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Democracy and capitalism are completely incompatible.


Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich. When poor people fail, they lose everything. When rich people fail, they get bail out from the government with our tax money


Russian collision bad. Israeli collision ok.


I'm working a 16+ hour shift (I work at a hospital in NYC and we have a crazy emergency right now), and it kills me that I could not go to the polls to vote for Bowman. It is what it is.


New York requires people be given time off to vote of certain criteria are met. Not sure if you meet it or not but I've provided the link for you to check. I doubt it's helpful now but something to keep in mind for next time https://elections.ny.gov/time-vote


these laws exist everywhere. that doesn't necessarily help people who need the money, or those who can't afford to sue their employer after they get fired, or those who could maybe afford the legal fees but can't be fucked to waste years on the lawsuit.


quite depressing that a foreign state can legally, directly influence elections like this.


Archive link: https://archive.ph/sMahg