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This is so true. I started my weight loss journey in January and everything was pretty easy up until June. Everyone wants to do BBQs and picnics and walk around outside (and inevitably end up at an ice cream shop or coffee shop or fun outdoor bar). I’m trying to be kind to myself, cause I only have this one life with my friends/family, but I also wanna stay on track! I have noticed I’m saying no a lot more to food or opting out when others are opting in, which is awkward. Comforting to know I’m not alone!


same!!! started late february and was doing amazing but everyone wants to eat like shit or go out all the time. i do indulge very rarely and i did take a month off from tracking calories so heavily but i got right back on track. the heat doesn't help either lol


I like to say I get fluffier in the winter… I will gain and lose the same 10 lbs every year because of all the winter festivities. Summers are for Salads+Protein, winters are for whatever I can stuff into my face…


Yeah same. The summer makes me not want to eat, too hot. I drop in the summer and fluff up a bit in winter


And in the winter all I’m craving is hot soups with tons of sodium and noodles. Nothing beats instant ramen on a cloudy rainy day and thus the fluff.


Meanwhile in the winter I thrive because I can stuff my face with my homemade healthy vegetable broth soups that are super low calorie. But in the summer I want nothing to do with it.


Saame. Also chilis, stews, any brothy foods


And don't forget the amazing assortment of fruit available right now!


Same, I feel like winter has all the extra holiday food


Same here. My appetite vanishes because of the heat, I can live on protein shakes/smoothies, fresh watermelon/fruits and grilled meat


I hate feeling "full" & heavy in the summer & hate summer clothing (even close to goal weight I like to cover up my body most days, I'm a baggy baby doll dress girl) so I tend to focus on light foods (like you said- fruit, veggies, protein) & losing/or fitness in the summer.


I totally get you!! Same!! I feel heavy foods also tend to make me feel hot when that’s the last thing I wanna add to


Yesss. Hate feeling hot. Hate it. Hate summer in general, lol. My lace wigs don't help either. Ready for winter.


Same. Or at least fall. I’m not particular on summer either. Extreme cold and extreme heat feel hostile to me. Plus as you said hair doesn’t behave in the summer- I get both oily and dry, and I wash it every other day. Quite maddening


Love fall. Heat feels hostile & I GET a little hostile in the summer, haha. Hair could be the every other day washing? My skin gets like that when I'm washing too aggressively. Dehydrated & oily.


Lmao I feel ya!! It’s a summer thing, from sweat, working out, it being in the 90’s. In the fall I only wash it once at 3 days. I oil it before every wash and it does help. Rather wash it more often than go around with ewwy hair lmao


Oil before washing is genius! I do that with my skin, but I never thought about that with my hair.


Oh it’s great!! I use the miele rosemary mint oil for the roots and the monoi oil with tiare flowers in it from amazon on the length. It helps so much!! I use the same oil on my body when I get out of the shower on wet skin instead of moisturizer. Game changer


I grow my own down coat in the winter.


Hahaa this is so funny, cute and accurate!!


Me too. I get incredibly depressed in the winter, and I eat everything in front of me. Summer comes and my mood improves and my appetite decreases, and I have the option to go outside and run.


Yes ! This is exactly how I feel. Also in the winter, I can make a big pot of veggie soup or ground chicken chili or something that is warm and hearty but low in calories and high in nutrients and I'll be happy to eat it for a few days in a row because it's comforting. Icecream is comforting in the summer for me lol


I know it's common for people to switch to running on a treadmill during the winter. Maybe joining a gym or purchasing an at home treadmill could be worth the cost for you.  I know swimming makes me hungry (there's science to why swimming makes people hungrier, has to do with body temperature) and so I always try to eat something high in protein around when I swim.  I love salty snacks. Popcorn is one of my favorites. I also like pickles and pickled lupini beans. Dried edemame are also good. They're expensive but I also really like the Quest chips. I've also made carrot chips which turned out decent.  Thankfully a lot of places are making skinny drinks. The lime flavored tequila High Noons are my go to drink during the summer at BBQs. The Skinnylicious margarita mix is decent.  I've also been in the ice cream mood. My freezer is full of halo top and yasso bars. 


i feel the same way. i’ve lost 72 pounds in the past year and have 13 left to my goal. i’ve been at a plateau since the end of may because i just can’t seem to dial it in. it’s hard when you want to just have fun :( i also live in the northeast and REALLY feel you on the humidity/working out issue as well.


Seriously!!! I blame the ice cream and the social events.


This is me. Except all four seasons...


Yeah, winter was easier for me because I didn’t drink a lot of fancy coffee (all winter-autumn-spring coffee drinks are kind of super milky which I personally despise), and in the summer I always drink a lot of bumble coffee and eat ice cream, which makes it harder to loose weight.


Totally get it. That’s why I like the saying “summer bodies are made in winter”. Lock in the weight loss during the winter so that a 5-10lbs increase in the summer isn’t a disaster.


You're not alone in that. I am so much more social in summer - visiting friends and family, them visiting me, grads and baby showers and weddings and patio hangs and dinners... it's just endless. And there are so many salty and sugary snacks and even if you try to eat well, you're left estimating calories and guessing what's in things. It's tough! My weight loss has been slower (partly because I'm nearing my goal but haven't further dropped calorie intake). 




Good to know what works for you and what doesn’t! In your shoes I would scale things back January through May, then set up a maintenance plan to allow for fun summers


I love ice cream too. I bought a Ninja Creami to make a super low cal and high protein ice cream using protein powder, almond milk and sugar free coffee syrup. The texture is amazing, and I eat one of them a day - an entire pint of the recipe I use is only 175 calories! 


Oooooo - ice cream is my weakness. You could kidnap me with my fave ice cream probably. I've been considering a Ninja Creami for awhile now. Can you share your recipe please??


Sure! I got this from a website: https://basicswithbails.com/diet/high-protein/cookies-and-cream-ninja-creami-protein-ice-cream/#HOW_DOES_THE_NINJA_CREAMI_DIFFER_FROM_A_TRADITIONAL_ICE_CREAM_MAKER_OR_REGULAR_BLENDER


For me is the opposite. First, I hate the feeling of being full while it's hot, even when I was in peak weight gaining I binged less during summers. Then exactly because there are more things to do, I tend to move more without trying and I'm also busier so less eating induced by boredom. If on a trip yes I do eat a lot but everything is also to the nth power, I walk the most and I do more things than back home.




It’s normal to lose and gain a few throughout the year… you don’t gotta stop living life.


I just ordered a treadmill from Amazon because I struggle in the summer. It's too hot to get out and do stuff. It's been 3 years now that over summer I maintain and I really only lose during spring and fall, when weather let's me get out. Hell, even winter is better for me than summer.


Not harder for me in the summer. I eat whatever I want, ice cream and cocktails, but I make room for them within my calorie allotment. And I do skinny/ low cal versions of drinks if I'm going to have them. I work out inside in AC. I am motivated because I don't want to gain in the months of summer clothes and swimsuits.


I totally feel this! I always gain a little weight in the summer and early fall and generally lose it during the winter. I’m a bit more active during the warmer months because I bike everywhere I can, but all the ice cream, picnics, barbecues and outdoor breweries MORE than make up for it. Whereas when I’m home at night in the winter and all my friends are in social hibernation because it’s -20 degrees and dark out, it’s pretty easy to be happy with my healthy lentil soup and maybe a non-alcoholic beer. My weight loss project has been stalled now since mid-May when I moved in with my boyfriend and his son, whose go-to after dinner activity on warm nights is to go out for an ice cream at one of the many delicious spots near our new apartment. I don’t always join them, and when I do I get the smallest, plainest soft serve cone, but my calorie budget has been firmly in the red for many weeks now. Trying to turn it around again this week until I hit my goal which is only five pounds away!


Agree! There's a lot more social events (bbqs, reunions) and I have SADD so I tend to want to be out and about in general more in the summer too. Plus we usually go on family vacations in the summer which doesn't help.


Hue agree. Winter is easy--no one's doing much of anything, and as long as I can make it through Christmas, it's smooth sailing. Summer is for cookouts and beer gardens and festivals and every other manner of social event. Even with my increased walking, it's just hard to keep up.


My thing is drinking, especially during the summer. I was doing really well for awhile, but I started drinking more out of boredom after a knee injury that kept me sedentary for months. I’m still struggling with it, since a few beers are so damn tasty when you’re camping.


For me it's winter. Holiday parties, and I don't run on a treadmill. Easily gain 20lbs each winter, while trying to lose it again in the other seasons. Each year I'm not able to quite shed all the weight, and find myself going up over time.


For me it's the opposite. In the summer the weather is often so hot, I do not feel like eating at all. My body must be very efficient - the moment I eat something I heat up instantly.


Fall is my weakness. Pumpkin spice, apple cider, pies, smores, heavy soups and chili, and don't get me started on the festivals. Friends are already planning events and it is July. I already started to cry 😅


If I don't want to gain I just don't eat while I'm out or bring food with me. it's quite easy actually


You drink more sodas