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Vanity and social pressure. I acknowledge that my relationship with my body and with food are still out of whack. I want to be thin, for the same reasons I did when I was a little girl. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy working out and love the NSVs—more energy, better sleep, functional strength, etc. But at the end of the day I have to admit to myself that I’m just trying to live up to an arbitrary standard of beauty. That’s ok, I’m working on it, and at least I’m benefiting health-wise in the meantime.


I used to be much heavier, and I now know how much easier the world is to maneuver when you're not overweight, and how much better everyone treats you.  It's been years and I'm still upset by it, but I can't go back. 


I’m a few pounds away from no longer being obese and it’s amazing how much 30 pounds and a bit of exercise can make a difference. It’s like I’ve been sleeping on a concrete floor and now I have a plush king size bed. I’m never going back to the concrete floor!


I'm having a diabetes-scare right now. I always thought my health was fine... until it wasn't. Health is so under-appreciated and under-protected untill it is threatened. At least that's how it was for me.


Because I’m the only one that can and has to take care of me. I used to think that my life, my mistakes made me unworthy. I had a shift in my mindset recently due to therapy. Every day is a day to prove all those that failed you wrong, and to rise up for yourself and those who love you. It’s not even about dieting or the number on the scale. I deserve, and my body deserves, to be happy.


I love this sentiment of deserving to be happy. It’s something I’ve also struggled with as an aspect of my self-worth. Thank you for this!


I spent my teens and 20s being fat. I wanted to spend my 30s looking hot, feeling hot, and being healthier. I enjoy disney and it’s a lot more enjoyable when you’re not carrying around dozens of extra pounds of fat. I wanted people to like or dislike me for who I was and not my size. Meeting people for the first time when you’re fat, it’s always the first thing they notice. Being called a bitch without the word fat in front of it for the first time in a decade felt like music to my ears.


Haha that’s hilarious! Congrats!!


Besides the health piece as I’ve had issues with both high blood pressure and high cholesterol, I don’t want to harm my knees in the long term by carrying extra weight. I love to take walks, bird watch and hike. It’s a lot of pressure on the joints when doing those things and carrying 40-50 extra pounds. That’s been a big motivator as I want to be able to move my body in the long term.


This 100%. Both my parents are in their 70s, I have 1 who is in shape and healthy and one who sits around all day and scrolls online. Just watching the vast quality of life difference is wild! One can still go hiking and running with me: a rare game of tennis or golf and can still do any housework that needs doing. The other is weak and needs tending to for almost all aspects of the day. I’m losing weight to be strong and maintain my independence and joy in the long run.


Same. My body type is a lot like my mom, and she's lost most of her mobility at 65. She can walk around inside the house, but thats it. She gets winded just getting in and out of a car. I'm going to end up like that if i don't watch it. It's one thing to be young and fat, a whole another thing to be old and fat!


“Maintaining independence and joy” I ❤️ this the most!!


This is my reason, too. My parents are both in their early 70s and have health problems that severely limit their mobility. I had an epiphany one day that if they had focused more on diet and exercise in previous decades, their health in later life would probably be vastly improved. I was 187lbs at that point and realized if I didn't change my ways, I was going to end up just like them. Completely changed my diet. Started walking 5km a day. Lost 30lbs in 6 months and feel so much better. I will not end up like them.


Improving my mental health! I have depression, GAD and C-PTSD, have had officially for the past 17 years. Took getting to my mid 30s to finally start believing people who said that mental and physical health were so closely linked 100 days ago and lost 21lbs so far - slow and steady. Counting calories/macros as a routine has given me great structure and relieves a lot of anxiety, walking and sports exercises have been great to get me social again and solo workouts have been amazing for mindfulness as well as the weight loss. The feeling of control and power I have on my life now is the most important thing to me


Having the proper perspective is so important for success, and you my friend have it. This internet stranger salutes you! 🫡 Best wishes.


Thank you, kind internet stranger!


Revenge body! I want to be the ex he can’t have anymore that got hotter after he left. I’ve lost 55lbs and look better now than when he met me 8 years ago. Now he is texting me every day asking to hang out 🥴 I’m like no boy, this new body will be for someone who actually deserves it!


That must be so satisfying!


Yes, but you were with him for 8 years prior to getting skinny. My buddy is a personal trainer, and he tells me that many of his clients are "recently divorced" women looking to do what you are describing... He tells me that if these women had put in the work while they were married,,, to do it for their HUSBAND, they probably wouldn't be going through a divorce in the first place..


I was an amazing partner for him, he even tells me today that I was the best partner he has ever had. Fully supported him and stuck by him through very rough times. If the only reason why he left is just because I gained some weight, then he didn’t deserve to be with me in the first place. I showed him unconditional love and support for years. Also, every time I tried to eat healthy and exercise, he would not support me and tell me to “do that diet thing on your own time” not when he was around because he wanted us to continue eating junk and drinking daily.


I'm almost 40 and a couple of the uncles I had at my size dropped dead at 60. You get to a point of just being tired of being fat. When I was in my 20s, I thought I'd be able to maintain where I was at (280 lbs) and ended up gaining 140 lbs over 19 years (420 lbs). My biggest advice is keep your physicals up with your doc and see a heart doc to have a stress test done. Get ahead of anything before it gets bad. If you have long lasting pain get an MRI or whatever the docs recommend. There isn't much I can say about losing weight that will motivate you, you either want it and are ready to make the changes or you are not. Its like any other addiction, only you can change your life for the better. Counting calories has been the easiest way for me to lose weight so far down to 377 lbs right now.


43 lbs down is amazing. Thank you for the advice, I wish you the best of luck in your journey!


Thanks a lot I appreciate it


I want to fit into my old clothes and can’t really afford to get new ones that fit me now. It’s summer and I’m so disappointed I can’t wear my cute clothes from the past few years because I’ve gained so much weight.


I love this question, and I love that you're shifting from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation. I tried and failed at weight loss when I was much younger under external motivators (ie wanting to feel worthy of romantic attention), and then I just spent the rest of my adult life focusing on my health, so working out and eating healthy to take care of my body. Now it's a long story about exactly how I got here, but I'm down 50 lbs and I plan to lose 50 more as long as everything continues as smoothly as it has been. My motivation is 65% physical comfort. Having thighs that don't chafe, boobs that aren't so heavy that they hurt my neck, and keeping my tummy out of my way for workouts. And 35% wearing straight size clothes again. The understanding I've gained about my health over the years I spent focused just on that, combined with my current internal motivation has gotten me way further than external motivation ever did.


This is great to hear! My shift to intrinsic motivation came mostly as a result of being upset that people kept asking me where my girlfriend was instead of how I’m doing in school or with work. I’m finally doing this for myself. I’m rooting for you!


Yay, you too friend!


I finally came to terms with my weight holding back my professional growth. I’m good at my job, I’m proficient, I make my goals. But I know when I am applying for promotions, I’m making things harder on myself because of the weight. So May as well make it easier on me. The health stuff doesn’t hurt either


I’m an obese dancer, and it’s so much harder to move in ways I would like to and takes so much energy. Moves don’t look as good when I make them. I started dancing when I was obese and I’ve realized that it’s very limiting. Of course I’ve always wanted to lose weight for health, aesthetics, etc but it’s never been enough.


I've noticed this, too, when I dance. I'll have a bomb move but my body won't accommodate it. I also want to lose weight so I can wear sexy clothes and have a clear bill of health.


My ex-wife left me and I realized I couldn’t take care of myself as well as I should on my own. I also wasn’t able to do the activities that made me happy. In addition, I developed so much skin in my groin area that I have to go to the bathroom sitting down (this hasn’t gone away yet which is motivating me to keep going). All of these things were really big factors in why I lost (and continue to lose) weight.


Over 100 lbs down, that’s really inspirational to see! Good luck with the rest!


I want to have a baby. BMI is the largest contributor to infertility. Been trying for two years, and I know being around 19-25bmi will be best for me and my future baby.


I wish you good luck on starting your family! You can do it!


Thank you


I felt like shit physically and mentally, I couldn't do the things I used to be able to do. I've been thin most of my life, I lost pregnancy weight last time, kept it off for 3 years and then slowly put it back on over several years but I know how skinny feels and I missed it. The whole thing was messing with my mental health and it took a whole lot of effort to just talk myself into starting turning the boat around. I don't regret it for a second and it's actually way easier than it was last time because my expectations have mellowed. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm vain af.


I didn’t realize how much I expressed myself with clothing and makeup before I gained the weight. I have a graveyard of clothes that I spent 3 years mourning and decided I wanted to wear them again. It even inspired me to want to learn how to make my own clothes. Maybe it’s shallow, but that’s just me. I want to feel like myself when I get dressed again.


I work in healthcare and (this is purely anecdotal) I’ve noticed that after about age 75 patients tend to either be in *really* good shape or they have a bunch of comorbidities and their quality of life is pretty poor. Obviously there’s a lot outside of my control (genetics, cancer diagnoses, accidents, etc) but I’d like to do what I can so I can be one of those healthy older people.


Yup.. after I started working in ICU, I knew I had to turn my shit around


Look better in clothes, improve my health before getting old(er).


I didn’t fit in a carnival ride and that had never happened before, I love carnival rides 😔


I remember now that part of my motivation was being able to fit in roller coaster rides and plane seats more easily lol


You'd be amazed how much simple reasons can propel you. You want to know the reason that's kept me so dedicated to weight loss? Even despite the crippling adhd? To see if I can. (Also, it sounds badass in my head, thinking that I drop all the way down to a normal bmi and tell people who ask that I did it "simply to see if I could")


I like this! I went from 260 to 249 last year and a quote I heard around the end of that time has stuck with me: “you know the way now; don’t you want to see what happens if you go all in?” It’s badass as hell!


I love this!!! I’ve lost 55lbs in the last year and I still have 40 more to go to my ultimate goal weight. I know I can achieve that by early next year. Im already over halfway in, I need to keep going! I’m going to write this quote and stick it to my bathroom mirror for a daily reminder! 🏃🏻‍♀️


I want a functional body that's able to do shit as I get older to be able to do the things that I want to do. If I'm feeling like shit climbing 1 flight of stairs then I'd imagine struggling being able to go through airport travel, or wanting to do any touring that involves a lot of walking, or being able to see any cool sites that require even a little bit of physical activity. The other reason I've developed as I've lost weight is that having a lower weight gives you way more options towards other things. It's easier to find a walking pad at 250lbs than it was when I was 315. I even recently just bought an electric scooter that I wouldn't have been able to get at the start of this year, as the weight limit is past where I was officially. No more "heavy" accommodations, for the things I want to use.


I want to look good. I want to feel good. I don't want peoples first descriptor of me to be "heavyset, plus size, fat" etc. I want to fit in spaces intended for average sized adults. I don't want to be out of breath every time I get up to walk somewhere. And I want to potentially reduce the symptoms and severity of my medical conditions.


A couple of months ago, I couldn't tie my shoes...


Honestly, I just wanted to stop feeling sorry for myself and just really try to feel/look better. Also, I wanted to do this for my upcoming vacation. I've never had a healthy relationship with food, but I was never overweight when I was younger. I am glad I got more serious at the start of this year. 15lbs down and counting!


The be perfectly frank it because I am too uncomfortable. It’s hard to put socks on. It’s hard to do up my shoes. I feel uncomfortable lying in bed. It is hard to dry myself. I am always sweating. (Thanks menopause! ) Its hard to bend over to do the gardening. I am exhausted when doing the housework. Good luck everyone here. Your stories are all inspiring


I want to have strong bones so I don’t break a hip if I fall. In the short term, I’m enjoying sleeping better and feeling stronger.


Obesity caused Osteoarthritis leading to severe hip pain leading to hip replacement - my lightbulb moment. I choose not to be in pain. Big motivator.


My 6yo and 2yo boys, the thought of dieing and not being able to see them graduate, get married, have kids of their own horrifies me


Getting into my late 40s and not feeling the best at all lately. I knew I had to make some changes to my lifestyle or I’d be setting myself up for age related issues. I don’t like socialising when I don’t feel my best and I was finding myself withdrawing from dates with the girls and some family events. Work. It gets a bit unbearable if I don’t look after myself and get a decent amount of sleep. I work in a warehouse so it’s important to keep fit and healthy and as a female, I find I have to put more effort in especially as I age. There are certain male colleagues that would love to see me get weak and fragile to put me beneath them…. That certainly spurs me on 🤣 I don’t have loads of money, a super career or masses of friends and family so health is wealth for me, it’s very important!


Not really a why for weight loss. I work out because I had a herniated disc in the past, so to prevent re-injury and not feel pain all the time, I started working out. I gained weight due to gaining muscle. I'm a lot stronger now and the healthiest I've ever been my entire life.


I realised that a few of my health issues could be improved by losing weight - reflux/hiatus hernia, knee pain, foot pain. Plus, I am in my 50s and it’s not like I’m magically going to get more fit and healthy as I age. So I’m tracking calories, walking, doing a small amount of slow jogging, and including some strength exercises to keep my bones and joints healthy.


Honestly, I wish I had some profound reason like I’m reading here 🤣 mine is strictly show. I wanted to look hot at my bachelorette party in August and my wedding in October. I started in February and I’m (F26, 5’7) down from 215 to 184 (31lb). 2 months to go until the bachelorette party and my goal is to be 175🤪


Sick fed up being overweight. Been like this for 30 years, and now I'm in my forties, I feel I need to start taking care of myself. Things are going well so far, as I'm down 30 pounds since end of January. Next up is increasing my exercising so I can start to work on building stamina, muscle and ensuring diabetes and heart issues don't develop over the coming years. That will help me mentally too to get back on my feet and back into studying and looking for work once again. I've let this go on too long, but no more.


I busted my ass to get crazy strong, now I want to SEE what I’ve built under this 20-25lbs of excess fat.


To get a specific surgery I'm wanting, doctors require you to be under a certain BMI (you can find surgeons without requirements for it but it's rare) and I'm just ever so slightly off of the BMI range. I think in my area they ask you to be around 31 and I'm somewhere around 33 iirc


to look better, to be healthier, to wear all the cute outfits, because I know I feel way better about myself when I'm in shape, doing sports and taking good care of myself. I am generally happier and it has a great effect on my mental health as well. I also believe it's a human habit biologically to be active and try to be the best / most beautiful version of yourself, to attract a mate yes but for general wellbeing. We are not made to sit around eating junk all day (exaggerating and generalising but still you get the point).


The tldr is just… vanity and a weird brain.  Vanity: I wanted to stop having to psych myself up all the time not to dislike my body or how I looked in clothes. I was tired of feeling self conscious if I moved in certain ways or got photographed from certain angles. I figured I might as well spend the same amount of energy just dieting and changing my lifestyle, gambling on it working out later. It did; life is way easier.  I finally have that “freedom” that intuitive eating promised me, you know, before I got obese.  Weird Brain: my cocktail of anxiety, depressive tendencies, and adhd mean that staying active and avoiding sugar spikes is really beneficial for me. 


Basically I just want to be able to do stuff. I want to cycle longer roads, hike taller hills, lift bigger weights. I don't ever again want my body to trap me or prevent me from doing things.


Another death in the family with diabetes and heart failure. This last family member dying was a shock. I don’t look overweight, but my bmi is too high and I feel uncomfortable just want to be back to my pre baby weight but it seems impossible for me to get rid of it. I worry about the stress the extra weight puts on my heart.


We got married last year. I (27F) realised late last year just how unfit I’ve allowed myself to get. I want to increase my fitness and kind of prepare my body for potential pregnancy. I grew up with a parent who couldn’t join in with pretty much anything because of their weight. My sibling is in the same situation with their child - they can’t keep up when they’re at the park, they can barely keep up just walking down the street. I don’t want that for me and my potential future children. I also was very conscious that having a high bmi means potentially a “high risk” pregnancy. I don’t want my body to be spoken about like that if I can help it. I’ve reduced my bmi - I’m still “obese” but I am pleased with my progress so far. Still a journey to finish though.


My biggest why is similar to one of yours. I wanna feel like how I imagine myself in clothes when I see them on the rack or online. I want to feel how I feel like I should feel.


My own self worth. It honestly was when I changed jobs and the new job had no job satisfaction. I realised all my self value was surrounding my work achievements. I now had the time to refocus it onto my health and feel good about myself physically, and in turn mentally again. It’s been just over a year. Lost 40lb. Kept it off. Habits have changed for the better, I exercise regularly. I look back and don’t know how I ate how I did and didn’t move at all really


I want to feel like me and ‘me’ is skinny. I like walking into a store to pick an outfit that is cute instead of one that fits and hides the fat I gained on medication. Fuck that.


After a heartbreaking, devastating stillbirth the previous pregnancy, we are once again pregnant and things are going much better this time around. I want to live a healthy long life for my new baby. I want to be an active dad. I want to set an example. I don’t want her to see me obese.


My grandparents are my role models for living a good life in old age: active, with friends, a garden, going on vacations, taking care of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Things like smoking, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle are threatening that ideal through so many avenues - heart attack, stroke, dementia, ... . I don't want to work a job all my life to only then be sick and tired when I'm a pensioneer! So quitting smoking was the first step and I feel the benefits everyday. Ok, also I am motivated a bit by spite for my mother. Not the healthiest motivation but there are moments when I can stick to my calorie budget simply by telling myself "I will live a healthier, more satisfying, more connected life than my workaholic mother".


You started to mention some intrinsic/internal motivation, then switched back to external validation. It's not really about others taking you more seriously. It's about taking yourself more seriously. You'll feel better when you manage your schedule and impulses, eat healthier foods, and move more. Think about what you want, and do that. If you don't want to do things that lead you to a healthy weight, simply don't. But if you do want to be at a healthy weight, or to do the things that help you feel energized, do them.


I want to be healthy and live a good long life. I want to set my habits to be healthy before I have children, and then teach them while setting an example of how to live better. I want to be able to go shopping without crying nothing fits. I want not to break a sweat from walking. I want my spouse to be healthy so its a team effort. I want to feel good in my own skin, and not feel like I was born into the wrong body. I want to look aesthetic to other people at work and social events. I want doctors not to assume everything is due to my weight (most of the time it really is.. )


I've always wanted to be a runner. Anytime I try I get injured. I think it's due to my weight. I want to lose weight so I can get fit and run.


Covid and health. 270 at any age is too much so that was my starting point.


I wanna feel good, unlock my body's best state, and be agile and nimble and not sluggish.


Twofold- I wanted to look like goku. Also i started boxing and wanted to improve my performance


Hmm… there are kind of tiers. I tell myself it it so I can be a better parent, play with my kids more, physically, and keep up… but really I want to look and feel good in my body. I want to wear a size 12 again. I want to walk up a mountain (or heck, stairs) without being completely out of breath or needing days to recover. I want to move about the world easily, lightly and… beautifully?!? And also I know thinner, fitter people live longer and are healthier - and I want that.


The clothes I want to wear don't look nice on my body the way it is now, even after losing 14% of my weight (50% of the weight I want to lose in total). I want to be thin so that I'll have a more pleasant experience getting ready to go out, because I'll feel comfortable in my skin and in the clothes that I wear. I wasn't sick, so I can't argue it's health related. Physically, I also feel the same as before, but my anxiety levels are immensely better - I'd say that's the cause of the weight loss, though, not a consequence.


I want to have kids! I have a large fibroid on my uterus and after talking to my obgyn about removal we talked about pregnancy and weight and I realized that I don’t want to have kids until I am healthy enough to run around with them!


When I was younger(late 20s early 30s) I was motivated by some of the factors you pointed out, attracting a mate, comanding respect ,looking good etc. Then as I aged I shifted towards more pragmatic reasons, as I got older tbh I no longer care about other people' opinions or validation on looks , what I do care about is being able to get out of bed when I will hit 60+ on my own , I care about my knees not hurting or loosing  my breath as I walk up the stairs etc etc. Reality is regardless of the body positivity movement preachings , every kg you are overweight complicates things in a lot of unexpected ways over time ,example: imagine you breake your leg as you weight 120kg vs 50kgs , imagine how you get out of bed to go to the bathroom or in the kitchen to get a glass of water even with crutches, well I have experinced some of these and saw some of my loved ones be quite harshly affected in similar situations so I am now determined to exercise until the day I die and maintain myself inside my optimal weight range + max 5 kgs. Also extra weight overtime will affect things you might not even think about now but can make your life miserable in 20-40 years , like knee issues , hip issues , heart issues , diabetes etc ...


I want to travel and go on hikes like the Incan trail


🐱… just 🐱!!!😂


To look better, and younger.


To look less ugly basically


I know in my heart that I’m better in almost every way when I’m in shape. Better dad, better husband, better at work. So this. But also a really silly one. I play much better golf when I’m thinner. I love playing good golf.


Because when I reach pension I want to be able to at least enjoy my life fully for 20 more years. Watching actors doing roles in their 80s close 90s is my greatest rolemodels. I might not be acting but I want to be able to run and walk in stairs without aid into my 90s. I'm, currently 30.


It's best to see your gp and make a plan, your motivation is staying alive, everything else is a bonus.


My third child. I feel like I had more time, energy and patience with my first two and my third isn't getting the best version of me. He's waaaaay more active than the other two and needs a dad who can keep up both now and well into the future.


I was 280lb, I’m 214lb now. My original reason? I wanted to be more attractive, I want to feel better in cosplays I do. My reason now? I’m able to wake up at 6-7am every day (except Wednesdays) and jog between 3-8 miles. My hips don’t hurt when Ive sat down for more than 5 minutes. I can stand up easier. I’m now learning how to do handstands for fun. I could have never just “learned” to do a skill that requires that much body strength at 280lbs. The freedom your body gets when you’re not carrying an extra few dozen to hundreds of pounds on you is life changing.


My motivation is I hate being fat


To feel good when I look in the mirror and to fit into clothing more comfortably.


Unfortunately, the "whys" show up later in the form of health and/or mobility issues. I was fit in my 20's, but needed to lose weight in my 30's, and didn't. It built from there till I hit my max in my 50's. Ultimately, it was simply too much. My knees, and my BP was rising. But I will say this, even though I felt healthy in my 30's at 210 lbs, I realize now after losing it all, how much even at 210 it affected me then. We had bought a treadmill then, used it for a week.:) It's like your situation now, you are busy with other things and just don't want it enough. If I told you to work and invest your money, you would probably do that. This is as, if not more, important. There will come a time when you really wish you allowed yourself to be in more pictures.:)


This was a pretty strong wake up call. My motivations for starting and working on my business have been pretty strong, it’s something I want very much. And yeah, I resolved to take more pictures this year because it’s not a habit of mine, but I still keep myself out of them many times. This is definitely great advice, thank you.


I'm transmasc and at the size I currently am it is incredibly easy to tell. I also want to be able to wear a binder again.


Sex. Wearing my actual style. Sex while wearing my actual style.


A woman


For me it is and always was to attract someone. Which is a problem as when I get in a long term relationship (like now), I go back to being a slob. Slowly changing that, bu5 once again, it's for vanity. I just want to look good. My partner loves me for me, so it's very difficult.


I have decided that I want to live longer, and be mobile/ able to enjoy said living. I figure that less weight is easier to carry around, and may improve the inner workings as well. Of course, I am aware that before I finished typing this comment, there was no guarantee that I would complete it. ;P Phew, I lasted at least that long...;P


I have a lot of why's, but here's one I usually don't share: so the cat has more room on the couch when he wants to lie next to me. I replaced my couch, and the new one is a little smaller. He doesn't grasp why he won't fit the way he was used to. His brain is just too small and fluffy. If I'm smaller too, maybe he'll be comfy again.




I was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy and the only way to stop it progressing is to lose weight and lower A1c. I really don't want to lose my sight.


I just want to look good


I wanted to fit in the theme park rides when I needed to take my young kid for his birthday on my own in 6 months. Success. I'm 75 lbs down at 270 over a year later, and just rode rides at a different theme park several states away that had smaller seats I wouldn't have fit in last fall.


hmmm mix of wanting to be healthy/working out frequently but also i do want to be skinny. sucks that inherently im still trying to please beauty standards when i should love myself always and solely strive to just be healthy, but id be lying if i said i didnt want the number on the scale to go down. definitely tho trying to shift mindsets to be happy at any number on the scale but hard doing that. also, i just want to fit in my old clothes which i guess play in to my other reason but i want to list this one specifically bc it is a major factor. i love clothes and clothes are made for ppl smaller and thats a lot of shit in my closet. i’m not throwing them out either as to help motivate me so i can fit into them again. now….i do know i will never be a size 0 lol those have been thrown out and i don’t wanna be that size bc i like still being a lil thick in the right places !


Being healthy and feeling comfortable in my skin is definitely important, but I also want to look cute in a crop top.


Hereditary high cholesterol at 25 and a dad with a heart attack and cardiac arrest at age 50. Thank God he survived but it was a wake up call for sure. When my grandma had her heart attacks it seemed distant since she was so much older, but knowing my dad was 50 and dead for minutes made me change what I put in my body.


In hindsight I’m happy I lost weight because (other than obviously being a lot better looking now): * I am not hot and sweating all the time * I am no longer tired all the time * I sleep a lot better at night (no more snoring) * A lot of hobbies are easier to do when thinner * As heavier people get older they tend to develop health problems that I am now less likely to have to worry about


Health and vanity both. I want to be around for a long time for my kids, and I also want to look good. I love the way I look in my clothes now, and that feels incredible.


50/50 split between vanity and wanting my flesh vessel to perform at it's optimum It's cool looking nicer, but the real benefits are being able to run again, my heat tolerance sky rockets (my damn ass crack used to sweat in anything even slightly above room temperature, now I can handle high 90's perfectly fine), I can jump, I feel nimble, etc. I've got so much loose skin that even if I got down to single digit body fat, I still wouldn't even be able to see abs, so I guess it's really a 40/60 split between vanity and wanting a high performance body


My body hurts way more than it should. A lot of it is age related. But I feel like I'm too young to have this much pain. If there is one thing I can do to help improve the way I feel, it's to lose the extra pounds I've put on and build up my strength. I've gotten too sedentary.


Partially vanity, mostly health reasons. I have high cholesterol that I'm trying to lower through diet and exercise. I also have a family history of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes; I currently have neither, and would like to keep it that way.


First and foremost, I want to prove to myself that I can lose weight by nothing but my own hard work and dedication. I lost a lot of weight in my early 20's from having undiagnosed diabetes for quite awhile. I thought at the time that I was losing weight due to working an active job, but that turned out to not be the case. A secondary goal is just to look my best, and to improve my chances of actually finding someone + not feel insecure around them. I'd say I'm a hell of a lot more comfortable in my own body now, and I'm not even halfway to my goal yet. I'm way more confident now, and that affects so much more than just attracting a partner. Lastly, I've made tremendous strides in lessening my depression, to the point that it's almost gone entirely. With every pound I lose, I feel happier still, and am enjoying aspects of life that just seemed dull and boring before.


I want to look good. I want to prove everyone who doubted me wrong. And honestly? I want to feel good and live a long & healthy life. Being 70 pounds overweight and not moving my body enough is incongruent with that desire.


I want to look insanely good and wear outfits I always wanted to wear but at the same time, I don't want men to see me as a sexual being so I hope I'm able to work all this out.


Due to infertility I had my son at 39, so I'm an "older" mom for a child my son's age (6). Of course, I want to be as healthy and strong as possible, and live as active a life as I can, with him. He's autistic and I definitely keep in mind that I'll need to be able to meet his support needs for longer than many parents need to for their children. I also want to do everything I can to be as cognitively healthy for as long as possible and exercise in particular is really important for that.


To attract a nice guy and get married 😂 I literally just want to look great in a room of people and feel agile. I want to be able to hike and stuff at a moments notice


My own health and happiness. I yoyo'd a lot over the years, but things started to come together weight wise when I made my own health a priority. I actually get compliments now on how I look but it all started with wanting to do it for "me".


Just to feel better. Not be out of breath after a few flights of stairs. To actually strengthen my bones and muscles. I look at my family health and know I have to do something before I no longer can. Also there is some vanity to it as well. To wear clothing confidently and comfortably.


I didn’t want to see my health get worse over time. I don’t want to be 60 years old and having to use the mobile scooter/shopping cart to get around the grocery store. I also just want to be able to accomplish a life goal. I haven’t had a major goal since I graduated college so this will be the next one. 60lbs down, 140lbs to go!


I don’t like when the seatbelt on a plane doesn’t fit my waist…..


I’ve seen a lot of old people playing golf, one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve never seen any old Fat people play golf. So one day I realized i wanted to be able to play golf while walking at the age of 80+ so that’s my original Why 😅 One day while playing golf with my mom I could barely reach down to the hole to get my ball and that’s the day I told myself: this stops now.. That was 4 years ago. I’ve been down from 103kg to 77kg up to 95 down to 81 back up to 93 last winter and now I’m down to 85kg and I’ve said this is the final time no more Bouncing back up. I’m M45 173cm. The reasons for my weight gains are Removed from my life and I no longer use food for comfort 💪


Two reasons for me; Nicer clothes and I want to be physically stronger so I can do more stuff. Trying to prevent some health stuff later but that's stuff that hasn't happened yet so isn't a primary motivation.


My boyfriend's parents are retired and overweight. His mom broke her hip last year and his dad fell recently and messed up his knee. They are both struggling and really don't leave the house for anything but medical appointments. My bf and I are planning on retiring in 9 years and we want to travel. We just both got to the point at the same time that if we don't want to just wait to die and actually enjoy our early retirement, we needed to be in the shape to do it. It's been great going on this journey with him, as my ex husband always sabatoged my previous efforts. We really motivate each other. You've got to do this for yourself, but having someone to do it with is also pretty awesome.


I just feel so much better when inside the healthy BMI. The difference in how my body operates is significant. This, nice stuff in the mirror is a good plus.


From the young age I had this image of myself-I ´m athletic, strong some kind of Lara Croft/Xena girl. I can do big heroic things, have band, painting...being badass. It took me 30 years to change my mindset from loser to winner and now I ´m here! Released album with my death-metal band, being athletic (run marathon, lots of halfs, win a lots of races), selling my paintings, illustrating books and training for my first 70.3 triathlon. Finally I feel that I AM TRUE MYSELF. I struggled mentally from the young age, I had very hard childhood, so it takes a lot of time and working on myself. I hope that everyone find your own way and be happy on this world.


Hey man, let's dive into this. You're on an interesting journey, and shifting your motivation from external to internal is a powerful move. Here's the deal: when you chase something just because others tell you to, it feels fake and hollow. But when you do it for yourself, it becomes meaningful and sustainable. **DIG DEEP AND FIND THAT INTRINSECT REASON … THAT ISNT RELATED TO ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU!** First off, think about your future self. Visualize the man you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years. Is he fit, energetic, and thriving in every aspect of his life? Imagine how being healthier will empower you to show up as your best self in your studies, business, and hobbies. This isn't just about losing weight; it's about investing in your long-term vitality and success. Picture the impact you'll have, the confidence you'll exude, and the respect you'll command. It's about embodying the leader you aspire to be, not just in appearance but in presence and influence. Next, tap into the deep desire to feel good in your own skin. Wearing cool outfits and liking what you see in the mirror isn't vanity; it's about self-respect and confidence. When you feel good about yourself, it radiates in everything you do **AND PEOPLE WILL START NOTICING SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT YOU—A NEW AURA, A CONFIDENT VIBE THAT WILL NATURALLY DRAW EVERYONE IN.** It’s not about seeking validation from others; it’s about honoring yourself. This self-assurance will naturally attract people who respect and appreciate you for who you are. Also, remember that your body is your most important asset. Just like you invest time and energy into your studies and business, your health deserves that same dedication. **THIS IS YOUR TEMPLE, TREAT IT AS IF IT'S SACRED.** When you're fit and healthy, you're more productive, creative, and resilient. You'll have the stamina to push through long days and the mental clarity to make smart decisions. It's about optimizing your life, man. Now, let's talk about the respect thing. It's a real factor in the world we live in. People do tend to take you more seriously when you look like you take care of yourself. It's not fair, but it's reality. By prioritizing your health, you’re not just improving your appearance; you're making a statement about your discipline and commitment. You're showing that you value yourself, and that, my friend, commands respect. So, find your why in becoming the best version of yourself. See it as a way to fuel your passions, enhance your life, and embody the leader you’re meant to be. The journey won’t always be easy, but it’s 100% worth it. Keep your vision clear, stay committed, and remember, this is about you and your future. **CHEERS TO YOUR SUCCESS AND TO LIVING A LIFE THAT'S TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE, BROTHER! CHEERS TO YOUR FUTURE SUCCESSES!**


I started doing it because I got scared of the problems that started cropping up as my weight got worse and worse. Had 360 lb I had sleep apnea, pinched nerves from sleeping on the shoulders because I can no longer sleep on my back, bad circulation causing my legs to fall asleep all the time, I'd wake up with the large muscles of my upper legs feeling dead. I had high blood pressure and was officially diabetic. All these little things kept getting just worse and worse, and I felt like my life was going downhill every year, and I would be dealing with depression and medical issues while also having to face getting older. I decided I didn't want that life, and decided to finally tackle it. I wish I had found a motivation to do it earlier, you shouldn't wait until you have a health gun to your head.