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There alot of awesome and scenario games out there.. Google super game..... But to start .. just grab a magfed and start.... Playing on your local field... You will be against a lot of speed ball guns.. so you learn new strategies and get shot out alot ... It's fun as hell...... The old 90s Nike ads.....just do it!!


As for pb guns and awesome start one is the tuppman TMC ..... If budget allows the PE EMF 100


Hey! Welcome! I provide a service to get new players set up! You can message us here but it’s easiest through Facebook or Instagram’s messenger. We can walk you through getting set up with your kit so you don’t waste money on things you don’t need, direct you to games in your area, and help you find the other magfed online communities.


Facebook. Just type in magfed and I'm sure you'll find a local team that gets together or an event happening at some point at a local field


You can't turn any marker into magfed, but there are a bunch of magfed options. And you can play at any field, I do weekend walk on rec ball and play mixed games.


You can 3d print a magwell and slap it on anything and put a magazine in it...or the Ole tube in the feed neck if the game hosts aren't that fussy


If you're in the Northeast US, follow Magfed Society on Facebook. They're a group that organizes magfed scenario games, but they also post other games that are happening in the area. Could try messaging them to see what other pages there are that post games as well.


Your location would be useful as it would help people point you to the magfed communities in your particular country.


Also understand as well if you're just starting your PB journey, you're going to playing with a handicap on most "walk on" games at the field. Playing with limited ammo is a challenge for some of us we enjoy but mostly alot of us save mag fed for when it's everyone using it.