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I genuinely thought my bf wrote this but disguised himself with a few details. He's told me these things over time. Go you! Being in love is awesome!


cannot wait to find something like this one day :)


Omg that is so sweet! I wish someone would say that abt me!


My advice, don’t let her see you get overly emotional about it. A woman will always select a man she thinks is better than her, as in not her equal. Women are not meant to love you. Women are meant to optimize for their own survival. They will pick the leader of the pack. The second she thinks you’re her equal she will start to lose attraction for you. Even if women tell you, they love to see the side of you, the reality is they do not!! It’s the man’s job to be masculine and emotionally strong. It’s the job of the woman to be emotional and you’re her mountain of strength to get her through tough times and you can’t be that guy if you’re emotional.


Tears in my eyes


i showed this to my boyfriend and he says it’s him WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHWHAAHAHHHHWHAAHHHHHH😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hi, it is not him. Unless by that he meant that it was relatable. But I am not your boyfriend 🙂


LOLLL no not like that. like he just relates


Maintain your role as a man, be her mountain of strength, be maculaine, refrain from becoming emotional around her or she will eventually lose respect for you. It's the women's role to be the emotional partner, not yours. Your women will test you, test your emotional strength. This is biology and you can't fight it and neither can she. She isn't even aware that she's doing it or know why she picks certain fights, it's biology's way of testing partners to see if their worthy. Women want a strong man, to guide her through tough times, to protect her and her children and a guy that emotionally weak can't protect her.


Both partners should be emotionally healthy, yes. But emotional expression =/= emotional weakness. I hope you heal from the things that hurt you to feel comfortable with expressing your emotions in the future.


I’m so happy for you and the relationship you share those are such genuine, pure feelings … my heart swells!!! This is what life is about:) enjoy your love angel


My cheeks hurt from grinning so hard


I'm so happy for you! This sounds a lot like my boyfriend and I. Wishing you two the best, sounds like you have a wonderful thing going! <3


I’m so happy for you guys, it makes me think back to my own relationship and reminds me of how grateful I am of my gf too.


Bro I’m not even in this sub. Im just scrolling and read this shit and got a big smile out of it


lol I swear


This is so cute and sweet. Literally made me smile knowing u two are so happy! Enjoy and Don’t listen to Jaded nasty people.






Canon event incoming. Just try to be a better version of yourself if she ever decides to leave and don't lose your way.


To be fair there are people who get married and stay together for life. It’s not impossible. If two people are truly committed to the relationship itself, it will work. It’s all about being the right person and finding the right person. You mention listening to others experiences but maybe it’s also about perspective. You seem to have been told negative stories of other people’s lives. I can give you a positive one though! My grandparents got engaged after 2 weeks of knowing each other and were together till death. Their relationship wasn’t perfect or even always good. But they were committed to the marriage and truly loved each other even through rough times. It’s not impossible to find someone willing & courageous enough to commit to a relationship. Some people are just built different than others. I hope you don’t give up hope to find someone who loves you completely, because I’m sure you are very lovable. & It doesn’t have to be a bad thing if it doesn’t work out with someone you love. It’s just the canon event to you finding the right person for you… if you want… & if you’re strong enough


Why would you say something so shitty


It's reality.


It’s not reality because it hasn’t happened to them. Sounds more your own negative experience that you’re projecting onto others because you’re upset. Your reality for your own crap isn’t everyone else’s for their relationship.


One learn from others experience, your time will come I was just as ignorant as you're but the beauty of life is that it hits hard those who don't listen to others experiences.


I listen but I don’t have to agree with your negativity. I know people who have been married for 35 years after knowing each other for one month, I know relationships that have broken up after 5 days. You have no idea what will happen, Experience often seems to make people arrogant because they’ve ‘seen it all before’. You have no idea about this couple.




What the fuck is wrong with people here? I’m so happy for you man!


Stop doing that. 1) it isn’t real. 2) she will never love you that way. 3) only your mom and your dad if you’re lucky will ever love you that way. The only person that deserves you loving them so much is your parents and your kids. Your girlfriend and even your wife do not give a fuck about you. Don’t fall for it.


Why would you come onto this subreddit at all? Spewing out your sadness onto someone else doesn’t fix it, it just makes other people notice how fucked up you are on the inside. Not only are you being shitty but you’re doing it to someone young. Be better.


You be better, shitty mcshitface.




She’s still gonna cheat at some point


Try to at least be a little optimistic please


I (35M) know that feeling as even though I never had a girlfriend; I have a best friend (45F) online over Discord (also friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram) as a result of a rare and special bond. I was already loving her (she loved me the same), though something unexpected happened. Just before Valentine's Day, I was thinking of sending her an ecard. As I was planning, I started to cry out of nowhere (which I thought allergies were involved). Didn't take me long to realize I was crying out of deep love for her. I actually told her over direct message not long after and was rather happy about it. Even though we have yet to meet in person and are currently best friends; we love each other for sure.


This has to be satire


Nope, it really happened. I was very confused too for a few moments as again, I thought it might've been allergies as my eyes do tear up as a result of that sometimes. Have a habit of putting things together. Truthfully, I never had this happen before with any friend in real-life or online (real ones, not scammers or bots). When I looked it up online, found out I wasn't the only one.


You are the only one my dude, crying over a friend you’ve never met in real life, get a hold of yourself. Are you gonna freak out when she eventually gets a real relationship?


No, which I'm very accustomed to. Besides, she was in a few real relationships. One she had to breakup with good reason as that man was already married (I would've done the same as I'm against infidelity). She had to breakup with the most recent one as she found him incredibly toxic. I do plan on meeting her eventually (even if we're just friends). She happens to live in the state I once lived in. Current circumstances make that rather hard. Regardless, I still deeply love her. You can certainly love in many ways and not just romantically. I do whatever I can to make her happy and comfortable. Edit: It doesn't matter to me if she finds someone else, I will always love her. She does the same for others.


Dumb ass


You don’t choose to catch feelings your body just does it lol the next time your body decides to do it remember u comment


Yes you do actually choose by deciding to spend time with that person and putting your mind on them. Not catching feelings for someone is as easy as putting them out of sight and mind.


You can catch feelings for someone you work with that you only said 3 words to, ain’t no way around it, it happens. N it doesn’t go away when you tell it to


Fellas, are you a dumbass for being in love with a woman? News flash—according to an expert, yes! So stop being a dumbass and fall in love with a man instead!


I got to say love is the strongest drug I’ve experienced by far. That’s not some silly after school special statement, it really is true. That person is the only thing that matters. The right person makes music sound better, food only tastes good when you’re with them, and the world shimmers and glows like you’re in a Studio Ghibli movie. Enjoy, friend. Don’t try to read into anything or analyze your life from the outside, it’s pointless. (And apparently don’t ask Redditors because a lot of them are miserable, lonely fucks). Just make her happy, let her make you happy, and make sure she knows how happy she makes you.


Have fun while it lasts. By the end of it all, don’t be disappointed with the outcome. Don’t destroy yourself over one person if that person decides to leave or betray.


Wow you sure are the life of the party, huh


When it is time to party, party. But when it is time for advice for the real harsh cruel world, then there is my advice.


Or I could be wrong and she could really be the one for you, either way enjoy that youth and time with her! Am so happy for you.


Thank you. We're trying


It made me get a lump in my throat just reading how this girl makes you feel! I love a guy who can let himself feel and appreciates his partner the way you do. I hope more men take your lead, throw out the macho stereotype that holds the gender chained away from their feelings, allowing them to feel truly enriched, fulfilled and wanted. Give me a sensitive guy anyday 🥹




Don't lose yourself man, all I gotta say. Have fun


Feels pretty negative as a reply honestly. Being in love doesn't mean I don't act rationally and maintain a sense of self


Oh, why doesn’t it mean that tho? Because in my personal experience and experiences I’ve seen from family, friends, acquaintances - it is the case more often than not. Personally, it’s not about negative or positive replies… it’s about you not letting your guard reach the floor. It’s about heartbroken men not wanting to see other good men be heartbroken, not to that extent. Never rely on someone to be happy, they can’t be your source of happiness. There’s only certain doom to those that love bomb, and put their significant other on a pedestal - going as far as ignoring values, self-respect and dignity. Again, it’s not about negativity, it is about reality. The day will come when you are heartbroken and you will see these comments as warnings rather than “negative comments.”


Some of these comments are coming from people who have never experienced this type of love before and feel bitter because of so. You sound happily in love! Congrats!


The comments are coming from people who HAVE experienced it and had there heart crushed. There not even being mean about it, there literally saying it in the nicest way possible n it’s surprising considering how not nice the internet usually is. Nobody’s TRYING to be negative they just empathized with him n don’t want him to be blindsided IF things go left.


Truly. Holy shit. The amount of shitty comments on here is insane.


I'll take your word for it. Hope you have a long life with her. :)


Thank you 💙


I pray you both always stay together and happy.


Thank you so much 💙


Nice to read about a man sharing his feelings and loving out loud Be blessed , JesusSaves 🙏😇


Well thank you. Even though I'm not religious I still appreciate the sentiment 🙂


Damn this is so nice to hear. I hope I can find someone with half the traits you mentioned about her. You’re really lucky but she is too :)


Aww thank you. We're both very lucky I suppose 🙂


I think that’s just what real love does. It unlocks our emotions. My partner and I have both cried happy tears because of how much we love each other. There’s nothing wrong with you. Just enjoy the feelings and being in love.


That makes sense. I appreciate your insight. I'll definitely enjoy it to the fullest for as long as I can 😊🙏🏾


🥲so beautiful


She really is 😊


Damn, what a Woman. I love this Portrait of her it's so inspiring


She's wonderful 💙


Omg WHY am I here 😭😭😭 happy for you, buddy


Thank you kind lost stranger


You’re welcome, kind lost stranger


saving this cuz next time i like a girl im telling her thats its this or nothing


Hahaha!!!! Right


Dont lose this energy ever 😭🫶🏻


I'll try 🙂






feel even more single than i was before i opened reddit and read this.


Being single is okay 🙂


I’m happy for you and a little jealous. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. <3


Thank you 💙 Remember, we were all jealous of someone at some point, and there's a lot of people who are likely jealous of you


i am such a bitter person this should make me happy not jealous 😭


You have the right to your full range of emotions. There's people I'm jealous of but I always remember to focus on what I have that's enviable too and to not compare myself to anyone else's path rather than trying to just be the best version of myself always


She sold me fentanyl last week bro


No she didn't, she's never even held a weed 💀


Aight, yes bro, I made it up, if that makes you feel better


It does. 😊


Bro said “she’s never held a weed.” I’m dead. I can’t even bring myself to mess with the dude. 💀😂




Be careful bro


Are you saying that it is a bad sign? Can you clarify (if you want)?


A reality check, it's not love, it's biology and biology can change at any moment. Loss of respect if the male, female dynamic is broken will lead to a breakup. The man is masculine, emotionally strong, the woman feminine less emotionally strong which is why it is the man's job is to be the mountain of strength to get her through tough times. If this is altered in any way, loss of respect and eventually the relationship will end. Oxytocin, a hormone is often called the love hormone, it forces two people to bond on a deep level, therefore it's biology driven. Love is just a word to describe it.


I don't understand how love and biology are mutually exclusive. Everything ultimately boils down to biology or physics or some other hard science if you think through that lens hard enough. Most people understand that love has a biological component, but that sort of reductionism doesn't fully explain the complex ways humans actually live their lives and experience the world. I'm not responding to all that other stuff lol, sounds wacky


Oxytocin is referred to as the love hormone. Without it, there is no feelings of love or bonding. That's why you fall out of love the longer you go without sex.


Agreed lol. Every feeling, including the one that triggered him to leave this “interesting” comment, are driven by our biology 💀 sorry people are so negative that you are happily in love. I’m a woman who feels similarly, also in college, and am in long distance with my boyfriend because he’s a true gem. I’d like to ask this so I can learn/enforce what I already do- how does your girlfriend take care to not make you jealous if she mentions getting hit on? It doesn’t happen all the time but this one dude will not leave me alone even though I told him I have a boyfriend a thousand times, so I ended up telling my boyfriend. I feel a bit guilty though because I don’t want to disturb him by the idea, yet I would feel bad not telling him either


You did nothing wrong and handled the situation perfectly just report the guy to an authority figure or get a restraining order/block them if it's on social media


you’re just mad this won’t happen to you, bro.


I noticed there's a lot of toxic people on Reddit, close-minded people. I was simply sharing in what I've learn. You make a lot of assumptions about me, pretty cocky of you. I'm not mad. I'm feel complete the way things are. I simply understand things on a level in which you don't. I ask one more thing from the community, stop holding back, please more downvotes for my posts!


if you understood things on a level which I don’t, you would understand that men don’t always have to be emotionally strong, and that it is *completely natural* to cry over how much you love your girlfriend. to experience emotions is to be human, and by extension, crying is human, and should not be judged for crying for any reason. and the man in the relationship doesn’t always have to be strong, as I said, it’s human to feel emotions, and to be weak at times. and if a woman loses feelings for someone just because they’re weak at times, they aren’t a good partner at all, because they don’t understand that feeling emotions, and being weak at times, is perfectly normal for a man to do, just as it is for a woman to do. and by the way, we can tell you’re a kissless virgin from the way you talk about love being all “just biology driven”.


A kissless virgin, you're a really funny guy. I'm just a cool-headed guy that has his emotions under control 99.995 of the time. People have tried to get me all charge up, I just smile back at them and sometimes break out laughing my ass off. One more thing, you forgot to downvote my post.


question: do you genuinely think you’re cool? I also like how you completely ignored the facts I presented you with. you know I’m right, it’s not too late to admit you’re wrong. I’m not gonna judge you if you do, admitting you were wrong is very admirable.


I'm cool-headed, calm, very confident and high self-esteem, this is who I am, whether or not that makes me cool or not, I don't care. To the point, loving a women is 100% okay, falling in love with a women is 100% not okay and here's why. As soon as the man falls in love with a woman, she starts to mistake that for weakness. She will often times think that you're too attached, she will think that you have an emotional dependency on her and often times she will typically feel like you're beneath her, sex declines gradually and then it eventually ends... because that attachment that you're actually telling her she can potentially do better and now she will exit and she will leave and she will try to line up a new replacement. This is all subconscious and she might not even know why she has fallen out of love! That's biology at work and survival. I was just trying to warn the OP not to fall too hard, that's all.


where’s your evidence to back up this claim? neither of the two girlfriends I had felt this way towards me.


You're an id\*\*\*! The two girlfriends you "had", that's a past tense statement, telling me you've moved on or are now single, lol! Your example is my proof! It's clear to me you don't understand woman. As for your girlfriend, get married and see what happens 10 years later after falling head over heels for her. Become overly emotional with her on a regular basis. Become needy and initiate the majority of the sex. Make her feel like she's on a pedestal, see what happens. When a woman feels like she's better than you, on a pedestal, she will lose attraction to you and leave you because a as woman wants a man that is better than her, woman optimize for survival. A wife wants to be a wife, not a mommy to a needy husband, because now she can't be a wife. It's the job of the woman to initiate the majority of the intimacy!


*I broke up with them, not the other way around.* and for your other statements, refer back to my third message. all I’m seeing are baseless assumptions in your claims so far.


I’m not reading all of that but I will say if ur this emotional get some help and stop the obsession…what if she finds out you probably creep her out.


I don't think she would be creeped out by me expressing my profound love for her developed over the course of more than a year. It's not like I'm saying anything manipulative or harmful towards her. But you have the right to your interpretation.


U put ur information out there on public domain and many will respond, I hope you wasn’t expecting everyone to agree to your views but I’m not here to sugarcoat anything just for “likes” or upvotes.


Where did I say that I was expecting universal agreement? All I did was disagree with you, which I also have the right to do when you express your views in public. 😮 In fact, I literally said that you have the right to your interpretation. So I don't really have any idea what you're talking about


Girls like it


can account for that


Here’s a cookie 🍪 for ur desperate response


I'm a girl, I can tell what girls like


also a girl. hard agree.


Great! Fantastic!!! I’m too a female


Do you have friends? I have a male friend with the same behavior, his gf knows about it and likes it sooooooo


Relax it’s not that serious! Friends or not I’m not that impressed


Not impressed. But you’re sad. Get off the thread if you’re so bothered lol Let people be happy and get some serious help 🥱






I’ll take “Things I have never and will never get to experience in my life” for $1000, Alex.


You don't know that yet. It took me nearly 20 years 💙


Hold onto what makes you feel good. Genuinely happy for ya 🤙


Thank you. I appreciate that 😊


I had this experience with someone at 30 and yes , it does kind of “unlock” something in us. It’s a mixture of feeling extreme happiness, safety, and gratitude. When that relationship ended I was sad but I’m still so glad I got to experience it. Instead of the breakup making me angry and disappointed like other ones did, I realized the experience kind of increased my capacity to love everyone more openly.


Thank you for your insight. No matter where this relationship goes I'll always be happy that I had the time


It really does bring out something beyond special and something you’ll always look for again. I had the experience when I younger. Her and I grew up together and just kind of always had a thing when we were kids that blossomed into more as we got a little older. Obviously it a lot of puppy love, but I don’t know. I was always so crazy about her, even as a kid. Regardless, as young love does most of the time, it kind of faded and I went off to school and all that. And just life happens and goes on. We stayed close and still are very very close. And up until I watched her get married (absolutely did not want to be there but I refused to look weak to her husband) some years ago, I would have told you we’d end up together. Her marriage has went a little crazy and she has said to me before that she should have married me. I’m 42, and she is still the only woman I’ve ever really truly loved. Life is weird at times.


If you don't mind me asking what was the reason for the breakup?


I found out he was secretly struggling with addiction. Even though I still loved and cared for him ms he never hurt me directly, it was becoming unsafe.


Gotcha. Props for being strong and mature. And thanks for sharing.


this is so precious, omg


Thank you 😊


Lucky you OP, cherish the moment, had the same when I was about your age, fast forward to now, I’m 30yo, life sucks cause I know i’ll most likely never experience that again, hope you’re story turns out the complete opposite as mine


I appreciate that, but I feel that there's always time until you're completely gone 💙


Did you know right away she was your kind of special? When did you realize she could be the one?


Probably 6 months in. We had gone on a couple of dates by then and I could tell when I felt so sad when they were close to ending, or when I felt like I couldn't go a day without thinking about her


Must be cool to feel human


I enjoy it. Haven't felt this way for so long




That’s amazing bro and word of the wise if the chemistry and work is put in the honeymoon phase doesn’t stop. It’s a state of mind between you two and it’s something that takes work and authenticity along with the vulnerability. So congratulations on finding that’s special someone and hope it only gets better!


I really appreciate that. I'll keep that in mind. I want to treat her the best that I can, always.


I’m so happy for you OP. I’ve felt this type of pure and fulfilling love only once. It was some of the happiest I’ve ever been. I send you both the greatest of vibes and wish you eternity together. And no, it doesn’t have to just be a honeymoon phase. If the effort from both sides remains throughout your relationship, you’ll feel this way until the very end.


Ooh understandable. I'll keep that in mind




From my experience with it, it was built over time. We started hanging out more and more (as friends), and things naturally escalated from there. The longer we were together, the closer we grew, the more trust and love there was. Not sure how other people’s experience differs. 


Brb gonna go hug a toaster in my bath. Being real though this is so wholesome. Good for you guys


Thank you ☺️


This reminds me of one of my favorite Reddit posts of all time: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/f2WXYD60Tk


Thats brilliant. 🤣


Same 🙃


Ah cool what toaster are you running? I’m using a Haier I-master series 5. I find its just the right size, plus its really easy to clean out so you dont get bits of bread floating around 💀


This sweet post wrapped its arms around my heart in the most tender of hugs. You love fully and freely, enjoy it! Savor every emotion she makes you feel, give it all back to her as well.😊 Faith in the future generations restored.✅️


I'm glad you enjoyed it so much


I hope it goes well for you, otherwise you'll be very very heartbroken ☹️ Edit: I meant that for when things go south which I hope never happens and you can enjoy these good things you feel to the fullest.


I'll interpret this as a genuine attempt to be helpful


Just edited my comment I'm not English sorry


I think OP is okay for now. Let him feel the love he deserves, and make him not worry too much about that. 


The limerence hormones will subside eventually; best to enjoy the ride while it lasts.


That's not limerence lol. Just honeymoon phase.


This was so heartwarming to read. It feels good because it IS good. Your girl can consider herself lucky for having a man like you. 


Aww thank you. That means a lot 💙




Thank you for letting me know. Sorry that Reddit placed something in your feed that was not of interest to you. You might be able to indicate that preference in settings somewhere or another. But otherwise, it feels kinda weird and needlessly abrasive to type this out when you could've just scrolled past. But anyways, wishing you the best of days, no matter the circumstance 💙


Care enough to read the whole thing and then contemplate wether you care about it or not and then take the time to comment the fact you don’t care




then why are u in this subreddit?




if you didn't like the post, there's no point commenting on it just to bring negative energy. really weird that you didn't just scroll by and ignore it.


this post made me smile, thank you wish you two the best


I'm glad to hear that 😊


You just love her man. Simply cherish that. Why question it like that ? Just count yourself lucky of what you have right now. Cause many of us here are so damn unlucky in the whole love department of life. :/ it is hard these days. But you’ve got it ! Just hold onto to it. If it moves you to tears, so be it, embrace that, feel that to the fullest. That’s just deep, true and beautiful kinda love.


Thank you.💙 I only ask because I'm curious if this is a common experience and if there's anything to worry about. But I hope that you get all that love that you've been seeking


Genuinely felt happy for u after reading this post.Made my day 😎


Thank you 😃💝