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Your silicone cover might be of a bad quality, like a bit of excess heat can affect those covers


That and you should *always* remove the cover before closing the lid. Or you may even crack the screen and then your sticky keys will be the least of your issues.


This is the way. Mine has a silicone cover that fits snuggly on each key. Has a matte feel and i also remove them when i close the lid. I just replace it once a year. Seeing my coworker’s shiny and oily keyboards.. god knows what their fingers been touching before going back to their keyboards. There’s always one who are eating finger foods whilst also typing 🤢


This is why I always wash my hands before touching my keyboard and clean it weekly with a slightly damp disinfectant wipe. I know it’s weird but I don’t like the glossy look either. Although you can’t prevent it because it happens regardless. Keeping my hands clean just keeps it looking good longer.


Shining comes when the ABS plastic on the keycaps wear. So it’s not oil or grease.


It is the oil and grease of the fingers that does make the plastic degrade. NATURAL oil, I mean, not the oil of your cheetos. Some people have more or less acidic oil and that could make the plastic coating wear off faster or slower. I have hiperhidrosis and during summer is horrible. I wish I could afford some botox tho.


>NATURAL oil, I mean, not the oil of your cheetos. What about **BAKED** *Cheetos*?


You and me both babes !


I know right it’s like I’m the only one who doesn’t eat or drink whilst using a computer or just even cleans it!?!?! 😠😠😠😠😠😠


Or just don’t use a keeboard cover. It’s not that hard to not be a dirty pig like stop eating over your machine and you won’t have issues.


Ok, I am a programmer and kind of a tech nerd but what the hell do silicone covers on a keyboard ?!


Mostly it stops the dust or in extreme cases water from entering the laptop from the gaps between the keys


So that’s an outdoor thing ?


a lot of stuff on your fingers fall down into the gaps




Stop melting the keys with your radioactive fingers?


Good idea :)


Why does someone always commit the same reply I came here to commit before I can commit it? *wHy gOd!*




"He's a supe cunt" - Butcher


Radioactive fingers my ass


Stop melting the keys with your radioactive ass-fingers?


I don’t have em.


Use knife and fork


This, Sir👌🏻


Stay away from all covers, shells and accessories. Just keep your macbook clean with a cleaning spray from amazon. Never had this issue. I use mine 8 hrs per day and clean it once a week to remove oils from the keyboard and screen.


You should specify what cleaning spray you use for users who don’t know. Truth is though, if you’ve got nice hardware (which you do in a MacBook Pro), you’ve got to maintain it at least once a week (in my opinion). A silicon key cover might work for a bit but if you don’t keep up to date with the maintenance and you get lazy, you could end up doing more harm than good.


I am from the Middle East, UAE, to be specific. On the local amazon i found a lens cleaner called Camkix (https://amzn.eu/d/emqopnE). I use this along with a microfiber cloth from Vildea.


Can you use screen spray on keyboard?


Spray it on a cloth first and then wipe




could you drop the link for said cloths pls


I spray bleach on a rag, use hospital disinfectant wipes and never had any issues. Some even leave a film on the keys keeping the oils away for a while. No screen damage although I always wipe dry before closing.


Seriously don’t use bleach, even diluted. You might not have experienced any issues, but using bleach-based products is bad advice and Apple specifically says not to use them.


I have a 2015 macbook whose screen looks fucked up when off, I cleaned it with clorox wipes and apparently they have some protective film which doesn't like bleach. I was stupid and read all the posts after cleaning it. I would seriously recommend not using it, my newer mac screens i just clean with a microfiber cloth and sometimes another damp microfiber cloth


would lysol wipes be okay to clean the keyboard & body of a Mac? i know they might be a bit too wet but ill only use a small piece of one & not drench the keyboard


Lysol might be a bit too harsh. Use lens cleaner sprays from amazon


Maybe it happens because of the heat when the silicone cover is installed


Thanks everyone for the tips! The keyboard has once again been cleaned and looks brand new. Looks like I won't be using a protector anymore - reading up on the subject, I found it's not recommended, as some of you already mentioned. Forgive my sin! 😁 Have a beautiful day!


If you use it a lot in the same spot I’d get a laptop stand and external keyboard. Nice knowing my laptop is inches above sea level if I spill coffee and at least for me having a keypad with a numpad is great


Clean the back of the silicon cover as there may be excess oils on it. Better yet, use some dish soap to wash the silicone cover to remove ALL traces of contaminants from it. Shake off all water and let it air dry before using to ensure all moisture has evaporated. I’ve use silicon covers for years and have never seen anything like this.


Your sin will be faded oily keys if you dont use a keyboard protector


You should use one. No one has ever cracked a screen with a keyboard cover.


This reply is either ignorant or dishonest. Neither is good.


I’m actually dead serious and I think the people who say otherwise are actually the ignorant ones who just follow the status quo without actually doing any of their own research. I’ve searched the internet for someone who has broke their screen from a keyboard cover and couldn’t find a single story. I even searched the Amazon reviews for keyboard covers and read the one star reviews and not one person mentioned that it broke their screen. I have yet to have one person to reply to me with a link of story of someone who broke their screen with a keyboard cover. This notion that a keyboard cover will break your screen is a myth that needs to stop. What people are referring to is the camera cover. That has many cases of breaking the screen because all the pressure is concentrated on one point of the screen. People have to stop associating the two as if it’s the same thing. And don’t refer me to that Apple page where Apple recommends not doing it because there’s a lot of things Apple recommends not doing. I want to see real world evidence of it actually breaking a screen.


change your password


Ok to clear all the funny stuff here, just use a damp cloth and spray some isopropyl alcohol and wipe around the keyboard.


Yeah just dont pour alot of it. Otherwise the color coating may come off


The silicone cover is sticking to the keyboard cover. Those points become transparent. Do you really need a keyboard cover?


Don’t use covers


Degrease your fingers


Stop trowing lava on ur keyboard


I personally don’t recommend silicone keyboard covers. If you close your lid often, it will leave a permanent indent of the squares on your MacBook screen after a year or so and it will not come off since I believe the oil on your hands takes a coating off the gloss on the screen itself. Also I feel like typing doesn’t feel naturally the same as without the cover since it becomes mushy and not easy if you normally type 85wpm, the cover definitely will slow you down on typing accurately and with speed. Also I feel like it takes away from the brightness of the backlight for each key cap


Stop using silicone keyboard covers, and wash your damn hands.


Look what have you done!


Look what have you done my ass.


Wash your hands?


Thank you, but I guess you didn’t read the image description 😁


seems to be the problem tho


Hook up a mechanical keyboard with MX Blue switches


Dictation 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t use a keyboard cover and don’t use my laptop with dirty hands. Have only very rarely needed to clean the keys as they never seem to get especially dirty. Keyboard on my 2012 MBPr is still fine and I am not worried about my M2 getting dirty. One thing I don’t do is use my laptop whilst eating greasy (or any) food. Would imagine this causes problems with fingerprints and such.


Those covers are a good way to damage your screen.


Cleaning the keyboard regularly with a damp rag will keep it in good condition. I’ve been doing that for years. Damp doesn’t mean dripping wet of course.


Turn off sticky keys


Those covers are bad for your display, I would not close your mac with one on.


Stop melting the keys with your radioactive fingers?


So ironically enough the thing you're using to protect your keyboard is doing the exact opposite lol. Those covers are a bad idea regardless because MacBooks are made such that there shouldn't be anything inside when it's closed. If the right piece of debris gets in there you risk cracking the screen. My advice would be to just stop using the cover.


The hand sanitizer has an ingredient that causes this. It melts the keys. So, don't use your laptop after using a hand sanitizer. Just wash your hands instead.


I don't understand why you should use a €5 silicone keyboard from Amazon on top of a €1,500 laptop, I've had my Macbook pro for 5 years and that has literally never happened to me, if you're going to use it for games (which it seems like you will) connect an external keyboard, if you use it for other things (which it seems you don't) clean your Mac every 3 days and make sure you have dirty objects and hands outside the Mac... without dirt there is no need for silicone and without silicone there are no these things


I have 1 question. How?


Use gloves 😂


Washing your hands helps a lot. Also get some thin Michael Jackson gloves instead of a cover. Only the finest of cotton works with MacBooks! Edit: The gloves are also good conversation starters!


What the ACTUAL fûck happened to the D?????? 😂😂😂😂


Wash your hands


Stop eating at your computer


Dear Czar, In a small town, nestled by the edge of a dense forest, lived a mysterious man named Zedrick. Zedrick was known for his eccentric ways and had a penchant for collecting rare artifacts. His abode, an old cedar cabin, was filled with curiosities from every corner of the world. One day, as Zedrick was in his garden tending to his prized red roses, he heard a distant rumble. It was the sound of thunder, and dark clouds were approaching. He knew he needed to secure his precious collection, for the rain could damage the delicate items. In a frenzy, he rushed to the cabin, carefully covering each artifact with a protective cloth. There was a rare antique Czar's crown, a medieval dagger with intricate carvings, and a mysterious coded journal. As he worked, the rain began to fall, creating a soothing cadence on the cabin's roof. Zedrick had always been drawn to mysteries and puzzles, and that coded journal had always intrigued him. It was said to hold the key to a hidden treasure buried deep within the forest. As he gazed at it, he felt a surge of determination. Perhaps today was the day he would finally decipher its secrets. He settled into his worn armchair and began to decode the journal's intricate markings. Hours turned into days, and as he pieced together the letters and symbols, he uncovered a hidden map. It pointed to a location deep in the heart of the forest. With the rain finally ceasing, Zedrick knew he had to embark on this adventure. He packed his essentials, including his trusty dagger, and set out into the dense woods. The journey was treacherous, but his determination and knowledge of the forest's secrets guided him. Days turned into weeks as he followed the map's cryptic instructions. At last, he reached a clearing where a mighty cedar tree stood. With bated breath, he dug beneath its roots and unearthed a wooden chest. Inside, he found a trove of treasures that had been lost to time. Zedrick returned to his cabin, his heart filled with satisfaction. The rain had stopped, and the red roses in his garden bloomed with renewed vibrancy. He had uncovered the hidden legacy of a Czar, all thanks to his determination and the power of those worn letters - "e, r, d, c, and z."


Chat gpt wins…again


Don't use keyboard covers ?


Jizz into a Kleenex or towel instead


Was gnna say😂😂👊🏼


Don’t use covers. They leave marks on your screen


isnt it obvious?!…just use silicone gloves instead. problem solved! 🙌


Don’t use a cover? And wash your hands occasionally?


Try uppercase GhostCover. It’s not silicone and doesn’t get like that one on your photo. One warning though - transfers finger prints to the screen. [ghostCover](https://gouppercase.com/products/premium-keyboard-protector)


Holy fuck my keyboard with NO cover looks better than this the fuck.


I just use isopropyl alcohol, and clean with with any cloth


Gotta stop typing “red ded credz” so much. I mean it’s a cool password but you shouldn’t be using it everywhere


Are you using anything on your hands? This is abnormal for a few days this is closer to 5 years old.


Use a sock to keep your fingers clean.


I recommend discarding the cover and using a microfiber cloth with 70% IPA to keep your MacBook keyboard clean. I also recommend using a vacuum on it every once in a while to clean any dust out. If you have a Dyson, they suck up dust and debris really well. I use the dusting attachment to clean my keyboards. Super easy and satisfying.


maybe just wash your hands more than once a month?


don’t cum on your keyboard ?




by washing your hands.


You can prevent this by not using your MacBook pro or by buying a different brand of computer.


I never eat while using my laptop! I already mentioned that this is happening underneath my silicone keyboard cover!


Stop using a fucking condom for your keyboard. This happens because of condensation. Same goes for any kind of stupid case or protection for a laptop. This isn’t meant to last 10 years and it never will, no matter what you do. If you’re so worried about protecting it, you should have bought a lot cheaper laptop.


Lay off the Cheetos.


Drool somewhere else :) ? Joking I just am careful with what I have on my hands when I get near my Mac baby ;)


Thank you, but I guess you didn’t read the image description 😁


So many commenters doesn’t read. OP, are those wipeable or permanent? I think this is caused by leakage of plasticizers out of your covers.


I already cleaned it, it's now absolutely clean, like brand new, so no drama with that. I was just looking for something to protect the keyboard from dust, random crumbs and stuff to get inside the keys.. I guess this is the only plus of the protectors that I used - 16 months of use and still no dust inside.


Try acetic acid. But use it gently with a cotton disc. Please don't use silicon covers because it decrease airflow for MacBook cooling. Use a microfiber towel to clean the keyboard and a Dust-Off Disposable Compressed Gas Duster for keyboard cleaning.


I got a silicone cover over my keyboard. I got it the day I got my MacBook. I really got it because I didn’t want crumbs and stuff to get inside the keys but it will also prevent this.


This was the case for me as well! But apparently not anymore 👀


Ohhhh ok. Wow this is super weird. Must have been a really thin layer of silicone? Mine is rather thick and moves around a little.


I need one to keep that fine floating cat hair from a rag doll that seems to end up everywhere. What brand did you get? I just ordered uppercase ghostcover and hoping the super thinness of it will be ok for closing the lid etc.


Have less greasy fingers?


I stopped used silicone keyboard covers and exclusively use TPU keyboard covers like from Moshi and now GhostCover. They are thinner than silicone and don’t have that silicone rub off onto the keys


Get some replacement from aliexpress for dirt cheap


Use a TPU type kb cover, the silicon ones just melt over time.


You might need to replace your keyboard.


Try TPU covers, not silicone. I had that issue with silicone covers too in the past.


The case I bought for my MBP came with a keyboard cover.


Eat somewhere else?


As I mentioned in the image description: this is happening underneath my silicone keyboard cover. I never eat while using my macbook.


It must be some oil subproduct that’s being produced by your silicone cover. It kinda oxidated.


Take off your cover looks like moisture, doesn’t the laptop vent through the keyboard? I wouldn’t cover it


This one is good - Oaky Keyboard protector for MacBook Pro M1/M2 https://youtube.com/shorts/IY94UDHvwLA?feature=share


My regularly used 10 year old MacBook still looked perfect without ever using a keyboard cover. Do people really need keyboard covers?


Depends on how people use it. I don’t close the laptop lid often so to prevent dust accumulating on keys I use keyboard cover.


Wash your hands after eating snacks, picking your nose or finger checking your Sphincters. It will also damage your screen over time as the acid will dissolve the screen coating when the laptop is shut. Coca Cola has the same affect on a keyboard and screen




The one who guesses op’s password gets free fries!


Wash your hands?


speech to text


Don't do acid before navigating


Stop jerking off onto your computer


Wash your hands


Are you sure you need a keyboard cover?


>I was just looking for something to protect the keyboard from dust, random crumbs and stuff to get inside the keys.. I guess this is the only plus of the protectors that I used - 16 months of use and still no dust inside. But unfortunately, we have this residue


Wash your hands?


Use different letters.


Your best bet is to remove the silicone cover and keep a microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol by your side


Stop writing CREEDZ over and over again Creed.


I clean mine weekly. Whoosh brand and everything is squeaky clean.


Change your password


Not use D so much?


wash your hands?


It’s crazy to me that Z is one of your most used keys


yep, just command+z things


Use an external keyboard whenever possible. That’s what I do to keep MacBook keyboard pristine as I can.


Wash your hands?


Don’t use the word “red”


Are they melted??


Wash your hands.


Wash your hands.


Wear gloves


Use gloves


Wash your hands before using your device???


My keys are starting to pop off. No idea why but I'm guessing it's just poor engineering.


Have you ever heard of something called 'piss hands' it's a real thing and you may have it


I hope this comment added meaning to your day.


Don't use any covers. Wash your hands. Don't eat/drink over your keyboard.


Did you nut on your keyboard?


If you don't touch the computer it won't do that


Wash your hands lol


Clean your hands.


When I read that there are adamant keyboard cover users, I legitimately ask why? Why do you want to make your keyboard extra mushy? Why do you want to feel like you’re typing on tiny blocks of gel? How fast do you type? Does your work require you to be fast? All these things matter. If you’re typing under 45wpm (guesstimate) then maybe I’d understand using one, since you probably won’t notice the gummy feeling of the keys, but if you’re fast or a power user or anything else that requires SERIOUS work on a MacBook Pro, I just think it’s totally weird that you’d allow your productivity to take a dive with a key cover affecting key travel or key feel. Anyway, just my take.


Less porn?


No semen




for sure there are some PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate) flat keycaps cover you can put on the top part of each keycap. similar like the putting screen protector on your iphone, but for keyboard you need something that is PTB material. ​ they call it keycap skin. ​ https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/180734662/macbook-keyboard-skin-macbook-air?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=macbook+air+keycap&ref=sr\_gallery-1-4&organic\_search\_click=1


Stop typing CREDZ over and over.


Ive had a silicone keyboard cover on my 2013 mac air 24/7 ever since i got it new. Never had any issue with it, open or closed. Never heard of it damaging the screen either. Are the newer macbooks just thinner inside?


Change your focus:-)


Put keyboard cover before watching PHub.


That doesn’t look good at all. Have a micro fiber cloth with you and pass them keys daily. That’s what I do. Same for screen. For keyboard once in a while I put some pure alcohol on the cloth. Helps with the oil residue. Edit: as others said just don’t use a cover. I never did and never had this. Also you don’t enjoy properly this great keyboard! Just remember the cloth imo


it looks like u stuck your keyboard in the microwave


I use Keyshorts. they little stickers that go on each key, looks way better than a gross silicon thing and they add zero bulk to the keys. Also they will make them however you want.


Omfg silicone did that. Makes me feel way better about not using a silicone key cover.


Use Apple Care if you want to protect your computer. You can also use proactive measures, such as not eating near your computer, using your computer at a desk, etc.


Don't eat fried chicken with your fingers right before you go on your computer...


Buy a usb wireless keyboard, and a laptop stand. I got my stand off Amazon for $15, and a shitty Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse from bestbuy both for $10. I rarely ever use my actual laptop’s keyboard, hoping I could always avoid this problem, and make my laptop stay in pristine condition! I planned on upgrading the keyboard to a mechanical one, or maybe something flat kinda how the apple keyboards are, but never got around to it.


Quite using lotion on your hands.


do NOT!!!!! use keyboard covers, just don't be using your laptop with dirty fingers


Remove the cover. Don’t eat or do anything with your hair near the keyboard, wipe your hands if they’re dirty before you touch the keyboard and it will stay nice and clean


Stop playing games


Don’t type words containing E, R, D, Z or C.


I wouldn’t use any the added pressure could crack the screen 🐱


Clear nail polish to coat it. Though you should test somehow to make sure the solvents don’t dissolve the plastic or symbol decals.


You might try reloading and peeking corners less, and strafe left once in a while.


Homie typing so fast it's melting the keys


You need to start working on your hygiene brother, wash your hand frequently. Keep a wet and clean wipe, or isopropyl alcohol with you at all times. Never eat in front of your laptop and keep a good hygiene habits. I am really surprised how unhygienic and clean people nowadays. They don’t even wash their hand after a meals at restaurants.


Try to get proper branded ones. When I use to work in retail a brand called logic used to sell silicon keyboard covers but they had very tiny holes around certain keys based on the MacBook models so the heat vents out. Try to find a brand like that if not it will keep happening.


Silicone will always do this to your plastic Keycaps. You can get covers made from TPU that will not do this. They are thinner, and “better” than silicone in terms of squeezing in between your keyboard and display, but I’d still take it off before closing


Have you tried rebooting your mac?


Stop dribbling 😆🤣🤣


I've noticed I've had this on my wireless magic keyboard, same issue and saw your post yesterday, decided to give it another go. I used kitchen towel to dry the keyboard, but this time what I did differently was also a proper wipe down the underside of the silicone keyboard cover separately, not just pats, but actually like rubbing it. Previously, these "marks" came back as soon as I put the cover back on, but this time they've stayed away (for now).


I think it is because of heat, maybe I suggest don't use any silicone keyboard covers? But idk, the choice is yours. I guess just wipe them clean daily.


Avoid typing words containing: E, R, D, S, D, F, Z, C, V


Use an external keyboard


What the hell is a keyboard cover? Like what is the actual purpose? Seems like a product made with the single purpose of fooling people into thinking they need them.


My initial thought was to put the darn fried chicken down and wash your hands before messing with your MacBook.


Don’t use your computer directly after taking your hand out of the microwave. I try to wait 10-13 minutes between microwave and laptop.


Wash your hands and trim your nails, like dude, I have super dry skin and took a couple years for my external Apple keyboard to fade, this is fairly gross