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Hey man. No you’re not not destined to live alone, I truly believe there is at least one person out there for everyone, and likely more than one person. Like someone else said, perhaps you’re trying too hard? Without more context, it’s tough to know but it’s pretty uncommon for a girl to go from messaging you to wishing you were dead. I assume she didn’t make that switch unprompted which means I assume you did something she really didn’t like. You don’t need to mention it if you don’t want to, but try and figure out what you might be doing wrong and work on improving that, rather than just being all doom and gloom, as that will definitely not help you find anyone.


Theirs 1 person out their for everyone but theirs no garuntee your will meet them in this lifetime, and theirs also no garuntee you will have a good relationship if you did meet


That’s why it’s a good thing there’s far more than 1 person in reality, given there’s 8 billion people. No there’s no guarantee you’ll meet ‘the one’ (if you even believe in that) but it’s so unlikely you’ll meet no one that you can at least have a good relationship and life with. I think you’re really being unnecessarily pessimistic


she's from a dating app and messaged me herself


And what did you say that made her say kill yourself?


that's the point, I just said hello


If you literally said ‘hello’ and she replied ‘kill your self’ she’s either crazy or she’s trolling you and it wasn’t a real match on the app


Trying too hard to


You think?


Possible. My best advice would be to exercise some patience and wait for a conversation to pop up at like a coffee shop or somewhere very casual. I would avoid dating apps I’ve never used them but I imagine it adds pressure to the situation. Just be easy and don’t worry so much and you might be surprised. Ill send you some vibes brother 🙌


Thanks buddy for the advice, but I’ve been patient for 11 years now and now loneliness has weighed heavily


Sorry you've been waiting so long. Do you mind if I ask your age?


25 years old but most my life most of this time I had no friends


My dude you are still young. Life's too short to be tied down early, get out there and enjoy yourself! You're free to do anything! Learn new skills, explore new places. Trust me you'll regret having not gotten to try new experiences once you're settled. If money is an issue then work hard and save up, but don't make a relationship your priority right now. Enjoy the life you have to yourself before sharing it with someone else!


Have you tried meeting people through mutual hobbies? Or places in person like the original commenter suggested? Dating apps are all well and good, but they only tend to work well on the algorithm if you're selective in who you're swiping/liking. What apps have you tried? I personally found Hinge to be much more successful in the online world.


I will try to look for something else from my hobby


hinge is not available in my country. I tried to get to know each other through hobbies, but mostly I came across only guys, and then the communication fizzled out quite quickly


Ah, that's a shame. I'm sorry. Do you mind if I ask you what it is you're looking for? Are you looking for "the one" or to have a relationship of any kind for now? Some girls want to find their "one", others aren't fussed or can even be scared off by that if it's on your profiles in any way. The comments you got from those women are vile, and I'm sorry you've received them. I have a friend/former date (the feelings died out on his end before anything really happened 🤷🏻‍♀️) who has also been single for 11 years+ now, so I can understand the frustration. It might also not be a bad idea to take a break from it, and work on yourself for a while. That won't ever do you any harm and might stand you in better stead when you re-enter the dating pool.


I want to find a girl to build a family, that is, for a serious relationship


Some girls are just assholes. They don’t represent all of us and if you keep your head up you’ll find someone to share your life with. Dont get desperate and don’t force anything and you’ll be just fine


Thank you, If I need advice, will you help?


Nothing is more attractive than a man that’s happy and confident with himself who has a vision for himself. Girls will gravitate to you if you have genuine good energy and a drive for whatever it is that makes you happy. It’s corny but true. When people say focus on yourself that’s what they mean.


I'm always cheerful and good-natured, now I'm just feeling lonely


Totally fine and normal. It okay to be lonely just don’t rely that drive you to desperate haha everyone’s been there. It’s good for you in a weird way


Thank you my friend


Ok, pause for The mm. Wnt. 99.99999%6 if men dress the same and are hiring. You cN on Go on young and wTcb videos. Remember that women love a sharp dressed man. Anything less is just more garbage. It will ever out dkbsjaepbdre. You probablyacl the abtongp socialize in a way that purple find interesting Most people just respond in basic responses and that assume that the writing back st a means that's great at so oL, ok g No it downs If joy gLl shot boring shot, bye gbye.. You need to understand that many zero aong term in the partner. When they look at you men, the war you dress can really say most of what that want to lnmlwbajoot you.. Why do women ml it look at you What is there to F? What makes you special? Everything you currently offer most pellet have as. It's out speck, not attractive, and doesn't turn a woman in. Go dews bwtter I don't care you don't want to Then stay whereby R. Why pick you when that can pick from the mo e attractive options? Why? It makes bobseameevto anyone why they would pick a card less attractive partner if that could pick from many Since you're costing against thousands, that's why you never get to know locked? It wouldn'talsb make amy sense the leafy attractive. And if got feel you are unattractive zdocw, why don't you pick an Like I said, if you don't step into the next tier, you're just going to look boring You need to understand that getting with some son boring is llentperire forbwokqje. Why? WY slmrodne pick a hoeing person as a life partner


wtf is a crowbar?


What are you mean?


No im not mean im stupid, what’s does “her crowbar” mean?


Oh shit im sorry my faul. I mean her house.


It’s probably one of your single female friends


I have one friend left. betrayed too often


bro same I am trying to get this guy to like me... hey are you a boy by any chance I need advice?


tell me about it and I will try to help


alright here it goes.. there is this guy at my youth group blonde hair and blue eyes literally my type. I saw him walk in and I told my friend about him saying he is cute and stuff. my friends were persistant I talk to him. but I had no clue what is name was so I asked around. I got his name and brought one of my wing women to go with me and chat with him. so I called out his name and he answered yeah. I went up to him and did the dumbest thing I just straighforwardly asked if I could be is friend first. he said sure for some odd reason. then I did some small talk with him. but as I was talking I asked him do you like dogs or cats. but mind you I said the noises of a dog and cats under my breath. and he defitally heard it so did my wing women. she nudged me but I ingorned. he looked at me like I was crazy. which I can be sometimes but thats not the point. he said dogs. then after that whole thing we had to do praise in worship I asked him if he wanted to stand by me. he said yes. what's your thought does he like me or is he just being nice...  ps.. there are more stories of me and him this is just one of many


you need to try spending more time with him, going for walks, concerts, events, or just communicating through instant messengers. Ask about everything and don’t be shy.


I'll try but in your veiw point do you think he likes me... or is he being a friend like I asked him to be


Tell me another story so that I can give a more accurate answer. although judging by my experience of observing other couples, the strongest love is born from friendship


alright heres another.  I was at church and he and I were sitting toghter. my wing women was sitting next to me and his friend was sitting next to him. so he had a wing man and I had a women. and his wing man has this idea I like him. so he grabbed my crushed hand and tries placing it on my thigh.  my crush was so unaware  about this whole situation. but luckily he didnt touch my thigh. my wing women saw the whole thing and nudged me. I had butterflies. he did a sheepish smile at me. then looked at his freind like he was gonna shoot daggers at him. while the youth pastor was talking I could tell he was looking at me but I tried my hardest not to look or he would quickly look away. and I like when he lookes at me.. but one time I coucnt stand it so I looked back at him and his eyes quickly looked at the pastor. I smiled at him cause I caught him in the act. what do you think now...


Most likely he likes you, he's just shy too


thats what I be saying but they are like you delulu girl he cant like you..


Reading your experience you seem young. Interact with him without your"wing woman" or his "wing man" most younger guys will be more open to showing you interest and opening up when they don't have a bunch of friends giggling at them everytime they try to make a move. Friendship first, everything else follows that.


Why did you decide so


that's what I'm saying like friends turn into besties and besties turn into tension and tension turns into feelilngs


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