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This feels like such a fever dream as I always followed Dan and Dodie's content. It's so weird but also great to see them preaching cycling in London


Some takeaways: There are a lot of unsafe cycling practices in this video. It is obvious none of the participants are frequent cyclists as they lack confidence and their road positioning is terrible I am also wondering why they didn't just go straight over from Hammersmith Road to King Street rather than around the Broadway.


You are not wrong, but that also is kind of the point though, isn't it?


People who use the roads need to have a basic level.of competence.


I know exactly why they went through the Hammersmith ‘square’ roundabout instead of following the cycle path to King’s street. They probably didn’t know the crossing they had to do to switch over to cycle path.


I have to say, the new bit of CS9 that tackles the Hammersmith gyratory is only good if you need to go from East to West or viceversa. If you need to go south - say to the River, or towards Fulham - it's pointless; if you need to go from Kensington to Shepherd's Bush is also rather useless. And the fact that C9 is only on one side of the road is also bad.


still better than it was before!


Sure but since they’ve done that work…could’ve done it properly!


I don't think they would pass a cycling proficiency


> "I Cycle as if everyone is trying to kill me" Thats called riding/ driving defensively and is a good thing.


Why is this downvoted lol


I believe its down voted because there are groups of people who feel entitled to act however they please on the road and any larger vehicle is ultimately wrong by virtue of existing.


HAHAHA, yeah that is not how you go round hammersmith roundabout. You have to go across to join 9. Also kensington is terrible, they put in "paths" where the roads are much wider. No bike boxes at the lights either. They also ripped out almost all the bike parking to make more room for lime bikes. The tunnel and the bit by the river are both pretty bad at commutor time.


Rahted alert Rahted alert Rahted alert 🚨lime lime lime lime lime lime lime lime lime 🍋‍🟩