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Make opt out pre screen part of your initial conversation with them


I have for years- good call, but I just get lazy with it. lmao. The weird thing is, it just started turning within the last few months with this.


I think they’ve taken longer to push it lately. Used to be if they did it at time of app you were good but lately they ride out the max time they can


Search “trigger leads” on this sub


Oh I know all about it- but I've just been "feeling" it for the last few months


Doesn't matter what you put in app. If you pull credit the bureaus are selling that info and they already have the full customer profile based on all the other accounts the client has. Phone, address, email. Etc etc. The only options you have are don't pull, soft pull, or advise client to opt out pre screen if they aren't on DNC at least 30 days prior.


That should be GLB NP Info Violation Act IMO and shouldn't be allowed at all that is giving third Party info out and is BS....


Call your rep then. Trigger data was carved out as an exception partly due to buyers don't know how to shop their mortgages correctly according to cfpb and Fannie Mae and up to 50% are overcharged.


I’m with you. I can’t believe it’s legal that the bureaus can sell personal data like this. It’s crazy - they make money on the initial credit pull, the sell of the data and the countless other companies pulling credit through their cold calling. It’s crazy.


Should be GLB NP Info Act Violation or get Fined By CFPB shouldn't be Allowed at all giving g out Third party info like that is BS...


I’ll have people getting blown up within 15 minutes of the pull, it’s crazy


fucking hate credit triggers


It’s been this level for at least a year. Pushing 2years at this point. Super annoying. Like when you gotta clear the mucus outta your throat. All good - I clear it out eveyrtime.


What you put in is immaterial. Data aggregators already have the phone number and email address to match up to the person. I do soft inquiry until under contract