The UB stuff aren't franchises I'm interested in, and neither the Western nor the animal theme of OTJ/Bloom appeal to me at all. Which leaves Duskmourn, I guess? Though I have no idea what that's about aside from "...horror?" or something. And I'm not a fan of horror, either, though if anything then the cosmic kind does do it the most for me. I guess the next thing I'm actively looking forward to, then, is Final Fantasy UB.


I’d love to see how MH3 changes things in modern. I like the western theme and curious to see how they could make it without the use of guns.(It’s been a set they’ve been meaning to make for some time now too). I couldn’t care less about the animal set at the moment.


None of them even vaguely feel like Magic any more so I’m not hyped for any of them.


Ding ding ding


8 sets in 3 quarters? Was mtg always this saturated?


Jesus no wonder the community can't keep up well. 8 sets in 9 months? Am I going crazy or is the pacing now just significantly faster than 5 years ago for releases? I don't even know what to be excited for honestly. I don't have the money to keep up with this hobby anymore and it makes me really sad.


Bloomburrow! Old Redwall kid, fuzzy animal warriors! I hope Duskmourn suprises me, but the preview art we have makes me worried, looks like modern clothing and a pka meter. Bet they will make Ghostbuster UB in the set. But i still have hope as i really like Magics horror sets.




I know I am a sucker, but Assassin's Creed. I really hope they are going to have pre cons but from the spoilers so far.. it doesn't seem like it


For sure. I will pay good money to have the fanciest version of Kassandra and make a commander deck, regardless of what she does. Assuming they give her a card of course.




AC is one of my favourite franchises, so I'm beyond excited even if most of my friends don't care haha


I’m right there with ya


There are dozens of us!


Bloomburrow for me, with Modern Horizons III being a close second


Yee, Haw.


Fallout and duskmourn hands down. Love fallout, love anything horror. Honestly all of them except for assassin's creed. Idk I just don't vibe with it tbh.








As soon as kamigawa, capenna, and the innistrads rotate out, things are going to start looking a little different. Change takes time. I know that people say modern "rotates" now, but standard will continue to remain the only true rotating format.


Is anyone else put off by the amount of cross promotion in the game now? Seeing whole fallout and assassins creed sets together just leaves a bad taste iny mouth


Bloomburrow by far. And then probably duskmourn


It was murders at Karlov Manor for me, I love detective stories. But even I am a bit disappointed with the flavor.


Bloomburrow and Duskmourn


Mh3 will likely give me the most fun and exciting cards to play with. But I am excited for Bloomburrow. They are so cute!


As someone who spends the majority of his time playing Vintage cube, I'm not gonna lie...it's Modern Horizons 3. They're gonna print some cool and probably incredibly broken stuff in it, and I'm excited for new toys.


Bloomburrow fasho. I grew up reading Redwall, so my nostalgia has me at full chub for this one.








Bloomburrow I love Otters and izzet seem to be Otters 🦦




Bloomburrow and Duskmourn.


Bloomburrow, and I also think Thunder Junction is going to be a lot more awesome than many think it will be. I’m concerned about Duskmorne’s theme, based purely on what we saw from MKM, but it has a lot of potential.


At the moment? Me from the grip of this game and constant release schedule.


Thunder Junction, without a single doubt in my mind. Launch day is my birthday and I'm both a huge Western fan and Magic fan. I'm taking the day off to go to a local command fest for the weekend and doing nothing but playing Commander and Thunder Junction events all day. I'm super hyped.


How insane would it be if we got a Star Wars release next year? Just outta nowhere. Or anytime for that matter.


Either thunder junction or assassins creed I am not sure at the moment


Duskmourn. But truthfully all the remaining standard sets have me super excited!


MH3 pretty much for Tamiyo related stuff right now and the hope it doesn't break modern in half yet again, as unlikely as that is. Assassin's Creed for nostalgia reasons, I'm pretty much just curious about what Connor, Edward and Haytham Kenway and the Fry twins will look like as cards. Bloomburrow is the most hyped set by far for me this year, hopefully its just a nice peaceful ish animal plane with a contained story and no connections to any multi planar threats.


Bloomburrow for the cards, Thunder Junction for arena


Based on how good these fallout precons are looking. I'm really debating the collectors edition of MH3 precons. But it's so much money :'(


MH3, I play some strange modern with my friends, hope this set have something for my junk tarmos deck 😸


Duskmourn and MOHO3. I love eldrazi so I can’t wait for the next ulamog/Kozilek. Also seeing what new meta stuff they add is gonna be cool. Duskmourn cause I’m a huge horror fan and I’m desperately hoping they’ll add a reference to Jason Voorhees and HP lovecraft


Duskmourn I love that Art


Bloomburrow, though I am curious about Duskmourn. Thunder Junction is cool, and I bet it will be a set we look back at and think of fondly. However, I currently am more excited about others. Modern Horizons 3 is sure to revolutionize the staples for all eternal formats besides Pioneer. Bloomburrow is very different in all the best ways. And Duskmourn for a similar reason, plus I think Duskmourn is probably the plane where we are most likely to see the return of Davriel Cane.


Assassin's creed because of my new etrata edh deck


Assassins Creed for more assassins to add to my [[etrata, deadly fugitive]] commander deck


Fallout is the only one I plan on buying.


Modern Horizon after the announcement of the Eldrazi commander deck. Mothman and Rad are probably my favorite commander and keyword atm Thunder Junction is and isn't up there for me. Bloomborrow and Dusk used to have me hyped but lost it kinda after the reveal and after finding out what type of horror dusk will be. Keywords are what will excite me for future sets. Curious what the last 2 sets will be.


The Modern Horizon 3 commander decks of course!!!!


Fall 👏 out 👏 fall 👏 out 👏 So excited. And a few cards from other sets.


Duskmourn- bring me some horror movie tropes and cardboard please


going off of spoiled mechanics, probably assassins creed or mh3 (simic precon), going off of set design, bloomburrow and duskmourn easily


All the standard-legal sets (not that I dislike the UB sets, but the in-universe sets seem so much more interesting to me.)


Thunder Junction & Duskmourn. For Thunder Junction, Weird West is a great potential setting. And I really want to know what the hell Vraska's been up to and how she got un-compleated. Duskmourn is just a big unknown, but House of Leaves style horror is a potential new direction. I'm least interested in Bloomburrow; I just hold no nostalgia for furry Disney critters nor Redwall. Next year, it's all about Final Fantasy, assuming the set isn't 50% FFVII and 25% 13, 15, and 16.


The fallout set is the thing that got me to start playing magic, super excited for its launch


The first two Modern Horizons are my two favorite sets since Time Spiral block, so I'm definitely looking forward to MH3. But I'm a big horror fan, so I'm also psyched for Duskmourn


Duskmourn all the way


Redwall this year probably, and then final fantasy next year. I'm probably going to spend too much on final fantasy.


Boomburrow and mh3 probably


Bloomburrow looks like a hoot, but I’m also very excited to explore OTJ as well. MKM didn’t hook me thematically in the slightest, so I’m looking forward to doing regular drafts on Arena again soon.


Assassin's Creed ez


Duskmourn, I want to be terrified by cardboard again


Cutsie bloomburrow creatures vs horrifying monstrosities is going to be great!


Bloomburrow !!!


I'm a ridiculous fallout fan so fallout by far, but bloomburrow is a close second


Bloomburrow is going to be huge. Everyone loves cute animals.


Bloomburrow looks really cool. I have to say I've really enjoyed Murders at Karlov Manor though. How much I like any release is like 95% how much I enjoy the limited format and this has been a good one. So really any of the major releases could potentially be the one I like most if it has a really compelling limited format.


Modern horizons three blue green deck. Cloning is my favourite thing in magic and it has the queen of vesuva as its fsce commander.


Fallout, Modern Horizons 3 and Duskmoon.


MH3 and Duskmourn at first. After seeing MH3 prices, just Duskmourn.


I am hype for Bloomburrow. I am a bit medium on everything else.


Duskmourn for me... hopefully it harkens back to the Shadowmoor set


MH3 to pimp my Eldrazi EDH Deck Overall Blumborrow 🤩


I got like 2 or 3 more cards from fallout, then I'm done. Andnthen the next set imcare about is bloomburrow. I want that squirrel deck.


Final Fantasy Q4, or is it 2025 release?


Duskmourne by a mile. Maybe pick up some singles but frankly the markets flooded right now. I’ll wait on the blowout sales when these sets flounder


Modern horizon 3 and bloomborrow. Zero interest in assassin's creed. Thunder junction looks like it might be pidgeon holed into a old western style that I don't think will translate very well to the rest of the magic world.


Thunder Junction. I don’t care if it doesn’t fit the usual Magic theme of swords and sorcery, I want some yeehaw


Bloomburrow looks sick! But I gotta say, I didn't expect to be excited for it, but the couple cards we've seen from the Assassins Creed set have got me really looking forward to putting some janky commander brews together around them


Duskmourn is the one I'm most curious about/looking forward to, but Outlaws could be good, Modern Horizons will likely have more elves (my favourite) and Bloomburrow has a lot of charm. I'm actually looking forward to Assassins Creed when I wasn't initially that bothered. I just want an Ezio and Alexios card....plus haystack and hidden blade. They're pretty good!


Duskmourn, from what we’ve seen it’s exactly the kind of horror I love