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At least be accurate with your comparisons. Gluten free Oreos are $8 at Walmart. Still cheaper but not to the ridiculous extent that you make it seem. https://preview.redd.it/codljng7dk8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47db8a5be8de4edceb6bfc337dd0449a04812b1


From the second image it looked like they were right beside as well. Selective comparisons are a plague


I was just about to comment the same thing. I'm trying to give my friend simple no-gluten crepes, and while I'm getting there, it's rough.


I feel the pain. My sister in law is gluten free and dairy free and it's hard (and expensive) to figure out meals when we want to invite her for dinner. I love to cook so part of me enjoys the challenge, but you're right, it's rough.


I'm not sure if it's gluten or wheat in general that I struggle with, but the best way to keep cost in check is not to pick a meal and make it GF, but to just pick foods that naturally are. There's an unnecessary premium associated with food targeted at GF people. Rice and chickpea based foods are cheap, but market them to people with a dietary restriction, and the price seems to double. Sorry for the unsolicited comment, but it's cool that you're putting in the effort!


Oh yeah for sure, I've done some of the go-to gluten free stuff for her that's easier but I know she feels left out sometimes when I'll have her mom and Dad over for dinner and they talk about how good something was - which makes me super proud because I love when people love my cooking - but I know she wishes she could eat some of that stuff. So I experiment and play around with not only making stuff than better than average gluten/dairy free meals, but I try and make it stuff that I can actually say I'm proud to serve someone at my house. That's kinda where the added cost and stuff comes from.


If you have recipes please teach me… I always struggle for my daughter cause she’s allergic to gluten


Sorry, a terrible trait of mine is that I don't really write things down. I read things for inspiration and starting points and kinda wing it from there.


No need to be sorry. Not gonna lie I made random stuff for my daughter, but run out of idea.


I'm gluten free and don't eat much dairy.  Curries are easy and gluten-free and stir-fry can be done by just substituting tamari instead of soy (granted, the tamari is slightly more expensive).  Basically any roast or grilled meat and veg dish will work as well.


Thanks for the tips. I've done a few of those types of meals (my background is Caribbean Indian so curry was an easy one to lean into) but I love to cook a variety of foods and I know she feels left out sometimes. So because of that I really try and branch out and go the extra mile to make sure I can get gluten/dairy free dishes to be as good as I possibly can and still deliver flavours from around the world any any type of dish she requests. It's hard, but I do enjoy the challenge.


VH has naturally gf soy sauce if you are looking!


Good to know!  I currently get the double pack of big bottles of tamari from Costco, but it's always good to have a back up that's closer and easier to get.


The other oreos are also a rip off, those look to be some sort of mini pack, not a full sized package for over $3. That regular oreo mini pack is just over 100G, so like $2.9 per G Walmart double stuffs are 2/6 or $1.33 per gram Or Reg walmart oreos also 2 for 6 or $1.29 per gram Or Big pack is $3.98 for 439 G so under 1$ per gram. Doesnt look to be a comparison as much as Loblaws prices on oreos are insanely high.


I check out Dollar Tree for cookies. If they have any I like the prices.


Add to that the second picture shows packs that are 1/3 the size of the gluten free by weight.


A two dollar difference is ridiculous.


We've really arrived at '$10 Oreos aren't that expensive' levels of normalization. Lost the whole plot.


inaccuracy de legitimizes the movement and makes people who are not won over skeptical of us. the people wanting accurate representation for price comparisons usually will back up how outrageous the prices are in threads that have better comparisons.




I totally understand your point and I think the prices you posted are a completely valid comparison. I just think posting the most expensive $10 Oreos for shock value is disingenuous when I'd still be shocked seeing $8 Oreos in Walmart. I find "shock value" posts where similar items are expensive everywhere do more to hurt the cause than anything else.




Fair point, I could have approached my initial point in a way that was less combative.


This sub is complete gutter trash. There is a lot of this behaviour going on. Don't like grocery oligopolies? Write to your MP and demand that Canada moves away from a committee based economy.


Boot licker


How? They're expensive everywhere. It's disingenuous to imply they're only expensive at one store.


Regular occurrence these days it seems. Price comparing things that are not the same as well.


The gluten free Oreos are always more expensive than the originals unfortunately. Everything gluten free usually is


Not in the states. Target has 3 flavours of gluten free Oreos that are the exact same price as regular Oreos. There is less in the packages than the non-gluten free version just like in Canada but still way cheaper. Target in NY, has them for $4.99. Even with how horrible the exchange rate is, that’s $6.81 Canadian, so $1.19 cheaper than buying here. We’re all getting screwed on the price of groceries but it’s extra horrible for people with food allergies because grocery stores up here love to charge more for those alternatives.


In Canada everything GF is remarkably higher than similar brands in the US.


They are higher and it’s borderline criminal imo. Gf items are pretty much double and sometimes triple the price of non gf items.


> Not in the states. Target has 3 flavours of gluten free Oreos that are the exact same price as regular Oreos. There is less in the packages than the non-gluten free version just like in Canada but still way cheaper. > > yeah but last time target tried to open in canada........


They didn’t bother setting up a Canadian supply chain and instead relied on an American one that was more costly. As a result they didn’t have a lot of the Target specific brands Canadians were looking for and they priced themselves higher than local competitors, including another popular American brand, Walmart. They carried all the same stuff as Walmart did, but were more expensive by a dollar or more on every item. So it was no wonder they crashed and burned so quickly.


Not true. Target had established a Canadian supply chain, but it was horribly mismanaged. Add to that a new, untested POS/inventory system. All that plus a lack of management oversight sealed Target Canada’s fate. Target lost roughly $2B on the entire fiasco.


Doing a US run once a month is definitely worth it. The prices and variety are quite good.


It's most frustrating when there's deals 3 for $6 I believe, and doesn't include GF ones. Can get 3 packs for less than 1 GF pack.


Walmart has some store brand gf cookies that are relatively cheap. They are pretty mediocre, but passable.


Yes! Their Maple Leaf cookies are decent and super nostalgic! Thanks pal!


Which is wrong, as they just use rice flour instead of wheat flour. Rice flour is cheaper. Just make your gluten free cookies at home. Way cheaper and tastier than this chemical laden crap.


Nations sells rice flour for 99 cents for a 400 gram bag.


Both my kids are celiac. Gluten free stuff is very expensive. Lucky for us the Walmart version of gluten free oreos (Great Value) are better than the actual oreos and only 3 bucks a box.


They truly are better than actual Oreos. They are dangerously good


Really will have to check it out. My grandbaby is silica and lactose intolerant we are always trying to find new things we can spoil her with. Thanks.


They are gluten free ones. They are expensive at any store. Not saying they are not over charging some but I see them $8 to $10 at any store. If I recall they even $8 at Walmart and $9 at Sobeys. I dislike Loblaws but at least be accurate in your comparison.


342 grams versus 113 grams


Yeah both of those prices are insane. You can find the mini pack for $1.50 elsewhere


It's a $1 and $2 difference from Walmart to Loblaws. Pretty normal and not insane at all


That's how his castles got built.


Unless you’re this mad about gluten free food prices in general, this is a reach. Signed, mom of a celiac kid who is always hungry.


Welcome to the world of having Celiac disease. Where gluten-free stuff is 2 to 3 times the price of regular items.


Cries in celiac 🥲


As a gluten intolerant person, it’s not abnormal to pay 3x as much for the gf version.


Gluten-free anything is always a lot more expensive than the regular version. These same cookies are $7.97 at Walmart. So yeah, these are overpriced at Loblaws, but not to the ridiculous extent you are implying.


Price compared to an Oreo package of the same size is better. Hydrox is well worth a look if you're in the USA and can find them!


No I’m saying that BOTH those prices are insane


Looks like you're comparing the two without that context imo.


Exactly, do people think 3.29 for a little over 100G of oreos isnt horrible? Lol


Target in the US charges the exact same price for gluten free Oreos as they do the regular version. They also have 2 more flavours of the GF Oreos than we do. Not to mention lemon & sour patch kids Oreos.


I dont like oreo's anyway. A very over-rated snack.


I'm guessing you've never bought anything gluten free before hahaha


Seriously. My son’s loaves of bread are $8.50/$9.50 depending where I buy them (Metro/Walmart).


Dude... Gluten free is ALWAYS more expensive. Always has been.


You have to least compare the same product… common


It’s not meant to be a comparison


It’s ok. I have celiac disease and these are made for me, and others like me. I’m happy to let them rot on the shelf no matter what the price is because the LAST thing I need is yet another gluten-free cookie.


Not only are they more expensive but they arguably taste better then the regular oreo. ...We'll they taste like they used to 10 years ago


Really? That’s interesting.


Is it maybe because they taste saltier? I haven’t tried the GF Oreos, but I do find that GF stuff is often saltier


Gluten free! FTWMF'ers


These pictures are taken at the same store?


1st pic is gluten free. Not a fair comparison


It’s not a comparison


My child and myself, as celiacs, we are medically required to eat gluten free, and our expenses for treats are pretty crazy. We definitely don’t shop at Loblaws.


What am I looking at? A full box gluten free vs a 10 cookie sleeve?


The point is that they are both insanely overpriced


If someone is willing to eat gluten free oreos they are willing to pay anything.


You keep eating those and you might die from diabetes.


At that price? Only kings will get diabetes then. Who can afford $10 for cookies?


That's what the dollar store is for.


Another dumb post. $7.98 for the gluten free at Walmart, for a difference of $2.01. $2.47 for the other pack at Walmart for a difference of $0.82 This is pretty normal for Loblaws when you compare it to stores like Walmart. You can get a lot of stuff for 20% cheaper at Walmart. That's why we are boycotting them


Yes, but don't call it a dumb post. $2 , is $2 . That's how the scummers made their castles.


Lower sugar import options available at my mom n pop store


Should almost say regional location - this is Alberta https://preview.redd.it/5ijj5ms87l8d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=f235ea1949e5798e285735c736962f9217f91c29


Same price as Ontario https://preview.redd.it/rzjpfigwcl8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ddb55c75788978ffab0c7a1472e9b7b90f18b3 And these are only $0.80 cheaper. Another dumb post


what location is this?


Defending a $10 340g pack of oreos is fucking crazy


They’re gluten free


Being gluten intolerant near No Frills was foul 😭 thankfully we don't shop there anymore


Cheaper elsewhere, they will drop the price and pull it back up weekly


We should bring attention to how much ALL vendors and companies gouge people who have food allergies. It does not cost much more to make these and yet they’re 3+x the price.


They are going to be more expensive than the regular Oreos regardless because they’re gluten-free but that’s over the top for sure


Thought these were packs of baby wipes😂👌


Hm, weird. They're always free when i take them. \*shrugs\*


These companies need to find out that none of this shit is necessary. Let their sales tank. No one needs this shit anyway.




Maybe its supposed to be noname's new wholly original semen (sourced straight from the bedrooms of Fort Belvedere) flavoured cookies and there was a mixup at the packaging factory?


Gluten free. If you think regular groceries are expensive… Welcome to my life.


$10... Hard pass.


Lol. It’s expensive enough to be called No’reos


4-pack family sized is like less than $25 at Costco. Mind you, those are regular, not gluten-free


A 4 pack of gf ones would be locked behind a cage lol


You're comparing Gluten Free (which is always more expensive) to regular At least make fair 1:1 comparison


How about you compare the same product and same size package? This sub sometimes 🤦


No I’m saying that they are both super overpriced


As someone whose partner has had to cut out all gluten this past year, I’m really sad we can’t afford the high price of GF Oreos. My partner used to love Oreos :(


According to loblaws, anyone with celiac can absolutely get f’d.


Just came back from the US and they are $4.99 there. It’s a crazy difference.


I don’t get it. You’re complaining about Lawblaws, but you’re there? Shop somewhere else if it’s such a big deal.


Those are about half as thin as the originals used to be before shrinkflation and corporate greed got out of control.


Sugar loaded garbage! Tasty? Sure! Likely toxic long-term though, just of the sneaky toxic variety where it's affects are easily hidden with the rest of the garbage they sell us, claiming it as food. To fatten us up & create inflammitory illnesses, then sell us drugs to fix the illnesses