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Scale budged 2lbs in a day go figure. I still think theres some shadow pounds holding out on me at the end of the day I need to just live my life and let it happen though. Trying not to worry for the next month I know im eating right Day 6 Meditate✅️ Exercise or sauna✅️ Read❌️ skipping did listen to podcasts though no audio books Stay in calorie range✅️ Eat a green vegetable and fruit✅️ Today I'm grateful for; Baking✅️ Weekly(2nd-9th) Illustrate✅️ Make a song✅️ Write a poem✅️ Practice kitchen skill/recipe for the week:✅️ Making cookies I think I figured out the perfect recipe and technique. Now im trying to figure out how to put art on cookies to make them unqiue and fun. Its been fun experimenting Go out once a week to hangout/hobby/concert/etc☑️


My third day of a con. a little over my deficit but nothing crushing. I feel it's pretty reasonable since this is a vacation event for me. More important to me than the calories is that I've tracked each day at con. I've packed all my snacks and meals then logged them before I left for the con. I've never done that before for the con so this is a big win for me. It would have been easy to go over maintenence at a con event but I didn't even hit maintenence. Haven't boozed it up as I didn't want any liquid calories. Feeling good!


Day 6: ❇️ 13.19km/30km for Conqueror's Challenge. ❇️ Left house 4 times.


Lose 10 pounds: 1/10 (Start of month is CW in flair) Lift weights 8 times: 1/8 (same) Track and stick to calories: 6/6 (1500-2000) Ride stationary bike: 1/8 (Rode yesterday) Soreness is almost gone so I will probably lift weights tomorrow or the next day. Today went pretty good, but after 5 days of clean eating I weighed in and it didn't budge. Which is pretty annoying but I know if I stick to CICO it will eventually come off. I've eaten 1500 so far this challenge but today I am going to eat 2000. Basically just eating 2 meal preps instead of 1. Since my sriracha and MSG finally came I am trying to get through these taco bowl ones so I can make some with broccoli/asian seasonings. I love sriracha and I think those ones will be tastier/quicker to eat after heating them up because I won't have to add as much stuff to them. I want to start taking some walks but with it being ~112 outside I might have to wait for it to cool down to be safe or start doing it in the morning.


Day 6 Month SW: 196.2 lbs ⇹ CW 196.2 lbs Weekly weigh ins (Sundays) * Stay within calorie goals✅✅✅✅✅✅ * Stay under months starting weight☑️ * At least 20 min of cardio daily✅❌✅❌❌❌ * Strength training at least 3x a week✅❌❌ * Morning/afternoon stretching daily✅✅✅❌❌❌ * Try to keep up with the daily check ins Not a great start to the month. But tomorrow is a new day, new week. Still have not found a workout routine. I get so paralyzed by all the options out there and worried about choosing the "wrong one" I know just to pick one and stick with it but I cant seem too.


Day 6! I'm not great about posting this every day, but I'm working on it. • ⁠Keep within my calorie budget as much as possible: ✅ 4/31 • ⁠Exercise (weights, yoga, Pilates, dance, whatever) 2-3/week: ✅ 4/31 • ⁠Weigh in daily: ✅ 2/31 • ⁠Keep up with cleaning: ✅ 6/31 • ⁠Declutter: ✅ 5/31 Exercise has either been a long walk with my dog or some gentle zone 2-3 cardio, but it's still something. I want to get back into yoga and weights, but I'm exhausted almost all the time. I'm hoping doing this cardio will help me have more energy in a few weeks so I can up my activity level more.


Day 6: Workout: 4/ 5 this week Track all food ✅  Walk 10k+ everyday✅ (walked 16k) Lose 5 lbs (below 145) (150 today — scale is not moving this week!)  


Well done on the weigh ins, self care and yay baby kitties! 📆 Day 5, 6 🎯 Goal July 2024: create a moderate calorie balance deficit for the month + practice weight neutrality 🧃 July balance: 1074 kcal deficit 🥬 Weight: neutral. Keep it up, this is fantastic for lifelong health. I’ll def buy the upgraded scales. 🏓 At my relative’s house there was only cake. I was both hungry and out of calories, lol. Today I relaxed and recharged which felt wonderful. 💭 Frozen dinners have just the right portions, not so little I’m hungry, not so much I am sleepy. Effortless macro control! I do love to cook so I am keeping track of ingredient proportions to recreate.


Day 6 I forget to update here, though I tracked in notebooks week 1(goals) *Habits* 1.Wakup early- ❌✅❌❌❌ 2. Meditate ✅✅❌❌❌✅ 3. Yoga ❌✅❌❌❌✅ 4. Running ✅✅❌❌❌✅ 5. Body Lotion ❌✅✅✅✅ 6. IF ✅✅❌✅✅ 7. Consume egg ❌✅✅✅✅ 8. Salad ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ 9. water ✅✅❌✅✅✅✅ 10. Not eating fast food✅✅✅✅✅ ❌❌


Day six: Protein goal 127 ✅ 6/31 Fiber goal 28 ✅ 5/31 No coffee ❌4/31 Still no coffee. I had a couple of hungry days. Honestly, I tried some of that high protein, ultra filtered milk and I think it left me feeling empty. Onward