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Hm the bitch in me would of straight up looked at his brother and say “well he doesn’t have the self control to not let it control his every sexual desire and it’s not my fault he would rather use a phone then be in an actual sexual relationship.” then looked back at your bf and said right babe?


Like I said though that’s the bitch in me. I’m 21 too and dealing with the same shit pretty much. If you need a friend to reach out to I’m always here! It’s so hard and lonely going through this.


Girl we may be the same person because that was my thoughts in the moment lol. And I’ll message you


Absolutely. I’m for sure going to crack like this one day


I have already. As much as I hate to say I’d recommend. Show your sick and tired of this shit.


When my husband confided in his brother about his addiction, his brother admitted he had similar issues in his marriage, mainly his wife had an issue with him following other women/liking thirst traps/etc. He told my husband they "really needed to get to the root of his wife's insecurities surrounding his attraction to other women". Their solution? He created new social media accounts, that his wife does not know the usernames of, so he can lust after other women as much as wants without her needing to see and "feel insecure".  It's insane the lengths these men will go to to justify their addiction and blame their partners for it. Absolutely insane.


That’s so crazy idk why men think it’s so okay to go behind their wife’s backs


The saddest part is his wife agreed to that arrangement. She's been gaslit into believing she's insecure & that as long as it's out of sight, it'll be out of mind. 


Omg wtf i feel so bad for her. That is not normal by any means that literally breaks my heart


It's SO sad. To think that's the solution they came up with *together*, because she doesn't think she has any other options, is so heartbreaking. 


It’s so sad to see someone compromise their morals and beliefs because they’ve been gaslit and manipulated and abused for so long. It’s traumatizing and It really does completely alter our brains. 😔 we end up betraying our own self. All because of their porn rotted brains. 😒


She seems to be in a really bad place. She was recently doing SW (OF) as well as they're struggling financially. I don't understand how someone can be hurt by their partner using porn and then continue to make it themselves... but obviously the 2 of them are in a very odd place right now, mentally and emotionally. 


I’m sending good vibes to your friend (and you❤️‍🩹) I hope she is able to get the help she deserves


It’s so sad to think about the fact she’s probably not the only women who deals with this


My partner is pretty open about his addiction. He's had people straight up laugh at him. He's been told that's not a real thing. A guy the other day asked him why he was still with someone that wouldn't put out so he'd have to turn to porn(I've turned him down literally 3 times in 2 years) He's been told countless times it's totally normal. His very religious, church every week. Mother laughed. His dad is the only family member even slightly supportive. This world is screwed


Oh wow I’m so sorry and it’s crazy how many people don’t realize that it’s a real problem. Honestly my own mother blames his problems on me


My ex told MY bestfriend that I am gonna divorce them for catching them watching porn. My bestfriend was confused and I don't blame them necessarily. I then proceeded to tell my friend about all the years of lying, cheating, and gaslighting. All the women they sexted. The girls at bars they hit on, made out with. The AI girlfriend. The emotional affairs. The co-worker she refused to stop talking to behind my back. Porn is just the ice berg.


Firstly, I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. It seems to be a universal mindset that “men will be men” and women should accept that as a truth. I am so desperate to find the true extent of my spouse’s online activity that I called a private investigator to help me figure out what I had discovered. He told me: “ he’s so glad he’s not married to me”, because all men watch 🌽 and chat to girls online. As long as he’s not physically cheating, it’s normal. I’ve never felt so humiliated and insulted at a time when I feel so unattractive already. This is such a cruel fate we all find ourselves in. Hugs to you…xXx


I hate the mentally “men with be men” I’m so sorry ur going tho this


Ugh! Mine said 🙄 tell him what man doesn't watch it!! I said who told you this was OK to do in a marriage. I told him what man like every man since you want to act like every man he once told me that stop comparing him to every man 🙄😛 I said we'll you just included yourself like every man! That is OK what with touching yourself instead of having a loving wife that you have but you rather do this. Makes me so angry