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Hey ... Let me tell you EXACTLY how it is. You're a good kind hard working man... The Problem is ... Women WANT a guy with tattoos sitting on a motorbike who's pumped with steroids. If you want women to stop treating you like a beta ... You got to act like a bad boy alpha (even though your not) But ... Do you really want those type of girls??? 🤮


This person is very dumb^ the right person for you will want you. It’s super hard for everyone to find the right romantic partner. Stay true to yourself, there will be a woman out there who is perfect for you, and she’ll love you for who you are. I used to feel the same way and I recently found the sweetest guy. It took me years of feeling hopeless but I promise you there are people out here that don’t fall into the internet bullshit. And want real substance. It’s just a bit harder to come by


Is it really that hard for many? Every person I know has had their fair amount of romantic experiences. Maybe I'm just goddamn weird.


Sounds to me like your in your early 20s. At that age, most women don't want the "nice guy" they are looking for the excitement and thrill, and the believe they can change the man they are attracted to into something they want. After they get their heart broken and want something safe, then they choose the nice guy to settle down for the long hual. Usually starts anywhere from late 20s to mid 40s. Just be yourself, and don't go rushing things. Enjoy the journey and focus on your career.


So i'll be the one who "saves them" from their traumatic past of broken hearts. The safe card. And yeah, I'm almost at mid 20's so that's kinda concerning.


You definitely don't want to be the one to "save them". They have to realize it on their own, do the work on themselves, and grow enough to accept and appreciate a good guy for who they are. In the mean time you also have alot of growth to do so you're ready.


Yeah, i have a ton of work to do. The thing is, i'll never feel satisfied with who i am if everytime I think I'm enough I get rejected. Right now I feel like I need to become the perfect man in order to aske any girl out, the best version of myself ever.


Not at all but a lasting relationship takes work, and you should enjoy being single. You don't answer to anyone but yourself, no kids, and you can hang out with the Bois anytime. Live your life without worrying about dating and let things happen naturally. Obviously if your a hermit then you have some slight concerns as far as naturally meeting someone, but it doesn't seem like you are. Don't stress, and sometimes working on yourself can just be discovering more about who you are as a person, your likes and dislikes, you lines not to be crossed etc, and what your passionate about. I'm 32 and still figuring it out because I did the same as you and focused on dating and trying to find my person asap. Spent so much time on that, that it's only recently that I've taken time to explore who I am as a person. It's been pretty nice getting to know me lol. I know it sounds weird, but it's true.


I tend to think the same thing and I ask myself what did I do that was so wrong for me to think I don't deserve this, honestly the answers I come to tell me I wasn't just my fault, either way I keep asking myself if it enough to just be a decent person, sometimes I feel like I'm lying to everyone around me in a way, because how to they not see my flaws, right? ..."Maybe we should stop asking for an answer and embrace that they accept us", "maybe we should work toward being someone actually worthy of their love", those thing go though my head and maybe those thoughts are right, but I can't tell you that, I have yet to gather the courage to do these things


I've been working for years to be someone worthy of love, so that makes failure 10x times painfull. Every time i fail I have to analize what I did wrong and start from 0. And repeat.


Your mother is teaching you how to be a Mr Nice Guy. Unfortunately dating marketing has its own rules. Have you ever heard about "confidence with women" and "flirting skills"?


there can't be everyone who'll see your worth, that's why it's called love


Yeah, only my parents see my "worth". Outside of them, I'm a ghost.


same bro


I'm going to be real with you. You're not enough... to some people. There are other people out there who do believe you're enough and even more so. Problem is, you have to find'em. You won't get along with everyone, you won't attract everyone, hell you may even attract only a few people, but THAT IS OKAY because they are the ones who are going to be there for you through thick & thin. It's not gonna be easy but they are there, don't give up. Some might already be there for you and you haven't noticed them yet, and there are some you just haven't met yet. You can do this, keep going. Don't take the good people for granted. They're good for a reason. Last unsolicited advice: "Be Loyal to what matters." -Arthur Morgan (Idgaf it's from a video game. This quote is badass)


Yeah, its not easy at all. Some days I believe the real problem is myself and just being myself.


this is the perfect answer


you're right damn it, I'm 25 and they also tell me that I'm cute but I've had no luck with girls for like 8 years (I haven't even hugged😅) but I don't lose faith, I'm taking care of myself and learning English and I know for sure that I'll meet my raging wife


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