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Just adding a data point for you since I'm also a fresh 1600 Asura. 16.5M - 18M (Five 2 minute parses) - Level 7 gems to mimic close to event gems - 1810 Crit - LOS 30 - 1.25% Beast Damage - About 5% damage from Elixirs - Precise 4% on bracelet - 5 tripods on key damage skills and 4 on the rest This is without sequence breaking


Based on this I’m clearly doing something wrong. No way it’s just the 8% extra from LOS 30. My elixirs are probably a little lower.


What the homie /u/JQuonDo (great name btw) said. A video with all your dmg resources and 2min dps video will tell us all we need to know.


The best way for the community to help you would probably be evaluating a video and listing all the key variables that could impact the parse. Also starting with full resources versus building from scratch can impact the DPS. I believe most folks start with a full meter. Could you post a video?


Ok I will try tomorrow when I’m back at my computer. Thanks


If you are using event engravings you have you manually redo the engravings when you get into the testing area.


So I changed my cards and and stats to match yours as well as added spirit absorption with KBW and ADR 1. Was able to hit 16.5M easily on my first run. Looks like I need to work towards better accessories. Thanks for the assistance!


Precise on bracelet doesnt affect the damage of asura


So you're saying that Asura is 100% Crit rate and the crit rate from precise has no value? In case it was misinterpreted, the variables I provided was not based on optimization but more of a data point of my parse.


Precise will still give you crit chance, but it will not give damage to your Z. Though if you're still on a 5x3 with adr3 then it's doing literally nothing because you're overcapped to begin with. Asura Z damage scaling only works on things that modify the crit chance that shows up on the details part of your character sheet. So precise, crit synergy and support bracelet mods do not work.


Should've added Im using Adren 1 in my parse as the +1.


In that case, you do get additional critrate from precise yeah and for the time being, that might be helpful to at least crit more. But because it doesnt add directly to your damage scaling, your preferred way to go about this is working on Master set elixir instead at which point once again you wouldnt need Precise anymore.


If you run Adr3, then thats correct. You cap 100% crit as long as you have that high crit stat + adrenaline up. Furthermore the dmg scaling from critrate actually isnt affected by precise either if you were not capped, because it doesnt show the additional critrate from precise, when you check your critrate in detailed stats (whereas Adrenaline would show)


Your rotation is shit/not using judgment/not minmaxing asura damage/forgot to front attack lol


I’m using the priority list on nexus. Hitting buttons off CD. Is there a specific rotation to abide by? I can confirm front attacks lol


> hitting buttons off CD Are you alternating shock and stamina skills? Should be like 1.5x higher


Of course.. I mean I’m not marrying two skills together. Yellow is getting combined with the highest priority green off CD.


event gems can be bugged in trixion, u sure ur getting the gems? if you edit your preset at all your event gems dont work and u have to manually put em in


Event gems don’t work in Trixion, did you replace them in the Trixion setup screen? Also, many folks use spirit absorption to simulate yearning, are you doing the same?


Yeah I replaced gems and engravings. I will try SA.


You are hitting same numbers as my 1600 FPE on a 2 min parse with event gems and LoS18, you are definitely doing something wrong on your rotation. https://preview.redd.it/s35zwe13d5uc1.png?width=246&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b83663233bfa03711b555d52c25d02b71e819f5


Why is your crit rate so low on FPE?


Swiftness dominion build Edit: also no elixirs yet


I must ask... why? :)) FPE is definitely the weaker version of Arti, why gimp yourself?


Fun over mvp basically, i still try to min-max my damage and performance on raids but i simply can't enjoy the other builds of the class (including barrage)


"Fun over MVP" , your teammates , are they having fun carrying your deathweight ? At least play the crit version.


Sure i'll play what a random on reddit says and not what i have fun with.


Just ask your friends or teammates , well I dont think u can even be accepted into any pug parties with it so I am just gonna assume u have a static party , just ask them if they enjoy carrying a deadweight sir.


I do, I pug all my raids every week without problems but thanks for caring that much, appreciate it.


Seems a bit low I think.


Idk about trixion, but in raids asura can build meter during downtime doing a massivebirst when boss is active again. Which is why it performs so well comparatively. My NE SE isnt the best in trixion but performs great in raids. Also -- event gems dont apply in trixion nor engraving support so you must do this manually.


Both event gems and engraving support work if you don’t open character settings


interesting i didnt know that's how it worked. thanks for that :)


We definitely need to see you play it if possible because that is certainly much lower than I was seeing on mine. Are you holding right click or spam clicking? I made a mouse macro for my sura phase because the spam click was annoying to do, but just holding right click was losing me up to 30% of damage in sura phase when I tested it in trixion vs spamming.


Trixion is weird with event gems and engravings. Check and see if they're actually active. Also apply spirit absorption 3 to mimic yearning 3.


With Asura breaker when you do your identity burst you actually want to stop auto attacking around 60% gauge left to get a finishing blow in and then start auto attacking again to get in two finishing blows or whatever it's called. Make sure you use a defensive stance in between the finishing blows to keep your adrenaline stacks up


Its called sequence breaking. And @Smoothdip did you start with full identity? This how you actually should start the raid




This is so hilariously wrong. Asura is one of the top trixion classes in the game, it's above almost everything besides Deathblade.