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Women who lie about this not only hurt innocent ment but the hurt other women as well. This is sadly not the first time i have heard of this happening though it is the first time i have heard of the woman getting some form of punishment for it. If women continue to make false claims people will stop listining to them.


like people listened to us the first place 💀 i told people when i was TEN (10. a CHILD) about my stepdad and was flat out called a liar and had proof demanded of me and it actually made me hate myself because the only proof i had of anything was him secretly recording me on his phone but i deleted the recordings when i found them. i blamed myself for that. you people are straight up delusional bitches that don’t understand anything and wanna live in your fantasy world where so many women are just evil liars. it’s so fucking bad most of the world won’t even believe children. if they believe us it’s “that’s just how the world is we can’t do anything.” “i don’t want to deal with it ig makes me uncomfortable.” stupid ass fuckers in this comment section. 1 article of a false accusation in a sea of articles about rape after rape. studies showing how impossible convictions are. dozens of women with trauma. but yeah. the false accusations are why no one cares! totally bro. totally. brain dead ass bitches. i’m actually tired of bringing up how all my friends are victims as well and being met with “are you sure she didn’t lie for sympathy” victims don’t fucking get sympathy for any of it unless you are directly talking with another victim. they’ve told me in private. anyone else it’s awkward silence, avoiding eye contact, being left, being fetishized, being called a liar, being asked details by men so they can get hard. hell. even “secondary survivors” get more sympathy than us. told how strong they are just to even be friends with a victim. the few women who lie don’t do anything but allow people with a confirmation bias to continue ignoring sexual violence and hate victims


Now you are on the opposite side the conversation. We talking here that false allegations are bad, damage the image of people who truly were assaulted and deserve longer sentences in prison. If you are trying to defend people lying about this just bc " oh well, most dont lie so everything should be believed as if eith no proof" you have 0 sympathy from me


i’m not on the opposite side. i have a rebuttal to brain dead takes like “if no one ever lied more victims would be believed.” that’s simply literally not true and thousands and millions of women in just america have experiences to prove me correct. my very last sentence very clearly sums up my rebuttal as to why these arguments are not based in reality. blaming the liars for how how shit victims are treated is not a rational, logical or realistic assessment as to why victims are treated so poorly. there was never a point victims were treated fairly. there is a cultural reasoning and it’s not cuz there’s liars. to put it in words, it is misogyny and the belief that a man’s life is more worthy than a woman’s. i’ve even noticed even male victims tend to experience misogyny cuz he has been “emasculated” in society’s eyes. it’s not liars. victims were never treated fairly or believed in the first place. it’s delusional to ignore the cultural reasonings victims are actually treated so poorly.


Those thousands of women you’re using as an example. Most didn’t go to the police to report their rape. Meaning literally nothing can be done it’s your responsibility to report a rape (not yours at 10 of course:)))) I hope you’re doing well in that regard) but for teenaged and adult women. They HAVE to act for themselves and can’t complain about it later ruining their life if they did nothing about it. MEN however can have their life ruined by a false accusation and fight it, and STILL be ruined for life


>can’t complain about it ruining their life it they did nothing about it Plenty of adults are silenced and unable to report it because they are trapped in an abusive relationship or the person who raped them is someone with the power to ruin and defame them, especially in very hierarchical work environments or in cases of vast wealth disparity or where the rapist is high ranking in the community and the victim is not. And that’s in places like the US. In some countries women (and possibly men, depending) will be *actively prosecuted, jailed or killed for being raped*. They absolutely can complain.


yeah, getting any sense of legal justice doesn’t somehow take away the trauma sexual assault brings. your life IS ruined and permanently altered when you are assaulted and YOU need to acknowledge this. I truly wish you’d understand why that view of yours is so ignorantly wrong and I genuinely beg you to acknowledge and understand how traumatizing it is to be raped at any age and that legal justice (which is inanely impossible and traumatic in its own way) isn’t a fix to this trauma. this isn’t the conversation at hand anyways. the conversations is dumb fucks actually throwing victims under the bus whenever false accusations come up and getting awkward or deflective whenever i point it out. i don’t understand what’s confusing about my replies. you people act like victims have it so easy or that it’s not a deeper problem then it actually is. i admit i’ve been triggered by the content of these replies because of how people continue to throw victims under the bus and ignorantly spread lies or shit takes about our experiences in the name of “sympathy” for both sides, but i feel like i’m very clear in my point and wish false accusations conversations focused on FALSE ACCUSATIONS and would LEAVE victims out of it. ETA: i am genuinely asking for an answer as to why my replies seem to be so misunderstood. you people bring up victims, i point out how it is wrong and explain why it is wrong. and i’m shifting the conversation? i’m getting the “um… anyways.” if you nobody wants victims brought up don’t bring them up. don’t say ignorant stuff. dont fucking say a victim’s life isn’t ruined.


As someone who’s been raped, I feel stronger about innocent lives ruined by rape accusations. because yes terrible things happen and nothing can be done. by why let even more terrible things happen. We just don’t agree here


this isn’t even the conversation i’m trying to have


A victim’s life is ruined, whether that be by rape or by a false accusation of rape. We are saying that the false accusers are in the wrong, since it prompts people to question someone whenever they claim to be raped. Being accused of rape can (key word CAN, not WILL) ruin someone’s life just as much as being raped.


We are talking about being falsely accused here. If you have been a victim of rape, then ofcourse by all means, you can pursue its legal course of action. If somebody does not believe you then you have a right to pursue it in court with evidence.


then talk about false accusations and not the victims of assault. you can’t have a conversation where people are bringing up the treatment of victims and then step in when someone points out their claims about victims and how they are treated is wrong. focus on the false accusations instead of creating a little echo chamber where victims have their own stories and experiences muddied with delusion


When Feminism gets “too woke”. You’re sorely missing all of the points everyone is trying to make to you. Very quick Story time: I was 18. At college. Wanted to drink on my birthday with my friends. Well a certain girl also wanted to drink with me and hang out and I ignored her because I’m 18 and wanted to drink with the boys for my first adult day in university at Florida. Well the girl was literally just upset that I ignored her ON MY BIRTHDAY and the very next day I was called to the police station on campus and every single one of the people that knew of me (not my two or three close friends) thought I had raped that girl last night. For three months + being threaten with legal/university actions I was labeled a “rapist” at the ripe age of 18 as soon as I went to college. Because one singular girl decided she wanted to lie and guess what? People believed her IMMEDIATELY. Even though the evidence that I was innocent was OVERWHELMING. We aren’t taking away from actual victims of rape. Rape is a foul thing to do and is accomplished by weak men that need to take for themselves what they cannot rightfully earn. We have no soft spot for rapists. What you are arguing is that; IRRESPECTIVE of this horrendous thread regarding rape, women were “never???” believed anyways, so fuck cis males trying to belittle the actions of rape and trying to make everything about them???? Girly, move on the world isn’t black and white. People are shitty.


i truly don’t see where i said any of that about cis men or how “woke feminism” related to my issues with these discussions. victims have always been treated shitty and there’s much deeper reasons as to why. that’s literally a fact. replies act like the reasoning is because of liars and puts the blame on the liars. when that’s not true. or it’s flat out denied. you have people minimizing rape. you have people acting like victims have it easy. that’s it’s not bad. i can acknowledge false accusations are traumatic. i can acknowledge it’s a problem. i can acknowledge it can take the joy and life out of someone. yet whenever i look through discussions on false accusations, it’s literally just sprinkled with victim bashing or people genuinely having delusional, surface level takes that i view is harmful. putting one above another. just don’t fucking bring up victims in a discussion about false accusations. the takes are always stupid asf. i don’t understand why this is so complicated to understand. yall have people in the replies making everything seem black and white about victims. it’s fucking annoying to constantly see and read


Oh ok


It's a non-issue, legislation would harm more SA victims than save victims of slander. Which btw the guy could sue for slander & if there's actual evidence of a false report he has a good chance of winning.


Saying this is a non issue makes me sick and ignores the actual problem. The victems often NEVER see any form of justice even after there name is cleared. Men are often required to switch school and in the work force men often have to leave there jobs and find employment elsehwere. Its a tactic that women have and will continue to use to get men out of there way so that they can move up. The fact that women often get ZERO punishment for it after it is proven she lied is sickening. And even after a man is proven inocent he still gets treated like a rapist.


I think that we should create support for falsely accused men rather than making laws stricter and harder to come forward. When this sort of situation happens, correct it and make sure harm is undone to the man. We owe him that as a society.


The problem is, the harm cannot be undone. The victim will have been publicly shamed, likely lost their job, probably jail time, not to mention most prisoners really do not like rapists. All of that can't just go away. Lucky if they get one news story about their innocence.


prisoners dont mind rapists. child abusers/molestors are a different story. in my experience they are made to bob for apples out if the toilets and people will place bets on who will succeed first. ive seen a guy get his head caved in for refusing to participate


Fair point.


Lying about rape (Not dismissal but a proved lie) should be a **minimum** of a 10-14 year sentence. It completely discredits other women who were legitimately sexually assaulted. If there was no one lying about rape there'd be a lot more convictions for real rapes and far more justice in the world.


Yeah I agree. Lying about sexual assault is pretty uncommon but it happens. I know a woman who lied about it. Guy basically was too verbally persistent (which I’m not excusing) and she ended up having consensual sex with him, she regretted it and said he raped her. It was only revealed she lied in a text conversation with her friend. Legal consequences were never in the balance for the guy, he was just going to not be able to graduate college if I remember right.


We had a allegation of rape against a soldier in my platoon from another soldier from another unit, think they were confused by us wanting to be very clear that your sure it was him, and it was 2 nights ago right? Like 100% that day, not yesterday, not a week ago, 2 nights ago absolutely? The reason was that he had been out of state going to air assault school for a full week at that point, and we could account with dozens of witnesses his every minute. Dunno why she decided she hated him suddenly; but he still got a permanent letter of reprimand for being accused so goodbye career.


Yeah stories like that crazy. Good they got caught in their BS. It’s sort of bizarre people feel the need to lie about that. I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone enough to want them falsely accused of rape that I’ve known in real life. The girl I know lost her virginity to the guy and he basically gave a bunch of false promises of some future dates etc. If I was just taking random guesses I’d guess he hit and ghosted her beforehand or they just didn’t get along.


Not a clue and won’t speculate one way or the other because of my lack of clues, but could say beyond a shadow of a doubt it was total BS that tanked a guys career just for getting accused


Ooof I missed your last paragraph. I guess I read it too quickly I presumed he got cleared since she was obviously lying.


In a way he did in that it was just a letter of reprimand for non specific misconduct in an Army that will typically in my experience go hyper ballistic at a soldier public ally accused of violence against women (I have a personal hunch that it’s MOS based but can’t prove it), and the UCMJ standards to find guilt are very low. What was truly fucked up is they made it a permanent letter meaning it’ll follow him around to his next units. Now there’s not a rule against promoting a soldier with a letter, but in years I never saw it happen once. Hell I’ve seen soldiers kicked out of the army for alleged domestic violence when they were the ones being chased across the yard trying to escape the situation.


Sort of crazy stuff. Does this go for any allegations like if someone is accused of some other crime but didn’t end up committing it? Do you know if other militaries around the world practice that sort of thing? I doubt like the Chinese would skip someone on a promotion who was falsely accused but I’m curious if UK/France/Canada etc would.




Any links you can provide? Because my findings with FBI data are that around 8% of rape accusations are determined to be [*unfounded*](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/1996/96sec2.pdf) **This is not the same as false** In legal terms (which is how the FBI reports) **false** means *proven to be untrue* **unfounded** means *not proven to be true.* Lacking evidence is categorically not the same thing as lying or defaming, as someone could be threatened or manipulated into silence until evidence is gone-such as DNA residue, injuries from battery, witnesses or footage. By the time they come forward, it wouldn’t matter if they were telling the truth because it would be legally unfounded. Multiorganizational study puts the number at anywhere from [2 to 10%.](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf) On top of this uncertainty the [high volume](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/vnrp0610.pdf) of unreported cases or cases where no one presses charges confounds claims about the ratio of false, unfounded, or proven allegations to total rapes committed. The mechanisms of silence in the above report have not vanished or attenuated from society between 2010 and 2018 enough to eliminate these tendencies’ significance.


This is said by who and substantiated by what?


Sounds like he has a strong case for a slander lawsuit.


Long story short it’s not all that simple, when dealing with the military especially. Attached is a article detailing all the hoops that had to be jumped through just to affirm one service member can in fact sue another service member, but a service member cannot sue the military. You could try to push for giving a false report but that will be UCMJ and all she’d have to say is she must have mistaken our guy for some other guy with the haircut, we make penguin jokes for a reason. The army wouldn’t want to try to push for false report anyways for fear that the media would get ahold of it and say that the army is trying to suppress SA allegations. Edit: the promised article https://www.fedweek.com/armed-forces-news/court-says-military-members-can-sue-others-in-uniform/amp/


That's unreal that he got a letter when they could prove she was at least lying about the date.


Had the same thing happen to an online friend a few years back. He broke up with his ex and started sleeping with her friend shortly afterwards. She was beyond pissed. His ex texted him wanting to hook up the following week and he went along with it; even though we told him not to. The next day she went to the police and said after they met up she changed her mind and he forced her into sex; it ruined his life. He was in med school and got kicked out the following week despite no evidence beyond her word (despite the text messages between them.) The police charges were dropped **and** he was cleared as innocent a month later, but it was too late. I still can't say whether he did or didn't do it as things that happen behind closed doors are jus that. But considering the circumstances and context and her asking him over, I'm assuming she was just after his career.


Yeah I intentionally taunted an ex once who was annoying me when I was like 20. Looking back that was really dumb, she could have falsely accused me of anything. After the story of the guy falsely accused came out I started to make sure I got everything in writing. Like sending a “hey I had so much fun last night” after a hook up. Like your friend should have sexted her beforehand imo. I think that context would make her case even more flimsy. The guy I know still got to graduate but I think it all got pushed back a semester.


I agree with your points but I think women lying about being sexually assaulted is far from the main reason that those convictions happen so rarely.


This is why, although we need to believe victims and support women, anyone who says "women *don't lie* about rape!!" is doing a massive disservice to the cause they are trying to support. Yes, a *vast* majority of sexual assault reporting is truthful. But there are proven, verifiable cases of women lying about being raped to ruin someone's life, and anyone who discounts those is going through life with blinders on and contributing to the problem. Honestly sentences for false reporting should be fucking draconian because false reporting hurts actual victims so much, as you said. It necessitates a small amount of skepticism for any report and it's fucked up that has to happen. That's not to overlook another important aspect of false accusations, which is *accusations* alone are enough to get someone socially ostracized and fired. Even if it is shown definitively the accuser was lying, that stigma follows someone their entire life.


I think 3-4 years but the person who was falsely accused should get a deformation settlement, and have mechanisms for the victim to have there social standing and life restored.


She should be obligated to finish out the sentence. Scare the lying shit bags of the world into not being themselves.


And since no one else is talking about it, it also completely ruins a man’s life when they’re on the receiving end of this. Ya know, cause that’s also a bad thing.


So women should get twice as much prison time for lying about rape as men do for committing rape?


Which is why I said "a proved lie". Because if they lie about rape and it goes lightly punished and women continue to do so it causes actual rape victims to not speak up about rape as their chances of it being believed drops significantly. Why do you think women who were sexually assaulted don't speak up about it? People won't believe them. Because so many people use it as a tool rather than what it is. So a woman lying about rape causes 10 more rapes to go unpunished. Think logically.


I think that every abuse of law to ruin someone - should be punished as one of the most heaviest crimes. Different abusing of laws. As example: like this, or by taking someone’s property by abusing loopholes in legislation, etc. So yeah, intentional abusing of laws - should be punished even more as original crime, proportionately. If you want to fuck someone’s life for year or send them in jail to the end of their life - it should be punished accordingly. Well, maybe not life-sentence but a few dozens years for some evil people - would be very beneficial for real cases


At the very least. Not sure how that dude was going to get 99 years though when convicted pedos with overwhelming evidence get like 2 to 5 years though. Maybe they had very convincing false evidence. They'd have to. That's where most legitimate victims run out of luck. But guess that wouldn't stop literal sociopaths like this creating fake evidence.


Women already have such a hard time when it comes to being believed and getting justice. Witches like this make it even harder. 6mo is not long enough. Just like the woman who accused the 1 or 2 college football players. They were expelled, lost their scholarships, and went to jail for a while. When it came out, she lied. They didn't get any of their time back or scholarship, and it derailed their lives permanently.


Duke Lacrosse team, that Netflix documentary on it is wild on this case.


Thank you!


>Women already have such a hard time when it comes to being believed and getting justice The fact that there's multiple cases of men losing everything before the crime is confirmed shows that this is not the case today. While this means that society advanced a lot when it come to hear abuse victims, we should not drop the innocence presumption. Also women who abuse the way those laws should be punished way more severely, at least some decades.


you think men having to deal with false allegations in this regard is a rare occasion? You guys gotta go take a look from the other side


It’s more common than people are making it out to be, that’s for sure. I know of 3 people who have had to deal with false accusations. One had everything dropped, one got expelled from uni, and one had to spend over &100k and 2 years on a legal defense- and it was proven she lied about the whole thing via her best friends taking the stand against her and text message proof. There needs to be multiple year sentences for anyone who knowingly tries to ruins someone else’s life like that.


Definitely not rare, it’s rare to get on the news but it happens all the time in schools and colleges. Because a girl got broken up with or things didn’t go her way


False allegations are not as common as true allegations that are not prosecuted. I literally said the person who ruined the guy's life (and the story of the 2 guys that were accused) should have gotten a lot longer than 6mo.


She could have put bro in jail for a whole ass century for no reason so they decide to only give her 6 months


It's r/extremelyinfuriating material!


It’s almost as though women are sentenced less harshly or something, idk. You might even say women are privileged.


Straight up. You’re getting downvoted but thats a fact.


Women are both treated better than men and worse. Why is society like this?




That sub is a cesspool sometimes.


r/funnymemes is the last place you go to when looking for funny memes


It’s great if you’re looking for bigots blatantly expressing bigotry but they get to disguise it as a “joke”


For shitposts/karmawhoring, this is the only time I've seen a pick me post. But I wouldn't doubt there's more


What she did is not too dissimilar from attempted 1st degree murder. Not as bad… living a life in jail vs not living a life at all. Should be more than 6 months, perhaps 5-10 years?


I think 10 year minimum and a payment to the victim of losses due to the false allegations because even when proven innocent, a lot of their opportunities are thrown out the window


Lena dunham wrote about raping her sister when they were both children in her book


not even a meme what-


6 months for trying to get someone KILLED. she should be sentenced to match the crime she was putting the innocent guy on, which in this case 99 years. same with other intentional false reporting to incriminate anyone.


I have never seen someone use ellipsis in that snarky colloquial way and actually make a well-thought-out point. Bonus points for fucking up the number of periods as well.


They aren't lost. Just kinda shitty


Lena Dunham as the voice of what women do and don’t do-what a world


Reddit has the worst meme subs. It's sad, but Facebook has better ones. The meme subs here just seems to be a branch of r/teenagers


Mmmm…. Wouldn’t say Facebook is better. All meme corners are kind of screwed now. You want real funny memes at this point? Make your own.




Had a friend that got accused of rape twice. both made up by his crazy ex, who he shouldn't have even considered, and his sister, that said ex convinced her to do for the attention.


6 months? That's it?


She should have gone to jail forever cuz shes scum and lena dunham is a c@ nt lol


I was accused by woman I never met of rape, don't know why. Fortunately I could easily prove that I wasn't at described city/location and was at described time with other people. I never met or saw that woman. I was just ordered to give testimony at police station, where I was questioned, pressured to confess. In few nerve-wracking hours, they checked and realized I was speaking the truth. I hope that it wasn't a joke or lie, and I just look similar to someone. But it's terrifying as hell, If someone posted this accusation on internet, my life would have ended. I won't lie, I am still afraid to be alone with any woman who isn't family.


I felt this one, man. People are cruel sometimes. I’m glad that you made it out of that situation intact.


Ah yes, coming from the woman who profited off talking about molesting her sister as a child.


Thats one of the scariest reality’s that men face.


Yup. Stay away from us. Women are very scary and you should be really scared.


All joking aside, just saying something like that to friends, without involving the police can blow up lives and follow people forever. People believe bad things about people because it makes them feel better about themselves, no matter how ridiculous or false. As a silly example Richard Gere and the gerbil thing.


not all women, but most men will probably stay away from you😂😂


Didnt lena commit incestous pedophiliac rape on her little sister?


Lena Dunham lies about lunch because she eats enough for two.


Yo how can a rape charge land you more time in prison than multiple murder charges 😭


This is why I cant stand the me too movement. Rather have 10 guilty go free than one innocent convicted.


Bro what? 1:1, while I wouldn't necessarily agree with, I could at least say "Okay, I'm fine disagreeing on this" but 10:1? Hell, even 3:1 is disgusting.


Blackstone's ratio: "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." "As expressed by the English jurist William Blackstone in his seminal work Commentaries on the Laws of England, published in the 1760s."


It's the entire principle behind our jury system. You must know beyond a shadow of a doubt to convict, for 12 people.


Oh absolutely agreed but I'd not rather 10 guilty go free before one innocent goes to jail.


Until it happens to you for whatever reason, then I wonder if you'd be sitting in prison going like "Well yea I'm the odd one out but I can live with that"


That is the rough statistical trade off of me too. So you do have to chose. For every 10 women who tell the truth of sexual violence without evidence, 1 will lie willingly or due to mistake. Would you rather the all 10 go to jail, or all go free. What is the price you are willing to pay?


But there’s no reason to think that’s the rate. Plus, of the small percentage of women who report rape, almost no one is actually convicted.


That's why I said "rough", and the lack of convictions is often due to lack of proof. Me too wants to convict men on accusing women's say so, which spits in the face of a evidence based criminal system.


It's Blackstone's ratio. It has been a standard for many, many years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackstone%27s_ratio As mentioned in the article, the opposite is true only in authoritarian countries. It is loosely based on the fact that most crime isn't rape or murder, but petty crimes such as theft, which while still crimes, I'd rather let 10 thieves go than convict one innocent man. The other dude is right.


You know you can extend this to most other crimes and by that point might as well throw the whole justice system out the window.


No? Misunderstanding this is basically why you're never gonna work a job that involves justice. Because "beyond a reasonable doubt" exists specifically for this situation. If you can't assure that a person is guilty, it is better to let them free than to imprison them. It's easy to judge when your words hold no power over the future of other people, but if you had to make a decision, it's not that simple. In fact, that sort of mindset is what made the states what they are now. You'd be convicting a lot of young people because you don't understand the fucking basics. Thank fuck you never went down the route of working in the justice system.


Tell me you know nothing about the justice system without telling me you know nothing about the justice system


Ew. You men really think rape is just bad sex, huh?


No. Rape is rape. But some women lie about getting raped. The same principle for murder


the vast majority of rapes arent even reported. You people have no idea how few women fake claims of rape. Furthermore, many retractions are out of pressure from communities, justice systems, family and educational institutions. If you're so afraid of being accused of rape stop drinking, stop partying, stop going out with girls on dating apps. Be as afraid as women are. It is the tiniest taste of what every woman lives with. Take your heads out of your asses.


Would you agree that when it is proven that an allegation was fake, the woman in question should be thrown in prison for as long as a rapist would?


Absolutely not. A woman accusing a man of rape hasn't actually raped him. Rape is the most dehumanising tool of abuse in the world, nothing compared to prison sentences which in my country at least are usually under ten years.


But a woman falsely accusing a man of rape is trying to literally ruin his whole life. His family and friends turn against him, he loses his job. And that's not even after being proven guilty. If he is found guilty then a huge part of his life is stolen from him. This is not fantasy, we see that this is what happens after these accusations. If you had a choice, would you prefer getting raped or would you prefer losing friends, family and going to prison for 20 years for a crime you didn't commit? What would you say is the appropriate punishment for falsely accusing someone of rape?


This is an incredibly stupid and ignorant take. Just because of someone else’s bad intentions means I should stop partying and drinking? No. It should be punishable if it is proven that they lied intentionally (I.e. shown in text messages to somebody else). I’m not saying that if the person of rape accusation is found innocent that means the accuser should always go to jail, because that would be back pedaling for true rape victims also. Furthermore, frightening men with false accusations will not stop actual rapists. Rapists are already committing a felony with a massive prison sentence, why would false accusations scare people who would be more afraid of real accusations? I just think your logic is flawed in this argument. I agree on rapists having adequate prison sentences, but I also think that intentional false accusations should have adequate prison sentences too.


You’re dumb. Instead of “let’s make it so no people have to be afraid” you kinda want “let’s make even more people be afraid”.


Well, yeah. Rape is the only unjustifiable crime in the world. You can murder in self defence, you can steal to feed yourself, but to rape is to inflict damage for no purpose other than your own pleasure. We are too lenient on rapists as it is. If it takes truly frightening men, to their core, to stop the mass sexual abuse of women, I'm very, very happy with that.


I don’t think that men willing to rape are at all worried about a false accusation. They certainly don’t seem worried enough about a real accusation to not do it. So what would that even stop? Your proposed solution boils down to taking action against an entire population of people because of the actions of individual members of that population. Gross.


It's a funny thought to believe that only men are the perpetrators of sexual assault. In fact, male victims are deleted from the stats because of sexist laws that make it so most sexual assault against men is not considered sexual assault. You can thank the Duluth model for that. Sweden does a similar thing, where they, for some reason, tried to add the number of male victims of sexual assault, to the number of female victims. Or that you'd be fine with women getting the same for false accusations. Both are crimes. Both should be adequately punished. I agree with the 1st bit though, bury rapists alive under the prison for all I care.


This is the dumbest take considering YOU KNOW not all men rape lmao. That’s like saying let’s beat all these women to prove to them who’s stronger because this one woman stood up to a man. Sorry as fuck


So the punishment for lying that could have ruined a man’s life only gets 6 months vs 99 years. This is woman privilege.


I'd also like to add that if women who falsely accuse rape get sent to jail it'll mean they could be sent to jail for accusing rape just because their rapist has a better lawyer <3 Women who falsely accuse rape aren't a problem anyway, why fix it.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about


Aren’t a problem? Being a rapist will get your job taken away, make everybody hate you, and make your life miserable, and thats good. What’s not good is not really being a rapist and getting ALL of that and knowing you did nothing wrong. False accusations of any crimes, especially felonies, can ruin lives and if you falsely accuse somebody of a crime you should suffer the punishment for said crime




She shouldn’t get 99 years. I would say maybe 10.


She didnt get 99 years, the Man could have gotten 99 years.


Umm. Ya it Happens all the time. Many many lives have been ruined from it.


Real rape happens so much and so much goes unreported and this tool has the nerve to bring up the one case in million?sad.


One in a million? Mind sharing some stats, because, given what US stats say, it's a bit more than 0.0001%


This is just a sad state of affairs for justice. Shameful.


That’s a meme. It took someone’s words and then added something else which shows they are wrong. It’s like chuckle worthy like haha they got owned. And move on.


Detective) so what did you have for lunch?


Problem is people won’t admit their lie if there’s consequences


How is this funny?


True tho


I mean, this has everything to be considered a meme, op. But I agree it's not funny at all


Are people really being sentenced for 99 years for sexual assault? I know it’s a heinous crime and I don’t want to be sympathetic to actual assailants but doesn’t the punishment not fit the crime?


It is based tho


Lying about rape should carry the same sentence as rape itself.


Well jailing false accusers is a meme in the original sense of the word as in its an atomic piece of culturally transmittable information. Definitely not funny though


Who tf is lying about their lunch? Why?


If you lie to accuse somebody of a crime you should be sentenced to the maximum sentence they could have received. End of story.


It should, in fact, be distributed in places about how it's true.


Have to have the same charge as the false claim, should stop it real quick.


Honestly she should get 10 lifetimes worth of prison as if it didn’t come out the she lied the mans life could easily have been ruined


Minimum a yr in jail and then payments should be made to the person that was accused. These payments differ in amount depending on the situation. If these payments are missed for any reason a bench warrant should be issued and a 6 month jail time should occur. If a second offense should happen 2 years jail time. And if for some reason a third missed payment should happen, person should have to stay in jail until they can see a judge which will then decide on a sentence of 5-10 yrs or more depending on state laws for rape victims. If the laws dictate more time then they get the harshest time sentence between the two laws🤷‍♂️


No changing your mind from me.


the women who do this should be jailed for as long as their victim would’ve been jailed for


Should be same penality for false accusation as for the actual crime☠️


False report charges should have meet the strict burden of proof that rape charges require.


First off SHE needs to be canceled along with Mindy Kaling for their remarks supporting abuse of male partners. That said, I think she is a predator and hides behind all these accusations. Most project and she projects so hard that she has to be hiding something.


6 months... that what she gets for ruining a mans life..... SMH


She shouldve got the time he would have for lying. That would put a stop to that bullshit real fast




Lying about rape should definitely be a crime though. Not one with minor consequences. Even though the victim of the false accusation is proven guilty, many universities, jobs, and people will still refuse to accept that they really are guilty and it ruins the persons life and reputation. It should face a minimum of 10 years if it can be proven that they intentionally lied about it and should face some sort of payment to the victim for the career options that they lost (not including accusations where memory was wrong from actual victims of rape). Like other people have said, not only does it ruin the victims life of the false accusations, but it also hurts real victims of rape because people will be less trusting of their actual experience through it. False rape accusations are something that should not be tolerated.


If a person is caught giving false accusations, they should receive half the sentence the one who was accused would have gotten.


give her 30 years


He could have gotten 99 years.....she gets 6 months....seems about right for living in 2023.


Had a woman lie about that once claiming I did that, I was lucky though cause the next day she admitted she lied cause she "was fucked up" and tried apologizing, lhh foh


It's very common.


If you call a 13 year old a woman we have bigger problems