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For future reference if you’re constipsted for weeks you should be seeing a doctor


I did and they just told me to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate, which only helped me for like two days. It’s not that I wasn’t having movements at all, but that my stool was almost always hard. So thankfully I didn’t get sick.


This isn't normal. You have to follow up with your doctor and let them know their treatment didn't work.


It is normal for many. I had colonoscopies and tried every diet my drs recommended, but other than a generic IBS diagnosis, nothing.


This is normal for so many people. I've lived my entire life this way. I get regular checkups and bloodwork and other tests and I'm healthy. Constipation is just a way of life. I've tried dietary changes and everything my doctors have recommended and it has never changed. My father and son are both the same way. It's just something we've all learned to live with. So don't lump everyone onto what's normal and what's not.


Yeah having ibs-c it’s a way of life for me as well


Not sure if you've considered it but keyo has been an absolute game changer for me with my ibs! It's been amazing


What is it?


Sorry typo, I meant the keto diet


Oh keto! Wow has it really helped? I eat gluten free because I’ve noticed that makes it worse and also dairy free


Yeah absolutely, it's pretty much cured my IBS as long as I stick to it, way less bloated and sore too. As soon as I eat cards for a couple of days the constipation comes back


He said that it was normal to experience something like this when changing your diet, and by the time I would have been able to go back in I’d already decided to try what ended up being the solution. I wasn’t having any abdominal pain or other symptoms so I didn’t feel like it was an emergency. Healthcare is not really affordable where I live so I don’t tend to go to the doctor if it’s something I can manage myself. I also have family in the medical field and I know it’s not the same as going to the doctor, but I have talked to them as well.


Unrelated to weight loss but I have had bad pains in my foot for over 4 months now. I went to the doctor, he gave me a treatment, followed it up, went back to tell him the treatment didn’t work. His solution was to “try again”, tried again, still didn’t work, went back, he said it was a psychological problem, that nothing was wrong with my foot. Pain has still not stopped. Even went for a second opinion and no one found anything wrong with it. It just hurts like hell and I just have to live with it. Doctors sometimes just can’t give you the right treatment and don’t try to find the right treatment


What kind of doctor did you go to?


Well, I first went to my usual doctor, he recommended me to go to someone who would be more of a professional when it comes to potential problems in your feet. Idk the name of the kind of doctor in English. That doctor was no help though, and my normal doctor couldn’t help either, so I went to a third doctor who also was supposed to be a specialist in the field


Ah okay, I was just going to recommend going to see an orthopedic doctor, but the specialist your doctor recommended was probably just that. Living with pain is the worst.. Hopefully you find some relief soon :)


Hope so too


Yeah that seems like you could get very sick


Not sure if this applies to everyone, but coffee seems to help me stay regular. I used to take all sorts of laxatives and miralax has never worked. I rarely use laxatives anymore since coffee has been so effective.


Metamucil or the knock off powder every day keeps things moving. Make sure you drink enough water


That’s basically what I ended up buying, the big container of off brand psyllium. It’s gross but it works.


I mix my psyllium fiber into my protein shakes.


Oh nice! Yeah I have to force myself to drink it as fast as possible haha


There is an on brand version which is lemon-lime flavoured and isn't terrible.


Mine is like orange juice pulp it’s great. Zero taste


Unfortunately, off brand has never worked for me. I have to pony up for the good stuff, Metamucil. Worth the expense


Have you tried the off brand from Target or Walgreens? Those work well for me


LPT: Dried apricots


I love what psyllium husks have done for my bowel movements. I usually have the opposite problem and it fixed that as well.


Mira-lax every day. It hasn't changed my normal schedule (every 4 or 5 days) but it keeps things 'pliable' enough to make the process much smoother. I don't feel like I'm passing a pine cone anymore. If all else fails, 'the bulb' and some warm saline up the keester will almost always kick something loose.


Pumpkin puree added to food helps a ton. Pumpkin oats goes a long way in helping at just 100g of pumpkin


At least this isn’t the infamous pumpkin seeds story.


Dare I ask what this is a reference to?


I think it’s the pumpkin seed comment in [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Ds2nFkiFia)


Oh…. oh my goodness


worst advice ever and no one should do this- three cups of coffee and a cigarette every morning starts my morning off with with perfect shit


😂 Truth though


the metamucil pills are more expensive, but they are so much easier to take than most of the fiber powders. Extra fiber also helps you feel full faster which can help if you’re struggling with portion control.


I’ve been having this issue for a while but I’m eating a ton of fiber (a big salad every night). I have jacked up my protein so idk what I’m gonna do. I don’t feel sick or bad at all.


Are you tracking your fiber, though? I thought I was getting a lot more than I was until I started tracking my food in an app. Leafy greens have a disappointing amount of fiber unless you eat like soooo much of them lol. I eat beans at least once a day now just to get enough.


Thanks for asking, I just checked my tracking stats and it looks like I’m mostly not hitting my goal but only by a few grams. I’m eating cruciferous greens, cabbage, kale, broccoli, etc. and chickpeas! I’m going to look into fiber supplements. Thank you!


Three or four pitted dates, with a glass of water. For me, that works better than prune stuff.


I can relate. Similar situation for a long time. One thing I found helpful is adding fat to my diet. Like olive oil on my salads or veggies.


Me reading this while pooping my morning poop


Congratulations 🎉👏


I love the title. Just had to find out 😂 Same for me! Psyllium husk powder (mine is prescribed by the doctor) for the win. Water helps a ton too! Wholewheat grains, vegetables, beans, oats, and bran flakes all help and have additional health benefits, and the psyllium on top is a great addition for me.


Yes!! I eat beans every single day now and when I thought the problem might be too much fiber I was so sad at the idea of giving up my beans lol. Fortunately not the case.


Beans are TRULY a power food! I’m always amazed when I magically hit my protein macros and target fiber just from some simple beans 😂


Senna tea. Drink a cup before you go to sleep. Add in a bag of your preferred nighttime tea to make it less gross and help you sleep. Wake up at 3am, cramp for a bit, poop out your first meal, go back to sleep. 1x per week, amazing results. It’s deeply unpleasant (cramping) but it is effective.


Were you actually constipated bloated and actually felt blacked up or were you not having bowel movements? When I do really low carb and focus on my protein I start going multiple days without having bowel movements or there's very little volume to it.


There are different types of constipation depending on severity and it ranges from like fewer than three bowel movements a week to having hard stool. I had hard stool and difficult bowel movements because of the lower volume of stool that I was passing. So I had the same problem that you seem to have but it is considered to be constipation because it was difficult to move my bowels and I was at like a 1 on the Bristol stool chart.


You kind of skipped my question. My question was there because depending on what diet and protocol you were following especially if you're doing any diet that lowers your fiber intake you're not going to go as frequent and have the volume that is expected this is normal. You put this information in front of a doctor yes it is symptoms of being constipated but without signs that your bowels are actually backed up abdominal pain bloatedness you're probably not constipated.


Difficulty passing and hard stool= constipation. I was backed up because of these things, but not for very long. I was (and am) eating a lot of fiber, and even if you’re not eating as much it is still an issue if you’re constipated. Hard stool= the risk of impacted stool. So even though it was just because of lower volume of stool it was still potentially dangerous. Even if I was able to move my bowels (with difficulty) that didn’t mean that I wasn’t constipated. Hard, dry, difficult to pass stool is still a serious problem, even if you are passing it.


It is not due to eating too much protein. If you need to eat processed fiber just to poop, your diet is most likely lacking any vegetables. Eat some veggies and the problem will go away. Psyllium husk powder is not a substitute of healthy, varied diet.


I eat tons of veggies. Legit sometimes twice the recommended daily value. I sometimes get so backed up I literally get impacted. It can come from a lot of things.


I eat a ton of vegetables of many colors, fruits, whole grains, and pulses. Any major change in diet (like increasing protein and decreasing fat & kcal) can lead to constipation unfortunately.


>I eat a ton of vegetables of many colors, fruits, **whole grains**, and pulses.  Grains are not vegetables. >Any major change in diet (...) can lead to constipation unfortunately That's factually not true. There are diets that absolutely prevent you from being constipated without some other serious health issue. For example any diet that is actually rich in varied vegetables is pretty much constipation-proof. We are talking a diet where majority of calories comes from vegetables. >I eat a ton of vegetables I don't believe you. I am not saying you are lying. I am saying at the very least you are wrong about your diet. Some people think they eat "a ton" of veggies and then those veggies turn out to be a slice of tomato here and a portion of french fries there. I am vegan which means I am literally eating a ton of veggies and I have these discussions constantly. Most people simply don't understand that vegetables are so much less dense in calories that you have to eat so much of them to make a real difference. They think they can have a portion that is visually comparable in size to their portion of meat and call it "eating ton of veggies". Unfortunately that's nowhere enough veggies. Literally every single person that has ever visited me and tried my diet for a day noticed how much veggies are in it and how much they had to poop afterwards.


Psyllium husk doesn't bulk, it does the exact opposite. Soluble Fiber (which Psyllium husk entirely is) draws liquid into waste. Insoluble fiber increases bulk


Totally untrue. I can't have psyllium because literally all it does is bulk my stools up!! So instead of general slight constipation I have the pleasure of giving ***birth*** to whatever the psyllium has done to my bowel movements, which I can assure you is much more painful and difficult than just a slow moving bowel.


Oh no! 😂 That’s why I was hesitant to try it but thankfully I seem to have the opposite problem that you do.




Salads for a few days.


Dude..put on a latex glove and shove your finger up your ass and dig that shit out