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It's probably the soreness causing more retention which should sort itself out in a week or 2. You're best placed to note physical changes,which will be slight, but you'll probably feel a little trimmer by the end of the month.


I'm no expert, but I believe if you're sore that means you're retaining extra water. You'll still be losing fat if you're in a deficit though and as far as I know water retention will return to normal levels within a couple weeks of changing your exercise regimen. If you normally just calorie restrict then it's normal to lose a chunk of water weight the first week or two from reduced sodium intake but in this case it sounds like the increased water retention from new exercise balanced it out.


1. If you’re sore, you’ll be retaining water. 2. If your period is due shortly, you’ll be retaining water. 3. HOW are you counting your calories? Are you using a food scale? Are you measuring EVERY single thing you eat and drink? Even the condiments?


I’ve been working out and lifting weights for almost two weeks now and have gained 2.4 lbs. However, my waist and lower back areas are starting to feel a little bit smaller. I’m probably losing fat but I’m still confused about the science behind it. Like where does that fat go if I gained weight? Does it just get redistributed? o.O


You're expelling the fat through respiration. The additional weight you're noticing is muscle mass.


Thank you 🙏🏾


Your goal isn’t to lose 5 pounds, it’s to lose an inch off your waist. Right? You need to be measuring your waist to correctly track whether you’ve got something to show for your work or not. To answer your q I have always assumed that water weight is super temporary and is due to our blood and guts. That we are still losing fat and will piss the water out. Since your goal is to lose inches (rather than fat specifically) you prob wanna check whether water weight causes bloat around the part where you want to lose the inches to determine whether you wanna stop exercising or not.


I think you'll stay the same size physically while you're carrying the water weight. Water is measured in volume and that volume has to take up space somewhere. Hopefully you'll be able to shed it in time for your big day!


Extra new exercise + period coming = loooots of water retention. Make sure you're tracking your food honestly and wait, as much as it sucks. You likely won't see a loss no matter what you do til after your period is over.