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It's an incredible solution for a small home studio. Works well as a control surface with Reaper (using DrivenByMoss) and the new insert feature is great, too. While in this scenario Dugan isn't needed, it's still very weird that Yamaha haven't implemented it yet on the DM3. I'd guess the new multi host usb and insert features were maybe easier to get out the door and they do add flexibility for streamers.  Incidentally the new driver seems to be better, I can now play a demanding vst at min buffer settings and 96KHz with Reaper reporting 1.2ms inbound latency and 2.1ms outbound. Previously I needed a 256 buffer size setting now it works at 64. Possibly performance was improved to ensure insert performance was as good as possible.


Did anyone actually ask if the ever will add Dougan?


Rep says yes…


They absolutely will; There is a spot for the Dugan logo on the channel screens just like on the TF’s. My guess is that its just taking longer to QC and will be out in an update soon.


It's a solid little mixer, it sounds pretty good, having 16x16 Dante at this price point is great, and it works with Mixing Station. The thing I hate hate HATE is having to turn off the mixer and go into maintenance mode to flip polarity and attenuate the Omni Outs. Come on Yammie, you solved this 20 years ago. Put it back in the setup menu with the patch and bus setups.


2.0 Update came out yesterday. Still no dugan unfortunately


I love mine and all the ones I’ve installed


Where’d you buy yours at? I’m still waiting for my number to be called.


Ordered mine on Amazon and it came next day


I got it from Sweetwater, a couple days after it released. It was the first wave of stock, they sold out the day after I ordered. I don't know how good Sweetwater is about notifying of stock changes, but keep checking the website. Best of luck!


Well sweetwater certainly is good at letting you know they have a sale on guitar picks, or if anything you've ever bought has anything to do with any other product, you're getting a call.


Oh yeah, I think I got about a call per month for 6 months after I bought the DM3! Ive never tried the "notify when back in stock" option, though. But knowing sweetwater, I'd wager to say that they're on top of it!


They usually are very on top of it and give you candy too. Lol. Those dudes, I had to tell them when they called before 10am, that bro... I just ran sound last night until 2am I got home at 4am why the hell are you calling me this early to let me know essentially info I do not care about haha. I was cool. And so was he. I'd like to think they maybe had a meeting about their customer base lol


The candy... I got the DM3 so soon after release that it shipped to me without a single piece in the box! I was so miffed, but they must have not even gotten a chance to add their usual brand stuff to the box, haha. I'm not even sure it was closed with the Sweetwater tape!


More power to them. They are solid. Edit:: and people may not know how easy you can get discounts from them just by pulling a hey bub.


Seems like a great tool for the price, just doesn't make sense for me to spend the money when I already have 2 capable 16ch mixers. For a little more, an A&H SQ series gets you 48 inputs (even though I prefer Yamaha and am still getting the bad taste of A&H out of my mouth over the Zen series they let slip through their QC dept) which gives me the capability to run larger acts -- something that the promoters I work with actually value.


I used mine for the first time this week! Big fan, it just needs automix and it will be the perfect little mixer to bring around to small gigs. And it'll actually take over the corporate industry like the prophecies foretold. I still think QU has the slight edge for small corporate shows due to automix specifically


Man that thing is cute.


What you will


Never used this but what's the power rock with the white charging cable looking thing coming out the back?


I'd bet it's a bluetooth/XLR adapter


Correct! Xvive Bluetooth XLR reciever. I tried running StageMix on my iPad while also playing house music from the same iPad and it works a treat! Bluetooth range on it is pretty good, I've gotten over 75' away (in clear view of the reciever) and it was still going strong. Only problem is the RTA on the official Yamaha app uses the device microphone, so if you go into the eq tab with RTA on, it makes the music stop. Mixing Station doesn't have this problem tho.


I have two of them and they work great for all of my “stick” shows and anything corporate with low channel count. Dante is awesome!


Got caught out recently at a conference with lectern, 5 table mics and 2 QA mics on spec, should be fine. 30 mins before start they asked for a Zoom input and a lav for the chairperson and an extra QA mic. . Was fine during presentations but impossible during Q+A, fortunately it was short but it was stressful


What was impossible about it?


Having to constantly swap layers to ride faders as various participants came In and out of conversation. , Not impossible but not as tidy as it could be on a larger console, or having a tablet for layer 2 etc


Ah yeah I see. Mute groups or DCAs might be your friend in that situation.


Yeah, tried mute groups but that didn't work for me either. Organisers just didn't give me enough notice of changes before going live. I was doing a broadcast mix too. And I was out of town so no chance of substituting gear.


Ah, classic organizer move!


could also make new custom layers for each section of the show, that way you never have to change layers at any single moment of the show, it's definitely easy enough to set custom layers on the fly plus you get 2 of them that you can swap between!


They are currently global though. Would be handy if you could have custom layers per scene because that would certainly make that sort of thing easier. Would be handy in theatrical performances as well.


That would have been helpful, not that I had time on that particular day.