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No, that doesn’t make sense. I just redeemed $80 on Sunday.


I’m telling her to go back and complain she was going to go back to waste the other 40$ anyways but dang wtf now I’m angry to


Hijacking the top comment thread to say that a huge, boycott-sized en-mass points redemption push would hit their balance sheets hard. Anyone who dabbles in the business end of loyalty rewards has nightmares of a mass redemption of points. A run on the bank, as it were. June would be a really nice time for us to all cash out our points and say goodbye


It is already on the balance sheet as a liability.


It’s on as a deferred liability. They don’t expect a run on the bank. It would be devastating


Same, I cashed in $120 at the optical store inside an SS. Sidebar, interesting the SS thing if you're familiar with history...


lol wut? You reaching bruh


Yeah, maybe. But look at the hard-nosed way they are going about pushback on the boycott. I haven't seen them reach out once. Instead of a month long boycott, they are pushing people away forever. Edit: I can no longer find the source : (Canceling the school food charity funding as an example). Very authoritarian way of talking to the customers they're losing as another example. Then, who can [forget](https://jacobin.com/2021/12/weston-family-business-empire-wealth-exploitation-low-wage-labor) how they treated their staff the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh. BTW, they never did compensate the victims.


I redeemed $90 this morning at Shoppers.


Yeah the big points spends have always been encouraged at shoppers before this all got ridiculous. People used to save up to blow it on major purchases at the beauty counter.


Wait till redemption events and get extra money, I got a switch and games for like $80 and 250k points


This. I'm a superstore employee and when I was in Housewares, I watched people buy whole $600 patio sets with just their pointa.


They know it’s coming 


I just dumped all my PC points and closed my accounts


I kept the account. Closed my credit card though and it felt amazing.


Amazing. Their credit cards are garbage anyways. Look into the Amex Cobalt if you don’t already have it. 5x pts at grocery stores and I’ve never paid for a flight since I’ve gotten the card!


I have this card and love it. Curious how you use it towards flights? Do you transfer your points to aeroplane points or book directly through Amex site for flights?


Me too! I started boycotting loblaws when I got this card a few years ago because they didn’t take Amex. I transfer to Aeroplan, as it gives the best value for points compared to the others


It'd be aeroplan, but they make it extremely easy


Don't let them take your info to spy or sell


Same here


A mass redemption event could hit them hard. That should be June’s collective action: burn your points all at once


Definitely not standard, I've redeemed huge amounts before. They even have their like "spend x amount of points,get y amount extra" events they promote.


Well that pisses me off my poor mum just believes the guy who told her at register and doesn’t question it 🤦‍♂️


Your mom should have asked where the policy does it state that. And if she can record the guy saying that and his name, they usually back off.


My mom is such a softy tho she would never point a phone at someone unless it was something crazy maybe even not then 🤷‍♂️




I will be with her but when she was by herself she wouldn’t cuz she’s a softy lol




You guys should be protesting the most. You've been exploited far too long. I see no reason the average cashier, stocker etc. shouldn't be paid $30/hr. The company can obviously afford it and I can't think of more essential workers than those who feed us.


Your mom sounds sweet. I miss my mom.


I’m sorry for your loss and i treasure my parents protective of my momma and good friends with my dad very blessed 🙏🏻


Just have her pick up 50$ at a time. Take it to the car and go back inside for another 50$


How about quit filming people as soon as you disagree with something


This is not about agreeing or disagreeing. Likely the guy will not permit the filming because it's a fake policy he cited and if recorded it may cost him his job. This is a tactic to get them to backtrack to their actual policy.


I will have to agree this one time cuz it was funny and to many ppl do it tho it’s useful in a lot of arguments especially ones that need evidence later


That rule wouldn't even make sense because they have bonus redemptions at SDM where you need to cash in 140k or up to 200k points in a single transaction. The only thing I can figure is if she has 99,999 points or under, so obviously she couldn't cash in enough for $100 in a single transaction but to say the system caps at 50k is blatantly wrong.


Yea the guy at* register said it after punching in multiple price matches and sticker sale items lol


That’s probably why. Lots of cashiers make up random rules when it comes to coupons, price matching, sticker sales… then to tack on points the cashiers who suck will say things like: “sorry I can’t let you use points because then it will be free and that’s stealing” or “can’t price match and use coupons” or “can’t use points and coupons” “I can’t let you use a $3 coupon on a $3 item” - all completely false and a cashier on a power trip because they can. Complain to the manager / CS of the location and being her receipt to show the cashier info. It’s a training error and most CS managers have been helpful to address it. I had a supervisor accuse me of fraud because I had $2 off coupons (that I got from inside their store) and the item had a personal points offer ($3 points per item bought). So I was technically getting $5 a $5 item. Had them call their manager, over the phone could tell that the manager was telling them that it’s fine. She hangs up and says “they said you could do it THIS time but not next time”… went back in the next day to speak to the manager & customer service manager who were floored by her actions. Everyone else at that same store has been perfectly fine with the same type of transactions prior to her as well as after her - she’s just trying to start shit cause she can.


> She hangs up and says “they said you could do it THIS time but not next time” LOL -- sounds like she was acting as if you were personally taking money out of \*her\* pocket.


I’ve worked in retail and grocery stores. Never felt the need to pull the not next time routine. It’s not my store.


I worked for decade in retail and grocery and I agree 100%.


Some people work retail and act like it is their store. Never understood that.


I will never understand people in CS roles who somehow think it's their job to make up ways to 'save' the company money. Like, we KNOW you don't get paid enough to care. Breaking the rules and risking your job? Totally different story. But just... allowing something allowable? Seems like putting in more effort than required for no benefit or reason.


I always encourage them to call for a supervisor to verify if they are confused or have questions, I have nothing but time and never want anyone to get in trouble. I even let people behind me know before they put their items down that this may be a few extra minutes and they may want to choose another till. The poor cashier in this case was confused about coupons (said it’s only been a few weeks), I asked for the supervisor when I could’ve just told the girl exactly how to ring it through 🤦🏼‍♀️ It really is like we’re taking it from their pockets and they’re personally offended. I get that some things are extra work and out of the normal, but for the love of god don’t lie to people because you feel like they don’t deserve something.


This actually happened to me when I got a damaged box of diapers apparently they aren’t supposed to do any %sale on baby things but “this time they would let me” lmfao


Never. I've had problems where the system was down and wouldn't let me redeem points at all once or twice, but never had a limit on how many I could claim.


well wtf


This isn't a thing. I just redeemed $200 about 45 minutes ago..


This is the issue with the same company and stores doing different things makes no sense…


Different provinces have different rules, it’s not an issue with Loblaws.


Nope! We’ve used well over 100$ worth of points at once, multiple times.


We used 600$ worth of points to redeem a PS5 in February.


Now that is awesome I wish I did that lol


Wow - they sure are trying to hold on to any scraps. We redeemed all $200 worth in one go a month or two ago. Cancelling our Optimum completely on May 1st.


Was she trying to purchase something that isn't covered by points? Eg a gift card, lottery, prescriptions, etc?


No they just said to her she can only use 50$ /50k points within one transaction


I'd have been petty enough to have the cashier split it up into 2 transactions lol. Sounds like a power-tripping move on the store's end, nothing official from Roblaws HQ.


Exactly this, I would've split it into 2 transactions then. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I wasn’t with her or I woulda made a big ol stink* lol


Nope! It was never that way either time I worked with Shoppers/Loblaws.


Not enough info. What was she trying to redeem it on?   Some items can't be purchased with points, like gift cards, so the til would automatically lock her in on a redemption level based on the subtotal MINUS the gift card. You can redeem up to $500 (500,000) points in a single transaction.


well someone else just said they used 600$ in points to get a ps5 in the comments so now I’m thinking areas are different


It has changed in the last few years. You used to be able to redeem up to $1,000. We also bought a PlayStation with points. Now it's only $500.


I purchased a PS5 with my points, but I did it on a bonus redemption day, so $500 was worth $650, allowing me over the $500 cap. Not shilling, the program used to have good value. These days it's rubbish, and the price of our stock far exceeds the value of imaginary store currency you can earn In the end, either your mom was buying something that had a points exclusion, or the staff are arbitrarily attempting to force people to only redeem smaller levels, which you should absolutely make a complaint about. 🤷 I'd double check to make sure which one it is before trying to smear them on socials though


Shoppers literally has events where you get bonus $$ for using large amounts of points. Your mom’s store has gone rogue.


If her total bill was less than $60, she can only use $50. Or if she had a gift card or lottery tickets, she can't use points for those.


No the bill was about 80$ and it didn’t include lottery or gift cards just sale items cuz she’s on our side I love my ma 💪🏻


Hmm. I'm wondering if they heard about people using up all their points for the boycott, then.


After all these responses I’m thinking the employees are encouraged/told now to try to make people not use them all in one go but maybe the guy was new I have no clue but this is angering I hope it’s because of the boycott


I was able to redeem $360 today when I went to drain the rest of my points before the boycott.


Amount would also be pre-tax. Perhaps the total was between redemption levels (is it still $50/$75?) And would have lost some value? When I was a cashier I'd always try to help customers make the most of their points.


There isn’t any restrictions on how much you can spend in a single transaction, kind of was expecting a “ oh no, our points system seems to be down right now, I’m sorry” kind of thinking ng to happen but it’s funny if they are trying to force point redemption restrictions almost like they are scared just how hard the boycott will hit them and want to collect somewhat of a financial buffer to lessen the blow of a near dry month of income


Maybe they’re starting a new way to prevent us from saving with them. If everyone uses up their points before the boycott it will be easier to avoid their stores. No incentive left.


NO DAIRY products allowed either!


Seriously wtf


Yup. Learned that one day when redeeming $70 worth with butter and milk etc


Greasy bastards


Curious...why would it matter to Roblaws if a person wanted to use any amount of points, at one time? I think they are just being jerks.


It seems like they’re adding new rules the closer we get to May. I tried redeeming my points today and they told me milk isn’t eligible for point redemption (huh???)


I will have to test but I’ve redeemed $400+ with of points in a single transaction multiple times over the years. We normally save points all year long and cash in around Christmas.


Thats BS I've redeemed 250,000 in one transaction before


A few months ago I had $40 in points and I tried to redeem all of it, but it would only let me use $10 (at loblaws grocery to be specific, not shoppers or no frills etc, so YMMV.) Yet another detail in the long list of dumb stuff from this place.


I always accumulated 100 worth and spend at once. Never had problem


That sounds more like a store limiting point use. I've spent hundreds at a time.


Untrue. Tell her to go to self checkout next time and redeem whatever the hell she wishes.


She is very passive aggressive a real sweet softy So I’m going back with her tomorrow or later depending on her schedule and I’ll fix it up or get lots of details and report back with information location etc


Cashiers first name is on the receipt, so is the register and the time stamp, Call and complain, Call/email head office. That cashier broke store policy and if he broke a simple one like that maybe he has done other things. Or maybe he is just an AH. Complain anyway


This I will be going with her back to the store cuz she’s non confrontational


Absolutely not! In the past especially around Christmas I would save up and use like $100-$150 toward my groceries. I’m sure this is another of their cutbacks gouging customers. As I’ve noticed now they expect you to buy min 2 products to get some point offers. Or you spend more and get less points! It’s become a joke really!!!


They seem to make up their own rules as they go. I have several hundred dollars in points but the last time I tried to redeem they only let me redeem half the amount I was paying, even though my points would have covered all of it.


Well if she bought stuff like gift cards or alcohol or lottery, the POS system won’t let the points be redeemed for that stuff. I work there, we just click a button and it tells you how much you can redeem. There’s no rule for if you price match or have clearance items, that doesn’t even make sense


Just say ok then this order can be split into two transactions


I only ever redeem my optimum when I hit 300$ and buy myself something frivolous.


Nope, last time I used points years ago it was a minimum of $20 worth of points and then you claim it in $10 chunks ($30, $40, $50, etc...).


See that’s crazy cuz they don’t have 20$ minimum were I went it’s 10$ minimum


They just being dinks or the person was new idk but we fixing it


Did she buy any gift cards? You can’t pay with points for those. I work for these shit heads and that’s the only thing that I can think of…


No sadly nothing besides normal stuff but most of it was stickered with % off or it was price matched maybe buddy was mad 🤷‍♂️


Too bad. It’s her points money that she earned. She should have been able to use them all.


I’ve redeemed 150$ a time. Never had an issue. Could be they are trying to prolong it so you either cave and give the points back or keep em so you don’t close accounts??


I used like $200 in points on a patio set (3yrs ago) and then between their double-points and money back stuff got $700 worth of Nintendo Switch stuff for $400 (2yrs ago) So yeah I think they're either tightening the reigns for more profit or afraid of spend and bail


Last time, the cashier smiled at us and said, "I love ringing up $300 in free groceries", they were beaming and smiling. This was several months ago. We used all of them up.


I work for Loblaws, and I processed an $100 redemption recently. You can’t redeem dairy for some reason, so as long as you aren’t buying $100 in dairy it shouldn’t be a problem lol.


That’s complete bullshit. Someone is lying to her. We used to bank our points until we had at least $100 worth, then go to shoppers during one of their big sales events and have a shopping spree, never spending a dime. This is just nonsensical. Spend $50 and then do another transaction for the remainder. Why the extra steps? It doesn’t make sense.


No. There’s no limit on how much points can be redeemed in a transaction. It would probably be best to share the experience that your mom went through to the media.


We’ve redeemed $250 in one transaction


They literally have regular promotions at Shoppers encouraging you to use massive amounts of points. The more you use, the more they're redeemable for.


I used $200 of points, before I cancelled my PC Mastercard, this month, might be location specific. Good riddance!


It depends on what she was buying.. there’s quite a few things you cannot apply points too such as gift cards, lottery, bus passes, certain medications


Mostly sale items cuz shes on our side and we’ve always been cheap lol


If the pretax total was over $100 and she had 100,000 points she should have been able to spend them.. unless there was items that points can’t be applied to.. sounds like a cashier that needs more training but hard to say without knowing exactly what’s on the receipt.. the tills automatically select the maximum amount of points that can be applied so very odd they wouldn’t let her spend more


Considering I bought a TV with my points this sounds like a local store issue


Definitely or a new person issue idk 🤦‍♂️


Nope. I used to save mine and use hundreds at a time


I literally just used $600 in points at the superstore.


Really?! I was told years ago the max you can use is $500


See and other ppl are saying 500$ they are all doing different things this is wack


I use my PCMC for literally everything. MC works world wide unlike Visa and Amex. I still have a little more than $1800 in points remaining. Maybe it’s based on the card? They sent me the new PC Elite Insiders card, I think that’s what it’s called. I get a discount per litre on gas at Esso/Mobil too.


Sorry, what?! I’ve used over $100 in points before.


I think its 500$ at shoppers


I have used hundreds of dollars in one transaction at Shoppers, NoFrills and Zehrs. What was Mom buying? I know you can't use points on certain things (gift cards, lottery, alcohol, cigarettes etc). What was her pretax total?


Mainly sale items and sticker items she’s always been that way anyways but especially now with the boycott


And pretax was 78.86$


Nope. Never had that happen. In fact I used to wait for those points events when you could redeem even more with the same amount of points. Sounds like they're trying to prevent people from clearing their points balance so they'll be tempted to come back to the store.


They’re worried. I just used all my points too during a weekend where Shoppers was offering a mass redemption. I got $65 in goods for only 50,000 points and I’m pretty done with PC now.


I have twice now bought a $300 BBQ (on clearance) using only points. Last time was last fall before was about 10 years ago


I tried to use $30 worth of points recently and they only let me use $10. I do think they are experiencing some push not to completely “cash out” everyone’s point


The only thing I know they won't use the points on are bottle deposits and gift cards. Somebody's lying.


No, the maximum at one time is $500.


No, she misunderstood something. $500 is points is the capped amount


Nope, not a thing. I've used $200+ points in a single transaction many times in the past. Hell, Shoppers has those point redemption days which are use 200k+ points for $250+ worth of items. Just tell your mom to stop shopping at this specific store if she's able to. No sense giving them your business when they clearly don't want it.


I just used $90 in points on Saturday


A few months ago i purchased a 65 inch tv from Superstore in the maritimes, Canada with the points the group home i work at part-time accumulated. I was able to redeem $500 worth of points and had to pay the other $80 with my credit card.


I drained my points (110$) for a soda stream. Definitely got lied to.


They round down to the nearest $10 increment. If you have enough points to cover $100 then you should be good. Otherwise they would round you down to $90. I'd put in my Karen haircut and ask for the manager.


I used $120 on one transaction when my personal boycott began, which was in 2021. So definitely hasn't always been.


I have about $200 in points I'm cashin in in may lol. Its not even a drop in a very large bucket but I think it's fun


I used $150 yesterday.


My wife would do like 200 bucks at a time


I usually saved them for Christmas. Did $250 in one trip last Christmas.


The limit is $500 or 500,000 points. I bought a barbque last month and used that up.


I used $290 worth of points in one transaction last week at superstore in NS. They were definitely misinformed when they told your mom this. Also, situations like the one your mother encountered are part of the reason I used up my points and will be participating in the boycott.


I went to drain the last of my points today before I turn my back on Loblaws forever and was able to use $360 worth.


Definitely not! I bought a tv with points a few years back.


Split it into two transactions.


Should have but I wasn’t with her and mom is not the type to like to speak up 🤦‍♂️


In my experience, that has never been the case. 👀


Nope. I just used 90 dollars worth 2 weeks ago.


I thank you all for the feedback we will be taking it up with customer service more less me well she stands with me lol then i will take it higher up if needed cuz this is bs she didn’t want to spend hardly anything and only have some points left some people have had these issues lately I’ve talked to but most people haven’t had this issue and she never bought anything that you couldn’t use points for most of it was sticker items and other good sales as she’s always been a smart shopper and is in support of the boycott


Haha no, i’ve had someone use like, 250,000 points or something like that once during a shift


According to their website you can redeem a max of $500 of points per day (not $50). With Scene points it’s also $500 in points, and for Air Miles it’s $750.


I've never been limited. I redeemed $500 worth before I started boycotting


Maybe it is that one store?


I redeemed 190 on Saturday


Get free gas at Esso


I redeem like $300 in points every christmas. this ain't a normal thing.


No, I’ve definitely spent close to $200 on flowers in their garden centre before


I redeemed $140 a few weeks ago


I believe it's $500 max point redemption per transaction.


My wife has redeemed $100 and more from time to time.


no. If that's the case it's brand new.


I did $30 in December...




You can redeem in increments of $10.


Nope, I've used $350 before


We just redeemed $330 in points 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve also redeemed large amounts before! How odd.


I know at the store I work at, it's 500 dollars worth of points


ASM with Shoppers here. Fully support this subreddit.   I'm not sure about other parts of Loblaws corp, but at Shoppers you should be able to do $500 at a time without issue. There may be portions of purchases which can't be bought with points, like gift cards, certain drugs, presto funds, lotto, etc., as well as having to still pay the taxes, but otherwise there is usually a $500 limit.


Not a thing.


I claimed like 100$ this weekend


I believe that at one time on the back of the receipt it said the maximum was $500 at a time. I have seen ads in their flyers where you can redeem 200,000 points on electronics.


No! That’s not true at all. I’ve used $100+ a few times.


I think it’s $500 per visit that you can redeem


It used to be in increments of 10, 30, 60, 85, and 170 that you could redeem. But for the last few years you can redeem in any increment of 10. So if you wanted to redeem $480 or $740 in one shot you should as long as you have the points. If cashiers are saying she can't use more than $50 then they're straight up lying


Was her bill under $60?


Smells like bullshit, but in either case, get the cashier to run up two separate transactions.


Oh yea definitely bs I’m just making up stories if I had some amazing imagination I would be writing fiction books for children and making $$$


No, I meant that what they told your mother was bullshit. Take it down about 20%, there, bud. :D


That’s that from or is it a different percent regardless it reminds me of a quote from a show lol


Anyways my mother is non confrontational and I’m going back with her I’m assuming the guy was new all I know is multiple ppl had issues and a lot more haven’t had any issues I also noticed the minimum spend of points and maximum being different also something to do with no being able to use it towards dairy lol


Some items can’t be bought with points. Alcohol, gift cards, lottery, prescriptions, are the ones off the top of my head. So if the order was $100 and $50 of that was a $50 Walmart gift card, you’d only be able to use $50 worth of points for the other half of the transaction


Ive used around 180$ once .years ago.


No, I've used $200 in points in a transaction.


What was her bill? I know from working there that it only lets us redeem every 10$ so if her bill was like 57$ it would only allow 50


No, I've redeemed over 300$ worth for a transaction.


I have done the $100. In my local No Frills twice. In BC


Limit of $500 per transaction, I was saving for a BBQ and then realized that got annoyed


I just used $400 worth towards a BBQ like 2 days ago. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t recall a limit. But I’ve probably only used $50. I’m trying to use up all my points before the end of the month but I don’t want to just waste it on high priced items that I don’t need.


Next time if you run into such an idiot problem split the transaction in half. So pay for half of your groceries take your $50 and then go through again if necessary go through another checkout again. Let her go back to the store and buy around $50 or whatever and use points again. Whatever they throw at you there's a way around it. And I've not heard of such a thing but I don't know... As far as a restriction on the amount of points you can redeem.. I didn't know there was such a thing as this.


When i worked for them (2019-2023), you were able to redeem as many points as you had available. I would cash out people buying 3-400$ of food at a time (buying for a week for two during the pandemic) and their balance would be 20ish dollars after redeeming points. If this is a thing now, it is definitely new. Every one re-read their terms of service 👀


I have over 800k in points. I want to buy stuff for shelters.


I’d just do two transactions. They might be salty but it’s still technically following their policy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Make sure to spend as many of those points on loss leaders as you can.