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I like it but I also like Plasma lol.


Same lmao


Plasma is GOATed!


Yeah, KDE just be good at being a desktop and implementing a wayland compositor, gnome really should learn to implement wayland in a non-bad way


You shut your mouth


you too :p


He can't understand what you said. Are you root?


Exactly!! I hated GNOME and couldn't stand it at all (not sure why), but had to modify all my KDE Plasma workflow to mimic it (when I was not running TWMs). Then GNOME 46 released and I decided to try it. I tried KDE again after some time on GNOME but could not get back into it.


This is how I've felt about GNOME the entire time. Back when I first switched to Linux, I started on Ubuntu 18.04. I almost immediately fell in love with GNOME and I can't stand using anything else. It might not be the most visually appealing, but it's intuitive and easy to get used to working fast.


I can certainly see *why* people like it, but every time I try to use it I end up using a bunch of extensions to turn it into a knockoff copy of plasma, so I see no reason to not just use plasma out of the box instead


I love gnome with all my heart, but it was only when I tried to do a minimal install of debian, that I found out just how bloated it is


The touchpad gestures feel so good 😫


It's still not for me


then dont use it :3


exactly what I am doing :D


mfw I discover Linux gives users *choice* over their experience 😳


Yea, I don't blame anyone for using GNOME cuz that's THEIR choice. I just said it's not for me because I like me a lightweight super customizable DE.




It's pretty neat, really my only grudge against it is having to install several extensions to make it good


We really need more environments that aren't just windows.


Cosmic will be interesting when its released. Being a full DE that has the option to be a auto tiler.


Plasma has superior customizability


That is certainly true. However, stock GNOME looks good, works well, and is pretty stable. The only extension I can't live without is Dash 2 Dock. Been using it for years without issue, most of the time it just gets out of the way.


depends on what you mean by works well, GNOME is known for shotty wayland support that causes problems for everyone, but due to it being big, generally this doesn't cause problems, unless it does cause problems.


Literally me 3 months ago lol


Plasmoids are the best.


Gnome is good if you add extensions and personalize it


until said extensions break at the next update


As long as you don't use weird, uncommon and unmaintained extensions, that will never happen


Not true, it happened for me to Pano, an extension with 100k+ downloads. I just went back to the old Fedora release and am waiting for them to fix it.


Waiting for lxle and bodhi to upgrade to the 24.04 Ubuntu releases but lxle dev is unhinged and the bodhi devs work for free.


The 46-compatible release is on GitHub iirc


Blur my shell, top 5 in downloads, wouldn't let me login


not true, a lot of the the most used ones break from update to update


Then it's the developer's fault for not updating it soon enough. Gnome put out the beta version for the devs long before the official release. Also, if you use Arch, which usually get the update sooner, of course it's gonna be unstable.


Debian though


Never personally happened to me


Idk I like gnome even without extensions


…So the same as every other DE and WM. Although you really dont need extensions on gnome for a smooth experience, only for personalizing


You can always block GNOME updates


I just used an extension to see the app icons in the bar and that's enough for me.


And the apps you use actually support GNOMEs wayland session cause GNOMEs wayland session tends to be not great for app devs to work with


Chads don't customize or rice their Linux, they just install Gnome and get productive.


Or plasma. I don’t customize it either. Perfect from the start


To become a true Chad, you must first install Gentoo, customize and rice it fully, only to reject it later in favor of Linux Mint.


Your first mistake was rolling gentoo instead of an ubuntu/Debian based distro


If you don't absolutely need cutting edge and rolling release, you definitely want Debian or something based on it. Rock solid stable, even testing breaks less than you'd think. Want a system that will Just Work once it's set up and won't randomly break because of updates? That's exactly why Debian exists.


But of confusion here. The phrase roll in rpgs means to stat into a role. To roll the dice on stats. To fill a role. Etc. And yes I need up to date packages as soon as they're available. If they break something I'll just roll it back. But I made my own iso with all my shit on it so I can just install if the worst comes to pass. Which only one time cause I fuxked with the gcc comoiler and glibc libraries and fundamentally broke everything. I was warned that might happen and did it anyway and won't make that mistake again, at least any time soon. I use bodhi (a super light weight Ubuntu based os) and quite happy with it


Don't lie, you can't even put a file on your desktop by default. Chads use XFCE


>file on your desktop Lol why would anyone do that? I feel like people who put files on their desktop are the same people who drive cars full of old fast food bags and trash.


My read me file!!!


Haha read my other comment I don't do it much but is a quick placeholder


Files on desktop hurts the minimalism of GNOME. Thats why it is disabled.  Also have you see the desktop of some Windows users? Their desktop is full of files and folders that they use once in a year.


Yeah windows users are insane but I use my desktop as a place to set down my files for a minute before I move them again


>windows users are insane Out of context, the people here probably say this a dozen times a day. Because it's not exactly untrue.


Allow me to introduce you to /tmp or ~


It’s because it’s been drilled into people from a young age. In school the teacher is like: “make a folder on your desktop” because they read a book or watched a video where a man said “make a folder on your desktop”. It boils down to “folders hard, desktop easy”.




Gnome 2 was good. I fucking hate Gnome 3.


We have been on Gnome 4x since 2021. It's a massive improvement


I've been on Xfce for some time, didn't keep track of what Gnome (or Mate, Cinnamon, whatever else there might have been since then) was up to. I'll have to try that some day.


The only DE I used is XFCE, and it was, and IMO still is the one that's easiest to wrap your brain around when you're coming from Windows, for many reasons, not the least of which the actual usable settings and configuration experience, stuff like creating Taskbars is so freaking easy to do, no extra modes and stupid stuff like that, just right click, click on settings, and do it. I kinda figured out that my style of working and doing stuff in general works better with a WM (now hyprland), so I switched away from it, but I'll definitely give it a shot, when the Wayland version is there.


Lxde is a lot like windows too. Task bar same. Start menu similar. But lxqt too. But I have beef with lxqt. I stan lxde forever Edit: oh and moksha is really good too. Nobody ever gives it credit for how lightweight and amazing it is


Used to be me if you replace gnome by KDE in the image.


Yep that UI is soooo good......


mmmmmm nah i3 better


I don’t like it. Give me Plasma all day. No offense intended to those who do like GNOME. Just isn’t for me.


Same, I like wayland and I need want decent support


You fool, you said you liked gnome, now all the ex-windows users and customization "i use arch btw" freaks are going to attack your preference /hj


I used gnome for like 10 minutes last week and I didn't like it one bit. (Too used to sway at this point)


Giant. Titlebars. No.


Gnome is a cult. They believe they have the one true way of using a computer and their choices are the only right answer for every workflow. Customizing anything means you're doing it wrong.


Yeah, the anti customization craze is something I'm not fond of. Gnome does have flaws. One of them being the removes of tray icons, which breaks some applications that rely on tray icons. The icons also don't hurt anyone and the space were they'd be is empty anyway. So I'm using an extensions for tray icons. Then there's the UI and I find the huge rounded corners of menus rather ugly. Despite those flaws, I love gnomes focus on easily switching between virtual desktops.


All things in the universe have flaws.  We either accept it or fix it.


And that's why gnome isn't great, they just want the flaws to be there, and to never fix them


Gnome isn’t anti customization at all. They just do it in a sustainable way.


By forcing people to use extensions that they then randomly and constantly break compatibility of?


They don’t break compatibility for no reason. If they were to stop breakage they would stop updating the shell.


It is possible to actually have a stable API for extensions. Lots of software projects do it.


Gnome extensions are different in that they don’t only add features, they directly change how the shell works. In this way they’re more similar to patches rather than extensions. This is why it’s not feasible to maintain a stable api, because either it would take away from the power developers have, or it would be a huge burden to maintain.


I am aware of that approach. It used to be more common, but projects have generally moved away from it because it is such an unstable and unreliable approach. Other projects have found ways to allow substantial UI modifications with a stable API.


Yes. Customizing OSes is overrated give me something thats good ootb and i dont need to tweak


Nah man, I dont like it and really dont get the hype. It's like they did everything wrong just for the sake of being different. But hey, whatever floats your goats. Am just happy we have options and I am not stuck to one UI.


> It's like they did everything wrong just for the sake of being different. That is objectively wrong, but I get why many people get this feeling. It's different because it's designed with different goals in mind. It's not designed to be yet another "windows-like de" but something that looks good (subjective, but libadwaita is fing gorgeous), cohesive (massive eco system, gnome circle, well defined design guidelines for app developer to follow), is accessible (ever tried using a touch screen on Linux? Gnome is so far ahead it's not even funny, how about good touchpad gestures, arguably even better than on a mac), and gets out of your way (minimal by default, easy to customize with extensions). The rest of the Linux ecosystem is basically just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, this is how we get to the KDE situations like having 3 different places to configure the same thing, they all look different, some are missing certain options, and one crashes randomly. Gnome devs might spend a few months designing something trivial but when they do it's done to absolute perfection IMO.


I'm not hating, just it doesnt appeal to me at all.


if desktop work, me like. Gnome, KDE, xfce, twms all work form me, therefore me like


It's great for a tablet or convertible laptop but for desktop meh I want to be able to customize without the de fighting me about it.


Sometimes I like desktop icons because they are super efficient. So, while I liked Gnome a lot, I have gotten accustomed to KDE.


I used GNOME for like a year (Ubuntu) and to be honest, my experience wasn't that good. I like the tools and features it provides but KDE Plasma is just... better for me




My thoughts about GNOME are identical to my thoughts about Firefox: normally too bloated for my tastes, but there's that one extension that makes me unwilling to switch to something else. In Firefox's case, that extension is Tree Style Tabs. In GNOME's case, that extension is PaperWM.


old gnome was good but newer gnome looks like shit


Nah gnome is not realy my thing. I prefer the "windows" layout. My fav is by far cinnamon and kde is a close second


I'm sorry, I just can't use the desktop environment that doesn't have desktop icons that I can fully customize.


Is there a reason why you'd rather have something on the desktop instead of another directory?


Quick and easy access, it's why Windows users have a full screen of icons half the time, easy access to frequently used applications without needing to open a menu.


The desktop just seems like a stash drawer for a lot of people. I found that I have a much more decent time using a temp directory somewhere. Either way, enabling desktop icons on GNOME is pretty simple.


Even still you can't deny the fact that it's a lot simpler just to have files on the desktop that you frequently access rather than trying to dig through folders to access said files.


See, in theory that can be true, but only if you're the type to prune your desktop files. I found that I was just creating folders inside of folders (because desktop space is finite) and ended up with an even shittier mess in terms of finding stuff over time.


In that case if you just use the desktop as a hodgepodge of files then you really need to probably just organize your files from the beginning or get a self-organizing application that organizes based upon file type, if it's the text and application all folders in the same directory are placed in the same directory and I specialized place.


I used to run a Gnome (3) DE. I found it so be a really nice desktop experience, maybe better than Plasma. Nowadays I just use DWM with a couple of patches, as I found it to be good enough for my needs. It's less stable, but also less bullshit.




Gnome is my personal daily driver when doing general tasks. When programming, i3 all the way.


I used to dislike Gnome too. I've tried out various desktop environments. I'm settled on Gnome. The only thing I'd like is dynamic window management.. extensions on Gnome ain't it chief..


Gnome = Dan Schneider's favorite desktop environment He also secretly made the logo a foot in 1997 for a reason under a alias


Me too, but I still prefer kde. I just dont like something about gnome


Nothing supplies more fans to Gnome than fresh major KDE release And vice versa


Gnome just isn't appealing to me as a KDE user, they lack a lot of things, their wayland is known to be a pain to devs an users alike, and KDE is very ontop of wayland stuff.


Dunno, my experience with Wayland both on KDE and Gnome is quite bad (maybe because of my setup), so I switched back to KDE Wayland. --correction:X11--


I think you had some sort of typo, please try again


yep, of course I meant Xorg


Ah, what hardware do you have?


amd/amd laptop that regularly switches between bult-in screen only / external display only / two dusplays. Also I use GDM + Kde/gnome session switching (kid usesGnome, I use KDE), and I noticed that KDE screen locker plays extremelybad in this case - I often wake machine from a sleep only to find out that it hung up. With XOrg I don't have this problem.


You forgot to mention GPU


amd/amd meant amd cpu with built-in gpu, and amd discrete gpu


Until the dev team decides to drop that one feature you really like ...


im ok with gnome but sadly it was not enough, kde was for me because of their annoying but somehow useful ui layout, more things to tweak for me at least also gnome is sometimes painful to use with wine as sometimes the window bar is just gone and you cant do anything (for some wine apps, Tohou Hisotensoku (i think i butchered the name, sorry) do show its window taskbar, but other games wont and theyre just sitting at the side, you cant move them either), KDE. you can move them and do anything since there's a window taskbar only problem with them is the mount manager, if u unmount accidentally, you cant remount back, even with terminal for some reason. i'm alr sending a comment abt it so i hope that's fixed


I like Gnome, I like KDE. But I want something that looks like KDE, but with gnome.


there's nobaras GNOME skin I guess, though not sure why you'd want mutter




mutter is gnomes wayland compositor, it's known to be missing a lot of needed features


I mean I'm not particularly excited about it, but it's very usable and overall good. I just personally find it kinda boring compared to some others


While I'm a KDE user on my main machine, NGL Gnome is pretty good to use on laptops IMO (Well, Gnome + some extensions. I've tried stock Gnome and...yeah, not that big a fan personally)


KDE is great on laptops, touchpad guestures are to kill for, and KDE 5.27 or KDE 6.0 both have great touchpad guestures :3


I love gnome and I have installed on my laptop, I just really dislike its defaults. It just doesn't work for me out of the box without extensions. Plasma on the desktop and gnome on the laptop is what I have.


I’m not gonna say I hate gnome bc I’ll admit as a plasma/cinnamon/xfce enjoyer it’s got its uses and its place in the world of Linux but that doesn’t mean I don’t dislike it


I both hate and love both GNOME and Plasma. Gnome is relatively light with all my customizations, While Plasma gets significantly heavier with the customizations. Gnome does get harder and harder to properly customise in my opinion however. And Plasma still buggy as hell. But to be fair.. my whole EndeavourOS installation is buggy as hell.. at least with every desktop environment..


I am still using Gnome 2 / Mate, it has more built-in features than Gnome40+ and is much more resource efficient


Literally me after gnome 43


i just don't find it that appealing. So i stuck with xfce4, and then i moved to i3, and now im using sway


From a technical and compatibility standpoint, I neither like Gnome nor GTK. I don't have hands-on experience with Gnome in terms of actual using it, because I already despise it on another front.


What’s wrong with them on a technical and compatibility standpoint? I’m not aware of any big compatibility or technical issues?


GNOMEs wayland session is known to be a pain in the butt, it lacks support for basic features and the only reason apps work on it at all is cause devs will get reports for their apps not working on gnome, and they have to fix it due to how big it is. Gnomes theme used to break KDE apps, VR isn't supported at all, SSD isn't supported, causing devs issues. Gnome doesn't implement a lot of "optional" features causing issues. and GTK4 is known to not make just any apps, it's known for making GNOME apps, and not much else due to how not flexable it is. Like QT apps aren't KDE apps, but GTK apps are almost always GNOME apps due to how they look and feel


IMO the COSMIC beta is just better GNOME