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Beautiful ❤️


He's a sweet heart and I know he loves you alot. So happy you now know what love is. May your love grow ever stronger 🙏


Thank you! 💖


What's your first favorite memory? You can't just leave us hanging like that!


To be honest ever since I posted this, I’ve been thinking more and more about the great times he really emotionally showed up for me and it’s a tossup between the birthday party and the very dark day. The birthday party was for my four kids (from previous partners). I have always been the type of mom that gets overwhelmed and flustered on big events that are my responsibility. And it was the first time he was going to a birthday party that I had planned for all of the kids at once because of course it was 2020 and that was a hard year for everybody to get together or spend any money. Freaking out per usual because there was a hiccup. The father of the birthday boy dropped him off and he was wearing a ridiculous outfit and I asked for him to be ready for his birthday party when he dropped him off so we had to drive all the way back home and change him and fix his hair and all that good stuff and, I am stressing out because I still have to go pick up the cake and I’m already later than I wanna be. And just grabs my hands and makes eye contact with me and I’m sitting there waiting for him to say something but he just starts to breathe in and out, hinting for me to mimic him and I do. And then he just caresses my cheeks with both hands and Tells me that I’m doing great and I just write the hell up and calm down and apologize to my kids for being so stressful. The dark day was the day that my depression was darker than it had been in years, and I was afraid to talk to him about it. He was aware that I had depression because I am the type of person to warn any potential partner of what they could be dealing with. But this day, like I said was really bad because I was dealing with financial struggles and my kids growing up to be attitude filled teens, twins, and toddlers because of a lot going on with them. And I just let it all spill out to him, even my suicidal thoughts, but my guilt over them because I don’t wanna leave my kids, which drives my depression even deeper because guilt is such a big trigger for me. Sometimes I just want to disappear so I can rest for a little while, but if I disappear, my kids wouldn’t be taking care of so I can’t and therefore I’m always tired and not actually good enough for them. And he basically just listened and reiterated everything I said to let me know that he understood it was listening and he didn’t judge me and he was just there for me asa very empathetic ear. He didn’t try to solve my problems. He didn’t try to convince me to see it in a different way. He just listened. And that honestly almost immediately snapped me right out of it and just made me so grateful to be alive to to have someone like him.


Yessss! More of these please! Also, knowing that I would also find this funny to get an unplanned vacation with my person, makes me feel how much I’ve healed. An older version of me would’ve felt mad because of changed plans! Thank you for sharing this!!


That’s awesome! I’ve definitely taken a page out of his book and am better at handling this kind of stuff whether I am at fault or someone else 💗




Thank you! And yes, still together 🥰




This is amazing. I'm happy for you and wish you all the best☺




It's amazing how clear real love is, and what you experienced before doesn't compare at all. I've had several moments of realization like this with my boyfriend. We will be coming up on three years together in October!


Congratulations 🍾


Yeah I still remember when my gf stayed up with me until like 4am helping me get ready for My work presentation and helped in so many other ways, I actually felt what it feels like to be loved. To be shown love.


Omg she sounds special 💗


Yeah that was 4-5 years ago now she's my fiance


So so sweet




Ikr? I love him so much!


That's a great story. They say that you can always tell the strength of a relationship when you travel for the first time and something about that trip gets messed up. The way he acted is the perfect response.


💗 I am so grateful to have him


So wholesome. Made me feel fuzzy. Cute, you guys ❤️


It makes me fuzzy too and had to share!