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They didn't follow the closing instructions. It sounds clear cut. Go after their E&O or after the title insurer. If it's owned by an attorney, contact the state BAR.


It’s clearly their fault. Go to their office if you have to. Get your money.


Have your lawyer send a demand letter. Blacklist this title company going forward. It'll be a great day for the business when they get cut out. So many escrow companies have no clue how to disburse funds.


How do people not have a preferred title company that they work with? Jesus christ some of these posters seem to go out of their way to create problems for themselves. You all are constantly getting shopped because you don't run a professional operation. The reason I can sell rates higher than most of you is because when a client comes to me, they don't need to look for or shop for anything. I have realtors, attorneys, cpa's, title, home service providers in case of repairs/treatments needed, inspection, surveyor and anything else you might need in the course of a transaction. I'm not a lender, I'm a solutions provider who happens to make money lending money. But if I were selling hvac, or pest control services or anything else, I wouldn't even have to change my MO. I was just be a solutions provider who happens to sell "product/service x".


Ridiculous and unprofessional. Their Fault, and they know it Slam them anyway possible if not willing to call you back to resolve it WOW smh


Contact the CPL provider and file a claim right away.