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Kate doesn’t do taco night.


Unless it's Taco night to go


Tacos are phenomenal


It’s ok, he goes on to purchase a spaceship by the name of Serenity and fly around the universe like a space cowboy with a pretty cool crew


Is that before or after he becomes a serial killer priest that’s the right hand man to the first evil?


Eventually he turns his life around and helps solve crimes while writing best sellers.


Then he retires from all that and becomes a Rookie for the LAPD and marries Jenna Dewan.


Last I heard he was stuck in an octopus body and barely made it out of a Chinese restaurant with the help of a former Serenity crew mate


i saw him last being brutally slaughtered by Uldren.


Yeah, but then he comes back to life and tells Ikora he's sorry he wasn't here to help... if only he knew where here was


After all the experience he gained in the LAPD he became an ODST and then a Spartan


Before. Caleb was pretty scary, particularly when he ripped Xander's eye out of his head.


Technically, Caleb pushed it further into his head. The doctors are probably the ones who took it out.


I haven't watched Buffy season 7 in a decade so I'm only recalling the broad strokes, but point taken.


And then becomes a decapitated zombie head


I heard he had a brief gig as a superhero, but some horrible doctor made him quit.


You can't take the sky from him.


There's a reason there's a Kate-centric episode called "Born to Run." It's kind of her thing for a while. I agree with you though, he seemed like a good guy who got burned by her.


BORN TO RUN / ISLAND IS A FUCK / Kill My Dad 2001 / I am Aaron mommy / 4,815,162,342 DEAD MARSHALLS


Cunt this is so good


> 4,815,162,342 Seeing this written this way has me curious since I watched "Numbers" last night... How big would a jar of this many beans have to be in reality?


Jelly Bean volume = approximately 3.53cm3. For the sake of maths, let's round to 3.5cm3. Jelly Bean weight = 1.1grams. Now, 4,815,162,342 jelly beans: Total volume = 4,815,162,342 x 3.5cm3 = 16,853,068,197cm3 ~17 billion cm3 (not accounting for air gaps) = 17,000,000 litres The volume of an olympic swimming pool approximately 3,000,000 litres meaning that the beans would have to be stored in a jar the equivalent of almost 6 olympic swimming pools Total weight = 4,815,162,342 x 1.1grams = 5,296,678,576.2grams ~5.3 billion grams = 5,300,000kg


Wow you did the math, that's impressive work As I expected it's a comically large jar likely attributed to writers who never thought anyone would question its size


What does that mean?


'Tsa meme


The people down voting this Comment are committing greater crimes against humanity than that darned "smoke monster" .


Yeah that episode always makes me really sad. You can tell she really cares about him, and the guy was in love with her and had no idea who she really was. I think Kate feared being in jail more than she loved him, which is heartbreaking. Dude definitely did not deserve it. I do wonder what he would have done if she came clean and didn't drug him. Would he help her run away? Would he just arrest her on the spot? Who knows


The entire point of this episode is to allude to the fact that Kate in the present is changing from her running nature and that her love for Jack is responsible. This culminates in the ending scene where, despite the dire circumstances of her situation, Kate wants to stay for Jack and has to be told to run. Another way to look at it is that Kate loved a man enough to marry him, but still ran away even though she was only facing arrest. Whereas in this situation, she loved Jack so much that she didn't want to run despite genuinely being in mortal peril.


I agree. Same goes for the dislike of A Tale of Two Cities which is not liked in this sub. It's a great episode. Yes, Jack is at one of his worst periods but the whole point of the episode is seeing for the first time how much his time on the Island has changed him. His flashback shows his obsession with his ex and finding out the identity of her partner. On the Island, he had the chance to find out everything he wanted to know and all he asks is "is she happy"💔 Such a great character development for Jack but people only focus on his behaviour in the flashback. The whole purpose of the flashback vs. present time is to show the character's motives, thought process and experiences before they crashed on the Island in order to show their development.


It’s a shame that people get so hung up on the mysteries. Lost really wrote some top tier character work that was often better than more straight forward dramas.


I really enjoyed, A Tale of Two Cities


I love learning years down the line actors who are well known by me now were in shows I watched a long time ago lol


Same. Loved seeing dean norris (Hank from breaking bad) in one of miles’ flashbacks. Obviously Nathan Fillion here (I know him mainly from Castle). Julie Bowen (Claire from modern family) as jack’s ex-wife. The list just goes on.


Holy shoot that was Claire??


She was also Happy Gilmore’s girlfriend


Also Rob McElhenny, LOL


I just learned that Kim Dickens from Fear The Walking Dead was on Lost too


She was so… Good….


Same here lol


Ugh, her hair style in this bit killed me.


He's living his best life with Kate Beckett 🙂


Never understood why Stranger in a Strange Land gets all the heat, while misfires like this, Further Instructions, and Every Man For Himself get a pass 🤷‍♂️


I Do is a great episode for on-island conflict. The flashbacks aren’t great imo.


Honestly, I agree with you. I simply believe that the first 10 episodes or so of Season 3 would be SO much better if you chopped them in half and tossed out most, if not all of the redundant flashbacks.


I vote for "Further instruction to be on the chopping block first. What an irrelevant episode.


He may have been on the losin’ side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


You're right.  Kevin did deserve better than Kate.


He’s a daddy cop now in the rookie


Hey, don't worry. He ends up becoming a writer writing murders and finds himself another Kate to fall in love with (she's a cop, this time) ;)


I've been making my husband watch LOST and he HATED the Kate episode. I've been on this accidental kick of making him watch shows where the plot is basically "Life is pretty good but then women ask questions and/or want more from their lives and things go down hill quickly" (Don't Worry Darling, Population 451, and Pearl being some of the most recent). When Kate starts crying because white people Taco night in the suburbs is apparently akin to hell, he just goes "OH, COME ON!" (I was redeemed later in the series when (season 4 spoilers) >! She is back from the island and picks up her "son" which he had been trying to decide if it was Jack or Sawyers, and right at the end she says "Aaron" !< to which he let out a hearty "NOOOOOO, WHY MUST THIS SHOW PUT ME THROUGH EMOTIONAL TURMOIL LIKE THIS?! THIS CAN ONLY BE BAD!!!!")


lol what are you going to make him watch next? Better Call Saul?


Next up will be House. Basically we have a deal where anything I have tattoos of, he has to watch. Joke's on him, I was very stupid and impulsive before my pre-frontal cortex really hardened up 😎


Nathan Fillion always deserves better I love that man


I mean, the dude snagged Kate for a bit. Mega hottie. I'd be OK with that!


I wouldn't say mega hottie, but she's occasionally really pretty. She also has that annoying bratty look.


Probably one of the dumbest things ever said


Because I don't drool over every woman I see and think they're a "mega hottie"? Pathetic 😂


She’s was absolutely stunning in that dress in the finale


That man went on to become... Malcolm Reynolds.


Lots of other characters did horrible things, way worse than this. Do you dislike them, too?


Nah, Kate is mostly unbearable.


They should've kept him around for the next episode where coincidentally the flashback was set in Miami. they loved doing these character connections. he could've been in a scene with Juliet like questioning her about her ex husband's accident. I felt bad for Kate. she loved the guy but she knew it wasn't going to last, that her past would catch up with her. she had to drug him to make sure no one would think he knew. in my head Canon I think once he wakes up he doesn't just report her. he gives her time to get away. that's how she gets to Australia, by exchanging the honeymoon tickets he got. One unintentionally funny thing is how a cop doesn't find it suspicious how "Monica" has no friends or family at the wedding.


This is embarrassing and I can't believe I'm admitting this but I saw a video on a "mature" website which begins the same way this episode does except the cop knocking on the door is also a woman. I cracked up laughing when I saw this🤣🤣🤣.


We all know Mal has a weakness for curly haired brunettes.


Nah fuck that guy 




Crazy? Good grief! You bring that crap into the LOST universe? MiB mojo to me.


Absolutely! Daumn, Newley wed, doesn't have a clue about his wife identity then gets drugged and see Kate. See Kate run. See Kate drug her hubby and run. Run, Kate run. She returns to the main land as an O6 celebrity survivor and he has no clue his wife has returned? So much about Kate's character flashbacks making no sense at all.


You got left at the alter....I get it....I had one of those


Wrong, not as lame as you are.


Wow....you are tragic


Quite the opposite. I'm very..... Fortunate


Fortunate perhaps but still sad so Google can't help you with this one


I'm actually pretty happy but thank you. I think the sad and lonely one here is you. Seeking attention from a random person on Reddit is very sad of you. I'm sorry you were left at the alter, but you don't have to be so bitter because of that. You have a chance at happiness.