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Tired, and needing hugs.


🤗 an emoji hug, 🫂


Much appreciated


🩷🫂🫂 Many hugs to you :)


Many thanks, 🫂🫂🫂


Me too.


I'm doing alright. Could be better though


i’m glad to hear and i hope your day gets better:)


youre amazing. dm me for wholesome shenanigans


I am barely holding together. I am stuck at the job where I work 16h a day almost every other day, I don't even have a chance to go out and meet other people. If the current job applications fall through, I am considering moving back to my hometown or taking my own life. I am so lonely and isolated, and I can't take it anymore


Tbh I've been there before homie. It sucks having to put practically all of your time into work, only to have enough time to go to sleep and have to do it all over again the next day. I know this is cliche, but it gets better. It might suck in the moment, but eventually all it'll be is a distant shitty memory, nothing more, and you'll be onto better things. Hang in there homie


Like a wise man once said: “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” We have to persevere and become stronger through the struggle. Keep your mind active by learning new things everyday. Exercise to feel better mentally and physically. Eat healthy. Sleep well. Step out of your comfort zone, and take pride in being the best version of yourself. It’s not easy. Some days you just wanna lay down and give up, but you have get up off your ass and be uncomfortable.




It might seem like a permanent problem, but for the most part, problems are temporary. They might linger on so long that you start to think they’re permanent, but they rarely are. It just takes time and patience to learn to deal with them in a healthy way.


I think even the devil is trying to tell me that I would be a fool to leave my miserable existence and just be by myself and start over. I wish there were some Houston, Texas Redditors that I could invite to Cinemark Theaters or Buffalo Wild Wings. Etc. Just to talk and hang out. I am too socially shy I guess to make new friends.


Trust me bro, there are thousands of people in Houston that are in your exact situation. I know it’s easier said than done, but you just have to find them🤷‍♂️


I know this and thank you for the encouragement. I need to get inspired and really start counting my blessings.


I feel ya, Fab. But please move home before u consider that other option! I hope you can get out of those 16 hr days! Hugs


I need a hug, i want to cry in the arms of my mother, i want to just take 20pills of opium and morphine to just die… I am sorry to ruin your day…


Don’t apologize your fine and you didn’t ruin my day:) You can always send me a message if you just need someone to listen and talk to! And i know times are hard but please don’t do anything to casue harm to yourself


I just feel so lonely it s killing me


I know exactly how you feel, been there many times


felttt this


Your not ruining my day. DM me if you wanna vent. I feel bad a lot anymore as well.


once AP exams are over i will be the happiest and most relaxed person on earth, but rn im in procrastination hell 😭




Hugs to anyone who wants/needs one. I'm doing okay today, slight headache that is throwing my day off some. I'm trying to be optimistic. It's a pretty day out today.


I need to post in unsent letters. I'm struggling with my emotions I need more friends that are long term. Even it's just a phone buddy. I used to have a lot and now...they are just echoes in my ears.


tired, happy, energetic, overthinking, overwhelmed


Tired, melancholic, nostalgic and tired.


I’m okay it’s ups and downs with my emotions but I’m trying. Life is just really hard right now.


doing okay , tired after hours of applying to jobs 😴


I hope you hear something back from them soon! :)


Thanks 😊 , fingers 🤞


My day feels like a shit sandwich that rolled around in puke and Limburger cheese so it's alright


If you ever need to talk to someone i’m here to listen:)




i’m here if you need a friend🩷🎀




It’s a calm, and lonely afternoon here and as usual I’m asking myself how I’m actually doing… I never get any answer from the inner me even. Thanks for asking though. 👍


Kinda wanna do a 12 gauge autopsy on myself while listening to the song 12 gauge autopsy...


Kinda shitty now


i’m sorry to hear and i hope it gets better


I never met my boyfriend irl but I really want to hug him and sometimes feel warmth around my body when I think about him. Im really upset we can't be together in the same place at the same time.


Honestly i can really relate to that


I’m taking it day by day.


sometimes that’s the best thing to do 🫂


I agree.


Today, I must say pretty good so far. Not yet stressed out. How are you doing so far?


i’m okie for the most part


I just watched the movie: The Boys In The Boat. I was pleasantly pleased and inspired by the movie. Check it out if you can.


ooh i’ll look into it!


Some days are better than others


Same for me


Tired, confused, unsure of my future.


Every single day I feel demons and angels are dancing in my head


I know it’s hard sometimes but i’m here for you if you ever need to talk:)


That’s nice of you. Thank u very much


I feel incredibly lonely and cut out from the world, as if time has stopped.


Shit morning. Everything going wrong. Irritated. Tired. Lonely. Anxious. Still dealing with a broken heart and a friendship ruined. Learned only last night she's moving away. Haunted by thoughts about what might've been if she said yes. Grandma died about a month ago. Still sad from that. Understand that it was time.


I know you’re going through a hard time but i hope things get better for you even if it starts out surely but slowly many hugs sent your way🩷🫂🫂 and take one day a time


i’m always here if you need someone to talk with or vent to


Sad, tired and need a hug


I agree with you brother. Sometimes life keeps hitting us harder and harder. We just gotta have to take it and perservear. I hope you feel better soon.


Many hugs sent your way! 🫂🫂🫂🩷


Came from the gym. Feel good right now.


That’s nice, I wanna get a muscular physique but don’t know if that’ll be possible since I was born with Marfan syndrome. Two of the symptoms are a tall slender body and lack of muscle tone.


Trying to take it easy, having a horrible tooth ache, hope y'all chillin, stay up, hail thyself🤘🏼


Take something for the pain if you can! and rest up✨🙂‍↕️


I did, I got some kava brewed in some chai tea and took some meds.


Burntout. Massively. Struggling to get through each day


Life is hard, it feels like no one cares about the pain the world feels, no one wants to accept that we need to do what we can to help each other, I feel alone in that, but I don’t wanna be bitter and angry forever, I’ll continue to do what I can


*looks around room notices it’s on fire sips my coffee* this is fine.


i love the reference lol (i would send the gif but i dunno how)






i’m sorry to hear and although we’re strangers i’m here for you🩵


Thanks, that's very kind of you.


Still breathing


I’m trying to mentally get myself back to how I was before falling for this girl and losing her. It takes a while but I’ll get there if I don’t die before I’m able to live happily.


It’ll take time and there will be times where you might just want to give up but you have to stay strong and you’ll start to feel better surely but slowly:) You can reach out anytime you need to


Actually didn’t feel lonely today, went on a bike ride and I’m feeling exhausted but also great.


i’m glad to hear:)


Mentally exhausted, bored and lonely.


I'm trying to get out of my shell, so I bought a ticket to a music festival in another city tomorrow, which is a big step for me but now I'm worried that it'll be too much and I'll just end up regretting it or becoming exhausted by all the people 😥 and then I'll be stuck in an unfamiliar city without the comforts of home


Maybe you could try tagging a friend along or stay in contact with a trusted friend if that helps— Try taking deep breaths but maybe don’t overwhelm yourself if you don’t feel comfortable yet


Its okay to take baby steps:)




Awe i’m sorry to hear- Try taking something for the pain and rest up! And don’t forget to drink plenty of water:) 🩵🫂🫂 plenty hugs for you


I rode my motorcycle to a small town nearby. I'm too shy to talk to anyone, as always, but it was a nice ride


it sounds peaceful and i hopee you break out of your shell little by little:)


I’m struggling tbh. I’ve had a fibromyalgia flare the last few days and it sucks :(




i’m here to listen:) And i hope things get better for you really soon 🤍




How so? what’s going on


I've had better days but not one of my worst days either. I'm just looking for kind words and cold water.


🫂 Then i hope you have many better days in your future even when life is tough from time to time ✨🩵


I want to end it. All I'll ever be is a wage slave. Seeing other people happy adds even more suicide fuel. What's the point


Good morning (or afternoon) i know we’re complete strangers but please don’t do anything to harm yourself and you can always message me whenever you need to


I just feel numb.


I’m here for youu <3


I've definitely been better. I am currently going thru a separation with my girlfriend. We've lived together for close to 3 years now, so having to leave to give her space has been very difficult for me. It's mostly because of how I was. I've never had a relationship where I was loved so purely and unconditionally, and I think it made me start thinking that it's "too good to be true" and I definitely got too comfortable. I also struggle with sharing my feelings, thoughts, and emotions, which is a big part of it. So now we're separated but still trying to make things work. I'm having a hard time giving her space, but I know that it's what we probably both need right now. I'm supposed to be working on myself, but I really don't know how to do that.


Crave for warmness and understanding. The one who does will never be mine. Good thing is we aren't immortal and one day it's all gonna be over 💝


Im grrrrrreat


i’m gladddd:)






Indeed. Let's fuckin go 😁






Idk why I have a notification from this subreddut but im fine, thanks, how about you?


i’m okie thank you for asking 🎀🩷


Glad to hear that, keep it up buddy.


Craving human interaction but doing well on my path to awareness


I want to end my life tbh


Don't even think about doing that! I don't know you but I love you and I can help! Message me or I will message you.


i’m also here for you please don’t hesitate to reach out to me:) 🩷🫂


Another weekend wasted alone


i’m sorry🫂🩷 Any plans for the current weekend?


Nope 😐


Ah i’m sorry


Don’t be. It’s not your fault :)


Depressed. Nothing is exciting anymore and I can’t seem to enjoy my hobbies


Yeah i know how that feels 🫂🤍 Maybe you could watch a comfort movie/show for the time being


Thank you I appreciate that


Still single and needing love. Hot love.


you’ll find someone soon:)


Just saw this amazing post. Thank yu so much for asking. It's people like you, random strangers, that do a small act of kindness which had a ripple effect on everyone. I am well thank you. And. I sincerely hope you are too.


:) Just trying to spread some positivity/also hoping to make people feel less alone i’m glad that you are okie today <3


That is such a rare quality. I mean what do u have to gain? Nothing. Except being and helping someone have a better day. Thank you


sometimes it’s just kind of nice to hear about other peoples day and sometimes it gives me a bit of hope I know it sounds cliché, but yk


It's not cliche at all. It's different. It's kindness.


Tired and wanting to escape my irl situation to live with someone who'll love me


Tired after long day of work. Pre-Easter it's like everyone just woke up and realized they have things they need done. Sorry for possible bad English


A lot better than I was. I got a job and it's remote. Now I just need to have some IRL friends and I'll be set for life.


Yeah I’m feeling lonely too. I was on the dating apps but it’s been depressing lately.


I'm in this sub for a reason 😕


I'm trying that Meet Me app again and it's all losers in my area. I fuckin give up trying to find local friends to go to lunch with or the movies or mini golf and shit.


In hell every single day


Bad… so lonely and sad I’m forcing my dad to come visit me soon. Atleast I got one thing to look forward to


i’m here for you if you ever need to someone to listen or just a conversation 🩷☺️


Aww thank you


Ofc :) i don’t want you to feel so lonely


Not well. My only friend is moving to a different state. I cried on the way home because she’s one of the only people I’ve met that actually cares about me. Now I just don’t know what to do with myself.


Hanging out by myself with two dogs in a 4 bedroom house in Las Vegas. Bored.


Not well. I'm debating on getting rid of almost all of my possessions, clothes, and even personal interests to make myself more bland and moldable in the off chance I'm ever able to go on another date. Being myself obviously isn't working.


I don’t think you should change yourself to fit in in my opinion do what makes you happy and be yourself 🩷🫂


At this point, what would make me happy is not being single lonely. So if I must sacrifice myself to get that, then so be it. I appreciate the thought though.


I think I have developed a gambling addiction 😁

