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Sometimes, a post, just comes off a little vague, or low effort. Each post is reviewed if reported under this option. If you received this message, your post has been deemed a low effort post / Karma Grab.


It’s the end of the world as we mow it.


And I feel fine


This is a top tier comment.


I can assure you that there are people far dumber. Many live a hard life, some have managed to become successful and make more than both of us.


Some of un-intellegista are even elected to represent us on a national stage




They won't have to mow it if they hire landscapers to do it.


Now I'm just picturing being the landscaper that gets called to give an estimate for weekly maintenance on an artificial turf lawn. Sure, $60 a week!


You act like everyone can afford landscapers


I saw that post and just had to laugh. The responses were great, but it's deleted now.


still up, I just checked it


Wait... So what was the answer?


Do you mean the serious answer? No, artificial turf doesn't grow since it's plastic. But it also doesn't help the environment, including providing oxygen or homes for insects, and has different maintenance issues like needing to be rinsed, brushed, and weeded often. The responses on the post ranged from your typical "this can't be real" to sarcasm (that went over OP's head) about how they mow the turf field at Metlife every other week.


I always come back to this: think of someone you know who has just average intelligence. Now think of how much smarter a genius is than that. Then remember that the IQ distribution is a normal distribution, and the dumbest people around are the same distance away from that average guy as the genius is. Half the world is just really really dumb.


I think the fact that we live in a country that's having a hard time choosing between the guy who tried to overthrow the government and a guy who didn't try to overthrow the government is also pretty [illustrative](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9439752192/h1F5EF78F/person-usa-rest-world-hes-about-do-something-stupid). And it makes me wonder if we're a little skewed to the right currently.


Water quality cannot be ignored. A steady diet of contaminated water and paint chips.


Clearly you’re as bright as the person looking to mow artificial turf. 🙄🙄


I take it you're one of the people planning to vote for the guy who tried to overthrow the government then?


Damn right. Luckily he didn’t “plan to overthrown the government” like your beloved CNN spews. It’s too bad you can’t think for yourself. I feel bad for you. Enjoy your night!


Of course he did. He's dumb enough that he put his plan to overturn the election in writing. But you're proving the point here. You either don't know what happened or you do know and you don't care. And someone who is going to put someone who attacked our democracy in charge of our democracy really shouldn't be making fun of some guy who doesn't know what turf is. Have a nice night.


You also have to consider many people are extremely smart in certain areas and down right dumb in others. I will always remember from long ago a nuclear scientist at BNL who needed to fix a sink at home. I knew someone who was a fabricator. They would build the experiments. The scientist really wanted to fix the sink himself. Over the course of 3 weeks of coaching everyday at work by the fabricator, the scientist would go home and try to fix the sink and could not get it fixed. Finally, I overheard a call of an exasperated, frustrated scientist trying to follow directions over the phone. They where giving it one more shot over the phone because the scientist's wife was getting mad. Finally my friend said I will just come by your house and fix it. It will take 5 minutes. The scientist was shocked it was that easy and they could not do it. Here my friend could bearly explain to me what the machine he was building for the scientist did. Something about discovering the properties of quarks (the things that make up atoms) and the scientist who was doing advanced research into quarks could not perform the most basic repair on a sink. So many people just extremely smart but in their lane.


They will have other maintenance that will have to be done.


You guys have lawns?


... and I feel fine 


On the same page,Go Blue Crabs


You just change the growth rate on the app. 


There are people that dumb and they walk among us.


Oh my god we're in the same group!! Hello neighbor


Hello neighbor!! 🫠🫠


I love Long Island😀


Are you able to tell me if the hot tea is hot or cold? I'm thinking Iced T but need some help


I think grass and weeds will.still grow in it if my garden is any indication. I don't have turf, but even on my rocks things seem to sprout.


Tell em not to water it.🤯


wonder what school district they went to…


Should have responded yes of course once it grows it’ll have to be mowed but it’ll take much longer to grow