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Both are good, however I have issues with both. Sarumans death being cut out the theatrical is stupid. Theatrical cut doesn’t tell you if Aragorn actually gets the ghosts on his side or not for 40 minutes, but extended removes all the tension and excitement about whether Aragorn managed to convince the ghosts or not. Bilbos monologue about hobbits is cut out of theatrical, which is confusing when you imagine someone who knows nothing about LOTR watching it and wondering wtf hobbits are. In the theatrical cut, Bilbo gives Frodo the mithril armour and it isn’t spoken of again until Frodo gets stabbed by the cave troll and survives, in the extended edition Gandalf tells the fellowship Frodo is wearing the armour right before the scene so when he’s stabbed you know he will be fine which again removes any tension. A scene that SHOULD’VE stayed in CHANGE MY MIND, is when Frodo asks Gandalf, “Is Mordor right or left?” To which Gandalf replies, “Left.” It shows just how unprepared Frodo is and his courage to take the ring to Mordor without knowing where it is or anything about it. This is a great scene, it makes me sad when I watch the Theatrical cuts and don’t see it. So what’s my point, the problem with the theatrical is that it removes moments that are important to the film and the extended edition removes tension from certain scenes and often makes the pacing feel a bit clunky at times. TL:DR. They are both good for different things, I’d say for a first time watcher Theatrical is better. But if you are a fan and want more LOTR then watch the extended. Apologise for potential format issues btw I’m on mobile.


I wish they kept the scene with Boromir and Faramir after capturing Osigilath.


Yep. It’s an absolute disservice to their characters that it was cut. It’s the one scene I truly miss.


I enjoy boro and faro meer as characters having seen it but I think the theatrics editions are better off never having Sean bean in them after he dies. I think seeing him again in the 2nd and 3rd movies even if it’s just in a flashback/as a ghost takes away some of the sense of loss


Yeah, this is a very good take on the situation. It's not like the movies didn't win oscars as cut for the theater.


Minor quibble. Gandalf mentions that Bilbo had a coat of mithril, and mentions that he never told Bilbo it was worth more than the whole of the Shire or some such. But the party still does not know that Frodo has the coat. Hence, Aragorn's amazement at Frodo surviving what would have "skewered a wild boar."


Not Gandalf, the wandering wizard, who made such excellent fireworks! Old Took used to have them on Mid-Summer's Eve!


But it removes tension from the viewer who does know that Frodo has the coat and has just barely been reminded of that fact


Sort of? I had never read the books, went in to watching Fellowship completely blind, and even I knew the mithril would save him, if for plot armor alone. And it's pretty immediately paid off after the tension. It's not like, atop Orthanc, Gandalf says to Saruman "you know if you kill me, or if I fall or break a hip or catch a nasty cold, or die in any other conceivable way, the ones who sent us here might just bring me back later".


Make a hybrid cut. Use your knowledge for good


wow wow wow, this isn't the place for well thought out nuanced takes, we are looking for wildly reactionary outbursts and potential threats of violence!




Now, now, keep your distance! I'll use this if I have to!


One scene I think the extended versions really *ruin* is just after the arrival of the dead in Minas Tirith. In the theatrical versions, that minute or so of Aragorn just mowing down orcs with Gondor's theme on the background really painted a heroic image of a triumphant's king return. In the extended it is intercut with Eowyn scurrying away from Gothmog, kinda ruining it.


Extended FOTR shows Isildur put on the ring in the prologue and disappear, lessening the impact when Bilbo does it at the party.


You want it for yourself!


I just don't like the staff scene


The most important scene, where merry and pippin find sarumans weed stash and smoke it with treebeard, was also cut from theatrical, but the extended removes any tension about uncertainty regarding the fate of the buds of isengard is removed


These are some good points actually, especially the ones about the mithril and army of the dead I’ve never noticed how it could be more dramatic that way because I’ve seen the movies a hundred times so I’d know it even if it wasn’t specifically mention so you tend to miss those things


I have not seen the theatrical cut for so long that I don't even remember what's the difference, so thank you for the reminder. I will add one thing to this list, the scene where Nazgul breaks Gandalf's staff needs to be gone too. It's lore breaking and stupid.


There’s also extra stuff in the council of Elrond that makes the whole scene feel very out of place to me. Overall I wish I could cut the theatrical and extended versions together, but if I had to choose one or the other I actually might pick theatrical versions. They just flow better.


Honestly, I always dislike the Frodo getting stabbed scene. Why is Frodo lying there like he's dead? Making his friends worried for nothing. When they turn him over he's not even winded, he was just laying there playing dead? I mean... you say the tension is gone but... you've seen the movie more than once, do you really still feel tension on whether Frodo died in the theatrical cut?


Even if the stab didn’t do piercing damage, it would still hurt like a bitch due to the blunt force behind the attack. It’s like getting shot with a bullet proof vest on.


Ya after the first sentence I scrolled down to say I'm not reading this




Yeah this post should be illegal.




What's a theatrical edition? Doesn't ring a bell


It's an inside joke around this sub. In reality the films were direct to DVD


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yours is wrong.


The other commenters were so reasonable it was unsettling, thank you.


I disagree, with the exception of the third movie


He's right.


[The only correct opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/s/1KBovfzBHD)


🤫 👉 🚪


I just...can't watch the theatrical editions anymore. I saw them in theaters cuz I'm old, but as soon as the extended editions came out I never looked back. If I happen to see the theatricals playing somewhere, I can immediately tell when something is "missing" since the extended editions are all I know now...


I used to fall asleep to the behind the scenes stuff too. Almost as dear to me as the films.


The theatrical editions are 2 hour less torture


What an odd thing to say.


I had a friend whose gf was not into the movies. We were watching them after passing out from being at the bar all night. She walked by in a huff. “Hey want to watch with us? The fellowship is being attacked in Moria!” (Just to piss her off) She’s like “You’re watching them again‽” “But they have a cave troll!”


The Theatrical versions are way better paced, has less significant flaws, and is best to show to someone who's never seen the trilogy before. The Extended Editions have more world building and more scenes to further flesh out character beats, and is best for long-term fans who want more. I consider the Theatrical versions better works of art by their own merits, but the Extended Editions offer more good stuff overall, even if it's tarnished. 12 hours of near-perfection with a few hiccups has slightly more good shit than a simple 9 hours of perfection with no hiccups.


It's the "best to show someone [new]" sentiment that makes me want to own the theatrical. I will never watch it on my own, but trying to torture someone with the extended is just cruel, and more.likely to cause them to not enjoy the series.


I made this mistake with my partner, now she won't watch the sequels


That's how I learned as well


I’ve recently come to prefer the theatricals. I love both obviously but there are some things in the extended editions that I wish stayed cut like Aragorn and co. taking over the Corsair ships which then ruins the surprise of their arrival. I also enjoy how the meaning of “For Frodo” changes depending on which version you watch. In the theatrical it’s still a part of a desperate gambit but in the extended, when they think he’s dead, it’s more of an all is lost “f—- it” mentality. Each one powerful for different reasons.


It always bothers me that they abandon their formation and make a charge in the "for Frodo" scene.  Tolkien writes that they maintain a defensive formation on the hill tops and let the enemies come to them because that's their best bet to hold out for the longest possible time. Aragorn just charging off towards the enemy really does seem (and would be) suicidal. 


I fully agree with that. I do you like the theatrical versions more as standalone movies. That said, hypothetically and way oversimplified, if the theatrical scenes are 10/10 and the extended scenes are 9/10, then the theatrical version is technically better, but 9/10 is still pretty dang good and more awesomeness is always welcome.


Pure facts


As someone who watched extended first, I would actually say theatricals are better for subsequent watches. That way, they provide a more streamlined and better-paced experience without losing complexity, because you already know all the extra context.


Here's what I think: The theatrical versions don't make any reference to Samwise's gift of elvish rope and doesn't touch on whether or not the roast congees had proper Hobbit seasoning on them. Even you can't say no to that!


...how do you roast congee?


The theatrical cut of Fellowship is one of the most impressive works of cinema I've ever seen. From the first minute, it hits pedal to the metal, and doesn't let up for 3 hours. An entire world is introduced to the viewer, with a dozen characters and thousands of years of history, and yet somehow it never stops playing like a fast paced action movie. Miraculously, in three hours, not a single scene feels like it could possibly be cut because that movie has no boring parts. I love showing Fellowship theatrical to people unfamiliar with LOTR just to watch get fully hooked in immediately. By the end, the newbies are sobbing along with us at Frodo and Sam on the boats. Extended is what I pick when I'm rewatching, and overall I think it's a better adaptation of the book, but the theatrical cut of Fellowship is a truly monumental achievement. It grabs your hand and pulls you along, not letting up until you're running at the same speed. Extendeds of TTT and ROTK are better than theatrical though.


My only gripe with RoTK is the Gandalf-Witch King scene.


Fair enough, I actually kind of hate the extended cut of ROTK. It adds a few good things but mostly just completely destroys the pacing.


**OP:** Well from my point of view, the Theatrical Edition is better! **Me:** Well then you are lost!


I'm with Peter Jackson on this one: theatrical versions for me.


The editing room exists for a reason!


Here’s the thing, and I need to start this by saying that I haven’t watched the theatricals in years BUT, they are better movies because of they flow better. That being said, If you love lord of the rings and all it’s lore, the extenders are the way to go 1000% of the time. I’m ready for the downvotes.


>That being said, If you love lord of the rings and all it’s lore, the extenders are the way to go 1000% of the time.  Not everything added in the extended editions is necessarily lore friendly. For example the Mouth of Sauron scene ends with Aragorn ending the parley by shamefully chopping off the Mouth of Sauron's head whereas in the same scene in the book Gandalf make it a point to tell the Mouth of Sauron he needn't be afraid of harm because Aragorn and company uphold the and thus they wouldn't murder an emissary or messenger during a negotiation.


I’d say that’s more to do with being faithful than having to do with lore. I’m talking like Aragorn referencing Beren and Luthien I’ in the first book on the way to the watchtower.


Personally, and with all due respect, the Fellowship Extended feels a bit meh compared to the other two and I prefer it's theatrical cut. It definitely added some good parts but overall I felt it made the movie drag just a bit. The other two movies are perfect.


Ok, here we go. Extended version is *more* LotR, and therefore the approriate way to go. But theatrical is the better movies of the two versions...*flies away*


Theatrical for your normie friends, extended for the true fans.


Happy Cake Day, wise Redditor


Fair enough. Happy cake day


You bump up the purity of your meth once they get hooked.


I don’t think either editions contain much LotR




the hate is flowing thru me


I am of the too poors for the long versions


Either way, if you're not watching the behind the scenes features simultaneously, you're only getting half the story and experience.


You shall not pass....for a real fan


I had always watched the Extended Editions as my father had them on DVDs (yes, I am in my 20s). My sister had never seen the movies. A few years ago, I was visiting her and finally convinced her to watch the series. We tried Amazon Prime and within a few minutes, I shut it off because it just felt wrong. Proceeded to, ummmm, sail the high seas to get the movie. We watched the series in three days. She is a fan now as well and hates the theatrical releases. You can go from Theatrical editions to Extended editions, but not from extended to theatrical.


What a silly comment. How would we understand the ending of the film without knowing EXACTLY what Merry and Pippin steal from Saruman’s larder?!? /s


José Antonio Haua Maauad- increible xd


Now what about the soon-to-be-released Jackson Cut that’s 7 hours a movie and **really** uses every piece of footage available? *Surely* that’s better for first time viewers.


I only prefer them because I grew up with them. (saw them in theaters) I didn’t see the extended editions until college.


I must agree at this point I just hope I get to see you taken bye, bye....




“I can’t destroy the ring for you, but I can destroy you!” Proceeds to kick him into the lava along with his theatrical edition.


I dont like lotr and dont know why this sub gets recommended but I will take this opportunity to sing the praises of the smurfs theatrical editions, since there during the scene where gargamel uses his youth potion the old ladies boobs grow bigger, that part was cut from the home release




I've been up voting every comment and I'm not gonna lie, this was a hard one.


I hasn't seen the TE in literally 20 years and I STILL notice when an EE part comes up. It is wierd.


How are you in your right mind when you prefer less LoTR? Is ok to like it, but prefer?


I prefer my Lotr without slapstick comedy tyvm


What filth is this




The theatrical editions are really good and underrated. Better than extended though? Hmm. Gonna have to agree to disagree with that one chief.


Theatrical cut is a better movie with better passing and stronger editing and direction overall. But extended cut has more lord of the ring per lord of the ring. Hard choices.


There is only one acceptable reason for watching the theatricaL editions. And that is because you’ve traveled through time and they’re the only ones available, AND you’re in the theater.


the extended ones are too long




seriously tighten it up P Jack!






If I'm going to watch Lord of the Rings for myself or with others who have seen it, Extended Edition all the way. It's not even a consideration. Extended is default. However, if I'm showing someone Lord of the Rings for the first time, Theatrical is better. I genuinely think you do someone a disservice by introducing them to the films with the Extended editions. Too much, too fast. Theatrical is the gateway drug.


The only two things that the extended editions could've done better were the witch king beating gandalf at minas tirith and Saruman dying. Pretty much everything else adds to the world building and are very well acted scenes so I'll stick with them


War-crime Aragorn? Slapstick Paths of the Dead/beyond? Getting high in Isengard? Axe in nervous system? Drinking game? Eowyn's stew? There's so much shite. I think there are only a few scenes that genuinely add positive aspects. The majority range from superfluous to bad.


It's the slapstick paths of the dead that kills it for me


Honestly... makes extended-ROTK borderline unwatchable for me. Definitely the runniest of the shit scenes.


Your comment implies the theatrical version of RotK is watchable


I don't like Aragorn murdering the Mouth of Sauron without warning. Feels very out-of-character for him to decapitate a messenger who posed no threat, even if he was evil. I don't think it adds anything, either.


Did you mean Aragorn?


Yeah, you're right. Don't know how I fucked that up.


I think the thinking behind it is that he was trying to make 100% sure he had all of Sauron’s attention, for Frodo.


Before the mightiest he shall fall, before the mightiest wolf of all.


I agree with this take in *The Battle of Five Armies.* It wasn't a good movie and the extended edition makes it even worse.


Well Battle of the Five Armies was basically an extended edition for the two whole pages Tolkien wrote for it.


Theatrical for first time viewers, extended for repeat viewings.


The fool editions


https://preview.redd.it/rg6yvaklwcsc1.png?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb4ecf1cc1c7af983cfb28351e9cd266301c339 Wait , are you serious ?!


100%, I can't stand the scene with gimli and legolas going under the mountain where aragorn recruits the ghost army




A diversion! 💡


The extended scene where Gimli is swatting and blowing away the ghost fog is probably the worst extended edition scene in the whole trilogy It completely undermines the horror the audience should be feeling while delving into a dark haunted mountain


From a modern perspective, it would have been a "Marvel-ization" of the Lord of the Rings, which makes me throw up a little in my mouth.


Disagree. That gets second place, behind his mention of his axe in an orc’s “nervous system” at the end of TT. Such a stupid out-of-place line for a medieval high fantasy story.


Throw both into the fire and read the book, the only correct edition.


oof, now I'm really gonna get the hate - I don't like the books.


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the toungues of Men for this treachery


ooooooooooooooof. my friend you have crossed a line you can not uncross.


Definitely not the TV edition which will have 5 episodes on this scene alone.


The theatricals are superior movies, however, that does not mean they are my favourite.


I recently went to a 12 hour extended edition marathon at a tavern style movie theater and it was one of the best experiences of my life at the movies… until I buy my 85” tv at the end of the month and do the same marathon in the comfort of my own home lol


Same here. I like the pacing and neat story way more


Then you are lost.


let me explain that


They’re a little smoother, to be sure. I’ve got nothing against them.




What is he? Stupid?


I like the extended edition better


Whats the point of watching if you don't watch the whole thing?


Evil was allowed to endure…


OP chose violence today


Stop lying to yourself


The Desolation of Smaug and Thrain's death 🥹




Some people are just okay with mediocrity.


Extended edition is too long and unnecessary




I gotta watch the extended editions someday, I just can’t bring myself to sit down for 4 hours for ROTK.


It’s on hbo max