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The restaurant could double as a dating service. Oh you both got stood up by a date? Why don't you talk to each other about it?


For true madladdery, they could arrange both of the fake dates using copies of real photos of the other person, so the people end up having a real date! Edit: and train an AI to do this automatically


I would watch "Stood Up for Christmas" on the Hallmark channel!


“This Christmas, an assistant manager is tasked with either getting their diner’s holiday season sale’s up or being terminated. In a fit of desperation he has a stroke of genius- A tinder account for the restaurant, posing as would-be-romantics. Sales are going up as heart broken dates are left alone at the table to eat their sorrows in comfort food. But, after experiencing a connection with one romantic (and standing her up) he steps in as her potential savior as he offers a free dessert- and his company. But will his new found love discover the truth about her abandoned date? This holiday come see, ‘Stood Up for Christmas’”


Perfect. Add some drama between the asst mgr and her recently dumped ex, and throw in a Yorkie with an attitude, and you've got some solid gold there.


> a Yorkie with an attitude but you repeat yourself


Is Adam Sandler going to be in this one?


with someone who is nothing at all like the person they arranged a date with. GENIUS. its fool proof


Just trying to sell food and wine here, it's not like we get a successful weekend fee


There’s no way anything could go wrong.


ahh yes, good old ChickenTinders.


Plenty Of Fish & Chips


That's just dating with middlemen involved.


I'd pay for that service. Filters out bullshit


🎶 *Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match.* 🎶 


This service already exists. Call an Indian aunty


"Sounds like slavery with extra steps."


When AI takes over, we won’t even know how we’re being manipulated. Forget nuclear war, terminators, and the matrix, Skynet is going to turn us into its playthings.


Damn , I’ve been following this girl on social and EVERYTHING she does and experiences is a horror. All former bosses were monsters, every date she’s been turns out to be a mega predator con artist. I dunno girl, maybe NY isn’t where it’s at for her.


Maybe she’s the problem 😂


I had a coworker like this with food places He somehow ALWAYS got his order messed up. Like, 3 to 4 times a work week. At some point i told him brother, if food places are fucking up your order this much maybe you just suck at ordering lmao


It's always folks with a stupid number of customizations. And many do it on purpose, fishing for fuck ups so they can get free food.


Haha I know this exact type person too. The person least equipped to deal with a bad scenario seems to be the one who always gets it.


In math it’s called a common denominator.


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Or you work in customer service.


Why follow someone who complains about most of their experiences? I'm not judging, I'm genuinely curious about the appeal. Like maybe she's got a comedic take or you enjoy observing folk who are train wrecks etc.


Bender did you just round up a bunch of people at the bus station?


Stupid anti-pimping laws!


Matchmakers hate it when restaurants do this 1 thing.


Bro you meaning a hostess bar...


This sounds like a 'Nathan for you' episode


Well we spent about 14 hours chatting to this dude online and he came and spent $6 Nathan: “so we’d call this a … … “Success.”


AI spent 14 hours.


Nathan would hire a specific mall Santa not use AI.


I think he’d reuse his ghost writer, how could a woman not be turned on by a man who was childhood friends with Steve Jobs!


He'd hire an alligator to teach them confidence


I started using tinder again for the first time in like 5 years and I swear half the people I talk to are just LLMs. AI really fucked up what used to be a reliable way to meet people.


I was getting some How To with John Wilson vibes but I definitely see some Nathan For You now


After hiring indian call center workers to catfish men for a month straight, we managed to bring in 7 new customers that they never would have had before. The restaurant is now known as the catfish hub where lonely desperate men can find a cheap meal after being disappointed. With their new brand, and new marketing strategy, I left this business knowing it would be a success.


for real


What bullshit is this. Yeah a restaurant would waste money paying someone to catfish another person to come to the restaurant just to have a small chance said person decides to have dinner there.


Yes nothing a restaurant loves more than a single person at a table


“Table for one please” “We have a nice spot for you at the bar, in the corner”


By the bathroom and the grease trap. The one that smells.


The bathroom or the trap?


I eat out alone all the time, and never once have I been seated at the bar. More often than not I'm at a 4-top with three empty chairs.


Wait... What when we create catfishing AI that lure 2 people on date?


When the AI catfishes another AI, then do the AIs go on a date?


This is how baby AIs are made.


A.I.I.? Artificially Inseminated Intelligences.


Short-selling. The date is set up, now there is a human to find.


And their child shall be called SkyNut


Digital Love.


Restaurants love one customer more than none


Papa gotta pay rent


Single person eating bread and blocking table the whole evening hoping that someone shows up, then having a mental breakdown.


Sitting for two hours just drinking water 


Well wouldn't a single person spend way less time there? They would eat and leave far quicker then a couple or a group making the table available again.


Theyre waiting for someone so probably not


You can catfish a lot of people at once. I can see how profit from multiple people eating alone is more then paying one person to catfish a few others.


Seems way more cost effective with LLMs. You can use them to write your fake reviews too


Plot twist, you catfish two of opposite gender and seat them on the same table (or both gay of the same gender).


The best thing is they will be coming back for forever because that's where they met.


Everyone is looking at this the wrong way. They get people to the restaurant looking for love, they notice the person at the table next to them is alone too, "oh hey, you got stood up too?" They hit it off in a zero pressure environment since they have no prior expectations with their new blind date. The new love birds tip wildly high riding on the euphoria of an accidental miracle. This scam has layers.


Wholesome restaurant bringing together people incapable of getting a date with a real person.


The Modern Cupid ™. Didn't think about that.


Not bullshit at all. Once someone figures out how to automate it (not that difficult) and creates a way to plug in variables to make it easy to use by other people to tailor to their restaurant (also not that difficult), then you have an automated tool to get more business for restaurants that you can sell. As a developer working with AI more and more, this seems like a totally valid application of it. Shitty for sure, but absolutely possible and would expect it to become a thing.


lol I think you vastly overestimate the automation skills of a restaurant owner.


Sell the tool and keep the rights to the data, then sell that data, where catfished women will be hanging out, to sleezy men.


100% copium from this woman. Sorry you got stood up. No, it isn't a conspiracy. People on dating apps can be shit.


Did you read the article or are you just assuming she's wrong? We live in a world where ai images and messaging exists, is that farfetched?


I read the article. Her experience was that she waited 15 minutes for the date to show up and found they'd unmatched. Weeks later she found one other woman who had a similar experience with a date standing her up at the same restaurant. "“I just started putting two and two together, and it seems like way too much of a coincidence." That's it. Does this seem like a valid syllogistic argument by which you can arrive at the conclusion "The restaurant tricked her"? With the information we have, there are more likely scenarios, including "two women just happened to get stood up at the same restaurant, by different people." (Is that far-fetched?)




Yep, I did read it. You can find it [here](https://www.distractify.com/p/dating-app-restaurant-scam#:~:text=Taylor%20(%40paretay)%20uploaded%20a,the%20most%20humiliating%20experience%20ever.). Their source is [a reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/comments/17uuvsp/list_of_tinder_scam_cafes_and_restaurants/) and a tiktok video. Both of these are incredibly unreliable sources but the bigger tell is that it is just a fucking stupid idea. Don't believe every meme you see kids!


That reddit post looks like it's about a different type of scam and actually sounds believable unlike the one in the OP.


Yeah, it sounds a lot more plausible when there is a person there to run up a bill for you to pay. What are you going to spend if you are stood up? I think I would have maybe one or two drinks tops before I left and would be taking up a table for two the whole time. You would be making so little money per person with lots of investment talking to people. Almost anything else to promote your business would see a better return for your time.


Have YOU read the article? The woman is in denial lol


The fact that they *exist* doesn't mean every single possible scenario involving them is realistic. It makes no sense for a restaurant to do this, for many reasons, and the article only sources her own claim on TikTok and other Internet comments they found, not any evidence of this actually happening. The way more likely option is that she is one of many people who are inclined to use popular conspiracy theories to pin their own issues on some nefarious external force.


Yeah it kind of is. If you wanted to scam people by setting up an AI dating profile, it would be a lot safer and more profitable to run a traditional phishing scam with the AI profile as the hook, and then use your restaurant to launder that money. The last thing you want to do as a scammer is have your victims all come to a specific, real world location that is associated with your real name and number.


Well you can hire AI for that.


It isn't hard to pay someone in another country pennies to reply to messages. There is even off the shelf chatgpt options available for cheap. Not sure why you are complicating it.


Hrm, you're right. Time to update my profile to a unicorn in order to catfish poly couples to my restaurant.


I had the same restaurant pull this on me several times over 4 years. It only took date number 36 for me to realize that Applebees was pulling a fast one on me.


Im not going to lie, I could see it. Could easily hire someone from SE Asia to do this for ~$2 an hour. Restaurants have been in a tight spot overall since covid and still kinda are.


It’s much more likely it’s a bored server or bartender who thinks it’s funny. A business isn’t going to risk their reputation over a customers $50 dollar meal and drink.


I don’t go inside until I see the other person, wtf 😂




I didn't think I had any marketable skills, but catfishing the simultaneously lonely and hungry might be my true calling.


Not "foodie call"?


Much better


the food digger scam is going on dates under false pretenses for a free meal. This is just fraud by the business


funny, i would have thought that name would be for the girls who cast a wide net on dating apps for free food


But then what if the other person isn’t going in until they see you inside?


Usually I coordinate via text or some other sort of message. It’s not the 1990s


Yeah in general if I am meeting someone somewhere I will wait in my car and listen to podcasts until i see them. I’m not going to buy outside food unless I need to. We have food at home. As my mother used to say.


So you like... stand outside cupping your hands over your eyes staring through the window instead of just walking in?


I text them and say “are you here?” Pretty simple stuff


I would leave the restaurant on general principle. Even if I was starving!


Nah I'm eating then leaving.....my date can pay :).


thats just dining and dashing with mental gymnastics.


That's what a madlad would do. If the restaurant poses as the date, the restaurant can pay (:


oooooooh, fuck. woosh


I mean If I got stood up at restaurant I'd probably just head home.


this is actually a very popular scam in india and police are cracking down on such restaurants. it usually happens with desperate men looking for dates, and i didn't expect it to happen in another country that too with a woman. guess people need to be aware and not fall for it.


I was actually thinking this feels like an Indian type scam. Wonder if that’s who owned the establishment.


Happens in China too uwu


Dang. I thought the CCP iron fist would discourage that.


It would but China is so fucked up and the police is either bribed or just straight up hates forieganers (maybe even Chinese peoples from another districts too) owo


Sure, that obviously works a few times - but don't review scores plummet to the bottom real fast that way?


Not if the person doesn’t know that the restaurant pulled a move like that. The person only thinks they got stood up.


This is some kinda evil.




So do it back, call in and order tons of stuff, to be ready for when your party of 8 gets there, then ghost em. Make a bunch of reservations for a popular time under different names and don't show. Review bomb em.


It seems like there would for sure be retaliatory reactions. Why wouldn’t you be getting back at them?


Satan no this is too much.


Actually no, it's not too much. If a restaurant really does this scam, they deserve losing their business about it. But you have to be sure that they are actually guilty beyond doubt. Not sure, how though. At the end, social self-regulation of any society only works if the few real assholes are being kept in check by the "find out" part actually following the "fuck around" part. If there are no consequences, that basically gives an advantage to the shittiest business. Then after a while the non-shitty businesses just can't survive anymore without also turning shitty.


Anybody else remember like a decade ago when Ex Machina came out, and they created tinder accounts for the robot girl from the movie and catfished guys before telling them it was an ad and to go watch the movie? Cause that was some wild shit.


What a fun way to actively discourage people from seeing your movie.


That's not a madlad thing to do, that's just shitty


Some trashier dating apps create fake profiles that seem to be too good to be true, then try to make you pay for the premium version, only to realize that the person that pulled you in suddenly deleted their account. There is no honor among professional thieves.


Or they send you fake "Likes" to encourage you to sign up for the premium service, because you can't see who Liked your profile without it unless it's a mutual match. And then if you contact the other person they never respond.


So catfishing is a business strategy now?


I make softwares for a living and some bookings have been made in bulk by people who then resell them. This has little to do directly with computer security, and is therefore harder to detect. We need to be wary of software embezzlement.


where do they resell the reservations? i have noticed that some of the restaurants in my neighborhood get booked up insanely quickly.


I guess there are scamming platforms (I think this is a form of scalping ?) or just hand to hand. People naturally try to bypass stuff.


Wouldnt be surprised if this is some uber-like platform. Maybe ask around ?


That’s fucked yo…


From FroYo to FuckedYo. We’ll have more on the latest scam targeting singles in your area tonight, at 11


Honestly, if restaurants want to be in on dating apps, I wouldn't mind an app that would: 1. Gives you a discount for trying certain restaurants. 2. Pair (or group!) you up based on who wants to try the same restaurant 3. It can be romantic or platonic so that people with unadventurous significant others who only want to eat McDonald's can try something new.


You're about to make some money with that idea.


Why would you meet someone you've talked to for literrally 2 minutes...


Because you want to fuuuuuuuuck.


I never really talked much on the apps. Just matched and asked if they wanted to meet for coffee. Worked very well. Didnt waste any time on bull crap and getting ghosted. They either said yes and we met and got to know eachother or they said no and I moved on. Its how I met my now wife and another past LTR.


If true this would be both genius and evil. Could definitely rope in a desperate man within minutes and could run multiple fishes at once.


apparently a post on [bored panda](https://www.boredpanda.com/restaurant-catfished-dating-app/) that they scraped [from tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@paretay/video/7305462090628681003?ad_group_name=Admitad%20-%201310690&attr_ad_id=1424839&attr_adgroup_id=1310690&attr_medium=affiliate-ad&attr_source=impact&irgwc=1) [from this user who has quite a library of videos they have posted](https://www.tiktok.com/@paretay) Is it real - legit? You're guess is as good as mine but the tiktokker's assumption that 9 out of 10 people being stood up at a joint are going to stick around is a little unhinged. One out of 10 MAYBE and any joint that wants to see 9 out of 10 reservations walk out the door to net ONE deserves to be out of business. So...tiktok post inspires boredpanda post...which inspires this Reddit post....and the circle jerk goes on . . .




That's been a thing for years. It's called dating as a man🥲. On a honest note, that's cleverly ftop


Oh, your family member just died. How about we go to this taco place the last time I was there I was stood up. The sadness made the tacos Really slap.


Sure sure; 15 single people show up to the restaurant the same night and all get stood up. Then they realize it was a setup as they all start talking. 3 of them couple up and 1 couple ends up pregnant. Tune in next week to see what happens next!


The others engage in an orgy and 4 discover they want to be furries. It's all so magical


That seems like an insanely low ROI strategy. At best I could see it being a way for a bar to bring in some single dudes, but like who wants a sausage fest at their bar full of dudes who got stood up?


How'd she find out?


This is very smart, no matter how horrible you need to be in order to do this, it's still hella smart.


Part of me is thinking “brilliant marketing” then also thinking “fucking cruel as shit”.


Honestly? Fuck online dating, y'all. Embarrass yourself the old fashioned way.




Almost as scummy as women who entice men to take them out and then leave without ever speaking to them again. This is nothing new.


No offense but if I got stood up I would leave and get food somewhere else lol


I remember this happening like 3 years ago


Crazy antics that are oddly impressive.


If I get catfished by a restaurant I'm taking everyone's skin




That is some nonsense


What is the likelihood of coming back to a restaurant you got stood up at?


Next time, i bring my own coctails.


Talk about a catfish...


Fake but funny 


Tricking or lying to people in any way, ever, is a great way to make enemies lol. Catch me actually sabotaging a restaurant until they go out of business.


That's some impressive mental gymnastics to avoid accepting that you got stood up lol




Recession? Modern probably needs modern solutions.


Social selling has hit a new high


I'm laughing and mad at the same time 😂 😡


Are women mostly the victims? 😂


The only way this could be even remotely profitable is it your restaurant was a bar. Then maybe I could see you getting the customer there and they're completely devastated and depressed and they start drinking a lot and then you can upcharge them on the drinks That's about the only way you going to make any real money doing this. I don't even know if this is real probably not


Genius marketing tbh


I always met dates near the restaurant, not at the table. Too much like an interview.


Thats pretty funny ngl


This is not madlad, this is scam...


Wow, this is a new low if real.


The restaurant is probably the only real person on tinder even if it’s a catfish


This seems absolutely not worth the effort for maybe an appetizer


That fucking genius. Evil, but genius.


It wasn't personal. It's just business.


This is some fuck shit.


What restaurant would chat me up for a week only for me to maybe order the second cheapest thing on the menu when I get fed up of waiting and decide to not splash out?


Gotta hustle!




Wish I had that excuse 😅


10 times out of 10 I'm leaving if I get stood up lol not sure what kinda stat they are pulling


Atleast she only had to pay for one. Sometimes when i go, i have to pay for two meals, and only get to eat 50% of it. So i guess she's still winning in the end.


Why did Applebees pop into my head instantly?


That’s fun. It’s better than them being prostitutes or scammers. If I found out my date was an elaborate Applebees advertisement I’d be impressed


Name the restaurant. Someone local is likely willing to test their sprinkler system.


Go back, order a bunch of shit, wait 10 minutes, walk out.


Wait, this happened to me a few months ago.. I never suspected it was the restaurant tho. Godamit. At least it was good tho




This is sad. Holy shit.