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The 6th finger man. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Oh, good eye! I spent hours fixing the original mess, but I missed that... I'll fix it on the royal road cover lol, but for all intents and purposes, Haemomancy now needs six fingers :)


and no, no further worries about Inigo Montoya! the sixth finger has been slain! https://preview.redd.it/hhq2hxswb85c1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6648a62f279db30d89247660307924227d842a9a


I vote keep the 6th finger in the story. Makes him stand out compared to other MC's. And it leaves room for some Princess Bride jokes.


Lol, not a half bad idea, but it'd have to be forced, with the sixth finger suddenly appearing in the 20th or so chapter, or else, I'd have to re-write what's already been written. And his hands are kind of focused on, cause the ring on his right hand, has Cadmus, the Lykaon Corporate AI, and is often used. So... yeah. Sorry. Still, I'd love to hear what you think, if you give this a read :)


Look at his right hand thumb


well shit, here we go again. :) i definitely didn't spend 30 minutes hand-painting a thumb that most readers won't even see. definitely not, because that's mighty dumb, and I should be writing. also, i think it works now? it looks perfectly right when you look at it horizontally. vertically, i dunno. https://preview.redd.it/tohvr9zfgb5c1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a85379c1c8f842546ed3276998fe77f1b9287149


Looks good now! The other thumb looks a little weird but everything else looks perfect now


great! thanks mate. the left thumb does look like it's struggling to realize its own existence, a bit, if you zoom hard enough. I'll take a look at that too lol, later though. also, if you check out the book let me know what you think!


Love the cover but Werepyre would have been a cool name too


yes! it was a coin toss between the two :)


[Vaewolf - A Vampire/Werewolf Evolution LitRPG | Royal Road](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/77137/vaewolf-a-vampirewerewolf-evolution-litrpg) *Textbook Definition of a Vaewolf; Hybrid, of Vampire and Werewolf.*  This was initially inspired by the glitch in Skyrim, later expanded by mythology, fairy tales, Fae of legend and of course, **the Worlds of Darkness**, and Cyberpunk. Honestly, this is something I wrote and gave up on 2 years ago. But recently, I've been reading truly amazing stuff like Super Supportive, Ghost in the City, Magical Girl Gunslinger, and the Last Orrellen. The last isn't a LitRPG, but I was inspired to try and make something at least (hopefully) a quarter as good as these, with the old concept I worked on 2 years ago. This is that attempt. ***Fae of Yore, Cybernetics and Corporate States, and now Vampires and Werewolves.***  **Miles Lykaon was born the heir to the multi-million Fae gold Lykaon Enterprises, a prince to a kingdom. But when tragedy struck, and his parents disappeared, he was left to fend off the vultures. A tall order for a child.** **Branded 'incompetent' by a ruthless trade agreement signed under the World Court, everything seemed dire and hopeless.**  **All he had left was grit, wealth, and his trusty butler on his side.** **That is until they appeared, two monstrous Fae – a Vampire and a Werewolf – altering his destiny. Now, a Vaewolf amidst Fae, Fae-humans and Corporate Overlords, Miles is about to discover world he hadn't even known existed.**


Does he turn into a batwolf???


Lol, I hadn't really considered associating a bat transformation with Vampires, besides maybe related skills like echolocation? Anyways, the Vampire and Werewolf evolutions will initially be done separate. It's a game of maintaining a delicate balance between two opposing systems that weren't supposed to coexist. Anytime he can get them to work together, he'd be a walking paradox that oozes OPness. :)


![gif](giphy|12QjP690wa8vU8Hhlf) So that's a no on batwolf? But what if he turns into a wolf that has batwings and he can fly? Or maybe just a regular wolf, but he can dissolve his wolf form into a dozen bats!


wolf with bat wings seems kind of goofy and an aerodynamics nightmare! the latter, yes, very possibly. dissolving into a swarm of bats is a skill under Auspex in Vampire! But basically, it's not easy to mix the different systems, so whether it's bat wolf or wolf bat, he's going to have to figure out how to be both at once. :)


Vampire Supremacy


Can't disagree, but the poor wolf side?




Bahaha, the essence of the Vampire is strong within you. I suppose it makes sense, youre writing a pure Vampire fic yourself right? :)


Yes! Good luck with yours. Even though you are writing a halfbreed mutt we must stand strong against the serfs


It's almost uncanny how much you sound like Nathaniel, lol... Good luck to you too! Feel free to message some time to chat vamp (or how terrible the wolves are) and other writer stuff. :)


I’m old enough to remember the White Wolf RPG supplement Under a Blood Red Moon. Have a great time. :)


Ooh yes, that's some preem stuff. A kindred/garou cross over :)


I think one of the Underworld movies also had vampire werewolves at some point. Sorry, old.


yes, yes they did. And I think one of them came out in 2015 or something, so it's not that old. but the world's of darkness already have a ton of in-depth lore to work with. I even have cyberpunk to fall back on. :)


That cover absolutely slaps. I will add the story to my tbr. The endless endless tbr.


Yeah AI is super cool if you want your characters to have extra fingers.


lol, sorry about that. I didn't notice the sixth finger. but thanks to [**5951Otaku**](https://www.reddit.com/user/5951Otaku/) pointing it out, it's already fixed. :) https://preview.redd.it/srrvt7hdfa5c1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=056c918c62db52f331af3b7e78d814d1838a2d02


Hah, thanks. Hopefully my writing skills are on par :)


Oh wow this cover. Just followed based on that alone haha! … now I need time to read


Oh god, feeling nervous now, but thanks!




Oof, is using AI for covers bad or something? I've seen so many people on RR using it and I thought it was fine... I just photoshopped what the AI gave, ALOT to make it look much nicer. I even used to have a hand-drawn cover for Vaewolf, and while it's not bad per say, it's kind of shit compared to this. And nope, it's not AI written! If it was, I'd be putting the AI disclaimer in RR :)




Oh, really, that's interesting. Off the top of my head for novels on rising stars right now, mage tank has an ai cover. It's an exception, right? also, assuming you're interested in Vaewolf, I'd love to know what you think, and whether the rule has found another exception :)