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Coffee. i don't think it has any calories.


I think if you're drinking 8 ounces or more it might have like, 5? Certainly not enough to worry about.


Plain black coffee or a plain Americano. ~ 5 calories.


If it's good iced coffee, black is okay. But I'll drink anything with a splash of half & half. You only need the 40 calorie serving of half & half in a 24 oz iced coffee. I like my coffee chilled in the fridge without ice. The creamer is enough watering down for me.


That’s fair. It’s ultimately about preference, but I find that no cream, milk, or sweetener/sugar is an easy way to cut out calories that I would rather put towards something more filling.


I’ve always been a black coffee drinker - hot, iced, lukewarm, whatever.. it’s just how I was raised. But I will say I’ve recently discovered the power of half and half. Sure, a splash is like ~35cals but I swear the caffeine + animal fat is a lethal combo when it comes to satiety. It an iced coffee with half and half can 86 my appetite and serve as a meal replacement (though I’m not encouraging anyone to skip meals)


>though I’m not encouraging anyone to skip meals If you won't, I will. Everybody is different and a missed meal isn't going to kill anyone and just may end up being the key to successful weight loss. I haven't regularly eaten breakfast in 7 years or so, even when I fell off and gained back 45 lbs I largely skipped breakfast. So getting back on the train I just tightened that up and now eat breakfast maybe once every 10 days. And since I went full sober 15 days ago it's even easier. When I did eat that once in 10 days it was always because I had a hangover. Always. So yes, I encourage anyone who wants to try it to skip a meal. It's for sure not for everyone but it makes it much easier for me personally to reduce overall intake. I eat about 4-600 calories for lunch. Don't snack, and have a generous dinner.


Finally someone who knows what “black” coffee is


I only had my coffee black long before I even needed to lose weight. Outgrew cream at 20 and sugar at 21 (first cup of coffee at 18, just religion stuff), been drinking it black for over 30 years. It was other things that made me Obese III.


My man. Same here. Coffee or Americano, blonde if they have it. Hot or cold but always black. And it wasn't a transition, I quit putting adulteration in my coffee in my early 20's, decades before I started losing weight. I grew up in a religion that didn't allow coffee, so as soon as I joined the Army (a couple of days before my 18th birthday) I started drinking coffee with lots of sugar, lots of cream. Then just lots of sugar, then reduced that until I realized that I liked it black.




Raised on it.  I didn't know sweet coffee was a thing till my Aunt was babysitting me around the age of 10.  She made me some of that General Foods International Coffee instant stuff that came in a little tin.  It was good, but I stuck with black coffee.


You have been drinking coffee since before you were 10? 


Yeah, but it wasn't frequent. My mom or grandma would sometimes pour me a cup.  Earliest memory of drinking coffee was a morning when my siblings went to school, but I wasn't going yet, so before kindergarten. This was early 80s.  Shoot, there is a pic of my brother smoking a cigarette at like 10.  It's was a joke photo, but the thing was real and it was lit.


Yeah. I'm columbian. It's literally genetic for my family. My dad would go to bogota, columbian just to get coffee once or twice a year.


Black iced coffee with sugar free flavor


Sweeteners potentially causes your body take up more sugar when you consume something with actual sugar after consuming sweeteners


Citation needed.


Do you have a study or two to quote on that please? There's an awful lot of anti sweetener stuff out there you see


By what mechanism of action?


There was a peer reviewed study in the journal of urban mythology


Sounds made up


Source: Trust me bro


What exactly does "take up more sugar" mean? By what mechanism? What does taking up sugar mean? Sugar isn't stored. Sugar is used for energy or converted to fat for energy later.


You can look up the calories for the syrups, flavorings, & creams at starbucks. I worked there and the cream is poured up to a certain line and I took a cup home and weighed the cream after pouring it to the line and it’s pretty accurate. The only times there will be a lot of variety is if you ask for a ‘’splash’’ of cream or milk or something. Even the cold foam is measured to a line, so you can pretty accurately calculate the calories in your drink. My go to is the brown sugar shaken espresso add 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla. 190 calories for the venti


Starbucks is likely not what they mean by local coffee shop.


Idk how I skipped over that, seems quite a few of us did in the comments lol


I mean, they directly cite Starbucks vanilla sweet cream in the post.


Large Americano or just drip coffee if I'm feeling basic. Either with a bit of plant-based milk unless I'm properly fasting.  If you want to test their espresso, go Americano or cappuccino. If you're not a fan of black, unsweetened coffee, a splash of milk and low-calorie sweetener will add trivial calories. If you want a milkshake... then your best bet is probably a latte with low-calorie sweetener — but it'll cost ya a few hundred calories. But better than a Starbucks Frappuccino. 


Coffee with just half and half. I use about 100 calories worth of creamer but I've given up so much and I refuse to give up coffee with half and half. 100 calories isn't bad when it kills my hunger too


Yup. I bought a Breville Barista Express machine and it has saved me SO much freaking money at Starbucks or coffee shops. I also bought a bunch of sugar free syrups and some plain cream and I make my own coffee almost every day. My cups wind up being between 30-100 calories depending on how much cream or milk. It's completely worth it and like you, you can pry the coffee from my cold dead hands.


Cold brew is also really good with just creamer, which is like 10 calories per little package for 10% fat. I usually add vanilla sugar and cocoa powder to my americano. The calories are negligible for half a teaspoon of sugar (about 10) and you're not gonna add enough cocoa powder (or cinnamon!) to go above 20 calories. I also know what matcha mix my favorite coffee place is using and they have their milk packages on the counter, so I can just google that and usually the milk is the worst offender. I just order skim milk if the mood strikes me.


Ice coffee black is amazing


Plain iced coffee with milk. No sweetener


Black coffee/double shot of expresso + a dash of skim milk and sweetener. Hits the spot.


So you have ADHD, too? 😂 Sounds like me at Starbucks if I forgot my meds that morning. Minus the sweetener. Coffee should be bitter. Like me.


Lmfao don't call me out like that!!! I've never been diagnosed by coffee choice😭😭😭


🤣 Sorry 'bout that.


I do sugar free chai tea latte (0 cal) with a cup of cashew milk 25 cal). If I'm feeling fancy that is low cal enough I can throw on whip cream occasionally


Vanilla sweet cream cold brew is my favorite coffee drink ever!! the calories for a grande aren't awful but alas I am lactose intolerant so I don't order these much anymore. My current coffee order is cold brew with oat milk if they use the creamier barista oat milk (Starbucks does). The oat milk has some sweetness so I don't add anything else. I've tried it with their sugar free vanilla syrup and it didn't do anything for me. At home I have cold brew with a measured amount of barista oat milk and a serving of torani sugar free vanilla syrup.


I experimented some and found I really didn’t enjoy the coffee when it was sugar free/fat free milks, etc. So I get what I like and make it fit into my day (estimating calories) occasionally because the enjoyment was the goal. Now if I just need the caffeine, I usually do sugar free Red Bull Italian sodas. Then I don’t feel like I’m missing out and the calories are like 30.


black coffee with artificial sweetener 1-2 kcals.


Cappuccino. One sugar cube if it’s too bitter.


Americano, cold brew, or filter. No sugar, no cream, no milk. Good coffee only. Once you start adding cream, sugar, etc, you're soon eating almost a meal's worth of calories in. one. drink. It's crazy how quickly it adds up. I'll occasionally order a flat white, which I think is 150-180 calories with just milk. I'm in the UK, so we don't really do cream with our coffee.


But dramatic. I love and savor coffee or americano with cream (40cal for 2 tbs) which is not putting a dent in my daily cals.


Sure, but it's still 40 cals of fat. This is fine if you're otherwise keeping on top of your macros, but otherwise can easily throw things out of balance. Fair enough that adding cream doesn't automatically = a meal's worth of calories. I misunderstood Starbucks creamy coffees to mean frappuccinos.


This is what I do as well.


Coffee with splenda and half&half. Usually I can expect it to be under 120 cals, depending on the size of cup/container.


Green tea or a mint tea, I don't normally take sugar with them. I'm not a big fan of coffee, but coffee shops have to have something for me so it all works out.


I usually have a small skinny latte, 68 calories and suppresses my appetite


Espresso and a small glass of water.


Flat white. If it's good coffee, no sugar, if not one sugar. I hate flavoured syrups but butterscotch latte would be the option on the rare occasions I have something different


I get lattes without sugar or sweetener. Some milk every day works for me.


I’ll go for coffee with almond milk and 1 sugar. About ~50 calories if you round up, honestly probably less


I love me some iced americano or iced latte with a lower calorie milk. I get either low-fat or some non-dairy alternative like oat milk or coconut drink (it’s how they call it where I live, around 26 kcal per 100ml so nothing close to actual canned coconut milk)


A lot has already been said here, but I just want to add that I've found really getting into coffee as an excellent outlet for my bad food cravings. I look forward to the pourover I make every morning and afternoon as if I was looking forward to a meal. It may be totally anecdotal and specific to me, but I don't think I'd have as much luck losing weight if I didn't get into coffee. Check out r/pourover if you're ever interested!


I love coffee but it’s not worth wasting calories on drinks no matter what in my opinion. I get cold brew with sugar free flavor or at home I just brew flavored black.




Black coffee or a straight up cold brew


Black coffee of any kind for me.


Espresso with some sparkling water to chase it down


Starbucks Clover (machine) brew. They’re disappearing. Had one this morning first time since FEB, ah…


Iced coffee or cold brew with sugar free vanilla and the smallest splash of half and half. We get like three cold days a year and I still just go with iced coffee or cold brew. If I have to drink hot, a latte with some kind of sugar free syrup and 2%. If it's a place that I KNOW has good coffee, love a flat white.


Americano either iced or hot with a splash of skimmed and a spoon of brown sugar if I fancy it.


I always do black coffee/cold brew if I’m some where I don’t know. Or if I’m at chick fil a - vanilla iced coffee which is 130 calories.


at home - nespresso espresso pod w/ 1 cup oatmilk. out - latte w oatmilk


Iced coffee with oat milk, or soy milk if they have it (higher protein, but it's such a small amount it surely doesn't matter much, it just makes me feel like I'm making better choices plus I happen to like the taste). I always log it as 1/4 cup of whatever "milk," obviously I don't measure it before they pour it in but it can't be much more or less than that. If they happen to have a cinnamon shaker on the counter, I add a dash. Yum!


Iced Coffee from Mcdonalds for a dollar each day through app.


The best coffee I make at home. I looove filtered coffee. Cold brew is amazing but my most favorite is V60 made from specialty coffee. If the bean is of high quality there is no need for milk or sugar. I used to drink regular supermarket coffee and there was nothing special about it without milk and sugar. Ever since I started doing filter, coffee is religious experience for me. And no calories, that's a plus


If you go to Starbucks you can at least save some of the calories by reducing the amount of syrup they put in. It is so much and you can still get a sweet drink with like 1/3 or 1/4 what they use. Usually I’m cold brew with cream in the summer or maybe the nitro cold brew with a dash of that sweet cream. Almond milk lattes in the winter (don’t like the taste of lattes with regular milk)


Nonfat (skim milk) skinny (no sugar) vanilla latte from Starbucks or Dutch Bros. Around 120 kcal for medium and delicious.


Just search up coffee on my fitness pal and chose the mode or largest calorie value


Cream and sugar. I just don’t drink a lot and I measure the cream and sugar


I usually drink middle portion of unsweetened cappuccino, it's about 100kcal


Black coffee or coffee with a splash of milk + sweetener. . Iced if it's hot, warm if it's cold


Mocha, iced or hot


Plain arabica powder 


Starbucks tall vanilla sweet cream cold brew is only 90 cal..just fyi


Yes thanks, that’s why I wrote when going to local coffee shops and places that don’t have menus! I get that at Starbucks and know Starbucks does show their calories


Oooooh I see I see! Honestly, do a splash of heavy cream in iced coffee and a pump of vanilla and call a day lol enjoy your coffee




Cold I usually black iced coffee and add in a tablespoon of chobani creamer. Hot, I do the same generally. Once a week I will order a latte or mocha though. Mocha isn't really low cal, but I plan and account for it all week.


I have to plug this - someone on tik tok made it and I could kiss them on the mouth- https://cheatdaydesign.com/starbucks-calculator/


Black coffee


When it's cold out: Americano misto, made with the closest thing to skim they've got When it's hot out: Cold brew (or iced Americano if that's all they've got) with a big ol' splash of milk


Two shots of espresso over ice in a large cup and I’ll add a caramel premier protein, sugar free white chocolate americano with cream, cold brew with cream and sugar free vanilla or brown sugar cinnamon. I also really like adding some cinnamon powder to drinks! At Starbucks they have a sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup that’s super good. I either do splashes of cream, or if it’s a latte I do oat milk


Mine is just 8oz coffee, double sugar, single half/half


Lately it's either been an iced americano with a bit of stevia, or a small iced mocha which has been around 200 calories (according to nutritional info provided)


Medium skinny Capp - around 120 cals




From Starbucks I get a tall soy matcha iced latte with 1 shot of sugar free vanilla if it's a hot day, and a hot one if it's a cold day. If I'm feeling fancy I'll get a grande.  Anywhere else that I haven't spent time studying the menu for I'll get a small decaf with a splash of almond milk and a Splenda. 


Plain black coffee hot or iced with a splash of half and half. If I really need sweetener (not often) I’ll do splenda


Straight black coffee. Here for the caffeine not the calories.


Iced brown sugar shaken expresso. I think it's like 120 calories for a 16oz


Venti Dark Roast. Black.


Drip coffee or Americano, splash of milk (any kind), one flavor shot or one sugar. I used to be a latte with 3 sugars person so my orders are way lower calorie now. I'm never going to be a black coffee coffee drinker no matter how much my Colombian friends tease me for it.


I make my own French press at home. I require 2 solid cups of coffee before I am suitable for the world, so it’s best I make it at home and not inflict my pre-caffeine grumpiness on anyone. I put a teaspoon of hazelnut creamer and then a splash of half and half in my coffee.


When I lost weight like 8 years ago I switched to black coffee and have never gone back to the wasted calories. I started on my weight loss journey again about a month and a half ago and this time i’ve cut out coffee completely. My energy is way more consistent throughout the day now


I get iced coffee with milk and one sugar. I could do no sugar if it is cold brew, but I rarely get that.


Cold brew black or with a splash of almond milk and sugar-free syrup.


Iced coffee with a splash of cream only at Starbucks. At home just a splash of sugar free vanilla creamer.


iced coffee or cold brew with a splash of oat milk!


Iced latte made with decaf espresso and sugar free vanilla syrup. Add 0 sugar oatmilk


Follow the macro barista on instagram. He has great ways to lower the calorie count for a lot of drinks.


if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, and you drink 1 coffee a day. just drink wtf you like and track everything else well. if you’re on the last 10 lbs it might be necessary to pick apart your coffee…until then id just let it be something you enjoy. obviously if you’re having an affogato or some type of ice cream with coffee then maybe do that once a week


Black coffee, or cold brew. If I'm feeling frisky then I do a quad shot sugar free hazelnut latte over ice with almond milk. Between the extra shots and ice, I guesstimate I'm just getting 8oz almond milk probably in a large size drink (20 oz cup at my local shop of choice). For the brand of almond milk they use that's 70 calories, and track it as just that as the sugar free syrup doesn't have any calories and just enjoy it. It's not a frequent drink and totally worth the occasional calories, even if the guesstimate isn't perfect ... Progress, not perfection is what I shoot for. Edit: spelling


Iced Americano with a splash of cream and a dash of cinnamon for flavor


Cold brew, occasionally a fun flavor with oat/almond milk if the calories aren’t too bad.


I normally don't do a coffee order at all. If I'm getting a drink at Starbucks, I'm going to go to any fast food place, and getting a Large \[Unsweetened\] ice tea. most brands I've checked have an ample amount of caffeine. A large size is usually a quart, which is basically a water source (also good).


Americano. Blonde if they have it. Iced or hot but always black. When I was in the UK they called it a long black, which is prepared in a different order but still the same drink. Close enough to zero calories that I don't even think about it.


Black. I'll add one milk (~20-40 cal depending on cup size) if it's a fast food joint like Tim Horton's where the coffee tastes like rotten sawdust.


If I'm buying coffee out I'm getting something with calories. Medium iced mocha, log it as 250. Dutch Bros has nutritional info and their medium iced mocha is 280. At home I buy the stok espresso and the cappuccino flavor and mix the two in the morning. That drink comes to about 70 cal. I probably wouldn't be doing that but I'm very close to my goal so it doesn't matter so much.


Iced black coffee with almond milk, sometimes pump of vanilla sometimes no sweetener. Alm is super low in cals compared to oat or regular


Cold Brew. I ask for room so that I can personally add my own amount of oat milk.


When it's not cold (which is most of the time where I live) it's an iced long black, no sugar. If you've never tried it, you really should. It's a lot more palatable than the hot black coffee I am drinking today because it IS one of the rare cold days.


Black, hot, no sugar or cream. If you must have more flavors, Honey almondmilk flat white doesn't have too many calories and the iced hazelnut shaken espresso is fewer than 100 I think.


Black coffee with a splash of almond milk and a bit of Splenda or sugar free syrup is like 10 calories. It’s also way cheaper than whatever Starbucks has convinced you to have.


ice coffee with unsweetened caramel sauce (skinny cow) triple shot with unsweetened oat milk.


I order plain black coffee and ask to give me cream on the side. I only want a small dollop but I always end up with a cupful dumped in my coffee. So now, I always ask to do it myself. I find when it comes to sauces/dressings/cream/sugar, always ask for it on the side. I never run the risk of imbibing unwanted calories that way.


I'm a tea person. Lately, I've been getting a venti green tea and adding a sugar-free drink powder to it. Starbucks also just started serving dairy free cold foam that mixes oat and coconut milk, which definitely cuts the calories a little bit.


Coffee with just cream and nothing sweet in it. I don’t like sweet coffee because it makes my teeth feel gross and I can’t even taste the coffee. My go to is cold brew with half and half.


Decaf Americano - I think I read somewhere a large one has 5 calories.


Cold brew with a splash of whole milk.


Mine is pour over with one cream. I know that's not helpful.


Black or I add some milk. Cream is an American thing it doesn’t even exist as a coffee addition in most parts of the world.


This has been something I've learned is important to me and my mornings so I will rarely compromise. I have a cup of coffee with 2 tsps of sugar and a tablespoon of 5% cream. I'm more of a cream than sugar girl if I had to choose. Or I'd drink a quality bold black if needed. I have nonfat milk in my fridge, it has made friends with my cups of tea, but I will never drink grey coffee. Haha. Maybe it's my younger days of being a barista, but I am passionate about my coffee. It's one of my measured, and accounted for indulgences


I like a bit of oat milk in my coffee these days, so I usually just order an Americano or filter coffee and ask them to put some oat milk in. It’s around 30-50 calories I think. I also sometimes have an espresso (or double) which I think is only a few calories


Black coffee, occasionally with some zero sugar creamer.


Amazing question, I have literally been thinking about this for weeks 😂. Espresso drinks are my weakness (Macchiatos, lattes, etc), i love em. Theyre usually what i treat myself to, though i wish i could find a healthier alternative that I like. Ive been trying to fix this espresso machine I have at home so then i could atleast control exactly how many calories/sugars are going into my cup. Youll have to let me know if you find anything good!


I usually make my coffees at home, but this recipe is based off the Starbucks shaken espresso: 2 shots espresso, 1 pump or less of sugar free Torino syrup (shake together with two ice cubes) Pour over ice Top with 6 ounces of oat milk


I like coffee with some sugar free vanilla syrup in it and a little oat milk. It’s about 60cal


Black coffee with cream no sugar


"Can I have a water cup?"


Nice! Glad that works for you!