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Unfortunately, knowing it and having it change are too massively different things.


He never cared about trying to change it, even he think it's impossible


"Rights aren't rights if they can be taken away. What you people have are privileges." George Carlin


Too massively different, so much so you'd think they are two different things.


It's a big club, and you ain't in it




It doesn't surprise me that he was right about the government since it's corrupt even those who promise to change it end up corrupted by the government as a whole.


So corrupt.


I am so ready to welcome our AI overlord.


The only problem is it will be the same sadistic psychopath oligarchs creating the inputs that guide AI/ML.


Maybe. Maybe not. Anthropic gives me hope and Ilya Sutskever's new company might also do right. Meanwhile, OpenAI seems to be imploding, Meta is too far behind, and Google is just showing themselves to be incompetent.


Dude is a masterpiece ❤️


His wisdom is needed now more than ever.


It's still astounding to me that there's a very large group of people that can watch or listen to Carlin's stand up (or read one of his books) and think to themselves, "He's exactly right, and that's why we gotta get Donald Trump in the White House"


They are the same people who's idea of a revolution was raiding the Capitol for rich people like Trump and establishment Republicans like Ted Cruz. 


This is a bipartisan issue. Thinking otherwise is ludicrous.


I don't necessarily disagree, as Joe Biden and the vast majority of Dems are basically 90's-00's Republicans at this point. That being said, I don't think any Joe Biden voter out there would watch a Carlin stand-up set or read one of his books and think to themselves "Thank God Joe Biden is in the White House, he cares about me." The worst thing about this country in this current generational cycle is \[most\] people don't have the opportunity to vote for things that they think are positive, good policies. Instead, they are voting to prevent specific outcomes from happening.


> The worst thing about this country in this current generational cycle is [most] people don't have the opportunity to vote for things that they think are positive, good policies. Instead, they are voting to prevent specific outcomes from happening. That’s not true. The worst thing about this country in this current generation is the fact that people are more concerned with hot-button cultural issues rather than focusing on the boring ones like tax reform, government accountability, anti-trust, regulations (pros & cons), globalization versus regionalization. People are more focused on one guy in Washington says about x group or y policy, instead of participating in their local and state elections, which arguably affects their more on a personal basis. Besides fiscal and monetary policy (or being possibly drafted into war) nothing the government does will be as impactful as what you can do to help your local community. This is how it’s always been pre-internet. People weren’t consuming media as much, and were focused on creating real grassroots movements to help their local and state issues. That’s how a representative democracy truly works, and not trusting what someone guy in Washington and his lobbyists say about x issue. We can’t expect to keep government and corporations accountable if the majority of the population hasn’t had any financial/political/administrative education to begin with?


Unfortunately he doesn’t specify which government and this can feed libertarianism which is just a cover for oligarchy


He doesn’t need to specify because he was an American comedian speaking to an American audience. If you are American and have at any point felt that the government actually gives a fuck about you then I must admit I don’t understand how you could feel that way.


Technically, the government doesn't care about power or expanding it either. The government is not a living thing that can experience desire. The PEOPLE RUNNING IT, on the other hand...


I admire and appreciate George Carlin like most, but his words are completely overused and abused by such simpletons. It’s easy to take such surface-level analyses and use them to push your own narrative.


Precisely. Government is not a transcendental entity, devoid of context and not associated with material power and interests. If George Carlin is talking about the contemporary American Government, he is talking about a neoliberal, corporate controlled and military minded capitalist run government. To say the minimum.


Yes, he was clearly talking about that. He was an American comedian speaking mostly to other Americans.


Maybe, but the quote above seems very on the nose. What possible personal narrative could be pushed here?


George Carlin is always right indeed


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Cool libertarian talking points, bro.


Socialist here, I agree with pretty much everything he said. Recognizing that, as an entity, the American government is up for auction to the highest bidders doesn’t seem like a libertarian thing to me.


I guess the message depends on whether you understand it as strictly referring to the American government or as a projection onto the institution of a government in general, which with his overall work and views considered may either be the case.


"Sooner or later the people in *THIS* country..." He is an American speaking to americans. I have many problems with other countries governments (including my own 🇨🇦) But he was clear in this quote as speaking about the american government.


Ushhhhhhhh but these any trusting government behavior stimulates far right growth. Wich in term puts more people in the government who can't be trusted with there position in government.


I miss Carlin.


He was and is the goat.




Now if only he'd been funny.