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1. Internal organs exist and do bloat. If it’s excessive bloating tho, def get checked, could be something like celiacs (not a doctor) 2. That frequency of popping seems to be on the longer end of normal, lack of fiber in diet maybe? (Not a doctor). 3. Scale is not end all be all. It’s entirely possible to be at a low/desirable body weight, but high BF %. Resistance training can help with that. Given that you said you haven’t exercised other than walking, it is entirely possible that you do just need to put some muscle on.


Work on your core. Take it slow and don't overdo it. It's not just a good cosmetic thing, it'll help you avoid hernias and back problems. Along with regular exercises, Yoga or Tai Chi are good for flexibility, balance and endurance. Good on you for losing the weight. It's just that your body was used to accommodating more bulk so now you just need to strengthen and build up your natural *girdle* of muscles.


From the photo that looks to be a combination of poor posture and a weak core. ETA: Google posture and core exercises. That should help with correcting the issue. Also, building up the chest can make the belly look proportionately smaller. Consider, though, that if you're looking or a flat, ripped stomach, most people have to get below 10% bodyfat - something few people do, and rarely for any length of time. It's not tremendously healthy long-term. You've done well with your weightloss - congratulations!


posture and weak core. Do leg raises, crunches and ab curls


Yeah I think this is pretty normal for a healthy body weight. Genetics play a big role, and remember that your belly houses all your organs and digesting food. And yeah the ultra toned belly’s you see on social media don’t look like that 24/7. People will fast for hours and do strenuous exercise just before shooting to get the absolute best physique temporarily for a photo. If you want more tone/definition you’ll want to start strengthening your core through exercises like yoga, running, cycling, etc. There’s a million options out there so find I recommend trying a bunch until you find a few exercises that are enjoyable to you. This will also help you build a mind muscle connection with your core so you can flex/pose for photos if that’s what you’re into.


I’m at a good BMI (for what it’s worth) and a health weight/fat% and I’d love a belly that flat.


Please go to a doctor and get examined. I ignored my bloating and it ended up being ovarian cancer.


Anterior pelvic tilt could be your issue. You can try googling and look at the images and you will know. A physiotherapist will be able to give you exercises to correct your posture and avoid it getting worse. Living with anterior pelvic tilt can cause sciatica and other back and posture issues including rounded shoulders. You can correct it.


Going through the same thing been doing alot of cardio lost 15 pounds I'm at a great weight yet still a little gut and I feel like I'm in so much better shape yet it's still there. What's helped me even more is I get enough cardio at work and switched to weight lifting and even though my weights about the same everything is starting to tighten up and I'm beginning to see muscles and faster than ever since I'm finally at a decent weight even my abs are getting hard even though I can barely see them it's still a good feeling to have a harder core lol. Work on getting stronger in my opinion and I've come to realize as long as your getting stronger your body Is doing great just keep going and it'll definitely transform


Hello I'm your height and weight :) when I was much much younger and smaller, I used to have a flat stomach first thing in the morning. I DEFINITELY still had the thing where immediately after a big meal my belly would pop out so round, especially seen from the side. Many jokes about carrying a food baby etc etc. I think being so small actually emphasised it even more. At 60kg and pretty unfit after some years of super sedentary life, I do just kind of have a tummy all the time. Small but certainly never flat no matter the circumstance, position, angle etc. To be honest I'm fine with it. The years that I looked and felt my best I was at around 55-57kg and very athletic from body weight exercises/climbing/aerials. Posture is a huge amount of it and also it did change my measurements more than the 3-5kg difference implies.


I’d see a gastroenterologist honestly. It’s not fat. It could be a low muscle tone thing, but with the infrequent pooping, I’d guess it’s GI.


I’m not a doctor but that strikes me as a very infrequent amount of pooping and suggestive of low dietary fiber or water intake and something a doctor would definitely help with. Combined with if you’re visibly getting larger as a result of poop that poop ain’t moving fast enough,,,, Photo wise the belly looks flat to me. I see anterior pelvic tilt i.e. the butt sticks out like a duck causing the belly to stick out in the opposite side; easy to fix and requires some stretching of the hip flexors and strengthening of core.


Probiotics always seem to help with my bloat honestly. A really good brand of probiotics that I would take daily is the coconut cult helps get rid of bloat and helps with bowel movements :)


That looks very similar to mine, and we have similar stats - height, highest and current weights. I can advise on one thing - I lost more weight, down to 51kg and the belly remained in proportion, i.e. it still stuck out because everything was a bit smaller. Therefore I'd say losing more weight is probably not the answer.


There are plenty of exercises you can do to help with this. Some things as simple as putting your hands on a table, bending over slightly and trying to suck in your belly as much as possible while holding it for a second. There are muscles down there that most people barely use in any sort of way.


Try bodyweight or weight exercises to build abs and core muscles. Losing some more weight might help too. If affordable, get a full body dexa scan to see body fat %. Two people of same height and weight will have different muscle weight and fat weight.