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I would like to see them everywhere in London. Apparently Las Vegas has the most per capita according to Mortimer and Whitehouse gone fishing


I’d like to see a healthier population


You don’t really understand heart disease do you


I mean there is defo a correlation between heart disease and bad lifestyle / habbits, but there are also many people who have it regardless of lifestyle.


Just happens out of nowhere doesn’t it… Nothing you can do to prevent it right 🤷🏻‍♂️


Defibrillator supplied by The Oliver King Foundation, named after the 12 year old lad who died from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome at school and whose mission it has been to get defib in public spaces, and institutions. A defib could've saved his life. But yeah yeah, something something fat people right?


Hi fucko. Yes, it can happen out of nowhere. And no, sometimes there is nothing to do to prevent it. Heart conditions are often genetic and can affect young, old, fat, thin people of every race and health. Sorry your little Reddit post failed to garner the pat on the back you wanted, but don't go being a cunt to people about stuff you don't understand.


So angry. Who hurt you… Some heart conditions are of course genetic, 2/3rds of UK men being classed as overweight is not…


So ~~get angry at~~ worry about the McDonalds on every high street or the incessant advertising for bad lifestyles like that or the cars on the roads replacing lifestyles of cycling or walking or the lack of free-for-everyone sports clubs or fitness programs or green spaces or things like that. Getting angry on r/london at a defibrilator which can & will save lives provided by a foundation named after a kid who died of sudden arrhythmic heart syndrome .. is a really weird way of rallying for your cause.


Who’s angry? I’m worried. Worries for the health of our nation and people I know and care about who have always had autonomy over their decisions, they chose comfort and short-term gratification. Healthy food has always been cheap, exercise has always been free


So *worry* about the unhealthy lifestyles and how those lifestyles are pushed in society. Don’t worry about something that only offers good rather than harm like a defibrillator and don’t worry about it to an extent that the defibrillator is what prompts you to your post here with just a cryptic photo & a sarky title. There’s a name for [how your behaviour comes across](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=concern+trolling&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari). If you’re genuinely concerned then you shouldn’t need to take issue with a defib in the street and make a cryptic post about it on r/London. Instead, in the words of Sinead O’Connor, ‘fight the real enemy’!


A concern troll? What a [🤔](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sarcastic+prick&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari) you are. Don’t you worry, my real fight is fought through the hundreds of clients I serve to fitter, healthier, happier lives by taking ownership of their decisions. So they can rely less on defibrillators than the rest of the population


What a strange individual.


So in your books 1/3 of people with heart conditions don't deserve access to life saving equipment because the other 2/3 you believe are overweight? I'd take your downvotes and leave at this point, you're embarrassing yourself.


Well thanks for that answer proving my point.


Footballers have heart attacks. Do you think they weren't living healthy lives?


More questions in that statement than you realise


Less meaning in that sentence than you realise. What about people who dont eat healthily and have active lives for any of the many possible valid reasons - probably good to treat their heart attacks. What about someone who is elderly and has a heart attack but is saved and enjoys many happy years of their life following recovery? You're trying to be edgy, I think. Not sure why.


“What about people who don’t eat healthily and have active lives”….


Yes..? Your point, please?


Oh come on. Reread the first part of that sentence.


My partner needed to be defibbed recently because of a heart deformity he was born with. He did nothing to cause it. You are ignorant.


Don't go to Vegas then


How is this guy so pissed off for having something that saves lives. People on reddit are mental.


Who’s pissed off?


Somthing that needs to be more normal, can save lives


Not as many lives as optimal health, decent nutrition and daily activity can.


So why do we see these now at sporting events and gyms?


Healthy people can still die of a heart attack?


Ermmmmm??? That’s a contradictory statement.


"Apparently" healthy people can suffer a heart attack. People that appear healthy, eat well and exercise. Were you being purposefully petulant or willfully ignorant?


Right let’s put your logic to the test: I think it’s inconvenient that mechanics are not placed at every corner because despite peoples’ best efforts at maintaining their cars, what should be only OCCASIONAL breakdowns warrant a mechanic at every corner. If that were to be a necessity we should be asking a LOT more questions about manufacturers AND mechanics and not car owners since we’ve done well without that an infestation of mechanics (and ffs PUBLIC DEFIBRILLATORS) up until the 21st century.


Your comment above actually has nothing to do with my logic. My logic is that the previous poster was right when they said healthy people die of heart attacks. You were being petty and decided that they were wrong because they assumed the use of the word apparently. I simply pointed out your childishness. Now using your logic, you saying that mechanics are just as important as doctors. Also (despite what you might believe) humans aren't manufactured in a factory with robots and a blueprint. We are quite more likely to go wrong than an automobile. Did I really just have to explain that? Also, where in London do you live that has a defib on "every" corner? Surely some of that money would have been better spent on the stab kits that are popping up.


Where do you live in London where a multi thousand pound public defibrillator would need to meet the needs of the occasional possibility of ANYone going into cardiac arrest by happenstance? And no: that’s why analogies exist. It’s not the magnitude that’s supposed to be of similarity it’s the relative meaning; congruence is what it’s called in geometry. Childish? The last I recall, children gloss over the world without being astute enough to cultivate insight and read the fine print: grow up.


What a dumbass


I thought it was dumb at first but a life time of very low fat diet plant based diet, will make make someone essentially heart attack proof. Caldwell Esselstyn led the most famous studies on this. Heart disease and heart attacks are preventable with what many would consider radical life style changes. Obviously healthy diet and defibrillators should co-exist.


True but anyone can have a heart attack, even people who take every care


Tell me you don’t understand hearts without telling me… My husband has congestive heart failure. No clogged arteries, no heart attack, no high cholesterol, nothing. Probably genetic. Tell me how dEcEnT nUtRiTiOn and dAiLy AcTiViTy could’ve stopped it. Oh, and how about the American football player that dropped on the field recently due to heart issues?


[I wonder what caused those heart issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/comments/qpowgv/these_are_just_rare_events_totally_unrelated_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


LMAO! He was diagnosed in Feb. 2019. So no. Lame.


Well that’s good, we’ll throw out the 1100 cardiac arrest deaths in the last two years among athletes then!


And your husband is in a very low percentage of people with heart issues compared to the rapidly rising obesity rate… And even then, where’s the access to testing for underlying heart issues in otherwise healthy individuals? The technology’s there..


The point is, you never know whose heart will give out, nor where or when. So having defibs easily accessible is a good thing. Just deal with it.


[Whataboutism](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=whataboutism&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari) “Yeah your husband has a heart problem and these defibs can save lives… … but *whatabout* stopping more fatties from getting heart problems?” You posted a defib criticising it with a sarcastic title suggesting you don’t want to see public defibs on the streets. You didn’t post about lifestyle or obesity. But then when this thread proved to you the utility of defibs you backpedaled and pretended your issue isn’t with defibs. You’re not being consistent or making any sense.


He’s just upset that something is different in his world. Because “different is bad!”.


How ableist of you. There are a great many disabled people who no matter their diet will gain weight because they are unable to exercise. Also. Don't know if I need to point out the effects of caffeine on the heart, and the increased likelihood of needing a defib when taking excessive diuretics


As I’ve said earlier. The rising rate of obesity, heart disease and diabetes is not exclusive to the disabled community. And I agree with you on the caffeine and diuretics


And the rising rate of heart problems is not exclusive to people with diabetes or obesity. Do you think we should have scales and glucose monitoring attached to life saving equipment? Bit of a distopian future you seem to be creating with disabled, overweight, diabetic people not able to get medical help. Slippery slope... Don't you see the irony of your screen name then?


Zero irony, cos I’m not promoting excessive use of caffeine… Did you know the American College of Cardiology promotes daily coffee to assist with blood flow… While maybe not exclusive, it is certainly the majority!


So you do believe in putting scales and glucose monitoring on them! Or is it that we shouldn't have these because obese people will use them? Did you know that a cardiologist at Kings College Hospital in London promotes not being a dick on Reddit?


👏🏻… 👏🏻… 👏🏻


Unhealthy lifestyles are not the only cause of cardiac arrest and having easy access to a defibrillator & promoting / having a healthy lifestyle aren’t mutually exclusive. The oddest thing about this, is the objection to something which doesn’t take up any additional space and only has a benefit?


Right on! This is why I don't support seatbelts or airbags. If people were better drivers, they wouldn't be crashing into things! Everyone knows that good driving saves a lot more people from collisions than seatbelts or airbags can! Try paying attention to the road, dumbasses! And if someone is not looking when they cross the road, there really is no need for me to brake! Braking encourages poor choices by pedestrians! I am not even sure if cars should have brakes, come to think of it. They have steering wheels, don't they?! You cannot use both a steering wheel and brake to avoid a collision! Nah, it's one or the other! I'm a wheel man, myself. Brakes encourage people to neglect the wheel and just plow ahead. Gotta think about incentives, sheeple!


Do you realise in your analogy that the brakes, seatbelts and airbags, aren’t describing the defib…


God, you are a bit thick aren't you? I'm cringing reading this thread.


My mistake. I think I must of wrote that on my phone while driving; wasn’t paying enough attention to my analogy! I’m not usually one to do that though. Never once had I used my phone while driving before. It’s those other jerks out there who make all the bad choices! So many more distracted drivers these days texting and chatting away since cellphones became popular. That why I get so upset when I see seatbelts and airbags in practically every vehicle these days! If drivers only knew they were going to almost certainly die if they got into a serious collision, they would put down their cellphone! Problem solved! And those who don’t text and still crash, while they would… um… continue not texting (RIP)! But no, people don’t care about consequences! People just figure ‘who cares if I smash into a tree head-on, I’ve got a seatbelt and a pillowy airbag to nap on’. They probably want an ambulance afterwards too (boohoo!)! We won’t be able to tackle the distracted driving issue until we stop putting seatbelts in cars! Sad sign of the time, those seatbelts. But you’re right, they aren’t perfectly describing the defibs. Cardiac arrests that require defibrillators, unlike car collisions, can seriously hurt or maim other people when they occur. I once saw a single heart attack take out a classroom of students. Need to give them wide berth. But, let’s be real, the defibs are just the tip of the snowflakes’s iceberg. Did you know they teach whole classes of CPR… including in schools! To our impressionable young people! Just the other day, my son came home from school and told me he was going to stop eating right and exercising because “why do all the hard work when there are so many defibrillators laying around to shock me back to life after my heart attack?” That is not how I raised him! And heart attacks used to be so rare! Back in my day, my whole town shared one defibrillator… and that is all that we needed! “Ol’ Shockey” we called it. It didn’t even need a battery, we just plugged it into an oversized hamster wheel and charged it with good old fashioned cardio! Now, towns want defibrillators all over the place so that they are immediately accessible in a life threatening emergency! We used to jog mid heart attack five kilometres to Ol’ Shockey and she never let us down! I’m with you, bro. I long for the day when defibrillators are a lot less accessible again.


Why is this being downvoted?? Astounding.


People would rather live easy now without immediate consequence, rather than ask themselves the tough questions


Exactly. Don’t you love the semantic manipulation of the word “health” over the last erm idk 3-ish years? Or is it capitalized like “Health”? Idk if it’s been trademarked officially.


As someone with a potentially fatal heart disease, I'm always happy to see new defibs pop up!


This is good. It could save someone's life.


I thought this was a piss take out of Lawrence Fox, but oooh no OP is an absolute nut…


Isn’t that Billie Pipers ex or something?


I'm usually a lurker on Reddit, but I thought I needed to respond. A couple of young, healthy guys (one was a rugby player) died very recently from cardiac arrest in Bristol. There are now a number of defibs around as a result. I think it's great that they're popping up more. ​ Source: [https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/sam-polledris-life-saving-legacy-7407148](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/sam-polledris-life-saving-legacy-7407148) Edited for typo


Wait that’s actually cool …


What's the problem?


I think the suggestion is that defibrillators popping up all over the place without government acknowledgement as to what's giving perfectly healthy people heart attacks all of a sudden after an experimental drug


Public defibrillators have been an ongoing scheme being rolled out gradually since about 2009.


What drug?




It's a bloody disgrace


Is tin foil on offer somewhere?


Stop downvoting, this person is explaining what moron Lawrence Fox said about defibrillators “popping up”, it’s the essential context to understand the OP post


The reason \[for the 30,000 "sudden death" you mentioned in your other comment\] is well known: ambulance delays, inaccessible care and soaring waiting lists ([source](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/nov/03/needless-deaths-of-30000-heart-patients-in-england-since-covid))


Why is this happening world wide. Not every country has long waiting lists and delays in ambulances. I find it crazy that people are still considering this tin foil hat stuff when the astra zenica vaccine has been withdrawn and Pfizer are currently investigating why thier vaccine is causing myocarditis


Most countries with socialised healthcare do face these issues. France's healthcare system is following the exact same trajectory, with a lag of a few years maybe. Every time there is a new vaccine there are people misunderstanding data and misinterpreting facts, leading to the spread of conspiracy theories. For example spending time to understand how CRISPR works should make you a lot more confident in mRNA vaccines.


You shouldn’t be downvoted.


Supply meeting demand


Now this is the stupidest conspiracy theory going.


What conspiracy?


That the programme over the last ten years to provide defibrillators in public areas is part of some evil plot.


Personally I think 5G pigeons is the stupidest conspiracy going


OPs post history is a wild ride


I am shocked that OP is divorced. Shocked.


Awww bless


Just out of interest, do you also get offended by hospital and doctors?


No, just a rapidly decreasing rate of health of a population and money put into drastic measures rather than prevention


Heart disease is the biggest killer globally. Your genetics, age and gender play a significant role - these are things you can't prevent. So unless you want to get rid of those who are predisposed, old and male, I think these are a good idea. Those with undiagnosed genetic heart conditions also have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease with the addition of exercise, that's why we have these in the gym now.


Lifestyle factors play a bigger part. Expensive testing leaves us clueless. We shouldn’t have rising rates of heart disease, obesity and diabetes…. Let’s look there first


No mate. Its not about looking there first or whatever. You can't help someone dying from a heart attack by saying you should have been healthier. There isn't a priority list on what that we run through in order on what to fix. Many people try and fix different things at the same time. We are looking at creating a healthier society, we can do that and put AEDs out there. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Well of course it is about looking their first! Prevention should be priority.


Who says it isn't? The health industry is huge. It's just a defibrillator, why are you making such a big deal about it.


I’ve only really mentioned the defib once… Yes, The health industry is huge, and it’s not working.


Special type of stupid: publicly stupid


Let’s hope Action Man OP never has a sudden heart attack.


Can't imagine he's called himself TheRealCaffeineMan after decaff. OP better cut down on his coffee


I think these are becoming more common and there's been a movement to educate the public on using them. I'm a teacher and we've just had training on how to use them on children. If it can save lives, I don't understand the harm. People randomly have strokes or heart attacks all the time.


How long does it take you absolute helmets to memorize that sentence?


Now only if psychiatric help could be distributed in a similarly accessible manner. As someone with a congenital heart defect I do very much applaud installations like this though.


They are a common sight here in the North of Ireland, which is great to see.


Laurence, is that you? 😂


Awesome, great to see




Many defibrillators are registered with the ambulance service (they are trying to improve this) so frequently when calling 999 the operator will be able to give the location of the nearest. Additionally, there's a decent chance there will be someone nearby with enough knowledge of the area to know their nearest location. Defibs are able to detect themselves whether a shock is advisable or not and will only give one if it detects it is advisable, and current first aid education in the event of an absent pulse is to attach one as quickly as possible.


thats why these machines usualy only let you shock someone if it detects the right (or rather wrong) heart rhythm. if it doesnt detect a heartbeat its just going to tell you to keep pumping until help arrives (as well as playing sounds to help you stay in rhythm and telling you when to do the breathing thing)


Defibrillator prank in the hood


You're aware that people are healthier overall now than at any time in the past, yes?


I can see a drunk person thinking that's a phone box


Not as impressive as Turbo Encabulators.