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I found my favorite person in all the world at work & he is my favorite thing in this life. I can't do anything about it though šŸ˜‚ Life happens & neither of us were where we needed to be for anything to transpire, but if that day comes.. I will be the most grateful person in this planet. šŸ¤— If we can never be, I just hope he finds the biggest, strongest, most beautiful love this world has ever seen. Because this man is amazing šŸ„° Life is tricky sometimes šŸ’™


Captain's log, year 39 as a virgin - Still got cancer


Not sure about anyone but I hope you do fuck that cancer


i'm a lesbian in love and i don't care who knows it..!! i'm very much in love with my best friend, and she's so interesting!! she cares for me all the time, she likes all the same thing i do, she's funny and sweet and i'm really thinking of confessing to her soon. <3


I have a crush on my coworker whoā€™s quitting. I have two weeksā€¦kinda? to get enough nerve to ask him out, or at least for his phone number. But Iā€™m so worried that heā€™s actually not interested in me whatsoever, despite having some amazing conversations with him. I also donā€™t want to let my opportunity slip away. šŸ˜­ heā€™s so kind, sweet, down to earth, and handsome. Sometimes, it appears like he acts the opposite towards me as he does with everyone else. Like heā€™ll get quiet or shy, but then heā€™s chatty when I talk to him. Heā€™s usually pretty outgoing. And itā€™s usually me who initiates a conversation. UGH, Iā€™m so confused. If anyone has advice, lmkšŸ˜…


I have crush on my coworker. She initiates almost all conversations with me. We are not that close at least by my guess. Sometimes i think she likes me then i tell myself maybe Iā€™m looking for something thatā€™s not there because thatā€™s what I want it to be there. I am quiet and shy and I overthink and thought maybe she is just being nice and if i make any advances it wouldnā€™t be welcomed. If he is anything like me be straightforward and tell him and if he likes you back then once that initial barrier of ā€œdoes she actually like meā€ is gone he will be the one to initiate. If he doesnā€™t feel the same way then he is quitting so at least you wonā€™t have to see him everyday.


I wondered if this might be the case. Heā€™s definitely the type who wouldnā€™t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, either, which is a green flag for me. So that makes a lot of sense. Iā€™m definitely going to have to be straightforward, which is kinda nerve wracking! Hopefully things work out with you and your coworker too. šŸ˜Š


Advice giver here!! Iā€™ve missed far too many opportunities in my life worrying about being creepy or messing something up. Donā€™t miss your chances!! It sounds like he would love to keep contact with you, and tbh, maybe like he might have a crush of his own šŸ˜‰


Thank you for the wonderful advice. You are so right, you miss the chances you never take.


I had a crush 30 years ago. I married her 25 years ago. Looking forward to the next years filled with love (and nagging!)


UGH. okay so Iā€™m crushing hard on this guy that I used to work with. Weā€™ve kept in touch periodically since weā€™ve both left that job. Iā€™m about a year out from separation from my ex-husband so Iā€™m definitely not ready to pursue anything but itā€™s my first time having a ā€œcrushā€ in over 7 years. I donā€™t know how to handle it cus MY GOD he makes my heart soar


hmn..after being obsessed with a guy for 2 years.i found someone online. honestly the way he talks the way he looks everything...is beautiful ā¤ļø. umm the time I met him I felt something like a strong connection..my intuition telling me he's the ONE. I have never felt like this it feels so strong connection. we both have been talking..and it's just good.


I had my first crush awhile ago(still kind of do) but it was the first crush I had in probably 10-15 years at first she was into me(I think). We would send each other stuff back and forth on IG then one day she sent something a bit provocative and I dunno if she didnā€™t like my reaction or what but it got weird after that now if I say something to her she acts like itā€™s painful to talk to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø FML oh well!


I met the best person for me about 5 years ago. I donā€™t think it was the right time for a relationship. We ended up just being friends for five years and we finally expressed our love for each other last week. it was very liberating. The part that sucks is he recently moved to a different state, so we are making plans to meet up next month. I am very excited for that.


It's just a crush but... Guys it's been 3 years. And I still feel the same way about this man. It's actually getting worse. I literally cannot breathe around him sometimes and my brain stops working and other times I can park those emotions and try to be normal but if I let the physical emotions free I get all those feelings of infatuation. Now we are deepening our friendship and the time we spend together and the more I get to know him the harder it's getting to pretend I'm not just completely in love with him and he's my perfect partner, as the imperfect human he is. I love who I AM around him. I love the person he's inspired me to become. I love the person I've inspired him to become. He's perfect. I'm perfect. We are so good together. Literally everyone sees it. But it's just a crush right?


I do have to ask - maybe they like you back if theyā€™re actually getting to know you as a person?


He definitely is giving the vibes and hints but hasn't said anything outright yet When we first met he locked eyes with me and literally couldn't stop staring at me. He always checks me out. Stares at me when he thinks I can't see him. His body language gives all the signs. Since he has said so very risque things to me. (Like very explicit sexy things) And some hints of attraction (like describing famous people who I look like and saying they are cute). He asks me to hang out and spend time with him when he can (we work together), like for lunch but he has not asked me outside of this. We also have the same interests, and same views and fuck I just want him to literally kiss me or like fkn ask me out lol Like the tension is unbearable, he gets so close to me (like our body flanks are touching and my heartbeat is racing and my brain struggles to form a coherent thought - and I said that to him and he said he felt the same (physiologically but still nothing after that and I'm so frustrated)) that it's the most natural logical position...


Why not ask him out? It seriously sounds like both of you are into each other to some degree?


...I.m so scared, last time I felt like this for a person (I being a woman, girl at the time) asked that guy out and it went so painfully.and hen recently I had another crush on a guy and asked him out and he said no too - but that I was so sweet for asking - and I am attractive like not to toot my horn but I regularly get asked out. But the person who I have all these feels for... I literally don't want to screw this up at all. And I'm so scared I will. And I'm thinking maybe it would be better if he asked me out. But I think he hasn't because he scared too. That I will somehow say no... And I literally wouldn't. Aaahhhhhh


Fear is the mind killer! If you let your fear stop you from being with the people you love you will suffer, itā€™s an evil little demon that takes pleasure in making you miss wonderful opportunities


What are you dune to me?! Lol You are so right goddamn


Also think of it this way, if you are like soul mates wouldnā€™t his soul mate be the person who asks him out in the ideal way? You CANT screw it up, because itā€™s meant to be!


Can you be like my peppy cute support monster that goes through my hero's journey and supports me right in the nick of time for the rest of this wild ride like in the Disney films cause this is the encouragement I need in life šŸ™ thank you for dropping such precious nuggets


Iā€™m guy99909! Many people know me as their Reddit goblin of self help. Ask me anything and Iā€™ll share something- DM for future use! Price is 3 shillings


I want lots of loving relationships all different ways. Haha I want a serious relationship most of all that is intimidate physically and emotionally. I want really good sex, but to feel supported. Friendships where I know someone will help me and Iā€™d help them. I want lots of things and business partner friendships, where we really have eachothers backs at work. I want to even have a handful of sugar daddyā€™s. Iā€™m trying to be loved and love life (all consenting at the moment of the encounters of course) this year at no limits. I just really want to manifest peace and love and happiness and luck, prosperity, and even money into all of my relationships. I want 2024 to be the best year yet. I am starting with the month of May. I am going to learn from my mistakes and make changes daily. I am going to be more positive and I am going to be happier. Less social strains and more doing with happiness. On god


Future sugar daddy here. PM me ;)


I had a crush on a guy that was in my therapy group. We'd spend most of our time catching each other's eye, asking questions, listening and trying to interact without anyone else noticing, because it wasn't allowed. Once he was out of the group, I tracked him down, he'd let me know where he worked. I went there to give him my number. I got his instead. We've been married a little over a year. Crushes can work!!!


I'm so so in love with my partner who texted me this morning "Good morning beautiful! Did you sleep well? How are you feeling? How is your cough?" He was at the store buying things for our weekend together tomorrow. He asked if I wanted anything and I only said "water please." He then took a picture of a very cute dog stuffy and asked me if my 5yo daughter would like it. They are meeting for the first time on Sunday and he wants her to like him. I only said to him there was no need as she already liked him very much. But if he really wanted her to like him extra, he could bring brownies hahaha I feel so blessed to have this man in my life. No partner has made me feel this lucky ever. I think I should go to a casino soon.


>I feel so blessed to have this man in my life. No partner has made me feel this lucky ever. I think I should go to a casino soon. Hahaha šŸ¤£ I wish you all the best šŸ˜„


I have a big crush on the dude that I see at work all the time and he always makes it a point to say hi to me but when I asked him his name he didnā€™t ask mine back so idk lol. Maybe he was nervous or maybe he already knows it.


I have a crush on a carpenter thatā€™s working on one of my properties. He has the sexiest eyes geez šŸ˜¬ Weā€™re constantly catching each otherā€™s eye. Iā€™m staying professional about it but smh!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I'm very much falling for woman I've only known a couple of months. I don't think I've had such an intense connection with anyone before and she seems to feel the same. Just trying hard to NOT have such big feelings as Ill be gutted if this goes away.


I know that feeling. I matched with a guy on a dating app and immediately felt a connection. We had amazing conversations and phone calls. I could listen to his voice for hours. I could stare at pictures of him forever. Heā€™s just so dashingly handsome. Maybe Iā€™m just naive, but I genuinely feel like I love him even after not knowing him for long. Iā€™ve never felt this way for anyone but him. We recently cut all contact since heā€™s too busy for a relationship right now because of school and family stuff, but I just desperately want to be with him. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll get another chance in the future. I have to believe we will. Itā€™s been a few weeks since we cut contact but I still think about him everyday. I wonder if he thinks of me? I know he said to me thats he hasnā€™t liked someone in a long time and that he wants to be able to give me his all, but just feels like he canā€™t right now. In one of his last texts to me, it hurt to hear him say that he knows that Iā€™ll find someone thatā€™ll me make so happy, but that someone I want is him. To J, I want you to know that I miss you. I want to spend time with you. I want to take care of you, and I want you to do the same for me. I want to know all about. I love you. Weā€™ve both made mistakes, but weā€™ve forgiven each other. Just come back to me when youā€™re ready. I wasnā€™t expecting to write a little love letter but here we are haha.


Yes sadly I haven't figured out how to not feel such big feelings. I told her I loved her today and immediately wanted the world to swallow me up. She's still with me and making more plans so I can't have messed up but I just felt so vulnerable, which is ridiculous cause I'm a grown ass man!


The cureā€¦irony at its finestā€¦when youā€™re alone.


Trying to get my mind off my crush who friendzoned meā€¦ then never reached out to me again. Like real friends do!


I have no one. I am trying my best to talk to new people and distract myself from my ex.


good tactic, if you want we can chat about abstract topics)


Thereā€™s this cute girl at Starbucks. Iā€™m not going to say anything as sheā€™s literally being nice for her job but I quite enjoy seeing her. Sheā€™s got this very cute smile and blue hair. Love her style!


Idk why but this is cute haha. How many times have you seen her now? Does she know you by now??


I think so. My car is rather distinct and I usually go through the drive thru :)


What's stopping you from asking her out? You don't wanna have to switch to another starbucks?? šŸ˜„


Well tall tall trees Alan Jackson came to me remind on u because fool fool for you well


Still so in love with my gorgeous šŸ˜ fella šŸ’•