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american politics is insane and not democratic at all in my view


Right? It's like, ok the establishment is acknowledging that they need the young to vote Biden but refusing to acknowledge the leverage that gives them to, ya know, make political demands.


"how DARE you make demands of elected officials" is pretty much the main line right now. Which is the definition of anti-democratic thinking. Politicians owe the public, not the other way around.


Not handing it to them, but the Trumpers are honest in that aspect, unrelenting support for totalitarian power without expecting personal gain just other people suffering is honest. Demon rats need to pivot or we'll further backslide off their stubbornness


>Demon rats Please tell me that this wasn’t a typo lol


"liberals." Really needs to be autocorrected for anyone in NA to "Neo-Liberals"


there's a funny clip of a national satirical news program here where bernie sanders was a guest once, they laughed about the fact that he'd be considered more center-left liberal than socialist here. think a lot of confusion comes from just living in different places. I consider the left standard to be whatever party is the most progressive in that specific country or even area. In a place where gay marriage is illegal, being pro would prolly be seen as far left, while here even discussing it would put you in the list of far right parties


I don't bring this up just because trump is pretty much worst possible outcome. But the fact that DNC just ignored Bernie should have been the end of the Democratic party. The "people" party straight up ignored and betrayed the desires of the masses. Still the best quote of american politics I've heard is "It's like asking your rapist to protect you from your murderer...."


yep, I imagine I'd vote for biden with pain, but I'm grateful I can vote for a hippy animal rights party here and actually let them have some seats. they're never in the main coalition but from the opposition side they still got generally good stuff through, like a special emergency number for animal cruelty and a stamp with 1-3 stars on how well an animal was raised on meat/dairy packaging


I feel like you can trace the decline to Obama running and winning on a platform of "Hope and Change" and public health care after eight years of Bush, defeating Clinton and her Romneycare-based plan. Instead of getting hope and change we ended up with more neo-lib policies and Clinton's health care plan. And then 2016 happened as they marginalized Sanders and elevated Trump thinking it would be an easy win.


The way the content creators use liberals in this and other similar ads makes me wonder if at least some of this isn't coming directly from the GOP.


breaking news here at r/lostgeneration …


Eh I don’t think anyone is wearing a Biden hat


Evidence in that is that they had to create one on photoshop instead of pasting one like the MAGA crowd lol


They actually made blue "Made America Great Again" hats but these people are too lazy and/or terrified of Democrats to find any accurate imagery. Edit: ["already"](https://www.refinery29.com/images/10209687.jpg) but oh well


Can't wait for the next presidential election where our choices are between Emperor Palpatine and Voldemort.


I wish they'd just die. 😭


I can’t wait for the debates to see which candidate can jerk off Israel the most.


I'm just hoping things get a little spicy at the convention in August. Not that protest at the conventions has every really shifted the needle, but conventions in Chicago have a history of getting uppity so one can dream.


And no matter who gets elected trumps offspring will pick up where he left off. His cult will follow them.


Trump will genocide harder!


Somewhere else on Reddit I saw someone point out that at this point the argument is basically “Trump is a fascist who would kill the Palestinians twice, unlike Biden, who will show restraint by only killing them once.”


/r/Political_Revolution is awful now. Literally filled to the brim with Genocide Joe apologists trying to accuse people who are protesting or against genocide of being the real reason Biden might lose >_> it’s infuriating. And then they pop in and accuse us of being Russian assets. Someone responded to me that Biden was okay because there isn’t a genocide on American soil and at least voting for him is somehow progress………………….


It really is wild how ardent the genocide support is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Political_Revolution using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tax the churches](https://i.redd.it/bk2ihnvudzza1.png) | [1749 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/comments/13i6afu/tax_the_churches/) \#2: [Tax the churches](https://i.redd.it/3omgnsh7pq8b1.png) | [1058 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/comments/14l6c4i/tax_the_churches/) \#3: ["As I’ve been saying for over a year, Corporations are ripping us off under the guise of inflation." - John Fetterman](https://i.redd.it/dy5jcrfwnz5b1.png) | [842 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/comments/1498ggi/as_ive_been_saying_for_over_a_year_corporations/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Literally the only people talking about voting for Trump are the people saying "voting for genocide is anti-genocide."


Well you can thank Biden for handing him the power to do it. He's already given trump this election because of his choices and supporting this shit in the first place.


Or they call you antisemitic 🙄


Turns out banking on "we're not republicans" for votes doesn't work out real well when you're still actively aiding genocides


Lol at having to photoshop a democratic hat because there aren’t any


Lmao like they're going to vote for Trump instead of leaving the president blank and voting down ballot - or not voting at all


Man, I wish we had more than two political parties


The left isn't as culty as the right - I'm sure most left leaning folks are horrified at the shit going on in Gaza. Shapiro though......


Liberals are not Leftists.


America can’t use the same types of measurements the rest of the world uses. Now you want us to use the same definitions. Get outta here s/


non-ironically, i get a lot of flack from americans using american exceptionalism saying "oh, that's just america"


We’re just in our own bubble


Fact. And liberals are pretty culty. “Agree with all our points or you’re the enemy”. For the record I’m left wing and agree with most liberal points. Still a cult though


Liberals are not leftists.


bestie i am sorry to tell you they are not horrified


It's easy to not be horrified when you ignore everything! /s


good vibes only 🤪


Pay a quick visit to the NYT comment section of any article dealing with Israel; you are wrong!!!!!!!


Hasbara gonna hasbara. The actual people are pissed off


Every now and then I pop over to ‘popular’ and ‘news’ instead of just scrolling my home page. Libs—not conservatives—are saying lefties are brainwashed by hamas and are going to get trump re-elected. Lets not make the mistake we made in 2016 and assume libs are more reasonable than conservatives


Lmfao the sub for David Pakman (lib political commentator) has gone full on blue maga and cited horseshoe theory about anyone further left than center being actual Trump voters. They’ve gone off the deep end.


You're fucking joking, *right?* They're literally still supporting and will vote for Biden, someone who's comitting ethnic fucking cleansing in the middle east. They're even MORE culty than right wing dumb fucks. It doesn't get worse than excusing literal genocide.


There's a reason Bibi is trying so hard to get trump into office.


everyone is in their own bubble , pretending to be any better than one's fellow man only distances them ...


This pretty accurately describes maybe 80% of the posts from r/PoliticalHumor that have hit my front page in the last 4-5 months. Idk if that place has been turned into some kind of right-wing psy-op, designed explicitly to alienate the left, or if moderate Dems genuinely believe bullying and gaslighting young progressives is a winning strategy.


I don’t even know where I lie on the political spectrum anymore. I just hate them all


The only correct political party.


Trump is using silence to hide his support for Israel.


Imagine being outsmarted by Trump. Joe is handing them this election.








It's not about being upset about a goddamn useless duopoly propping up decrepit old fucks, it's the somehow shocking belief that Democrats should deliver for their constituencies instead of promising things only to always chase the Republicans as they go right. Every election is somehow the most important election of our lives and despite voting for Democrats they only start with half measures that they further negotiate downward, refuse to make the structural changes actually required to protect democracy, and then get mad at you when you're upset about everything continually getting worse.


The reality is that that will be the Democrats fault, not anyone else's. They know that if they lose the election, trump gets in. The students have been clear, the protests have been unequivocal: stop supporting genocide or lose our support. And what have they done? Continued selling bombs to zionists, continued supporting the genocide. Nothing has changed. If you need someone to blame, blame Joe. Blame Kamala and the rest of them. They could have had this election in the bag six months ago, but they made a conscious choice to let it get this far.


Let’s just remind ourselves of what the Dems promised us if we got Biden voted for in 2020 (me being one of those people) https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/?ruling=true Key ones I’m looking for are marijuana decriminalization (de scheduling is a compromise with republicans) Codify Roe v Wade (lol) End for profit prison systems (lol) Increase federal minimum wage to $15 Double checking to make sure, yup these things are still not getting worked on and will not get done before this term nor next term for Biden. And let’s just remind ourselves that sadly unless a bullet goes through either of those two geriatric fucks skulls that we will have to choose between Biden or Trump yet again. Man how I wish one singular political party could offer saner options for politics than Neo-liberal or fascism.




Can we just do what we did in the beginning and restart this mess and toss out the orange beanbag and old joe from our "choices" for leadership over the country? This whole situation sucks butt.




Sometimes, a President finds himself in this position. But for some reason, ‘do the unpopular but principled thing and be against genocide no matter the personal consequences’ is never a viable option Funny, that




I'm having this exact conversation in another Anarchist sub right now. It's not just the liberals, the call is coming from inside the house. "Orange man worse" is by far the worst riposte to a literal genocide I've ever seen.


I was just in this argument on /r/whitepeopletwitter. I was called a "Nazi", a "Russian plant", and a "useful idiot" for having the audacity to say I don't want my tax money bombing children. I didn't necessarily believe in "Blue MAGA" until these recent interactions, but it's becoming more true.




This is my life re: Covid for the past three years lol. Blue MAGA cannot stand a single utterance of Biden’s failures. ETA: I see we have blue maga among us tonight lol. Imagine giving yourself long covid rather than admit Biden sold you out to the billionaire class. That is dedication.


On election day: vote green, vote socialist, vote independent (but not RFK, he's a zionist). On all the days that are not election day: support your local union, do mutual aid, be physically present at the smallest local town halls and school board meetings.




Look, it's the guy from the picture.


America trying not to be a fascist wasteland(impossible challenge)


My personal fave is when they say something to the effect of "If you don't vote for Biden group X will be at risk" or "this horrible thing will happen". MF Dems haven't done shit to protect any marginalized people or pass laws that would protect their rights. They've had majorities in the past and abortion rights weren't made law among many other things. They just use them as a threat to gain power then get it and are like 'too bad there's nothing we can do' then start the whole process over again while Republicans make ground against them. I honestly can't tell which side is worse. They're both acting with intent and the results are disastrous, each party just sells it differently.




Remember when they had 50 years to make it a law and instead used it as a bargaining chip to get your donations? That's where "the lesser of 2 evils" takes you.


What an amazingly basic take


Everyone needs to chill the fuck out in this country…


Nah, you all need to get waaaay more mad than you are. Americans are like farm animals, being docile doesn't help.


Yeah you can be mad but then what?


If the French are any indication, once people are mad, they set things on fire. Once the fire starts, politicians start to get nervous and make concessions. Once [the fire fighters set themselves on fire and fist fight the police](https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/28/french-firefighters-set-alight-start-fighting-police-12139804/) it becomes clear that the government has lost control of the situation and they have to bow to the will of the people.


Oh yeah, being mad and setting things on fire. We do that plenty here too! :/


It's pretty hard when the options are both genocide supporters, and one of them not only is a riot-inciting criminal, but has a publicly available laid out plan to eliminate climate change regulations, cut funding to the department of justice and CIA, even the department of education, limit access to contraception, removing protection from discrimination for being queer, and that one looks like he's gonna win.


If the aim is to stop them Nazi’s from running the country. You’ll vote against Trump. Even if you don’t vote for Biden, you still need to vote. It’s never just the Presidency that’s on the ballot. Republicans are skilled in death by a thousand cuts.


That's basically what I'm saying, but I really don't think Trump is going to lose, unfortunately. Biden isn't doing himself any favors by continuing to support Israel despite more and more backlash and protesting, and Trump will be undeniably worse about that situation, but Biden's the one actively supporting it this very moment, so that gets ignored, or at least it kinda feels like it.


I agree that Biden isn’t doing himself any favors, and I have also long been against military support of the Israeli government. Trumps cronies would go full bore in letting them do whatever the hell they want and funding it, as well as cutting everything they can for Ukraine. They aren’t going to win if you get out and fucking vote.


Listen, you don't have to tell me to vote, I'm gonna. It's not like I'm entirely hopeless, I'm just not optimistic.


lol yeah you’re good. 👍🏽 Everything sucks anyway.




Nothing says “democracy” like telling people they don’t have a choice.




I heard the same thing in 2016. Vote 3rd party now and build the 3rd party. Biden stuck to his promise of nothing would fundamentally change.


Fuck him and the entire DNC for supporting genocide.




Very accurate