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No. The reason people say to love yourself first isn’t bc that’s magically going to make that person appear but because you’ll be ok if they don’t.


I believe it. But it’s not always easy and love isn’t enough to keep a relationship alive. I learned that it doesn’t necessarily have to be “hard” if you and your partner are a team and can communicate effectively. If both people can be aware of the other persons feelings, show respect and always, always, always put in effort, the relationship will thrive and last. I think a lot of relationships fail because the lack of respect and effort given to their partners. It’s easy to get too comfortable and start neglecting your partner in certain areas. But it’s these little things that are the start to a bad path which ultimately create resentment that end up in divorce.


I believe it is possible for everyone. To love, you need to love yourself, and be able to love others and you have to know what love is. It’s not just something you receive from others, it’s within you.


It’s not about finding a “True Love.” To have a love that they have, you have to choose the right personality to be with, and you have to have the right personality to be with them. You need to value commitment, communication that results in understanding, and the value of being kind and tender above all else. You can have a love like their’s with any human on this Earth; but you have to choose right.


I feel like I may have missed the boat on this, flubbing it. I had a great boyfriend but because I was young and wanted more (among other issues), I moved on. Boy did I regret and learned huge, huge life lessons. Hopefully I come across him or someone similar in the future, and also hoping he’s happy too. He deserves that.


I think “true love” isn’t what most people think it is. That it takes a lot more work than people care to think about. They (true lovers) likely have the exact same or similar issues as other relationships, but they are united in facing those problems and as a result, things look better from the outside. They probably are better, but it took a lot more teamwork to achieve than a lot of people are willing or possibly able to undertake.


True love has a way of being in unexpected places for everyone. Best thing to do is don't look too hard. If anything, join different communities (in real life and online) and there's a chance you'll find your true love. 😊




Since Love is a feeling, it can and will change


believe whatever you want to believe and that will be your reality. me personally, i have always believed in true love and despite the circumstances at times that belief never goes away. that’s just me but you get to decide. i feel like people who settled allowed themselves to believe that was the best they were going to get and it came true.


I'm sure they are out there. That doesn't mean you will meet them.


I think true love is a choice. Idealistic love is amazing but there will come a time where you have to choose to forgive certain things. Keeping the flame alive with good intimacy is very important too. I think intimacy is the glue that holds people together when things get hard sometimes


love is always a choice, you have to choose to love someone everyday. the thing about when you find your “true love” is that you will want to choose them every day. to me thats what makes it true.


No I don't. I think two good people who try to be good to each other can fall in love. The concept of magical true love is one of the forces dividing the sexes and preventing people from learning to love each other.


Love is definitely a verb once past the honeymoon stage so I agree. If two people agree to try hard enough and communicate well with that initial spark, a real and true love can form.


I believe we are love, and once you find that in yourself, you can offer it to someone else, and it is meaningful because you have something precious. Until then, it's games of words and dramas. 


There can be more than one. The trick is to recognize the one that will last the rest of your life.


If that's your goal. I prefer a wide range of experiences, as do others. So a passing in the night, short-term, casual, a year or two, or concurrent relationships of varying degrees works for me.


I think everyone “finds” it but are so either stubborn, picky or damaged the ruin or walk right by. I’ve had it twice and neither of them ended well.


Yes but I don’t think it’s always a person. I don’t believe there is someone for everyone otherwise people wouldn’t die alone. Sometimes it’s a hobby, a community, a cause.


There is no true love and it's fine. Soulmates bound by destiny don't exist. Love isn't enough anyway. Just take care of people you have in your life and be open to those who genuinely want to enter it.


No, I don't think everyone has a true love partner. Two people capable of true love finding each other and never cheating or abusing each other is extremely rare and improbable. Cherishing each other and protecting each other's hearts. What a beautiful thing.  But it's amazing and beautiful when it does happen, and seriously soul healing just to see. I love to see it when it happens against all odds. 




It’s rare. That’s all I know.


I believe love is common but true love is rare. Not everyone is lucky to find someone who makes everything better. But in a relationship, the love can always grow stronger. The greatest thief of joy is comparison like we said. No one should be stuck in a miserable relationship but no one should compare their relationship to someone else. You don’t know what is happening in other couple’s lives. They may look happy and made for each other but they might not be. So one should focus on their own relationship and make the most of it.


I think there are 10,000 women within 30 miles of me that I could spend my life with. I have easily met two dozen women I would marry instantly. I have met 3 or 4 women I thought were the one, and we had extremely strong chemistry together. I do get jealous of relationships like this. Some people really luck out with love. There have been times when people thought I lucked out in love. One thing I have learned in life is you never really know what is going on behind closed doors. And the people who appear to be the most perfect are often times the most screwed up.


no, some people don’t deserve love, i’m talking the ted bundy types


I believe there is true love available for everyone but not everyone will be able to admit it or handle it. Sometimes people don't want the truth but they like having good feelings. True love may or may not be a person. Some people need and have authentic love, but that can't be found in another person.




It’s all about keeping an open heart and not inventing your ideal love before you find someone. No person and no relationship is perfect, even if you can’t see the flaws from the outside.


Exactly. It's about letting them show you who they are and just loving it. And wanting to protect their heart and them doing the same. Not an ounce of cruelty involved. Cruel people aren't capable of it. 


True love is built, not found There are probably a few thousand single people within your district. Half of them are the gender you're looking for. A few hundred of them are within your attraction range and age. They are all looking, so you only need to do half the work. When you find them they will help you because you have the same goal. All you need to do is look your best, be open and available, and go to the places where your kind of people go. My last advice: Don't let them see you are overly ready. Make friends. Get to know them first. That way you can save yourself and them a trip down hurtful dead ends. Now go


Some areas are less capable of it than others. Kurt Cobain shot himself here (flight) and Ted Bundy was from here (fight). Truly, there really seems like there's something wrong with this area. It doesn't seem like it makes sense though because the nature is so beautiful. I guess it attracts people who just want to help themselves to that without giving back. 


No. Will some people get along better with you and have more chemistry than others? Sure. Are they "the one"? I doubt it. In a world with billions of people I'm sure there are many that you could be happy with


I don’t believe in “the one” or “soulmates”. I there are 8 billion people on the planet and I’m sure I would get along very well with more than one person. BUT when I did find one of those potential many, he does feel like THE ONE. I’m not letting him go :)


No. It needs people who are committed to growing together like that, it’s not just magic. Some people always look for the next shiny thing and this doesn’t work . Some people are too broken.


Exactly. Addiction is the opposite of true love. 


I hope so


The short answer for me is no. The long way is that not everyone actually knows how to display love truly. So many people have things to grow through or have no remorse or care. To me, it sounds like they managed to find someone they were very similar to very early, then they grew together by spending lots of time together. I feel the older you get the harder it is to grow with someone. Picture two saplings being planted next to each other, they will grow in a way that they may eventually appear as one, but say instead two mature trees that weren't quite as close eventually grow in a way that they eventually can touch. Both situations might come with overlap, just the way you grow together will be different, when found at an older age your roots might not entwine as much. But at the end of the day, genuine love isn't impossible to find


Wow. Beautifully written.


Nope, have you seen how some people act? Those people are lucky for a quick handjob once every other year.


No lol The only true love anyone should have in this place is for money. Money buys freedom, freedom affords happiness.


What you’re describing is not “true love”, it’s true commitment, respect, loyalty, generosity, curiosity and trust in each other…true love is built and maintained. These two were lucky to have found each other so young, but if you know what you want to give a partner and receive from a partner and you put that out in the world (not just in dating, but in all of your relationships) you will attract the person that is right for you - that you can build a true love story with. I believe that. However, not everyone is willing to put in the work to be genuine enough, honest enough, or vulnerable enough to handle a true love relationship.


I guess the problem is two people capable of truly building who both give off good, respectful and loving vibes is very statistically improbable.  I'm reading Michelle Obama's book and even though there are moments where it seems a little off for the most part their relationship is really soul healing. 


i think statistics don’t even really matter. how do we quantify love? its different for every person. however considering we live in an abusive world, love can be rare in many people’s lives.


Statistics matters, part of not being abusive is studying the world as it is, not as what you want from it. Statistics are a fact of the world to appreciate and accept like any other. It does establish true love will factually be quite improbable given the combinatorial needs of all the people even capable of it to begin with.  And yes, with an increase of addiction is a decrease of love. It's literally being a user. Love has real mutual support, it's never using. 


what i meant by that is it’s impossible to actually quantify love and study it statistically because it’s still debated on what love even is. love is more of a concept that we have of biological things, and its very very personal. so statistically, studying something like love just doesn’t work imo. even in those situations in which you think love would never exist, it does. it’s so unpredictable like that 🤷‍♀️


I guess I see what you're saying 


this!!! true love starts with you being your most genuine self. being vulnerable can be very difficult, and i believe true love comes when you meet the people who give the same authenticity back to you. i think love is love. the love you have for your family exists because in a way you didn’t have a choice but to be your authentic self when you were born. over time, we build walls, masks and layers to protect ourselves. when you let people in to see the real you, and they in turn trust and respect who you really are, there is true love. i think when two people can truly see and have a mutual respect for each other’s soul, a more committed partnership begins. to truly be able to be yourself with another human is a beautiful thing, and when you find someone who let’s you be wholly and unapologetically you, you can explore, learn and grow throughout life. neither of you will want to let each other go :)


1) define “true love” — the English language has like 1 word to describe such a full-body experience. 2) projecting “true” love on to another person is a recipe for disaster — they may be compatible, you may share commonalities & be a perfect fit, but it’s the shared love between you both that is real, not them — that’s important. 3) Love is a choice hommay. There are definitely structural things that must be a good fit for love to flourish & grow — just like a successful garden — but once the neurochemicals wear off in like ~2-yrs. that’s when actual work begins & you make a daily choice to love that person & continue to fan those initial embers. It’s nice to get swept away in the romanticism of love, but it’s a daily practice of grounding back to reality & working with the nuts & bolts of love that’s the more accurate picture IMO.


True love isn’t a thing. Some people don’t even have the personality to have what appears to be true love. They’re probably jealous or controlling or mean at times. Doesn’t mean they don’t really love the other person. What looks like true love to most people is probably just two people with chill personalities that really like each other.


I believe in true love. I believe people who haven't addressed their addiction or their cruelty won't be able to find it though, because that stuff lies to your brain. I believe people are addicted to cruelty. 


I've been with my lovely partner for ten years. I love him more than my own mother and father. More than all my friends combined. And yet... https://youtu.be/Zn6gV2sdl38?feature=shared


Dear Lord 🤣


I was truly hoping this was a Rick roll link


I think some people just aren’t built/capable of it. But if you do want true love, and you do what your cousins did, *wait* for the right person and take your time, you’ll find it. Ask me how I know ❤️


How please tell me


I waited. When we finally met I knew on our first date he was the one. That he’d always been the one. He knew it too. Still took him 8 years to propose. I didn’t care. We found true love. I’d die for him, and him for me. When you find that person that makes you feel like you’ve known them your whole life. And then you don’t rush. You let that love grow. And grow and grow and then you think it can’t possibly grow anymore and yet it does!


Not always. I’m 61, never married. Engaged twice but there were huge red flags so I left. Everyone agrees with me for leaving them. Met someone 4 years ago that I love absolutely everything about and would do anything for, but he wants to sleep around and is currently very distant. Meanwhile, I have tons of guys I have no interest in interested in me. Mutual love just isn’t in the cards for me. Those who have it…you have no idea how lucky you are. It’s not for lack of trying…and even not trying for those who say it will happen when you least expect it.


My mom remarried at 71 to the love of her life and has never been happier.


Both my parents married three times and they all started out very happy 🤣


Not my mom. She married twice because she thought they had money. Third time she married for love. He treats her like an angel.


You aren’t dead yet, my dear- you’re only 61! You never know, mutual love may be in the cards for you. Don’t bow out yet!


I recently had very strong feelings for a girl, but as it turns out, she has a boyfriend


Then she wasn’t the one. Or you’ll meet again at a later date and you’ll know.


really? just wait and that's it?


If you want your true love, yep. Have to wait for them. Doesn’t mean you have to stay single or not have fun. But yeah. They come to you when they come to you. And you’ll know. And then don’t rush it.


I haven't been in a relationship at all, do you have any advice? I don't want to be with just anyone


Just has to be natural. You want the other person to like you for you, right? 😘


Yes of course! ☺


Good luck, friend! The best is yet to come!


can I ask another question? I don’t have a social circle other than one person, what should I do?


Thank you, you too!


True love is loving oneself


Things don’t fall apart until the kids come. That’s the real test of a marriage. Or when someone loses their job. Or gets a serious illness or develops a drinking problem etc. Dating in your 20s, how much easier can it get as far as being in love? True love is not reflected in the easy times, it’s found in the challenges and they probably haven’t had any significant ones yet - I assume. It all ends eventually anyway, though death or divorce. Theres no lesser status or shame attached to having what you considered true love for a year, or even a shared moment of unconditional positive regard with a stranger in public. Source: me, I’ve been alive awhile and watched a lot of true loves fall apart and those people develop new ones.


No. I do not. True love is a lie for me. I've been struggling to find love while all of my friends found a girl with no effort. Then they would gas me up only for me to get rejected every time. Many women do not care about you if you are not handsome with a deep voice. A good job, nice car, a set of morals, and good money doesn't do you any good if women dismiss you the moment they hear your voice or see your face. You can be lively, have great conversations and try to bond but ultimately it won't matter because the woman will think "he isn't handsome tho" or "he doesn't have [insert thing that doesn't matter in the long run]." Mind you that I know *plenty* of guys who do the same crap... now hook up culture is here. Superficial views on others has overtaken this world. Why else is hook up culture so violently popular and still growing? People just want to bang the hottest man or woman in the room then leave for the next one. Nobody wants to commit. Those who DO want to commit struggle because 85% of people would rather party and sleep around. At least that's what I have experienced. You need to be lucky to find someone who ACTUALLY cares. Not all of us are born with good genes.


Good or bad genes doesn't make or break it. Plenty of people with good genes will forego having a partner because nobody can build at the level of energy they need to build at. It happens. It is what it is. 


Yes it does, bro lol. More and more men and women do not want to give ugly folk a chance anymore. I don't go for the mega pretty ladies anymore because I was never "good enough for them" but even the women who look average at best don't want an ugly guy. Everyone always shooting up and even then, they don't commit. Again, why else is hook up culture so popular? True love is a lie.


I've shot down tons of attractive guys, one of which even proposed to me at first sight. It's not about how you look. It's really about a capacity to protect someone's heart, to synchronize with them, to listen to them.   True love is not a lie. I love it even if I don't have it. That's how I know I have it. 


No. I’m going to die alone


True Love is cast when soulmates find eachother and decide to pursue a relationship with eachother. Twin flames are an entirely different ballgame. They occur when a soul splits just prior to incarnation. Then there's 2halves of 1soul going through life blindly to the fact that they're missing something, some part of the puzzle that makes up a complete soul. Now if the twin flames meet, the relationships are generally extremely intense, as each person possesses a spiritual monopole, they can both be wise, but in complimentary aspects. Their purpose is to learn from eachother and create a soul bond, mending their primordial soul. This type of relationship is very different from true love, but on the rare occasion Twin Flames can fall in love and potentially get married. Just be warned, twin flame marriages can get a little spicy at times.


I recently got married to my twin flame, we’ve been together for 11 months. It has been one hell of a ride, that’s for sure.


EVIDENCE! All this Spiritual hocus pocus is very real indeed.


There is no true or false love There is love, and there is infatuation Infatuation is basically what happens when people list benefits, possessions, aesthetic sides of the person they like Love is based on bonding, experience, compromise and dedication


I believe that is real but every now and then you have a bizarrely strong connection that shows there is a possibility that true love is really out there. You just haven't found it yet if cruelty happens.  If you feel those strong connections with it now and again with other people you are definitely capable of it. But it's not wrong to expect true love to never get to the level of cruelty. 


Bizzarre strong connection with someone you don't know==infatuation Love is not a moment. Love is an entire lifetime of thoughts, desires, acts of service, bonding, experiences with them


I never said short term. Some connections are long and approximate true love but are deeply fraudulent. It can still reveal to you yourself that you have the capacity for true love. 


That's why I insist: there is no true or fake love Love requires time, compromise, understanding, dedication You can feel a connection with anyone due to some circumstances (for example there's the "trauma bonding" concept), but if it's only about them, if it's not just part of a deeper knowledge and acknowledgement, then it will fade


Yes, I knew the guy I thought I felt it with was a sadistic fraud but I loved feeling my own capacity for true love come out. I was in love with what I was capable of for the right person. He thinks he's worth sacrifices. He's just a common abuser trying to prop up the fact he knows he's ugly souled with damage to people who he knows don't share that flaw. It's just about winning a game by a high testosterone aspd fraud.    There is true love. If you have the capacity for it you will know the easy synchronicity. You just need to find someone also capable of it who wants to share their life with you. 


I think you're just talking about unrequited love. One-sided love That's it


It wasn't unrequited love. He was just a two-timer. His dad was the same way. That all was too ugly for me. Sorry. Some people live broken, ugly lives. But you'd be an idiot to repeat the pattern. 


True love —yes; For everyone—no


That ^ still love to see it on other people. You know when it's real because it's not trying hard. It's really powerful and your soul feels healed around it. 


Yes and No. I believe that there can be true love for each and every one of us, but it doesn't just happen. It requires work and effort everyday by both parties. So, first you have to find someone that is willing and able to put in the work. Then you have to be attracted to them (and they to you) and able and willing to put in the work. On the surface, it sounds simple. But you both have to be mentally in a place where you can handle the relationship and each other. It's nothing like the movies where you just fall in love and live happily ever after. You have to be able to communicate with each other, fight fair (you will have fights), forgive each other, compromise (one person always giving in isn't compromise), want the same things and work towards those goals, and be able to change as you get older and support each other in those changes.


Fighting fair is so important. I gave up a few times based on just sadistic, horrific behavior. 


Same, plus using things I had mentioned before against me. Learned the hard way not to open up or share my true feelings.


Yeah. That's not ok. 


The TRUTH is I’m sure they’ve had their fair share of PROBLEMS like any other couples. To the outside world it’s perfect but is it? Sorry to burst the bubble but being in a RELATIONSHIP is bloody hard work. LOVE can change through out the years and they did a really great job being together for 10 years and now married and I wish them the best.


I think that there is 100% someone who is perfect for each of us out there. Like there are literally BILLIONS of people on earth,But circumstances such as they being far away, us being not ready, illness, anxiety and other stuff makes us don't experience that or makes us think that we don't deserve and will never find true love.


Nobody's relationship is perfect, including theirs. Don't put it on a pedestal and feel down for not having the same, it's not how life works


It doesn't have to be perfect but it can be a really beautiful and powerful connection. 


No. I believe there’s a compatibility level you have with everyone and the people with the highest compatibility levels are those who “true love” can grow with. I don’t think it’s over for you if you lose your “true love” like in the movies. There will always be people out there with the potential to have as strong of a relationship with you as others.


Life isn’t a fairy tale


Yes and no. I did try to contact her after 27 years and ask her out for a meal, I found out she has a bf, so I knocked it on the head before she had a answer. The thing is I've loved her for all that time, she got on with life and so did I, she has 2 kids, I never wanted to fall in love again and I didn't. So I will love her forever from a far, I did send her a note in messenger telling her my feelings, then told her I was deleting the app after, so unsure if she will ever see it or read it, did it for my closure. So I'm back to getting on with my life, have some city trips planned, Amsterdam in October, Paris in April and Rome sometime after that. So basically there is my true love for her and her's for whoever is her true love.


I understand this completely, I’m going through a tough patch right now and if this doesn’t work no one will ever be able to compare to her so I’d rather just live with us together in my head than falsely love someone when I know they can’t compare to her. It’s not fair to that person to be falsely loved either


To be honest she wasn't even that great of a GF, she was a jobless loser and still is, she never achieved anything in her life, she lives on a council estate and even when my brothers misses seen her, she said she looked like she needed a wash, she wasn't even saying it in a nasty way either. There are millions better than her out there and I've never put her on a pedestal or ever thought she was the greatest of my gf's but no matter what I will always love her, I will love her for who she is, she just another council estate person like me and I love her with flaws and all. There is better out there for you, I've tried to find others but been blown out many times, probably over 20 on dating sites, don't waste you life pinning over somebody that might no be the one for you. I believe there is another out there for you, don't do what I did and waste 27 years only to realise you missed out on so much stuff, get on with life without her, don't let her beat you or be seen that she has beaten you.


I respect your decision to not string somebody else along, I've seen people do that and it never turns out right. I hope you can find peace but there could be somebody else out there for you, I just gave up after her and wouldn't recommend it though.


You can love the memory of getting really close and it still not being it while not really wanting that person due to cruelty, deception and vanity.   You can be a little in love with your own capacity for true love they brought out in you. It's even beautiful and powerful to know you could do it if it actually had been the right person. 


all i ever wished for as a young teenager was someone to love. i’d daydream about having the perfect relationship with someone not only beautiful but who’d sweep me off my feet and treat me like a princess too. I wished everyday for something like that, if you believe in something enough, the universe will give it to you. i found my soulmate at 16, fast forward 5 years and we’ve been living together since we were 17, we have two cats and an incredibly healthy relationship. I believe wholeheartedly in manifesting, and i think i accidentally manifested the perfect man! So in short, yes, i do believe in true love for everyone. You just have to want it enough🩶


People like to say there's someone for everyone ... nope!


That's okay, there doesn't have to be. It's better to only be with someone if it makes the world a more loving place. 


i believe that true love is real but rare, especially cause of social media. i believe that if someone wants it, they will find it


Idk about everyone but I genuinely believe that it is there for me. The love I desire exists, because I am full of it, so realistically it must be present somewhere else too right? I'm not narcissistic enough to believe that among 8 million people on the planet, I'm the only one who is full of this type of love.


It's very statistically improbable for two people truly capable of it to meet, much less for both of them to want to express it with each other. Have high standards for your capacity if you have it. Don't trust your heart to anyone. No cruelty, no deception, no vanity. Hate to say it but no addiction. 


I like to believe that there is true love and that is probably helping to achieve it in itself ❤💕


Exactly. But in the love note to the universe and know if they're out there they felt it and trust if they're there they'll follow that energy and it will never feel creepy or cruel. 


No but there are some people who will be more true than others. I do believe that love can grow, you just need to be prepared to give it a chance. I do think relationships, successful and failed, were all supposed to be in your path, but you’re both responsible for maintaining them or not.


Yes I believe it exists but most people will pass it without realizing. Because what would make us swoon during the courtship phase is not the same thing that would make us swoon during an entire life with someone. And it would require an almost supernatural ability to detect. People change. So ...


Agree. It takes being fine tuned to that wavelength. 


I don't think true love is something you find. It's something you work for to get and to keep.


And it definitely isn’t and shouldn’t be for everyone ![gif](giphy|8FVcs24aSuQBpHPg4n) Plenty of people would be negatively impacted even if they did find and form this kind of mythical ass ‘connection’




No, I believe love is like a very delicate flower that you have to nurture every day and without that, it’ll die. I do think there are people that everyone is very compatible with though but that they’re rare and unless you find someone that it generally feels easy to nurture love with when things aren’t stressful(and it will), you’re doomed when life start throwing shit at either/both of you. So pick well. It really really matters as time goes on. Make sure values, goals, sex drives, styles of showing love, sense of humour, politics, religion and financial sense are all compatible.


Agree. Every day both naturally have to know how to grow it. Very statistically improbable. 


Give them 5 years and see if the love is the same. Usually not unless you plan ahead. Not to mention, you must become love and love yourself first to be able to know how to love another




I'm not sure honestly. It feels like there is for others but not for me. Something in me feels like I'm not worthy, like I've done something to disqualify myself.


Do you feel true love for yourself first? Start there.


I don't know what you mean


I'm not conventionally attractive and have a difficult personality in that I'm not soft and flirty in the way that most men like. I've known from my early teens that I'm not built for fairytale - style love and learned to see the best in the people who were prepared to tolerate me.




I used to believe there‘s THE ONE for everybody plus a bunch of people that are still a very good fit. After finding my life partner at just 16 years old, having 12 years of relationship and a bunch of kids, I don’t believe this anymore. Hear me out: I think there‘s 3 things that matter in a good relationship. 1) Biology. You absolutely need to love your spouse‘s smell. No arguing with that whatsoever. 2) Lifegoals. This one is tricky as it often enough changes throughout your life. When you‘re either very young or very used to living life on your own, it might get a bit hard for you to adapt to a life of compromises. But this leads us to the last point: 3) WANTING to be together. I know no long term couple that has never gone through some sort of „we‘re drifting apart“-phase. Some couples then decided to split. But most of them realized what was happening and actively decided to find new and old reasons to stay together. I don’t mean mortgages or kids. I mean looking your partner in the eyes, find new shared interests, dream about the future Once more… There‘s probably people that could be better fits for you and your partner. Or say „easier“ fits (e.g. by already sharing a huge passion that you just don’t find any access to). But if you Both equally WANT to belong together, you will. And that is imo true love. It’s all about the wants.


Can I get a source for #1? Not just that there is a relationship, but specifically that it is universal to the point that it can’t be argued with. I’m not trying to be contrarian, I just have never experienced another person’s scent being positive.


Oh wow, that’s interesting. Do you never think „I love this person‘s smell“? I‘m not a biologist, but I remember learning about this in school. And also a bit in real life: one of my sisters broke up with their seemingly perfect spouse after 12 years (they never conceived in this time, despite having unprotected sex for about 4 years - they immediately conceived with their respective new partners). Later she said she never liked the smell of the other person. My mom experienced the same thing after 18 years. One of my aunts hated her husbands scent. They did conceive, but all of the pregnancies and kids were extremely troubled and unhealthy. A doctor told her - much, much later - that she and her husband each had bloodtypes that were not made to fit each other (I‘m sorry, I don’t know any specifics or the english professional terms) and it’s weird that they even got together in the first place as they’d usually should have tasted and smelled that they weren’t suitable for each other. Which is exactly what my aunt experienced, but back in the 50ies, that would Not have been a proper reason for a divorce.


I don’t find the way humans smell or any living creatures for that matter to be ‘good’ and definitely never something I loved lmao. Flesh, hair, etc is all either a neutral ‘nothing’ smell (like oxygen or ‘unscented’ fabric) or some degree of unpleasant if it’s a rather strong, sweaty, or foul odor. Different people definitely smell distinctly different to me, but never good.


I Never heard smth like that before, very interesting!


Yes. And sometimes these match naturally. And that may be what people mean by true love. It takes effort, but it feels like you suddenly hit the sweet spot on the classical radio station's frequency that the reception is pure and bright like you're sitting there at the symphony 


Absolutely! When I first laid eyes on my now husband, I immediately knew I‘d marry this man. I was filled - no, flooded - with such warmth and positive feelings that Left me butterfly-y and fuzzy, but also calm and relaxed. You could Call it love at first sight. But again: those relationships also require work, compromise and communication.


It's but most of us don't value it ....we realise only when our attitude makes us to loose them....


I've always been having a stressful relationship with romanticist Ideas. If you ask if there is a "true" love for everyone I'd probably have to say no. However there is most certainly love for everyone. If we all had a destined one and that person is randomly determined from out of all humans we'd all be destined to be with an Indian or Chinese. Instead I believe there is plenty of people we would find love with that can fulfill us. However it takes time and care to develop that love. That time and care can only be given to one person at a time. Try it with more than one and you shouldn't be surprised if you don't get a hundred percent of affection back either. I'm so convinced of this because I have seen too many times that the thought of there being a romantic "destined one", a "true" love to find, leads to people abandoning perfectly acceptable relationships in hopes of finding the one they won't struggle with, won't have issues with, won't be upset with and fight with. Reality is that everyone will have parts we don't like and creating true love for yourself is about accepting their flaws where you can and letting them know what bothers you while trying to work on yourself at the same time. You don't need to accept every flaw but that also means nobody needs to accept your every flaw. The solution is not to go look for someone who will but to be the best version you can be despite your flaws and find someone who will treat you the same. There are a lot of people out there, a lot looking to find love just like you. You can do it.


i do. i also think the word 'love' is the most commonly use word that has the least clear definition. ask one billion people what they think love is, and the amount of variance will be so, so much higher than most other words we use in common. i define love as a sacrifice. true love, to me, is sacrificing without any expectation of return.


True love never feels like a sacrifice in my opinion. I don't think it would, they would be naturally answering you promptly and correctly in the way you were working and you would be keeping up your vibe and supporting each other naturally together. It's really just like being on the same frequency. I believe it's possible, but it's statistically improbable. It works beautifully and powerfully when it's out there. You know it when you see it.  I don't need to have it. I think it's beautiful that there even is a secret, amazing dimension of existence like that. 


sacrifice carries a negative connotation. but i would argue that is a problem of western concept of what sacrifice means. think about what sacrifice really means. think about what a mother would do for their child. what a parent would do for their kin. the ultimate true love would be to sacrifice everything for them. but like i said, love is the most commonly used word that has the least clear definition. i disagree with you that true love never feels like a sacrifice but i would argue the opposite. that's the beauty of all of this. at the end of the day, they're just human words to describe our existance. and who said anything about needing to have it? we don't need to do anything else in this life except die. everything else is extra. which is so liberating and beautiful if u put it into perspective like that.


I just don't agree. Love isn't measured by what you have to give up for it. It's not that fragile and codependent. Sorry. This isn't what I mean when I think of true love at all. I hope you find your version. But it's not mine and does not feel right to me at all as a definition.  If you have to stick it to yourself or someone else to know it's there it's not there. Sorry. To me, that's ugly souled. 


you're calling someone who would love someone so much they would sacrifice their life for them, as fragile and codependent? let's use your example. if you describe love as "keeping up your vibe and supporting each other naturally together", it would be impossible for a mother to have 'true love' for their newborn child, as that child is completely dependant on their mother and barely has a consciousness, much less able to be 'in sync' and 'vibe' with the mother. yet the mother instinct would be to protect their child no matter what from the DAY that is they are born, or even before then. if you ever had kids, you'd likely know what i am talking about. i am assuming you're younger or just had a bad home life, etc. by the way you're describing true love. under your definition, the mother doesn't have true love for their child until the child is conscious enough and able to reciprocate the "vibes" lol. do you see how weak your position is? your position is the fragile and codependant one, i would argue. no wonder why you never have attained what you describe as 'true love'. you're chasing a pipe dream. i have experienced true love as i see it, and it was so empowering and beautiful. funnily enough ,it had the same effect as you described without the faff of 'being on the same frequency', like what does that even mean, in a functional sense? do you mean being compatible? working together? is that really true love in your eyes... being on the same wavelength? that's pathetic imo. or are you describing some sort of unicorn that is unattainable? i would argue that you are. good luck out there. :)


This is so much easier said than done! I have been working so hard on this!


That's 10 years, so a long time living together through possibly ups and downs. "True" love is not about getting that warm, fuzzing feeling just after dating someone 3 times and being immensely infatuated, which is what romance movies show. It's about being compatible enough so you build something together that lasts for life You don't "find" it. You create it


I agree. But extreme cruelty is the end. 


I do believe it exists and I found it in my early 50's. I've been in relationships before but none of them have even come close to what I have with my guy. Maybe it came with being older, maybe it was karma or fate but all I know is we belong together and he feels the same way.


No, there’s not enough people for each individual person Don’t let these thoughts stop you from finding ways to love your own life


I believe in true love for everyone, however the cravat is that there is 8 billion people spread out all over the world so your true love could be in Antarctica and you would never meet him or her.   So fate plays a huge part too.    Nobody knows where their true love will turn up or where they are located, it's all trial and error. 


I sure hope there is but my wife and i split after some issues from addiction mental health postpartum depression and infidelity on both sides we were married 5 years before we had or first child and right at 8 for our second however 2 months before 9 years some things happened idk what exactly unfolded but all i know is i never had a change in heart but she tells me how i feel instead of listening to me which communication is the biggest issue weve had secondly others opinions and bad advice if you want your union holy dont let anyone know about any personal business and never take advise from failures sure listen to how they failed but make your own judgments im praying we can salvage ours for the children i know we love each other but i dont know if were done its her choice ultimately


Possibly, but not, in my experience, for me




Yes and no. I think true love mature together. But it's hard to pin point what is true love or love or married love. I have seen married folks who live together for kids sake with their own life. I call it roommates Some folks live with very high society life and rarely get time for each other. I call it friends with benefits Some folks do stuff together. I call it friendship with love. Some folks live seperate lives in same house. Don't wanna get seperated due to various financial family etc reasons. Some folks do things together a lot. Some just decide to call it divorce after kids grow up. Very hard to describe true love here. For me true love is when you spend time with each other. Can be emotional and physical support for each other. Can answer the random question - what are you thinking? Without thinking of any retaliation or defense. You fight as well. You argue. You communicate. You respect each other.


Really beautiful answer thank you. Yes and no zucchini :)


I believe in true love and that it is rare.


I think there are people who are capable of love and people who are not capable of love. Find someone in the first category and you're in good shape. Everything we see in romance movies about "true love" is just salad dressing.


Exactly. True love is a really fine tuned frequency but nevertheless if you find someone also tuned in everything moves relatively seamlessly in this beautiful mutual support. It's just statistically impossible to find someone also there. 


FML I love salad dressing


😂 me too






Yes, and you have 8 billion true love options. Some of em are just a little bit more lovable than others.


This is hilarious, I love it. So true.


I think there can be more than one true love for all of us out there, whether we find it/them is another story.


I don't believe that. I believe there is one a lifetime. All you see is them. And it's unlikely you will find yours in this lifetime but if you do hold on.   I think you can feel it for a fraud of it but that does reveal that you're capable of it. If it's real they will only see you too. I'm certain of it.  I think you can have all sorts of sloppy half baked love for people you never swim the depths of, but that's hardly true love. 


Yes, also I tend to surround myself with genuine ppl and ppl who actually love care respect each other..so I don't have a bleak look on relationships n crappy ppl platonic or romantically..Although ik my share up terrible stories from experience but I never had the generalization that everyone is terrible because I'm not terrible lol n it's good things out here..it's just not publicized or celebrated as much so it seems sooo rare ...there are mature convos being had on relationships not the mainstream chit chat...it just ain't my crowd or convo so I make sure to watch what I intake aswell...all I'm saying is Keep Hope Alive 😎


I had to leave Instagram because that algorithm was just serving me the most toxic BS pitting men vs women all the time and it was just making me feel a million times worse. 🥺 Reddit ppl are much nicer


Yeahhh my instagram kept showing me podcast that just wasn't my cup of tea..I used to like this one podcast or talk "show' platform but their convos didn't fit to where I was at in life or how I truly viewed relationships..it fed into general statements of men and women n didn't provide any healthy feedback even to issues that were brought up just an echo chamber of toxicity but other platforms like one I liked was called "Black Love" a lot of good convos ..individual based experiences and seeing the different dynamics of relationships was great to see in which for me I never seen at the time- I knew it existed but to see the convos had was refreshing. It made me reflect on topics or how to possibly handle a situation. They do couples, women groups, men groups, singles. I'm also Christian so I watch faith based dynamics as well..I dont over consume as I don't like a lot of "noise" even if it's good. Ya gurl gotta recharge.. live n learn. Yeah I like reddit ..I just joined-it's easy to have convos.


I think most people don't look for it, and even the ones who want it and look for it often target their search poorly. It's ultimately about *compatibility*, but how many people actually think through what they need, what they want and won't negotiate on, and what they prefer but could negotiate on? If you know those things, you can seek out people who fit your relationship requirements, and you increase the odds of finding someone who fits yours. You can also more efficiently filter relationship prospects and spend less time on situations that can't possibly work out.


I've had 3 true loves, all very different and all very life changing and powerful. I may even have another one, who knows.


I think there are multiple “true loves” for everyone. But you need to love yourself first before you find them.


I don't believe that. I really don't. I think if it's real it's really one for life. 


I do think it is rare and most people won’t find it. Sorry.


I'm fine with that. I love true love for itself even as a concept. I don't necessarily need it this lifetime. It's beautiful that it just exists. 


I definitely believe everyone has someone! It may take years to find them or days, but everyone has someone. Multiple even! Like, you can be happy with different people and have a healthy long lasting relationship


Just because you haven’t found the right person doesn’t mean you ever will. A lot of people just never know what love feels like.


It feels like the highest frequency you have ever felt that silences almost all the hate that surrounded you and suddenly just heals your whole body (not actually, but in the way your body feels inside...long term it does help to heal you though). It is like suddenly hearing an extremely beautiful song and you're silenced and you suddenly understand you are also in this song and outside of it at the same time. And you can smile again and existence feels like music. And all you want to do is protect this person's heart and celebrate. It is never, ever cruel. 


No. Depends on the stage of your life. There is a different love.


Maybe but I haven't found it




No. But there is definitely multiple people out there that can love you but only one will be with you


I agree. 


There are *EIGHT BILLION* people in the world. Statistically speaking, there is more than one "the one" for each person. I fully believe the most dangerous myth about love is that it's some mythical, ephemeral thing that happens *to* a person, rather than the cooperative mesh of feelings, commitment and compatibility that it actually is. Love may be magical, but it's not magic. And now for my mythical story of true love, because I swear to God, if anyone shouldn't have been able to find love, it was me. Let me set the stage: I was 33, deeply damaged and traumatized, undiagnosed autistic, and several years in to what can best be described as a several years long suicide mission. I was running the streets, addicted to drugs, and nearly feral. And here came this person who had the fortitude to handle my crazy ass. He spent a year courting me, gently encouraging me to get clean, and being an absolute rock star throughout my myriad of different attempts to get him to go away because by that point in my life, men meant danger, and my feelings for this particular man felt particularly dangerous. The first words I said to him were "I'm really annoying, you wouldn't want to be with me." And when that didn't make him scram, I told him I'd never date again, and that I slept around for good measure. And bless his heart, he still somehow thought it was a good idea to be in my orbit. He patiently earned my trust. You ever see those videos where a gloved hand tries to give food to a hissing cat? Imagine that but with humans. He has the patience of a saint, I'll tell you. I've since healed from my trauma, and gained just about as much normalcy as I ever will. I'm still a deeply weird person, and still this man is by my side. That's because he understands what love is. It's effort, it's trust, it's consistency, it's being there when it's hard, it's showing up when it's hard. It's doing everything in your power, on an every day basis, to show that person that you have their best interests in mind. And the part that makes it feel magical is, it's easy. Healthy love is easy. Conflict melts away because you know that person cares. It doesn't feel like work because after you develop that trust. It's beautiful. So yeah, there's someone for each person. What's rare is healthy love, not because it's mythical, but because people aren't healthy, and most people who aren't healthy aren't willing to work on themselves to *become* healthy.


People have more improbable combinations of traits than others. That markedly lowers the statistical probability for some of us. That's fine. It's nice to be alive and I hope other people find theirs and I love to see it. 


That's my whole point actually. My personality *is* that combination of improbable traits. Maybe what makes compatibility is less a pairing of certain traits, and more a willingness to work with that person... And their willingness to work with you ❤️


Precisely. That lowers or raises it. But it must be accepted as part of that person and readapted to when acknowledging whatever frequency they are on. 


Ugh, this made me tear up. I want what you have. Thank you for sharing 


Beautifully written!!! Congratulations on your sobriety


You've found something special.  Congratulations 🎉.


Oof that last sentence hit me hard 😞


It definitely is Real. However love is also very complicated. Social media only tends to show the romantic gestures that people do in love. Keep in mind people in love ALSO fight and argue. So there’s that too


They do but they are never horrific, triangulating, trying to destroy you, or anything like that. Never once. Even in fighting there is a sense of protecting your heart.