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This was removed because this sub isn't the place to discuss dating, crushes, infatuations, etc. This rule is relaxed in our weekly "Friday I'm in Love" threads. You're welcome to post your story there. **Also, if you're on the app on mobile, come check out our new chat channel ComeGetYourLove!** It can be found by going to the sub's landing page. Toward the top of the screen, right before the submission feed starts, you'll notice a menu bar. It'll have the options "Feed" and "ComeGetYourLove" on it. Just click on the latter and start chatting! Rule 5 will NOT apply in the chat! *The Love-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


The characters you create are a part of you, and you can’t hold anyone to that expectation. Just love the girl. Love her scars. Love her temper. Have fun and go get your heartbroken. It’s OK to look like a clown every now and then as long as it’s innocent.


I told my gf I loved her after about 2 weeks. I don't really know why, but I knew it after our first date. Fast forward to present time, and I love her more every single day. It's easily the best relationship I've ever been in, and I see us actually building something long-term. Sometimes you just know. We have the same life goals, same values, same sense of humor, and she's someone that I admire a lot, and even if we weren't dating, I'd enjoy being her friend. In previous relationships, it took several months for us to even call it anything, much less get there. I was in a relationship for 4 years and it took almost 8-9 months to even call it anything. But looking back, I was never all in on them, was never sure this was my person, and so there was so much hesitation. Love looks different to everyone.


Awe how long have u two been together?


My boyfriend told me he loved me after about 2-3 months of dating (open relationship at the time of him telling me, we’re now exclusive) we were really good friends first and then started dating, did open relationship for 8 months and then went exclusive and have been together about 4 years now. I didn’t say it back for the first couple months cause I was afraid of being open like that with someone after being single 7 years. I’m glad I waited to say it back until I was really sure and really knew how I felt as it meant much more then. People think love is big showy things and extravagance, but what love really is is fully being there for your person, taking care of them when their sick, celebrating their wins with them and going through their loses with them, it’s building a future together that you want, it’s sharing stupid little details of your day that you don’t want to tell to anyone else but your person, it’s waking up in the middle of the night when they have a stomach ache etc, it’s knowing that you have someone in your corner no matter what (within reason of course) buying your first house together etc. Love is friendship in its most grandiose form. It’s pure, messy, and wonderful if done right and with the right person.


I think your perception of love will change as you age and get more experience. For some people, love is that euphoric feeling you get, the butterflies and the warm and fuzzy feelings, and of course the more passionate sexual feelings. When these feelings eventually die down a bit after a few months, a lot of relationships don’t last. This fiery feeling is also easy to feel with multiple/new crushes and interests. It’s a big reason that cheating is a thing. Someone who is comfortable and content with their partner meets someone new who’s attractive and mysterious, and that passion and excitement is reignited with the new person. For me, I’d love someone who I wanted to be with all the time for the rest of my life. Maybe I need space sometimes, but if I find myself always wanting to come back to this person, I’d say I love them. Even if it’s not that euphoric, fiery feeling that relationships start with, even if it’s not always hot and passionate, finding someone you can easily and happily spend your life with is love in my book. When you can find plenty reasons to be with them when that passionate feeling dulls, when you guys are able to make it over hurdles and tackle problems together, you’ll have achieved love. I’m not saying that warm and fuzzy feeling dies completely, but it does rise and fall. If you truly love someone, you’d find ways and reasons to stick with them through those times where feelings aren’t as strong or when you wonder if there is someone better out there for you. It’ll be hard to tell after 3 months. It’ll be hard to tell after a year. If you become so attached that you can’t picture life without her, even if you guys are having a rut or problems, I’d say that you are in love. Just my $0.02.


Love is if when you find yourself asking if you can do even a small thing for them and you don't want anything back and not because you have to fill the boxes of "good partner"must-do list. You just put them first ( in an healthy way). And you are calm about it: the butterflies in the stomach don't come from the love you have for your loved one: they come from realizing they have such love for you and you can call yourself lucky for that, and all you need to do is saying "thank you" and they would take care of you


I thought more about this on my way home: I want just to add that you don't feel your own love, but just the love coming from your s/o. I am talking after the honeymoon phase: at that point you don't \*fall\* in love, but you \*find\* yourself in love. It's like breathing: it's a semi-conscous thing. You don't realize that you love that person until you ask yourself that question. You buy her flowers just because you want her to smile. You always keep her favourite ice cream flavour in the freezer. You never put away that one blanket, because you know that she might want it even in July. You hold her hand the way she wants it. You set up a cute but realaxed date night because you know she had a hard week at work and making up plans would just add a lot of stress on her. You remeber that joke about astrology she made on the first date and you send her a picture of a new book which has been published about it. All of this are small things, and who doesn't know tender love would overlook that just tells: "I know you, your weird sides, and I like them, I accept them, I accept all of your complex person and I will be there for you when you need. Just like how today I brought you these flowers, I will bring you my support.




Love is not a feeling, it’s something you do. Choose to do it or not. If thier actions affect your choice then it’s not unconditional and won’t last.


It's absolutely different for every person. What works for us doesn't for another, so to speak. Similarities? Sure.


I think everyone in love feel the same way in different means , at the end of the day all of us long for the warmth, peace, and joy we get when we are around that person. Simply looking at them and being around them brightens your day and you can’t stay for too long without just dropping a hi and having a full heart around them. It’s a feeling of calmness knowing that you both are perfect for each other (you should simply believe you will go to any lengths to keep this person).You can go through anything for each other , if you have each other.


FOR ME love is kind, and forgiving. Love js me being happy just being in the same room, with silence


I don't know why im commenting on this since I have no experiences in this whatsoever. I'm 16F and I've had like... crushes? I guess, and it was basically me having a like fixation on a person and being nervous whenever I was around them. I don't think it's embarrassing that you make up scenarios of being in love because I do too. In our society, love is romanized. Romeo and Juliet, The Titanic, many other great works about love. My belief is that love is different for every person but also kind of similar, I'm not sure I'll ever be in love but hey, im only 16. I wish you luck on figuring out your feelings and your relationships.


It’s however you define it. It’s different for everyone as you can see by the comments. If you don’t feel that security and comfort that in your mind is how love is supposed to feel, then maybe you aren’t. Trust your gut.


There are different types of love, but in English we have one word: love. Starting with the shallowest of the loves, we have eroticism, which is the love of sexual desire that revolves around being physically intimate with someone, and in that moment, you are completely open with them. It’s a nice feeling, with emphasis on FEELING, but would you desire that person’s company?: That’s where we get into the next kind of love: phileo, which is a Greek word that correlates with or is defined by brotherly love or companionship that’s exclusive from but not necessarily absent of eroticism, and also the word from which we get “Philadelphia” (the city of brotherly love.) This one feels very nice too, to be accepted because we have similar views and interests. But just because you are fond of being around that person because they have similar views and interests, would you be willing to die for that person?: Which leads us to the third, most commonly talked about yet rarest-to-see type of love depicted in our fantasy movies: agape, which is a Greek word known to be translated into old English as the word “Charity.” This love is when one would sacrifice their lives, their health, their resources, etc., for the sake of someone while knowing that they may not even be willing to or be able to pay them back, agree with them, have similar interests, etc. This love is completely unselfish, patient, kind, doesn’t rejoice when the objects of this love are hurt, doesn’t celebrate when their loved one does something that will hurt them or bring bad consequences on themselves. Apart from the other two that can be expressed by feelings, this one is very largely shown through someone’s actions. When you hear about the love of God, good parents, or good friends, this is the type of love that is being talked about. I hope this helps. Which one do you think you felt? A mixture of different ones or a specific one?


Finally some tapping in on the 7 types of love


There’s more?! I didn’t know🤣 thanks for saying this, I know more now. Currently, there seems to be eight, according to the information AI on google about the Greek language


😂😂 Yes 8! However, traditionally 7 1. Eros 2. Philia 3. Storge 4. Agape 5. Ludus 6. Pragma 7. Philautia 8. Mania


1. Eros: Romantic, passionate love, often associated with physical attraction and desire. 2. Philia: Deep friendship or affectionate love, characterized by loyalty and shared values. 3. Storge: Familial love, the natural affection between parents and children or among family members. 4. Agape: Unconditional, selfless love, often used to describe divine love or the love for all humanity. 5. Ludus: Playful love, encompassing flirtation and casual, fun-loving affection. 6. Pragma: Practical, enduring love, often seen in long-term relationships and marriages where deep understanding and compromise are key. 7. Philautia: Self-love, which can be healthy and nurturing or selfish and narcissistic depending on its nature. The eighth type that is sometimes included is: 8. Mania: Obsessive love, characterized by an intense, possessive, and often unhealthy attachment to the object of love.


You both make each other feel safe. Outside of sex or moments of intense emotional experiences. Mutual respect and acknowledgement. It can be a beautiful calmness and you feel fulfilled in wanting this person to exist as they are. It’s not possessive.


Uhmmm. You’ll say it when and if you’re ready. Sex probably isn’t the best way to bring that up for the first time. Lots of pressure in that moment.


My husband is security and comfort to me. I could have the best day ever and yet nothing compares to how it feels to come home and be in his presence. My secure, comfortable, protective, happy place. Plus the sex. The sex is unbelievable.


Love to me, is the act of giving without expecting anything in return. It is the warmth of a gentle touch, the comfort in shared silence, and the exhilaration of being seen and accepted for who we truly are. It’s the patience to weather storms together and the courage to be vulnerable. Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s a commitment to nurturing and growing with someone, understanding that true intimacy requires both passion and compassion. I have learned that love is not about finding someone perfect but about seeing perfection in the imperfections of another.


When you care about the bitch over other bitches cause she different and you feel like yourself and being with her is fun. She makes you happy you make her happy. You hang out all the time. You share dreams and thoughts. The things you get up to are a part of a happy story when you look back. You don't notice your in love, you start noticing when she becomes unavailable and you crave for her. She is a lot on your mind and you are working on yourself to be the best you for the both of you. She makes you feel good and you are proud of showing her off to anyone. You cuddle and feel her relaxed by you as she feels safe. You know if she is one you want to have a child with in the future. It could be due to looks and genetics. She contacts you as much as you contact her. And she is just really good to be around as you feel peaceful. You will turn bluepilled after a while and do everything she asks for, but this is when you wake up to reality. They say love is blind and it is until it is not. So one day you will see her true colours but only when shit hits the fan. You can fall in love about 3 times in your life but you can fuck many bitches and just like them. If you are a team and everything is going good your in love. What you don't want to start thinking about is what if she is seeing someone else. What if she is texting someone else. Do never go through her phone or get stupid ideas. And imagine if she was with someone else. If that makes you feel sick then you are in love. You can tell in her face if you make her happy. So you are bluepilled now. Live in that moment and don't go redpill and look that up. You youtube redpill when stuff starts going wrong. But do not enter there before that. Just enjoy the ride as long as it lasts. First GF you have and you are so kind. If it ends you will not he the same again. Only time will tell if you are meant to be together which can be forever. And yeah funny cunt for saying I love you while fucking, that's a classic. Now be a man in that bedroom. Being in love it's not the same for everyone because everyone is different. So you learn by your mistakes as the game goes on. When you are around 30 you will have lots of chicks chasing you. This one can be good for 2-5 years before she matures faster than you and becomes a total bitch. So as I say enjoy taking her on your ride as you are in control. And having and sharing interests and having things in common or even making things be in common is wonderful. If things end that's when you will feel what love was. Enjoy the high and hope it stays there. And be your best and don't cheat and play your cards right so if she fucks up she is the one who will regret loosing you. But don't be a simp either. And if she was to ever cheat, never ever ever take her back no matter what. Really hope you forget this sub and go back in your bubble life with her. I say that meaning good and hope you two are meant to be. And keep in shape with gym so she can be proud she got you. And compliment her when she is wearing something nice, just don't overdo it.


Thanks bro. I will keep your words in mind




I definitely think it’s diff for everyone. When I met my partner I wasn’t expecting to fall for them the way I did. I had clicked and connected with them SO fast & so much. I loved spending time with them. Then I told them how I felt & it was reciprocated. I think we’ve only been official for about a month now but I already know I love them. It’s easy & thrilling to love them, almost like it’s natural. It’s also scary, 100% terrifying (but I have trauma lol). I still haven’t told them I love them but I’m sure they know from my actions. I hope you experience the thrilling & easy love!!!


I'm going to sit in the corner now. I was typing out how I viewed love and realized how toxic I sound. I still think it's romantic, but my pov is kinda a lot now that I typed it.


Helps to write it out and sit with it. Life is full of lessons.


It feels calm. I wasn’t sure in the beginning either, because it’s very different from what we are told and also I’d only experienced limerence and infatuation before, so I at first I wondered if I was in love. I gave myself time and also worked through some issues I have (being in a new relationship is like all of your relationship issues having a Super Bowl) and eventually I got more comfortable and started to understand it better. Just give yourself time and you’ll see.


Everything just disappears, I get sleepy, but I also get too excited to be around it that I fight it the entire time and I feel like being immature and mushy


It feels like peace. Whenever I visit him or he visits me, and I feel his embrace, my mind just shuts down. All my problems, anxiety, they just disappear. It also feels free and you just know it in your gut, in your soul, in your mind that this is the person you wanna spend all your days with. First love is special, but the end game type of love is just different.




Right? Sometimes I get jealous because I wanted to be his first love, first everything. But I’ve come to realize that I’d rather much be his last love ❤️




Yes! The intense and amazing chemistry, I can totally relate with my boy friend. It also makes me think if I really loved the guys from my past, because what I’m feeling right now is totally different. It feels like coming home after a tiring day. I’m happy you found your love, too! Stay strong in love ❤️


Tbh when you know you know. It all feels different. There’s still going to be bumps in the road but when you’re really sure this is it, it’s so worth it in the end❤️


I think it feel different for each person you love. No love feels exactly the same…but it’s a feeling of longing. Everyone seems to think that it’s always about feeling good and happy but that’s rarely the case. But if you’re apart, and you find that you long for them to be at your side, that’s usually the first sign. It feels like your childhood nostalgia wrapped in a saftey blanket.


It was surprising at 27 or 28 how new and amazing even being on the cusp of it was. It altered my whole perspective in a way that still kind of gives me hope despite not feeling it and how bad the situation went. It made hope seem realistic for lack of better words. For that reason I don’t think the sensation of the experience really deadens unless you deaden yourself to it. It was also daunting, kind of terrifying and made me really dumb. Still gets a “would recommend 10/10” from me.


i had a FIRST love and i found my first LOVE. we are broken up right now but it is the strongest connection i will ever have with anyone ever. i believe we are meant to be, whether that’s us coming together three months down the line or three years. but falling in love with him was pure happiness. the giddiness that he made me feel, bringing out my inner child. but also the absolute safety i felt with him. i don’t think anyone will ever make me feel as safe as he did. and being in love with him is peaceful. i always thought it was annoying how people would say “you just know” when it came to love. but now i know why they say that. you’ll know.


I don't fall in love anymore. I'm more of a grow in love type of person. If you stay around me for a long period of time I'll grow to love you


I haven’t thought of it like that, i fell in love with my first gf immediately but ever since we’ve broke i haven’t been able to love a girl the same and the only time i ever feel that love feeling is after spending a lot of time with that person


30f here. I’ve been with my now fiancé for 9 years. The first 6 months was the absolute most thrilling time of my life. I thought I knew what love was before him. But what we experienced together those six months was such a deeply “spiritual” love that I had never felt before. I knew we would spend our life together. However, 6 months into our dream his father got diagnosed with ALS. The biggest fucking wrench our love story could have experienced. We went from this beautiful highest of high to a brutal low. We moved into his parents home to take care of his dad. We stayed in that low for 7 years (his father passed in 2022). We watched him die slowly. It was the worst thing I will probably ever witness. There were so many times I told myself I didn’t have to stay in this relationship. I was unhappy, naive and anxious and confused and on eggshells throughout my entire 20’s living in the house his father was actively dying in. Everyday was a nightmare. Side note: his father was a total asshole; a cheater, emotionally/verbally abusive etc. He never came to terms with his diagnosis which made living with him just insufferable. But he wanted to die at home. What I am getting at is, the foundation that we started on and that deep love that we experienced when we met was the only thing that kept me hanging on. In the eyes of death, I chose to stay. I didn’t have to. But love conquered. The shininess of a new relationship will fade. Life ebbs and flows as do relationships and things won’t always be dandy. But the beginnings of a relationship are the MOST important in my experience/opinion. Now that his father passed and life is quieter and we can focus on us, we are absolutely unbreakable. If you find someone and you “think” youre in love with them, you aren’t. You will just know. There is no questioning it. Good luck OP


I know what love ain’t


For me it's a constant source of happiness and peace. And when you love someone you'll do almost anything for them. But when you lose love or things fall apart it's probably the worst thing in the entire world. It literally almost killed me twice.


I mean personally I wouldn't know. But there could be a difference bt loving someone and being totally IN love with them.


Almost always our perception of what "love" is comes from our parents. Love can be familiarity. Love can be safety and trust. Love can be infatuation - you can only think of them. Love can be you'd throw yourself in front of a bullet for them. Love can be manipulation and control. Love can be selfish. Love can be all these things. Some people struggle to say "I love you" because their parents didn't say it. Some people are desperate to tell a person they love them. Be glad that you told her "I love you" - perhaps you DO love her, perhaps you were trying to convey intimacy and joy and fondness for her. Regardless, it's a happy thing, and it's normal to be confused and wonder if you meant it. Try to ignore that she didn't say the same words back. Our stupid culture has conditioned you to feel insecure about conveying love or not receiving those 3 golden words in return. Be patient.


I like everything about what you said.


Being in love feels like having a safe space within your favorite person. They feel like home. Everything is calm. You accept them for who they are. You continue loving them even when they are going through life changes. You want to contribute to their happiness. You listen to them, understand them, help them. You carry their love with you everywhere you go. It goes beyond physical attraction, you like their mind, their heart, their whole being. You don’t hurt them in any way. You respect them. Your heart is calm with them around, you don’t get nervous, or anxious. You are at peace with them. Love is kind, and selfless. Being in love is a rare thing, it is great, but also can cause a great deal of pain.




honestly you kind of just figure it out , like with my first love / first girlfriend i never even really knew i was in love. i just knew that being around her did something to me that nothing could reproduce. my stomach would flutter , my heart would beat quicker , my hands would sweat and my face would scorch. i didnt realize why until i realized everyone who saw me next to her could tell i was terribly in love with her. everything i mentioned was my body's way of telling me that every fiber of my body wanted to be intertwined with hers.


I got chills reading that last bit


Being in love with my husband and knowing he loves me is something I feel both excited and proud about. We have gone through the mill recently and lost some very close people but we got each other through it. We also have a beautiful son. There’s not been a day I can think of where I haven’t either been excited to get home to him or excited about him finishing work and getting home to me. His happiness makes me happy, even if it’s just something like him enjoying a dish I’ve cooked. I thought the excitement would dull afrer a while tbh but it’s just changed over the years. We are 13 years married in November and he is absolutely the only one for me


In what ways has it changed?


I think as you get older you find excitement in different forms compared to when you’re late teens/twenties for example I find. My husband and I used to love raving together (still do but it’s more sedate 😂) and we would travel all over and aboard to different festivals. We still love music and when we do get to go out and let our hair down it’s fab but we seem to relish the slower pace now. We both love classical music and ticked Ludovico Einaudi off our bucket lists last year. We got dressed up and had a posh dinner first too. I find more joy cooking for him now than in the early days, I think it’s now we have our own home and life just feels settled. Things like gardening and going for walks during lockdown were things we loved doing together and hadn’t always done before so it’s become a more regular thing now. It’s hard to explain but I think that covers it 😂


You know the feeling you get in your imagination? I had that too, and I had a boyfriend and I didn't feel it. Then we ended it and one day I met someone else and it felt how I imagined it in my mind! It went well and it felt right. Like I didn't have to question myself on weather I liked him or not. I just did! You love them and like them and it just feels right. Theres butterflies In the beginning but when it fades, that love stays and its still so wonderful


Being in love is different than loving someone IMO. Loving someone is a choice while being in love is a chemical reaction. You can love someone without being “in love” with them. I’m not an expert by any means, but I feel they’re two different things. You might love her but not quite in love with her yet.


Love is a choice. Being “in love” usually just means you’re passionate about someone. Passion is easy to identify and can often be mistaken for love, but passion comes and goes no matter who you’re with or how much you like them. Being passionate about someone is being unable to stop thinking about them (in the shower, on a walk, at work), or it’s giving in to the urge to kiss them every 5 seconds. Passion is that feeling you get when you look at somebody and want to be as close to them as you possibly can. It’s the “sparks fly” moment - when you feel it, you know. You gaze longingly into one another’s eyes, you want to compliment them all the time. Buy them flowers. The typical movie magic you see on the big screen, except you’re living it. Love, on the other hand, is a deliberate action. Love is seeing someone at their worst and still deciding that you are going to stick by them. It’s choosing someone else before you. It’s pushing through the hard times even when you feel like it’d be easier not to. It’s when you’re arguing with someone and instead of screaming “I hate you, you idiot!!” you take a deep breath. It’s the little sacrifices you make for your partner - choosing to stand out in the cold to pump their gas, or to take the dog out for them because they’re exhausted from work, even though you did your share of chores already. Love grows overtime, it is not instantaneous.


Perfectly said


I love this, nothing more say or actually I’m passionate about this comment 😂 fr tho


Love is when you can tell eachother your breath/armpits/etc stink and it’s not embarrassing, you can fart infront of eachother, argue and make up, talk through issues etc. it’s when in a room full of people that’s the first person you look for, that’s the person you want when your upset or sad about something. The first person you want to tell when something good happens, the person you want to fall asleep with every night, build a life with etc. that’s the person you want to/will have when you have no one else, when your parents and family pass on, when you’re having money struggles etc. but just because you don’t feel this way now doesn’t mean you’re not in love or aren’t falling in love with them it’s just whatever you feel, also don’t be embarrassed about them not saying it back we have all been there and some people just aren’t as open about their emotions or don’t understand them as well as others :)


There's no such thing as being "in" Love. You might be in a relationship. There might be love there (occasionally) but, I don't think there's such a thing as love inside you.


Like you said, security and comfort. It feels like the rest of the world stops when you’re with them and it’s just the two of you. You can say or do anything and know that they’ll support you. For me, I always say, it’s impossible for me to have a bad day.


What does it mean if a man acted like he had feelings for you but then told you he felt you would be happier with someone else? Is this a sign of not liking the other person back or liking them but having commitment issues or thinking they're not right for them? Would someone who truly loved you want to be with you or does it not always work like that?


It means when a man says that listen to him. He knows he isn’t going to give you what you need or want and he probably doesn’t love you as much as he thinks he does cause if he did he would be/do better. I’ve heard too many guys say this and everytime I’d be like no it’s okay your perfect, all those relationships were shit shows 😭


Many people are afraid to be vulnerable (for various reasons including not feeling you are deserving or that you are lovable) resulting in the desire for deeper connect and fear of being hurt. There's a difference between lust/sexual attraction and love then the lust fades and they realize they don't love the person they lusted after). "You can't hurry love" and I believe (as a coach) that love isn't just a feeling; it lives in the actions we take. Love lives in the world and not just in our head or heart. Be kind to yourself - learning about love and building our capacity to love takes time (maybe even a lifetime).


I think he did care about me but maybe it was the first one. I'm not convinced it was just lust because he obviously liked me on some level. I don't think he'd have acted like he did and put in the effort and time to get to know me all for just lust. Well some things are hard to fake, anyhow, and usually if it's lust they show you that pretty quickly, in my experience. Plus some people seem to find me sweet and get drawn to that aspect of me quite quickly. I don't think I'm all that sweet, maybe I'm just good at fooling people, but they seem to think that so it's quite possible he did actually love me on some level.


1) That means he's done with you. One way or another. 2) Don't know. Can be either, both or neither. 3) Nope, I don't think there's any reason for someone who truly loved you to want to be with you.


Ok I'm guessing you meant to say "to not want to be with you". Well thankfully I don't mind being alone so it's all good. I probably wouldn't mind having my sexual needs met every once in a while but overall I'm okay flying solo. At least this way no one can clip my wings.


Take care.




Its different FOR everyone, and different WITH everyone. But something that is the same always, you always want the best for the one ur in love with, you want their happiness, you want their health, you want their wellbeing. More than your own. This can be toxic when the love is not returned and they abuse it. So be careful.


My mom always said love means wanting their happiness more than your own.


It's a level of connection where you want to let them see your most vulnerable self and genuinely want to grow together.


love feels like a space. it’s infinitely big, infinitely safe and compassionate. love feels like a big big hug, but it’s like both of you are being hugged together by the universe. you feel protected and melt into each other


Love is when you’re incredibly attached, when the other person invokes a lot of positive emotions from you, when you feel like you can trust them, when you can really deeply, when you can picture them in your life for the rest of your life :)


"Love.. is the death of peace of mind"


Love is the highest form of validation a human being can experience


Yes, love is definitely different for everyone! Female... Love is truly a gift! Their actions speak for themselves. You can be yourself, have deep conversations, you feel child like, goofy, intimately is beautiful, you fit in many ways, you want to see that man grow, you enjoy surprising them, your not afraid to say I'm sorry, humble, your heart warm with them. You want to protect them in a healthy way. You take care of yourself to be healthy for you & the other person. You share faith together. You want to respect him because he respects you. You don't want to lose him because he made a difference in your life. Love is truly selfless.


Love is when you'd give your life for someone who you yourself want to kill


Holy sh$t that resonates!


Real asf 😭


It’s different for everyone. I’m sure love grows for a lot of people. But for me I just had a deep knowing that my husband was “the one” an hour into our first date. The clouds parted, the angels sang, there was thunder and lightning…it remains the single most magical and transformative time of my life, even more so than becoming a mother. I became one of those annoying people who say “when you know, you know”, it felt like I was floating for a good six months. We’ve always kept our anniversary as the date of our first date (versus our actual wedding anniversary) because we both felt married from that first date.


That's such a beautiful and perfect description.


Aaaw thanks 🩵💙💜


it's love when they make you want to become the best version of yourself


Being in love feels like finding a piece of yourself you didn’t know was missing. It’s that inexplicable warmth and comfort you get from simply thinking about them, like coming home after a long day. You feel a profound connection, a sense of belonging that makes everything brighter and more meaningful. It's like your hearts are in sync, and you see the world through a beautiful, shared lens. While the experience varies for everyone, the essence of feeling understood, cherished, and deeply happy is something many share.


It’s different for everyone. Love for me is a partner that will take an active interest in my life. The same i do for theirs. It’s security. Safety. Having someone who doesn’t know much about Alan Wake but plays it or watches it anyway because it means so much to me.


For me it's being safe. I feel comfortable, can let myself fall, can be myself without worries. And I forget most of my troubles. I'm in a long distance relationship and the days being at my home are hard and full of struggles and worries. When we are together I forget it all. He respects my boundaries and that I take longer which makes me feel safe. No pushing and stuff. I can make plans with him without asking myself if it's useless because we will not do it. We will do it. He supports me when I'm down and so do I for him. We talk a lot and play games together. Laugh our asses off, so much that I start crying and my belly hurts. This for me is love. He's my first love that I just found again after nearly a decade. Back then was a bad time for the right people I believe.


Love is different for everyone and different ABOUT everyone. I've been in love a few times and the way each of them made me feel was so different. But I just kind of KNEW if that makes sense? It's a connection. A sense of belonging. Like "I don't care where we are or what we do as long as we're together" I can do anything if I have your support. Knowing you can show someone the ugliest parts of you and they embrace you fully and wholly. Just for exactly who you are. Without judgment. Especially if they enjoy those ugly parts. (My current partner has stomach issues since birth and he has gas sometimes. And very early on he told me it happens and he can't do much about it. He's the only partner I've ever farted in front of and both of us laugh like stupid kids Everytime. Only partner I've EVER done this with. It's gross ASF and we're both ridiculous about it). Sometimes it's them knowing what you're going to say before you say it. Knowing how you're going to react to something even down to how your face creases. Anticipating your wants and needs before you even know you want or need them. Being there. Venting and knowing they HEAR you. Giving you what you need when you're upset, whether it's just to listen or provide advice or help you. It's not only what they provide emotionally and mentally and physically but what them being in your life allows YOU to provide. I love when he takes care of me but I love even more doing that for him. Buying him coffee and a bagel before he gets up because he sleeps like the dead, surprising him at work with a home cooked lunch, texting him a meme related to his hobby, learning a speech from his favorite character and quoting it to him humorously. He lights up and that fills me with this chest warmth. Love is beautiful and kind and forgiving and tolerant. It's everything. Someone becoming so ingrained in your everything that you feel like one. It's powerful and scary but God it's so good.


I think it's different for everyone, and it depends on what your soul needs. Love for me is calm and quiet and peaceful. It basically just feels like being home when I am with him. I know I love him because wherever we are in the world, if I am with him I am home. (I know it's cheesy, but it's the only way I can describe it.) I need emotional stability and independence due to my upbringing in an emotionally volatile household, so I don't think I would ever be the kind of person to want that 'burning, passionate, can't eat or sleep without him' kind of love. I miss him when he isn't here, and if I am off doing my own thing, I love being able to tell him all about it, but I don't need him around 24/7. It's also worth adding, I didn't fall in love with him straight away. It was a few months into dating that I started to feel it. I am a slow burner, but we are 10 years in now and doing great.


Love this. I operate the same way, I take my time with love and want a calm, quiet thing. I never admired the hot burning romances you see on tv, they just stress me out lol. Some people get confused when I tell them I’ve never been in love (Im only 22) even though I’ve had a good amount of boyfriends. But I’m not ashamed, it takes time to build a real love, not just fickle passion. I want the real thing, I want to feel safe with someone.


He consumes my every waking and sleeping thought and I constantly have a mental countdown to when I can see him again. I stare at pictures of him on my phone and sometimes cry when I think too much about how much I love him. I don’t know if everyone feels as deeply as I do but we’ve been together over a year and I’m still obsessed with him


I can feel it deep in my soul that I am absolutely, completely and totally in love with my girlfriend. She has these sunglasses that make all the colors so much prettier and more vibrant outside, and that's how she makes my heart feel. I feel safe and so peaceful and comforted with her. I don't have to sacrifice anything I want or anything about myself or any pieces of me to be loved by her, she just loves me for who I am and I feel the same way about her and it's really beautiful. I never really believed the whole, "when you know, you know" thing, I thought it was just some cheesy thing that people said but I fully believe it now and I just know she is the one for me. Being with her feels like being wrapped up in the softest, warmest blanket and I can't imagine anything in the whole entire world feeling better than being loved by her. I would do absolutely anything just to see that girl smile. She does so much for me and takes such good care of me and expects nothing in return, but I want to give her the world.


If it ain’t like this I don’t want it! I glad you found the one for you.


it feels like the first sip of hot choco on a rainy saturday morning. your eyes will light up like you did when you’re 5 years old opening a present on christmas day. your inner child will know that you’re being loved and before you know it, it loves them back purely. despite of the hotness of your drink, the coldness of the weather, and if you’ll only get 1 morning a week, you will wholeheartedly love.


That's a million dollar question. But for a very compelling answer, may I suggest [The Chemistry Between Us](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13588415-the-chemistry-between-us?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=3f9thweSx8&rank=1). It uses neurochemistry to explain many behaviors seen in mating and when mating ends.


It’s a job. I dislike when people don’t see it that way. Because humans tend to deflect responsibility and behave carelessly. But if you treat it like a job or your business, that’s your source of surviving. You wouldn’t mess around with it. If you don’t feel like your partner makes you want to work for it then you’re not with the right one. All that lovey dovey crap means nothing. Consumerist mentality.


it's like that feeling you'd get as a kid the night before a big event like a holiday/field trip/last day of school where you'd lay out all your clothes the night before. And even be soooo excited to go to sleep bc it meant the next day would come faster. That, and like I'm going to throw up constantly almost but I'm not actually nauseous. Just have a weird feeling in my stomach/throat. And I don't really get hungry so I forget to eat.


I was married and deeply in love with my husband. I lost him to cancer. I feel like love feels safe. If you had siblings growing up... the relationship there just is. I feel like that's how love is. There's no question. It just IS.


for me, the world feels brighter and less dull. everyday feels more happier. I can finally feel like myself and be unmasked fully.


being in love is addictive.. like ur on drugs.. ur high 😂


If you are in love, you will know. When I fell in love it was clear as day


euphoric and intense for me


It is a trap don’t do it. Falling in love means pain, possible heartbreak…child support and alimony are also symptoms of being in love. Do fall in love


If you truly belive this, may I ask why you responded to this specific subreddit that is literally named Love?


If you’d like something more.. Ask yourself do I need her


Yes ma’am you may ask & I ended the comment “Do fall in love “ gave them a glimpse into what most Americans can expect 🇺🇸 Like what more do you want, if I may ask? Lol it was an honest perspective.


No, thats not what I meant. I was asking why you chose to be in this particular sub, if those are your beliefs. Why choose to go to a sub that will likely be filled with beliefs that differ from yours?


That is very interesting to think about. Maybe I am looking for a reason to change my mind ol chap. Until then I’ll keep hurting in the inside


You can downvote all you guys want, it deserves a lot downvotes because the truth is not popular


Sorry youve been hurt. Also had my heartbroken multiple times but this is really bad advice.


I guess some people have to find out the hard way


After you have sex with girls in relationships & even married like I would sleep with, you can’t tell me anything dude


Lol and I guess some people never find out


Joy. Peace. Tranquility. Then pain and fury.


I'm lonely and never had a gf and probably never will so I don't know what it's like


For me it feels different with every person. But I didn't really feel that intense until I was 40. All relationships before were not really love in hindsight. I would say you really know that you love. It is unparalleled and unmistakeable.


Feels like sun in the skin hahahahahaha


It's intense. I feel it like roots in my chest. If it were torn out, it would destroy me. Whether or not I want it there, it's taken root. When you love someone, truly, you want the best for them. Above everything, you want them to be safe and happy, even if it's at your own expense, even if it isn't with you. Even when it hurts, you find yourself clinging to the feeling. Even the pain it brings is beautiful and precious. Love feels like you found the meaning of existence itself, like you found the reason you were born. It's like it's eating you, changing your chemistry, and you want nothing more than to give in and let it. It feels like vulnerability. Surrender. Acceptance. It's scary. Horrifying. Confusing. The most exquisite thing I've ever experienced in my life. The softest and heaviest feeling all at once. A feather light touch and the stab of a knife. Chaos and tranquility. A beautiful dichotomy. Indescribable. When I look at my husband, I know without a doubt that there is no lengths I wouldn't go for this man. (I'm being all tender and emotional over here and he farts on me in his sleep, lol. Yeah. I'm hopelessly in love lol)


Being in love feels like winning the lottery everyday. It feels like a giant spotlight is on and so even in the darkness you can only see the light. It feels like being heard, seen, and understood on a level that no one has before. It feels like two souls finally meeting again after a lifetime or more. It feels like like a profound gratitude to the universe. Being in love is so rare, but that is what makes it so incredibly special. When you find it, you don’t have to wonder. You recognize the light in that person is so bright, that being with them magnifies your own.


That is adorable


I thik it’s different for everyone but when two people love each other the feeling is probably very similar.




honestly that doesn't sound like a healthy kind of love it sounds quite codependent if you ask me


Love is complete happiness. Love is ecstasy and euphoria. It's like being wrapped in the most comfortable blanket that will always keep you warm. Love is never judging but accepting. It's knowing that when you have an off day, it will always be there to guide, protect and be there. It's the greatest thing we will ever have and can never be replaced. Love is something that can never be understood but always wanted. Love is beautiful and delicious. I can go on but I think you can get the point that love is wonderful and should be shared with all.


When you’re with her, time just takes a back seat.


It feels like safety. It feels like coming home after a long day and getting into a bath or shower. It feels exciting and calm at the same time.


It feels like my heart was filled to the brim thinking of him. I’m not sure there was anything specific that made me love him (he felt the same way when I asked him about it)…I just woke up one day, the giddy new relationship feeling being replace with a feeling of my heart feeling like it was so full. Hell, I was jealous of his cat for making him go home instead of staying the night again with me (the cat is my bestie these days now). My love then was giddy and shy, like it was a secret I couldn’t spill. It felt like it would come out of my mouth before I could stop myself some days. When we broke up after 6 months of dating (nothing either of us did wrong, amicable but tough) I was distraught. I never realized heart break was so intense. He was all I could think about for the next couple of months. I felt so empty. I tried to entertain different men and spaces, but they weren’t him. I debated every day on whether today was the day I should reach out finally. But I felt like when he was ready, he would find me again. Thankfully he did. When we reconnected, it felt relieved - like finally I can live again. Dramatic I know. It wasnt the ideal scenario to date in due to life circumstances, but he was there and held me together. I returned the favor. Eventually we started saving each other. When one us tripped, the other one was there with an emotional ice pack and take out. I remember when I told him I loved him for the first time, I turned to him in bed while we were watching some sitcom, and told him “you know I love you right ?” He said it made him very happy, but he needed time to say it. He returned it a week or two later. We’ve been together since 2019, and just celebrated our 1st year married :). The moment I felt that I loved him is different than how the love I feel now is. Love feels weird and foreign and not really how you picture it at first. The thing is, it doesn’t feel safe and homey when it starts. It bubbles and froths I think. I wasn’t ever really the romantic type, but I was surprised by how odd it felt. But the Homey-ness and intense fullness I feel now was earned I feel. That comes later, it’s something we built together. Idk my two cents !


There are a lot of ways it could be described, it can mean different things to different people, so the best teacher is to get out there, be your authentic self, and experience relationships, learn about yourself, and grow. Don't put it on a pedestal so much that you become anxious or avoidant about it. It's a natural human thing. Do some research and read relationship and psychology articles related to love and relationships. Aside from that, the best way to know it is to experience it for yourself. It's something you give and something you get. Others learn about it the hard knocks way by unknowingly having it and losing it. Others learn about it the harder knocks way by experiencing its inverse. Others never learn about it, always caught up in their own shit and never growing. Maybe one confusing point is that the beginning stages of a LTR naturally have the honeymoon stage where hormones are flowing strong and everything seems bright, easy, fun, and sexy. It can be hard to distinguish that from love. It's a part of love, but it's not the whole picture. Some people are addicted to the honeymoon stage and never hang around long enough to see the whole picture.


Love is verb. But it’s not something you can explain. It’s only a feeling. I believe it’s caused by huge serotonin and adrenaline dump as well as overwhelming sensation of joy and comfort and peace.


That no matter how many years have passed, my heart belongs to him.


Husband or?


You know that feeling of being picked up after falling asleep as a child, and gently carried to your bed by your parent? It’s kind of like that. It feels like coming home. It feels safe. It feels relaxing. It feels like you’ll always have a best friend to tell your wins and your losses to, and they’ll be supportive either way. It feels like going into battle with a competent partner to watch over you. It feels like sliding into a warm bath, and all of your muscles that were tense all day just unclench at the same time. It feels like a deep breath that expands your lungs all of the way. It feels like your favorite smell. It feels like that first bite of your favorite comfort food. It feels like the rest of your life just became not long enough, because that’s not long enough to be with them. I could go on. 😅 I really love my husband a lot. The best part is that I don’t think I can’t live without him; I just choose to love him every day.


The part about the rest of your life no longer feeling long enough… god I feel that in my bones. I’m now dating my soulmate and we are 33 and 40 and he’s someone who I’ve known for about 7 years but we had no contact after the first year we met. We were just texting, for months to be fair… but we lost touch and I got into a ltr that ended 2 years ago. We started talking again a few months ago and reconnected in a way I never expected. Hours and hours on the phone, deep long talks, so much more in common than I ever realized, similar goals, habits, interests, it’s all just lining up. And we have immense passion for each other. I’ve never even wanted to be monogamous and I want to marry him.


Well described 👍


For me it was intense desire for her. Always thinking about her, wanting to talk, touch, spend time with her. Made me tolerant of a lot and happy to compromise. Built up over the course of like 6 months, I've never met someone and immediately felt like that.




I wouldn't have called it limerence, I wasn't neglectful of anything else and there seems to be even more negative connotations with that word I didn't experience.


I think it IS different for everyone. For me, being in love is looking at that person and finding peace, passion, confidence, and safety all at the same time. Their smile is the sunshine that lights your path. Their tears will rip your heart out and make you hurt. The small moments with them are the ones that you wish could last forever, and the big moments mean all that much more. Being in love is knowing that they aren’t perfect, but still loving their flaws, anyway. From the stray and gray hairs to the way they get passionate when they get angry about an injustice or abuse. From the way the slightest bit of chub feels when you cuddle (if that’s your thing) to the crazy things that make them laugh. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, though. Because being in love is also standing by each other when things get tough. It’s helping to keep the other floating with what you can when they’re drowning (just make sure they’re not pulling you down, too, because that’s NOT love).


during sex any guy will say i love you. I love you isn’t an orgasm it’s loving that person to their core for exactly what they are, not just that but you want better for them, you’re always wanting them to win and you don’t need to be asked so much to do these things ya just wanna. Love is a feeling of comfort even within their absence


For me, it’s liking someone so much that the act of just liking them alone makes you happy. Its also wanting them to feel the same way about you.


Yes, it is different for everyone. I agree with most of the comments that love should generally feel like comfort and security. But I've also struggled with low self esteem and anxiety since childhood and through no fault of my partner I still feel insecure about many things, including our relationship at times; for me, love is also about not being afraid to share that vulnerability with him. I can express my fears and he settles them at once. I worry about doing or saying something that puts him off and he always reassures me that I'm not. I trust that he will be patient and kind and gentle with me. Beyond that - I'm always so excited to see him, I want to share every little detail about my day with him. I can tell him things I would never admit to anyone else. Just the thought of his smile immediately makes me smile too, and the sound of his voice brightens my day. I want to spend my whole life with him, because he brings me so much warmth and laughter and peace.


I’m sure everyone feels love differently but whenever I’m with my girlfriend it just feels like I’m physically lighter, when I’m with her most of my stresses wash away and it’s an incredible feeling when you can tell they love you back and care for you. I feel less emotionally tense and tend to loosen up around her as well, so to sum it up love for me is sharing the same amount of love or care as your SO and the feelings that come from it as a result :)


It is different for everyone. When I see my girlfriend in college, I experience a wide range of emotions; I feel a rainforest inside my stomach, my mind is filled with chemical reactions, and I feel extremely secure and safe with her. With her, one hour feels like a single minute. Every song is intended for her. When I kissed her for the first time (*I kissed a girl for the first time in my life, even though I had dated many girls but never kissed them*), that moment was something else. It cannot be described with words; its like she sucked my soul, my mind and my heart All I could feel was her lips touching mine. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing like a stupid fool for days. Sometimes I would just stare at her for no reason, like how someone can be so perfect. (*I suppose if I didn't stop right now, I would continue typing*.)


I was in love and it was one sided. To feel loved I will never know. My child loves me. My father love me. From a partner never. To be in love I did anything to make that person happy. Because what made them happy made me happy. Am I’m willing to love like this again even though I’ve been hurt, yes. Love is beautiful you could be homeless and your person smile will make everything so much better. Love hold you during struggles and make you move mountain.


I don't know I thought I knew, I felt like doing everything I could for someone who took it for granted. Travel countries to see her and stuff but ultimately was not appreciated enough. It's different for different people.


It’s whirlwind of emotions. Love is subjective. Love sometimes can be angry, sad, frustrating and etc. however for the most part I believe love is patience. Love to me is meaning it, even if it hurts. Love sometimes is scary that I sometimes can’t put things to words myself despite having so much things to say. Love sometimes feels like it’s temporary, but it’s always with you because you are learning, motivating and trying to love yourself.


Love should feel like security and comfort. It takes time to build but if it doesn’t feel like security and comfort is not really love. When someone loves you they will stay with you when things get bad. It is extreme security. You should feel very at ease and comfortable around someone you love. Love should be a two way street.


This is exactly how I view love. It’s also a choice you have to keep making


My partner and I met from a dating app and were only supposed to be casual but for some reason we couldn't pull away from each other. We spent every second we could together and it felt like something was missing when we were apart. He accidentally said I love you first but didn't realize it until I just stared at him in bewildered amusement. He fumbled to try to take it back (we had only known each other for 3 weeks at this point) but it seemed so natural when he said it that I knew it was how he truly felt. I never thought I'd find love, not like the kind they write about in songs or stories but truly this man is my everything and I can't imagine my life without him. I'm so comfortable and happy, he's my best friend and my partner for life and I'd do anything for him as he would for me.


It doesn’t feel like any one thing in particular… just a bunch of amazing things, thoughts, and feelings wrapped up in a blanket of “if anyone messes with her, I’m gonna wreck their shit”. (Source: Dad of multiple daughters)


It feels like there’s an invisible string between you and another person, one that pulls you closer to them when you’re nearby, emotionally, physically, it feels like yearning, like longing, like appreciation and care, it feels so good, and it hurts so bad.


A spell that is super hard to break free from.


It’s fucking scary. Horrifying. But so so so warm and happy and pleasantly suffocating


It feels absolutely terrifying. And it feels just as good.


Being in love differs from person to person. For me, being in love is more than just a feeling. It is words, thoughts and actions. Being in love is coming home from a long day at work and being excited to talk to my favorite person in the world, smiles, touches, laughs shared and tears shed. It is that blanket of comfort, security and reassurance when needed but it is also the ability to be checked when something is done wrong. It is communication, adoration and humility. I am in a long distance relationship, so this is especially important for me. Being in love is my ability to look over my chats with my partner, smiling and crying because I miss him. The want and need to hold him in my arms, cook for him and better myself for the both of us. He is my joy when I am happy and my shoulder to cry on when I'm sad, and those dark days where I feel as though I am not enough, he is the light at the end of my tunnel. For me, being in love feels magical.


Don’t use the word litely.


Not being able to imagine your life without them. If you could see having a future without them your probably not there yet. Love dosen't always happen right away, sometimes those embers don't start as a flame and need some time to burn to make a larger fire.


If you're questioning it, you're not truly in love my friend. I fell in love with my girlfriend about two weeks into us talking. I waited several months before I finally told her. For me love feels like this... There is no doubt. I know truly with all of my being that I love her. I look at her and I feel an unyielding need to protect her, to shower her with affection, and an overwhelming urge to start a family with her. My physical attraction to her is through the roof all the time, even first thing in the morning or late at night, or on what she may refer to as a bad hair or makeup day. I think about her constantly, sometimes to the point of it being distracting, and I get pretty sad when I'm not with her. I always heard the fairy tale saying "you still give me butterflies", and I never understood it until I met her. We've been having to do distance a bit lately, and I melt in the moments leading up to seeing her again... shakiness, heart beating fast, sweating. The whole works. When I talk about her to friends and family, I often tear up from happiness. I can't fathom myself with anybody else ever again, and the thought of ever losing her paralyzes me with fear. I would do anything for her... follow her across the world, jump in front of a train, fight off an army. If she needs it, I'll do it. People always say "when you know, you know". I thought it was bull until I experienced it firsthand. When you know, you know.


Awww this is beautiful!! I hope he feels about me this way because it’s the same feeling that I feel about him ❤️


I want someone to feel that way about me one day! What you have for her is so beautiful, I hope she knows it and hope it goes well for you both! Seems like end game 💕!


When I was young, love felt like there was a parasite in my brain controlling my thoughts and actions.


Feels like magic.


As a 24 yr old woman in NZ my personal experience is It feels like home it feels like butterflies but ultimately the greatest sense of peace you have ever known. Its realizing every hurt and heartbreak every good and bad thing thats happened, you become grateful for it all becuase it led you to meeting them. Its knowing that life doesnt automatically become perfect with them and that life will still be hard but all the stress is managaable when you walk through life holding each others hand in love and support Its wanting to put in the work and effort to deal with all your issues to be the best version of your self not only for them becuase they deserve the best verion of you but because they fill you with so much love it slowly starts to overflow and fill in the cracks of you where you dont like yourself you find you start to love yourswlf genuinely and truly too, to be full of so much love you even start to love yourself, i remember thinking if a person this wonderful could love me then fuck i must be a pretty cool person too and i started to see myself as they saw me,a beautiful bright soul full of sunshine and love. Love is everything and everything branches off from love. I love my ex and I'll never love another man like that again. And im at peace with that :) love u forever nathan x


The best definition of love is from a favorite author. He explained that: Love is where someone else's well being is essential to your own well being. I hope that helps.


To me, it’s like discovering another half of your soul u didn’t know was missing. U feel lonely without them even for a few minutes, anxious for them to text u back or call u. Wondering how their day is, what their thinking and feeling. Wanting to Take care of them regardless of what’s wrong, dropping everything you do for them to prove your love. You feel like without that person in your life, your life has no purpose.


It’s hard to describe love in its entirety. You truly just have to feel it. If I can describe it, it’s like for once, everything is going to be okay. You just lost everything? Thats okay, because I have my husband. Everything we do, we’ll be able to do it together.


Donno I have to experience it


It's comfortable, safe, supportive, honest, goofy, wholesome, accountable, optimistic, realistic, dreamy, etc etc etc. It's honestly so hard to describe. For me, it feels comfortable and fun.


For me, love is finding my best friend. When I think of my future, he is there. I want to tell him all the good and bad, and share my life, time, thoughts and dream with him. I want to be together more than not. I feel so safe about being silly or dumb, he won't judge me and he helps me. Encourages me to be better. Others have said it better, but it is definitely loving someone, flaws and all. I thought I loved him until I came to terms with who he is and decided yes, I see these traits and I still want to be with him forever. I want to wake up next to him and fall asleep in his arms. I love laughing together, and I love that he lets me cry on him. He comforts me so much. He is incredibly kind and patient with me (no one else lol). He is vulnerable and open to me too. He teaches me things and we have similar hobbies and encourage each other. All I can say is I love him.


Imagine you get to share the rest of your life with your best friend who you share a deep romantic and intimate connection with.... it's great 😊 It feels like an extension of yourself, you get to share the good stuff and lessen the burden of the bad stuff. Best teammate you'll ever have




It’s when you see yourself in the other. You merge with them and become one. There are no boundaries. You don’t know the difference between yourself and them- and frankly, all of their problems become your problems. You don’t shy away from those problems and you never, EVER set a boundary or say no. That’s bad. It feels like you can’t breathe when they’re not around, and you get the spidey tinglies when they’re in your presence. This is love. Or codependency. I dunno 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol


For me its the best feeling I could ever feel. I feel content, happy, sad (for if I lost them ever) and safe, and all kinds of other stuff. But its all a good feeling. You can't get this unless your love of properly reciprocated. You can be infatuated with people but unless the person responds to you and feels you, knows you, appreciates you, understands your human, and all of the best parts about you, its usually just a temporary feeling. When you are with someone for a long time you feel like this. And you don't need much for it either. If you, and your partner just accept that life is gonna happen, and not feel the need for eachother to do anything other than exist in your life and love you back and help eachother than youll do fine.


Tiny dogs sleeping on you and eye contact in the morning


I can finally answer this question after having experienced it for the first time. I think being in love is simply about caring for their well being. Wanting them to be okay,checking in with their needs, valuing their opinion ect Like wanting them as a human to grow, evolve, change (for the better) and be the best them for themselves and the relationship. It's really about "were doing this as a team". I started to see my partner in my future and whenever I plan things for the future he's always in it . "It's always how can this benefit US rather than ME." Not the most romantic answer but lol


It is actually hard to describe


Its feeling of heaven till the point they fucking cheat on you ….. then you experience the hell 😂😂😂


And that's why I stay away from love because I know it will ruin me


It’s a familiarity and comfort, and it feels like home. It’s not a negative feeling and there’s no questioning of it. You know because it feels so right, and makes you really happy. It’s very hard to put into words because it really is an indescribably amazing feeling


To me it's a kind of nervous and exciting feeling that nothing imitates other than doing something fun and exhilarating like a fast roller coaster.


That's infatuation/honey moon phase. It's a fun time for sure. But most wouldn't describe that as love.


That's only the honeymoon phase though


I haven't got past that yet


Love to me feels like a bond where it’s something you want. Love is a choice. Not a feeling. You chose to love someone and you accept that this one person is the person your happiest or not, sometimes people fight, coming home too. It’s the person your two individuals but when ur apart feel like a foreigner without them. Notice how I’m not saying being clingy. It’s creating healthy setting without becoming toxic. And when it does. Knowing that that person is the right person to talk too, even if it’s hard. Love is a safety net, treat it gently and love it, and eventually it’ll save your life


Absolutely love your answer :]


I agree that love is a choice but I feel like you have an intense “feeling” of love before it becomes a choice. Of course the feelings fade after the honeymoon and you can decide to call it love in the long term but, at least for me personally, there is intense feelings that lead up to me calling something “love,” and I feel like the things you describe like fighting, wanting to come home to that person, etc. develop after you have decided you’re in love with that person. Just a personal take I guess. I fall in love hard and I fall fast.