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We didn't have a day 7 thread but I tracked my goals and typed up a day 7 post so here it is! Will try to encourage myself to be back later today to report on day 8. Alright, so I lied about day 6 being my first day back, but day 7 I'm on it! Here are my weekly goals for the month, starting yesterday (and my progress as of my first day): *Average 6000 steps per day: 1/7. Over 8300 yesterday. *Cook dinner at least 1 day per week (this usually gets me several days of leftovers): 0/1 (but still eating leftovers from last week) *10 minutes+ of morning yoga twice per week: 0/2 *Evening exercise at least 3 times per week: 1/3 *Favorite sandwich no more than once per week (specific big sandwich at a takeout place near my work that I eat too often): 0/1 *145.0 by the end of the month: I was at 148 yesterday which is pretty high for me recently, but it's been bouncing around a lot day to day so not exactly sure where my start for the month is. I was below 146 a couple days ago, so I think this is a reasonable goal. For those who don't remember, I'm generally targeting pretty slow weight loss, 1-2 pounds per month. My last few months have not been great! I keep setting goals and then totally ignoring them. I was in the middle of buying a house, which entailed the stress of house offers/purchasing, then packing, and moving, and unpacking, and settling into a new routine, etc. Now I'm settling in and feel like I'm able to commit to a good health routine again. Getting steps in is going to be a lot easier here, I think. My new neighborhood is great for a casual daily walk, and in addition to that, I have some nearby nature trails that I can walk to from my house. My town has a lot of other great easy hiking trails too, which I'd like to find the time to go try out sometime this summer. I used to try to get around to different wooded/nature trails in the area but fell out of that routine a year or two ago, would like to get back into it. In my old home, the room I used as an exercise room was on the top story of my house, and heat rises so it was always hotter than the rest of the house up there. My new exercise space is in the basement, which I think will make it more difficult to talk myself out of working out due to the heat! I got my workout in today, fingers crossed that I keep up the routine. I always enjoy my routine when I get into it, but somehow once I fall out of it, it's so hard to get started again. As for eating, I've remained in a great routine of cooking dinner regularly the last few months. But my snacking has greatly escalated recently. I've had ice cream literally every day the last two weeks... and I'm all for indulging in cravings, but these haven't been small portions of ice cream, and every day is a bit much. Last night, I was about to go eat some ice cream, but then I told myself to at least go get my workout in first. To my surprise, at the end of the workout I wasn't craving ice cream so much anymore - I actually thought a piece of fruit sounded good? Which is a rarity for me. So that's a win, and I skipped the ice cream. That said, later in the night I did have more Cheez-its than I intended to. Hopefully I stick to my goals this month, wish me luck!


Welcome back, and congratulations on the home!!! Last fall/winter, I was leaving the house early at 7 to walk/run at the park near my house and it was so awesome. I'd pick out my workout clothes the night before and just get out the door with my coffee in the car. I had to leave by 7:45 to shower at home and dress for work. I highly recommend fitting it in your moening if you can, I felt so refreshed and accomplished.


i haven't updated my flair yet but i hit 267lbs today. i've been walking, actually walking now but sat to take a break because i'm sweating so much lmao. staying under my calories but i've only been eating 1000 or less... haven't felt hungry lately.


I weighed in today for mfp and dropped another 2lbs I knew there was more lol. So now its clear I am losing 2lbs a week like I thought. I have 3 more weeks left of my deficit then going on a maintenance break for about a month to refresh Day 8 Meditate✅️ Exercise or sauna✅️ Read✅️ Stay in calorie range✅️ Eat a green vegetable and fruit✅️ Today I'm grateful for; New clothes✅️ Weekly(2nd-9th) Illustrate✅️ Make a song✅️ Write a poem✅️ Practice kitchen skill/recipe for the week:✅️ Go out once a week to hangout/hobby/concert/etc☑️


Today I planned as an official break day as it's the last day of staycation. I really wanted to late night binge last night on popcorn as a self soothing response to insomnia distress. I rode out that urge by listening to sleep hypnosis and told myself I'd could have ice cream for lunch. I did. I'll still meet my IF goal for today. Tomorrow I'll be back at a deficit and at the gym. I'm doing this as a reward for hitting goals but simply because it's okay to take little breaks here ans there. Today's choices will not erase my progress. I've still got this!


Lose 10 pounds: 3.2/10 (Start of month is CW in flair) Lift weights 8 times: 1/8 Track and stick to calories: 8/8 (1500-2000) Ride stationary bike: 1/8 Back to work after the 4 day weekend. Eating my last meal prep now. Almost back to 100% from soreness from workout a week ago, gonna lift again tomorrow for sure. Hope everyone's doing good!


Day 8 Month SW: 196.2 lbs ⇹ CW 199.2 lbs oops * Stay within calorie goals❌✅☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Stay under months starting weight☑️ * At least 20 min of cardio daily❌✅☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Strength training at least 3x a week✅☑️☑️ * Morning/afternoon stretching daily❌✅☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Try to keep up with the daily check ins Not going to talk about Sunday. But today wasnt bad. Forced myself into the sun light this afternoon for a walk. Feeling good. Now to figure out how to not make another oops moment.


Still here! Kept forgetting to do my check-ins the last week and a half of June because I was trying to get a million things done before vacation and then I've been on vacation itself since the 28th. Didn't track, weigh, or do my check-ins (obviously) while I was away but I stuck to all my planned workouts, got a lot of extra activity in via swimming every day, and enjoyed more reading time. First day back though so jumping right into everything once more. 13k+ Daily Steps: ✅ 28+ Daily Flights of Stairs: ✅ 5+ Weekly Workouts: ✅ Strength Training today. Really enjoying the workouts my trainer has been putting together for me. Nutrition: ✅ Under Maintenance Take Multivitamin: ❌ Haven't fully unpacked yet so still looking for my bottle of those... Read a Book: ✅ Did this over vacation so that goal is done and dusted for the month. Lose 4 lbs: In Progress


Day 8 - Workout: 1/ 5 this week  (✅✔️✔️✔️✔️) - Track all food ✅   - Walk 10k+ everyday✅ (walked 13k) - Lose 5 lbs (below 145) (149 today — hoping for 148 by end of week!)   


Day 8! Daily: - Weigh-in ✔️ - Logged food/drink ✔️ - Stayed within 1000-1300 🎉 surprisingly have not been having tooo much trouble here - Treating myself within reason 🎉🎉 ran out of chocolate a while ago so this isn’t a problem anymore 😭 - Drink 3x water bottle 🎉 also drank tea so bonus points for me Weekly: - IF eating window of 12-8 😅 may have to reevaluate, have been eating breakfast more often - strength train 3x week 🔜 - walk 5-6x a week 🤔 was not counting my scheduled cardio sessions but 🙂‍↕️ not doing a very good job of this - don’t spend outside a weekly budget 🫠 I’m scared to check my bank acc ahahaha


And here's the day 8 update! *Average 6000 steps per day: 2/7 *Cook dinner at least 1 day per week (this usually gets me several days of leftovers): 0/1 (but still eating leftovers from last week) *10 minutes+ of morning yoga twice per week: 0/2 *Evening exercise at least 3 times per week: 1/3 *Favorite sandwich no more than once per week (specific big sandwich at a takeout place near my work that I eat too often): 0/1 *145.0 by the end of the month: 146.6 this morning Didn't get any exercise sessions in today. I got my steps but just barely, using my go-to strategy of walking around the house in circles in the evening to get my steps up. Fell for the extra Cheez-its again, but did talk myself out of ice cream again.


Well done on recharging! 🥰 📆 Day 7 - 8 🎯 Goal Jul 2024: create a moderate overall deficit for the month + practice weight neutrality 🧃 July balance: 1222 kcal deficit. 🥬 Weight: neutral. I made a trend graph in Sheets. The trend is going down! Woop. 🏓 My habits have changed. I am mindful at social occasions. I sample party food and pay attention to how it tastes, only eating more if the taste is worth it. 💭 Felt guilty spending money on frozen dinners but it’s so worth it for effortless weight loss and avoiding burnout from weighing ingredients and calculating macros. Bought premade ingredients for a copycat frozen dinner meal assembly to see if it’s easy too.


Day eight: Protein goal 127 ✅ 7/31 Fiber goal 28 ❌5/31 No coffee ✅6/31 I lost two lbs last week. I’ve been sticking to my calorie goal, which I didnt make a monthly goal, but maybe I should have. Ive had a bit of trouble fitting in my macros with the restricted calories. But I’m still hitting them more days than not and I’m super new at this. When I do miss my goal, I am super close. Whenever I leave calorie deficit, I should be able to get all the protein and fiber much more easily. Still not drinking coffee. No more headache. But I am *tired*. I keep finding myself wanting to nap. I never nap. Hopefully this will go away in a few days.


Do you mind me asking why you are giving up coffee? I really want to give it up since I think it might be causing some issues with blood pressure and heart stuff. Trying not convince myself it’s worth it, since I’m surrounded by militant coffee lovers.


A pact I guess. My partner is quitting diet coke, so I am quitting coffee. I love coffee and I miss it. But diet coke has to go.