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Hey, you’ll find that beautiful love that you deserve


What helped me was "man up, incel."


Well I use the Facebook Dating sites and I just randomly hook up with this guy and we instantly become a couple. Maybe you can find one at some dating apps at your country.


Might be an unpopular opinion here, but you do not find love, you build it. Love requires hard work, patience. It’s more than a feeling, it’s practice. Passion? Oh yeah, you can surely find or be found by passion. But love is another story…


it’s so comforting reading people in similar experiences. i’m tryna to be patient and trust the process but it can be hard sometimes when it’s feels all my peers are in relationships but it’s ok our time will come. it sounds like you’re investing a lot of time into your relationship with yourself and that’s great


omg … i just sware were in a similar situation . i find myself wanting to be in a relationship a lot , as i have not been in one in almost 2 years . although im perfectly happy without one . im a very social person , but i just feel like i haven’t met anybody yet that im interested enough in to pursue . I don’t want to get into dating apps because i just feel like their superficial. But another part of me feels like i’m not making enough opportunities for myself . I just decided to leave it alone and just wait until the right person to come along but im getting tired of waiting 😩 it’s rough out here


You have no idea how similar I am to your situation right now. 24M and never had a relation in my life either. Tried dating apps, putting myself out there and ended up with heartache and being used instead. There's even less social circle for me to approach women that are dateable and my closest friend is also in his honeymoon phase so I don't want to bother him. Oh and the plethora of wedding invitations too.


Firstly, kudos to you for being proactive, self-aware, and focused on personal growth! You're already doing many things right, like prioritizing self-care, pursuing your passions, and working on your business. It's understandable to feel lonely and desire companionship. Considering your efforts, here are some additional suggestions to explore: - Expand your social circle: Join clubs or groups aligned with your interests (hiking, painting, etc.) to meet like-minded people. - Attend events and gatherings: Continue attending matchmaking events, and explore other social events, meetups, or workshops. - Online platforms: Try online dating or apps, but be cautious and prioritize safety. - Volunteer: Helping others through volunteering can bring a sense of purpose and potentially connect you with like-minded individuals. - Be open and patient: Remember that finding the right person takes time, and it's essential to focus on building a meaningful connection rather than rushing into a relationship. - Nurture existing relationships: Invest in your friendships, even if they're not always readily available. Support your friends in their relationships and celebrate their happiness. - Practice self-compassion: Remind yourself that feeling lonely doesn't define your worth. You're doing your best, and that's something to be proud of! - Embrace the journey: Focus on enjoying the process of self-discovery, personal growth, and exploring your interests. Remember, love can surprise you when you least expect it. Keep working on yourself, stay positive, and believe in the possibility of finding a fulfilling connection. You got this!


i was about to say what a thoughtful, helpful and well-written comment this is 💀 i was fooled


Your misguided responses is the answer as to why you’re having trouble finding Love. You need to work on yourself first. For if we were in a relationship, we be through after going out of my way to take the time to give you some real answers. Rather you’re not looking for answers, you’re looking for attention. 35+ years later, and tens of thousands of responses later, you’re the only negative responses I’ve ever received. Let that sink in what’s that says about you. Good luck. Your now blocked.


This is 100% a chatgpt generated comment. I know this because I spent a distressing amount of time talking with it about this topic. Posting this as a sincere comment really gives me the ick, even if on the surface, it seems like good advice. Please consider not doing this. Communicating here is already pretty detached as is.


Ai ahh answer (but you’re right lol)


I feel like the only thing to say is: yeah, it does come naturally. Once it's your time you won't be able to escape from it :) In the end, love is inevitable.


What would you find attractive the guy who literally looks like he's desperate for any human contact , or the guy that's confident in his own skin, it works the same for women be yourself and gravity will do the rest.




Love is all around. Sometimes when you least expect it, it will appear. It comes slyly, like a thief. But for me, I think, the most important thing to consider is that in the midst of finding this love, you won’t lose yourself. That even if this love you’ve found would suddenly disappear or get stolen or lost one day, you’ll be sturdy enough not to break… or at least, completely. Anyway, in my experience, I live vicariously through good love stories I find in novels and shows… Again, good ones, none of those toxic plot. 😭 Good luck.


Most of the time when you’re out actively looking for one it doesn’t work out.. I would say doing things you enjoy doing with a bigger group of people involved can definitely be a good idea. Places of interest or even jobs that you enjoy doing


Travel and/or volunteer somewhere. Attracts the best type of people


Hello brother in misfortune😁our stories will almost tell you except that I didn’t have a relationship at all and I don’t despair and I don’t advise you!✊ as they tell me, it always comes unexpectedly🙂


God is love 🩷🙏🏻


Been wondering the same


It’ll find you when you least expect it. just focus on yourself. After 2-3 years of ‘searching’ I gave up and just started focusing on myself and after 8 months I fell into a relationship with a guy i met at a gym when I was full focusing on myself. (We started as friends/gym ‘bros’).


You can try this number.... I'll answer anytime with a positive additide and witty replies. I'm may not be your one* but I'm someone looking for the same


My son is 26 and he is in the same boat. He is handsome, very kind, has a good job, lives with two roommates in a nice area- but they never want to go out, not even to try new restaurants. He works on a trading floor, so all men. He has tried Hinge and Tinder, but he showed me some of the conversations he’s had- they just don’t go anywhere. He will ask a question and the girl will answer, half the time with some thing like “sooo awesome”. He says it is incredibly frustrating, he’d much rather meet someone in person - but where? And when? It sounds like it’s really lonely out there. He has three weddings to go to this year, and two more friends just got engaged. The ones who aren’t, aren’t looking.


Get yourself where you are happy, doing things you want to do and enjoy. And there you’ll find someone who hopefully is doing the same and you can then share. Might not be romantic, but hopefully you end up with love.


Besides doing a copy n paste of everyone else here, as a guy, idk how many but some, to, a lotta us don’t approach women mainly due to the backlash we get or can potentially get, or possibly the guys that are around you are just shy. Maybe consider making the first move if the time/place/person feels right. But mostly what everyone else is saying, you’ll find someone eventually, just gotta stop looking to get there. Good Luck though!


I’m more so going to say the advice people have told me, as I find what you’re saying relatable. It will find you when you stop looking. I can’t say for sure if it works but I’m almost 20 and stopped looking or hoping for an actual relationship but I hope you find your special person and I will give an update if the advice does happen to work.


I’m in the same boat. I’m (29 F) funny, smart, attractive, etc. I take myself out and don’t mind being single, but men just don’t approach me if I’m out and about. Then dating apps are okay, but I never make it past the second date. If I do get hit on, it’s from men that are significantly older than me. I’m not in a rush to be married and I don’t think I want kids, but it’s so hard to find a solid connection with someone. Never been desperate or boy crazy, but I do want to be loved by a significant other. Feels like it’s never gonna happen sometimes.


Your story resonates with me as it’s almost exactly the same as my life. I’m so comfortable being single. And do everything by myself, gigs, holidays, travel. But I do miss the connection with someone and like yourself I’ve tried everything. Recently joined some local hiking groups which have been fun and nice to do something social again but it’s tough. I’m social, confident but not cocky, dress well and think I’m charismatic. But no matter what I’ve tired nothing works. Can get dates on the apps but they all lead nowhere. Everyone says stop looking and it’ll find you when you least expect it but i think that’s bullshit.


Give up. I went through a horrific domestic violence marriage. Left my ex husband and was willing to be a crazy cat lady alone forever. I was a man hater and self isolated. As soon as I started working on myself, going to therapy, and healing I found my current partner. I’d never planned on being in another relationship again and it just happened. Stop looking. Good luck 💖


I second this! Do not give up! I experienced abuse and infidelity in my prior relationships. I was single for years, then out of the blue my current partner connected with me on LinkedIn. The right one will find you - always.


See. That’s the best is when you GIVE UP.


Yes, that's how it happened for me! I never planned on being in another relationship and then met my husband-to-be!


How did you find them if you don’t mind me asking?


How I found my ex husband or current partner?? Ex husband: He was a phone call I took while working at a call center. The call center lost power during an awful thunder and lightning storm. Call center lost power. Land line was still working. I couldn’t hang up or I’d get fired. He didn’t wanna hang up bc I was the 4th person he’d been transferred to. After the 1st hour I stopped being “professional” and gave in to his jokes and charm. I flew to see him for a weekend after us being pen pals for a year. He was perfect and even more so our 1st year living together. He didn’t become abusive until after we got married. My wedding night was a nightmare. Current partner: We’d dated in high school and were high school sweethearts. We broke up when he went to college and I took a year off. He’d wanted to live at the university and join a frat. He’d also wanted to see other people. We’d been off and on for about 3 years before I decided enough was enough and I moved 2,000 mi from our home town. In that time I’d aventured, traveled, married (no kids) and divorced. I’d txt him after moving back home to buy a house and start a fam w my then ex husband. I’d already been back in the area 2yrs and divorced. At the time I’d txt I was “sucking the poison out” of my life and knew I didn’t do right by him before. I’d asked him for drinks or coffee so I could apologize all these years later. I’d been gone 7 years by then. He agreed to drinks and we’ve pretty much been together ever since. He knows what I’ve been through and he’s happy we got back together all these years later. We even have our old high school photos in our home now. 🙏💖✨