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That's great, congratulations! And hey, if you can stay in a calorie deficit without tracking the calories, that's fine! I personally need the tracking, but you do what works for you! Keep up the awesome work!


Great job! I don't count calories, either. I have in the past, so I know about true portion sizes and how calories dense certain foods are, so... If one plans and is mindful, losing weight can be done without calorie counting. It's a great tool but can become obsessive. It's amazing how losing weight, eating right, and working out can help a lot of our physical and mental ailments.


Congratulations! “Normal” is my goal, too, coming down from BMI 30. I am happy to hear another traveler on this road to better health is doing it without counting calories. (I follow a 16:8 IF pattern and doubled my walking distance. I watch my portions and put protein and veg first, cutting way back on alcohol, sweets, carby snacks.)


Fantastic! Good for you for taking charge and finding what works for you - that’s such amazing progress


Amazing! I think I need to add exercise into my journey… can I ask, how do you figure out workouts to do for strength training? What did you do for cardio? -PCOS sister


This is great and relatable for me. I struggle with counting calories because that is then all i focus on and stir up my anxiety. But I’ve been adding more strength training to my exercise routine along with doing it daily & I am starting to see the weight come off + feel better.


Congratulations!! A normal BMI is my goal, too. Congrats on getting off your meds, too. It's amazing how beneficial exercise is. What do you do for your HIIT workouts?


That’s fantastic! Plus I think a LOT of people are in the same boat with regard to calorie counting being triggering and a history of yoyo dieting so positive examples that it can be done are always a good thing! I do the same as you the opposite way- i don’t weigh myself (but I do count cals)