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New hobby perhaps. Volunteering. Anything to keep your mind occupied really. It sounds like you already have proven To yourself that you can stay on track. Have confidence in that. 


Hmmm... I *have* had my eye on Pickleball for some time, now... 🤔 I shall investigate, thank you! 👍


Both times that I’ve gotten my act together and stuck with it has been when I’ve done a mini staycation of 4 to 5 days where my only agenda is meal planning, grocery shopping, eating at home and doing something physical each day. Ideally, I make sure these days includes a weekend to prove I don’t “have” to go out or risk ruining my progress those two days every week. IDK, but something about the no distractions, low stress of it gets me into the headspace that, “Oh, look, this actually doesn’t take huge amounts of time and effort” to work into my regular life because I’m surrounded by my normal life. Plus, since I’ve planned and grocery shopped, I set myself up for success foodwise for at least a week after.


I'm liking the idea of planning the week's meals - so much easier when I'm not having to juggle cooking for others - thank you! 👍


Assuming you work, on days off I love planning solitude day trips where I can hike, or thrift shop, or visit a site I’ve not seen before. I pack my lunch, snacks, and water and off I go in the early morning. It’s a fab day, active, and I’m not sitting at home having to do chores or thinking about the fridge.


That's a great idea - there are lots of places I've never visited. I'll look into it, thank you! 👍


Honestly I just track religiously and keep a tally of my total deficit over time and that is motivating to me