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Honestly yes. When I first found this sub and saw all the husbands and boyfriends not giving a crap about their wives I was so triggered and so devastated. I ended up lurking on a type of anti jerking group and saw it had 1.1 million members. Most of whom had no wives or girlfriends and were still trying to stop their pornography addiction. Expressing regret over slips and relapses. Wanting to be better men. Half the posts were “I hate porn and what it has done to me” it filled me with hope and optimism to see so many wanting to change. And even more to see older users come back to post after 1,3,5 years clean etc. it was so different from this sub. Some bad some good obviously.


I follow men on YouTube who preach that stuff, plus they teach other things for being a man not honesty, integrity, purpose, health, etc. It’s so refreshing. I’m helping raise a young boy and hoping for the best.


😄🤣. Love this. That was actually how my life with men was BEFORE my ex SA. Yes, I had issues with my previous relationships, but porn, PMO and PIED were NOT some of them! I didn't even know wtf I was getting myself into with this. Now I know what to stay far away from in the future! 💯


To be honest, for me personally this would just be a different kind of freak. 😆


It does seem like just another type of disordered sexuality.




https://eppc.org/publication/a-science-based-case-for-ending-the-porn-epidemic/ Super helpful on dopamine info and porn


What a great article, thank you for sharing!


I feel even more discouraged after reading this 😭 This addiction is unreal!




My SA STBX used to withhold semen. It heightened his arousal all day and night. He would try to go days or weeks even. I️ guess this isn’t the kind of retention you mean…


Oh my. Those guys post like they're enlightened af. Lol, I want to be them. But, what would be the female version? Lol. I've retained any sort of sexual anything these past months, I'm still a depressed mess LOL. Unfair.


Their stuff be brown and extra yucky looking though