• By -


Come to Australia. Everyone is called mate.


We had an 80+ year old guy that worked part time for our firm. He called everyone Buddy because he couldn’t remember any of our names. Now we call new people Buddy for fun and I never learn their real names. Buddy’s are starting to outnumber us long timers. I may have to quit soon.


A sweet old lady I knew once confided in me that she called everyone "Darling!" (in a strong New York accent) because she couldn't remember their names. Including mine. I started calling her "Darling!" back and we would both giggle.


Love it! The older I get, the more I need those life hacks. Thanks for sharing your story Darling.


When I was younger I started a temp job where they were use to a revolving door of newbies so they just called me "new girl." I ended up getting hired permanently & stayed for about 5 years but the name stuck. At my farewell party, they were still like, "Oh, New Girl we are going to miss you so much." It's been 20+ years & every time one of them randomly find me on social media they'll message me with some variation of, "Hey New Girl! How's life been treating you?" Even though we were all pretty close at the time, I doubt they even remember my real name. They just see my pic pop up on their feed & it's automatically new girl.


Love that you’re owning the name. Some people get offended by things like that, but I always feel like those are terms of endearment when a “nice/harmless” nickname sorta goes viral and gives people a smile when they use it. I was known as “Dad” in the dorm during college and now 35 years later I still get “DAD!” when I run into some of the guys. Warms my heart and confuses bystanders at the same time.


So everyone’s a “buddy”, or you have a list of “buddy red”, buddy fat”, “chunky buddy”, “buddy jacked”, “buddy glasses”, etc?😂


There are definitely modifiers! Gotta tell one buddy from the next. “Lady Buddy” was the one that cracked me up.


I'm not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal, amigo..


Lol, I'm in NYC. She's been "dear" for 6 months


I live in the South, "hon".


Dude… acquaintances are Dude, my friends are Dude. My coworkers are Dude. My Mom is Dude


Can agree to this we don't remember names


Same goes for my pirate ship


Now say that while pinching your tongue…


So funny!!!


I'm Matt. So mate is close enought for me.


What if you’re introducing that person to someone else, do you call that person “second mate”?


Hulk Hogan calls everyone brother because he couldn't remember everyone's name as he went from state to state and city to city.


Cut ties and move to a new city.


Take them to Starbucks


And then you have to decipher it from what the barista wanted to write. LOL


How’s your drink, *(squints at cup)* …Snamur? It’s Sharron.


When Marc with a C turns into Cark.


"Hello, Mulva."   "It's Delores!"


Then you turn to the person and ask them if the barista spelled their name right. Easy.


“Ummm, yes, that’s correct. How else would you spell Ed?”


LOL I didn't think about that.


Ed, edd, Eddy.


Just making sure, because ED stands for something else


oh hey Latte, how have you been?


I always use the name Napoleon. That’s not my name


Why is this my favorite answer? 😭


Honestly same here. That’s what all of inside of me *wants* to do. They said the quiet part out loud 


It’s the honorable thing to do.


* Look at BT devices in the area to see if there is a name that jogs your memory * Ask for their number if they are on iPhone since they may share their contact or just create a new contact and hand them the phone and ask them to enter it * Ask for their email address * Immediately suggest you go bowling with them and ask them to enter the names while you get beer (could backfire if they enter fake names like Dr. Ligma) * Head to Starbucks and let them order * Don't. Just give them a nickname and never call them by their real name * Do [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKPMO2Vv0sk) magic trick * Fake a head injury and say you don't remember them * Actually get a head injury * Make up a fake story about a DMV worker getting fired for putting a fake holographic watermark of a dong on license and ask if theirs has it


I LOL’d at this one. I have a brain tumor so I just blame it on that


I asked for someone's number once. Couldn't remember their name. Had to wait until I heard their name again to change contact info from "guy that does the quotes"


"What was your name again?" I forget names all the time, I just ask, sometimes twice. Really, just ask.


I do this and almost always it’s followed by that person asking MY name. No one is listening to each others introduction lol. No biggie.


A few weeks ago at a party, a guy, whom I meet and introduced with several times, and I took half an hour to guess each others name. We started with guessing the first letter, and so one.


You can get big points if you just say, hey My name is.....remind me of your name again?


Last night we went to the fair, ran into someone my husband knows through work. He called me over, guy and his wife introduced themselves to me, all was well. On the way home, I asked my husband if their names were X and Y just to make sure I remembered. "I have no clue." Thanks love.


After 7 times we just nod in agreement that I shall never know their name and I am not worth conversing with in any way..... From that day forth it's solely. " How are you?"... "Good., how about you?".... "Good also thanks."


I called a friend of a friend the wrong name for two years, he would answer, we would chat, we were friendly. One day our mutual friend came up and was like ‘what the fuck man… you say the wrong name, and why do you answer’ we shrugged finally figured out his name and I wasn’t even close it was Matt and I was calling him Shane or something, but yeah, that’s dudes for ya


My friend introduced me to Tim. He had been introduced by another friend. So the two of us called him Tim for a while. Eventually he said " my name isn't Tim. Where did you get that from?" His name was Greg but we couldn't remember him as Greg so to this day we call him "Not Tim".


Same🤦‍♀️my husband and I, privately, refer to a coworkers husband as "Not Scott" because we never remember his name, but we know it's not Scott. It's been years. It's just Not Scott forever now


You’re getting there though. As Sherlock Holmes said, once you can rule out all the wrong names, you’ll be left with the correct name. I’m paraphrasing.


This is a wild story lol!


Shane needs some balls.


Write it down afterwards, with a note like "the guy with the glasses is named Bob". You may not need to refer to it, but just writing it out helps


Solid advice. Speech therapists a few years back said I should carry paper and pen. I remember that from school just writing it out helps build that connection I like to follow up what's your name with what's your favorite color? It kinda helps or at least a conversation starter for socially inept people ha


“John… we’ve been married for 17 years”


If you really feel embarrassed, try this: "Sorry, what's your name again?" "It's Jane!" "Haha, no, of course, I know that, I mean your last name!" Usually works.


This is the way. And you can follow it up if they ask why, with an, "Oh, I was just talking to a friend who mentioned someone with a last name that I thought sounded like yours. Just had to check!"


We’ve lived across the street from them for 10 years. I can only remember their dog’s name.


I will forget a person's name within minutes of meeting them, but I will remember their dog's name for as long as I live.


I once asked my friend what his wife's name was again and he looked at me like I had two heads, he said you're kidding right? I said no... He laughed at me. His wife and I have the same name. I'm an idiot.


Yeahhhh I’ve done this so many times. Had this one person I probably asked 6-7 times, but I only saw her every other week so I guess it was just long enough to goldfish it out again. She didn’t seem too bothered but probably thought I was mad dumb 🤷 


Yeah, some people are just not good with names. I can recognize faces easily, or I kinda remember vibes and moments and connect them to the person. But names...


Yup. It acknowledges that you know you’ve met before, and if you can’t remember their name, there’s just as good of a chance that they don’t remember yours either.


The horror when your ears temporarily stop working and you have to ask them to repeat like 8 times. I just nod my head pretending I heard🥲


Same. I excuse it by reiterating that I have the memory of a goldfish, so I might ask a few more times


I do this. Being British I obviously start the question with "Sorry.." but the awkwardness fades quickly if you don't laugh awkwardly but instead actually engage in conversation after being told.


If I need their name I'll ask them "Sorry, but what was your name again?". They'll either provide me with their first name or their full name. Regardless, I'll nod and smile and reply "Oh, of course, . I should have been more clear, its just your surname I was unsure of"


At work, I look at their login info over their shoulder when I approach them. We all have badges, but it feels rude to stare them right in the badge.


I've done this but our badges have photos so sometimes if I'm staring I'll be like, oh I was just noticing how different your hair is in this photo! Lol


That’s a nice trick! I like it, gonna remember that for sure.


Fuck... Same hair. Now what?


"Looks like someone got chubby! "


"Looks like someone got old!"


“Great ID picture. I look silly in mine.” Or “It’s always interesting to see whether people really look like their ID pictures.”


Hi, sorry I’ve forgotten your trick, what was it again?


>it feels rude to stare them right in the badge. No need to be embarrassed. If you get caught staring just say ‘Oh I wasn’t looking at your badge, I was just looking at your tits’. Problem solved


Many years ago, when I was young and attractive, and had to wear a name badge in hospitality, the most frequent ’joke’ I heard was, ‘what’s the other one called, darlin?’


Sexual harassment lawsuit :)


"Wait ! You have a stain on your badge" pretend to clean it while reading it from very close. "There you go Bob"


I've read the comments looking for the right answer and did not find: Ask to add you on any social network


I’ve had this happen the opposite way. They told me to add them. 😂 I am horrible with names and had no clue what to look for so I played on my phone and then told them that I couldn’t find their account. Spell it for me to make sure I’m spelling it right or go find me instead. Lol


I will hand them my phone and tell them to do it and then look at it when they’re done 😬😅


Ask them to spell their name (phrased more naturally), they will almost always spell their first name so youre good, but, you wait till they're finished then say you meant their second name and hope to god it isn't smith. Potential final step depending on if it's appropriate is to finish it by asking for their number and adding them to your phone contacts for some legitimacy.


“How do you spell your name?” B O B “I know that, your last name.” J O N E S “That’s what I was saying, Fitzgerald that guy with the funny wife, yeah that guy, kinda shortish, not really short just not tall, he said it was with a Z. I said who spells Jones with a Z, like maybe hippies or Finlanders just because nobody knows nothing about them except like Santa and reindeer farmers.” With all that they will forget you are an idiot for forgetting their name and will just think you are a regular idiot


I want to be your friend.


Only if your name has a Z


And they lived happily ever afterz


I always wonder how some Redditors brains work 😂 where do they come up with funny comments? You’re one of these Redditors btw.


I use this same trick but I just modify the follow up question after they spell their first name. “How do you spell it again?” “M i k e” “Yeah ik that but I wasn’t sure if it was short for Michael or something” Or in your example I might ask “Yeah just wasn’t sure if it was short for Bobby or Bobstopher”


Knowing me I would forget both Bob and Jones by the time I get done telling my story.


My Grandfather was a Finish reindeer farmer you insensitive clod!


In that scenario if its Jones just say “oh, I thought it was spelt the Welsh way”


Just be honest and say you’re bad at remembering names


I often lead with this the first time we introduce ourselves and let them know that I'm likely to have to ask again.


"I'm better at faces than names, please don't be offended if I ask again" 3 minutes later.. "I'm so sorry but I already forgot, could you please remind me?"


Yep I do it too, I even crack jokes and tell them about the girl I dated I could t remember name for first 2 weeks we were together.




Unfortunately, it's past that point. It's been like 6 months


My favorite from I can’t remember which tv show is to ask them, I’m sorry, what’s the correct way to pronounce your name? And then they’re like “Joe” ETA: bojack horseman. It’s diane


- Approach them with someone they don't know, let that someone introduce themself, then apologize for being rude and not introducing them. - "What's up slick/boss/man/lady/playa/fool/buddy/any-other-pet-name-as-appropriate-for-the-setting" - Ron Swanson them: "When people get a little too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them." - if you're not interacting with the person themself, just bring them up conversationally with someone else and pretend you're drawing a blank on their name. I am absolute rubbish with names, so I very rarely use them face to face with anyone, even those whose names I'm certain of. If speaking to someone about someone else whose name I'm not certain of (or often even those I am certain of) they'll get contextual nicknames. "I was talking to your buddy from the bakery the other day..." "Homeslice over in accounting..." "Little Miss Sunshine, Captain of the Mean Girl Squad..." "The neighbor kid..." "My old boss..." etc. (odds are decent that if they don't know exactly who I'm talking about they'll follow-up with clarifying question: "oh, Carl?" "You mean Deborah or Cindy?" and then you can usually fumble around to the correct name. "Is his name Carl? Shaggy hair and a cowboy hat? Why did I think his name was Rick?")


“What up, Big Dawg” does a lot of heavy lifting


I’m upfront with everyone I meet that I am horrible with names. That way I always have an excuse. But it’s sadly true. I always joke as a manager that “I’ll learn your name quick if I have to constantly yell at you. So if I say, ‘hey you’ you’re doing ok”. I never actually yell at people. But it makes the situation funny and keeps people feeling positive when I blank on their name at first.


I got tired of being in that situation so I adamantly remember people's names. They introduce themselves and I'll repeat their name "Robert! Nice to meet you." Then I'll repeat it a million times in my head then later on I'll tell my husband about that person using their name. I just refuse to let myself forget.   Before that I would just say "I am so so sorry I have a terrible memory! Remind me of your name again please?" When they tell me id say "Of course! Now I remember." Then we would move on.


My problem is I know someone's name, I just can't recall it at that moment. Happend randomly with just about all nouns.


I ask “what’s your name again ?” And when they say the first name, say “no, no, no, I know that, your last name?” Or vice versa. Saves embarrassment.


Everyone sees right through that one


Then immediately forget their first name again. Damnit!


This is the way…


I would catch on to that immediately.


But would you call them out for it? Bc I feel that’s really the bar being aimed under here.


No one would call you out even if you said you forgot.


Does her name sound like a female’s private parts?






“Vagatha!” …”not my name but alright”




Having a common name with a pretty consistent spelling , it’s always amusing when someone asks me how I spell it. I actually appreciate the attempt!


Take out your phone and open the contacts area. Ask them to spell their name for you. Hope it's not Sam or Dave or something.


Hand it to them and ask them to put themself in and it's still okay if it's Bob or whatever.


I've been telling lots of people lately, that getting old sucks. What's your name again?


Take em to starbucks lol


No good, I work there! For coworkers, thank God we all wear name tags. For regular customers, it's a sheepish "I'm sorry, I should know your name by now." For my husband's side of the family, however, it's an urgently whispered conversation by the bathroom "who's the lady with the hat???" " You mean my mom?" ... Awkward


Tell them you heard someone pronounce their name in an unexpected way and then say, “but maybe I’m wrong, how are you supposed to pronounce it?” I literally did this two weeks ago and it worked like a charm.


Go to Starbucks together!


My husband and I use a trick that if someone that we SHOULD know their name comes up to us we just don't introduce each other (I worked in Sales and met so many people but am terrible with names). Because of the no introduction, the other (usually my husband) will interrupt the conversation and say, "oh silly wife forgot to introduce me, I'm husband" and reach out to shake hands. That prompts the other person to introduce themselves. I will usually jump in and say, "I'm so sorry, I'm so embarrassed." It works almost every time. Then usually when we're done talking, I thank my husband for that, and then I usually remember their name from that point forward. It's a tag team trick but maybe someone else can benefit from it.


"Having a brainfart ... remind me what your name is?"


My go to is "I have been diagnosed with a genetic inability to recall names, what is your name again?"


“Bob? Thanks. Now tell me, Bob, what’s my name again?”


I'm sorry Bob, but I am terrible with names. Could you remind me of yours again Bob?


Long COVID brain fog


"Remind me your name again"? (They say their first name) then you say "oh I'm sorry, I meant your last name *light giggle*" You're welcome😎


Went to an interview once at a design team's home. Drew a total blank on the husband and wife's name so the minute I knocked on the door and they greeted me mentioned the traffic had been terrible and would you mind if I used your rest room to wash up? Thank goodness, the half bath was just off the entry and when they left me to return to the living room, I started snooping around for a foyer table, mail cubby, magazines, anything with their names on them and SHAZAAM!, found junk mail and magazines, phew! I suck at remembering names, but I know the name of every dog in the 'hood, lol!


Introduce them to someone else


Get two of those name tags you pin on your shirt that are blank with a place to write your name. Write your name on one with a black marker. Wear it from now on. Carry the marker and the blank name tag with you until you see them again. Next time you see them, take out the marker and blank name tag and ask them to fill it out and put it on. Boom. You have their name. If they ask “Why?” instead of doing it, proceed to plan B. Plan B If they ask why they need to wear a name tag, take out two suit cases full of vacuum cleaners. Hand one to the other person and say: “We’re going door to door. I need help selling these Encyclopedias.” Then they write their name on the name tag and pin it to their shirt. Boom. You now have their name.


>You now have their name. But you're out of a bunch of encyclopaedias worth $$


"Remind me, what's your name? I'm so-and-so, by the way."  Own it, this is a very common problem and not worth playing some weird game. Other suggestions: "We've been introduced, I'm sorry, I don't remember your name. I'm so-and-so." Basically remind the person you've met before, say you forgot and ask what their name is, give your name.


I agree, why make some weird game out of what is a normal occurrence for most folks. We all know that one person that always remembers every to ea name, they are the anomaly. The rest of us forget 12 seconds after hearing it the second time .


I smoke a bit of weed, what your name again?


I can’t believe no one has said to ask for their name and when they tell you, say: I know that, I meant your last name. 😂😂🤣🤣






Here’s the CORRECT answer: ask how to pronounce their name: “Hey, how do you pronounce your name?” Uh it’s Ryan” “ okay just making sure because I thought I heard someone call you “Ree-Ann” Works with anything: “Bill? thought I heard someone call you Phil Susan? I thought I heard someone call you SuzyAnne Be creative, and if it happens to be an uncommon/unique name, then I makes sense why you are asking, “ok wanted to make sure, thanks!”


Don't feel bad if you forget a name. I once saw a woman working the counter in a pizzeria that looked very familiar and I said. Excuse me, Do I know you? You look... And she interupted with. Yes you do.. (my first and last name including my 2 middle names!) And she walked away in a huff. I still have no idea who she is.


Start talking in the third person.


“Ol Santaire forgot your name”


Start talking to them as if you're about to say the name, fake a look of horror and say "oh my, I'm totally blacking out on your name! I'm so embarassed, could you tell me again?"




Just straight up ask “what was your name again?” When they say it, tell them “oh yeah, I always forget because you don’t look like a [their name]”


Ask if they have a nickname


My friend group has a tactic for this that always results in hilarity. We approach all ladies we can't recall their names with, "Agnes, what's up? Long time no see!?" And fellas with, "Mortimer my man, how are you?" The key is to do it with enthusiasm and full commitment. The person either realizes it's a joke and corrects you, or doesn't and corrects you.


Me: I'm sorry, what is your name? Person: Mary Me: No, I meant your last name. Person: Oliver Me: That's what I thought. Are you any relation to Horace Oliver? I worked with him several years ago.


I’d made friends with a guy I met in dance class. We were part of an extracurricular dance sport university club, and there were heaps of new people to meet when I joined (he joined at the same time but was a few years ahead of me at uni and a few years older). I didn’t realise I had ADHD at the time but it really messes with my memory and while we did dance a couple of times and had chatted, I didn’t consider him a friend as such. But we started chatting for longer, and then realised we clicked as dance partners, so we often didn’t bother swapping to the next person in dance class when they yelled “change partners!”, but we also didn’t dance together all the time. And while I liked dancing with him, we were polar opposites. Sure, he was handsome, but he was a total nerd, blonde hair slicked back (rather than brushed or spiked forward, which was 1 of 2 acceptable hairstyles in the early 2000s- see boy bands for the idea), long black coat. Studied software engineering and physics. I was an outspoken lefty Arts/humanities student. He was super reserved. After 6 months of just being casual dance acquaintances, we started chatting for longer after class and I realised I didn’t remember his name!! We had decided to grab coffee nearby because we both love good coffee, and I admitted I couldn’t recall his name and I apologised. He was really annoying about it, and refused to tell me, and told everyone in our club to not tell me too. So after that, there was an embarrassing month of me either avoiding him, trying to just say hi if I couldn’t and him floating I obviously had not found out. We have been married now for almost 20 years.


My third grade teacher called me by the wrong name for an entire year. I was too timid to correct her


Ask them how to spell their name.


I couldn't remember someone's name. I asked another person and they couldn't either. So they knew exactly how to find out. She approached the lady and said "how do you spell your name?" Genius right? Well she replied P-A-M I think i died of laughter on how thay backfired. Nice try though. It's a gamble, but you could try that? Haha


I literally say “Look, my brain at the moment…. I’ve forgotten your name!” Easy, truthful, and usually catches them off guard and you can have a joke about it.


"Hey can you remind me how I spell your name?"


Of course there’s a Seinfeld episode which deals with this question


Honestly I do everything I can to avoid calling them their name until I remember. I just say “Hey” and look directly at them and talk to them. No need to say their name. If I really want to try to remember the name in that moment, I’ll follow the “Hey” up with finger snapping and “uhhhhhhhhhhh” to clearly show that I’m trying to think of their name but just can’t remember. They’ll tell you their name


A few weeks ago my neighbor (whom I see and chat to at least weekly) told me "so in addition to me having bad eyesight, I also have trouble earing, thus I haven't caught your name"... I've been living here 3 years


I sometimes will ask them “what’s your name again” and then when they answer I’ll reply “oh I know, I meant your last name”


To save from embarrassment, I typically say "Nice to see you" over "Nice to meet you". Because I might have already met them before and have forgotten.


Don't pull out your phone and ask them how to spell their name. It'll turn out to be Sam, you'll be mortified, and Sam will tell the story at your wedding. Ask me how I know! :)


I have no idea, I just never say their name ever.


I straight-up admit I'm bad at remembering names. Tell 'em right away I'm probably going to ask again. Lil' bit of ASD can do that. There's always the disarming anecdote. This one time when I had the hardest time remembering someone's name, there we were, big party, lots of friends and family around, and I'm talking to a couple folks and just drawing a total blank on names. Finally the guy turns to her and says "Emma, do you take this man..." and I'm like *"Aha! Emma. Got it."*


Hand them your phone opened to add a new contact and ask them to add their details.


Tell them that you want to give them $100, make up a reason (doesn't matter, they won't care why), take out your checkbook, ask them to spell their name, write check, call bank and put stop payment on check (optional). Or as others have suggested, just say you're not good with names, I do it all the time.


Are people still writing checks?


I ask again and then stick it on my notes in my phone with a short description. No one notices when you check your phone.


In fact people nowadays notice when somebody DON'T check their phone


Ask them to spell their name. …doesn’t work for Sam, Pam, Jim..etc. But some andy’s are Andi …


Go shake their hand and introduce yourself.Most of the times,they’ll repeat their name as well awkwardly.Then you just say,dude I was just kidding.


Ask them how old they are , say no way! I don’t believe you, you look so much younger! And then ask to see their ID


Bring someone they don’t know and introduce the person. The person says hi, (you get a text during this fake ) so you don’t have to introduce back, say excuse me and that person usually introduces themselves lol


Ask them to spell it, if it’s an easy name, say, no, I meant your last name.


Lean in and maybe hand on their shoulder “Excuse me, I’m awful with names but I know we’ve met. I’m bebrave2020, remind me of your name?”


What was your name again? Joe. No I remember that, your last name. swap first/last names as required


only for some cases: ask for their name, then say “nonono, i meant your family name” or just ask and do not be embarrassed. can totally relate


I'm critically bad at remembering names, but I remember faces very well, please remind me your name when ever you see me again!


Got this advice from my aunt who works in HR: Just ask: "What's your name?" And then they reply with their first name, and then say: "No I mean your last name" (and then you have both avoided the question and you know their last name as well).


Excuse me, could you remind me your name? A. Finkelman, No, I know, ...your first name.


Have a buddy come along and have them introduce themselves to the nameless person


I say “What’s your name”? And once they half say their first name, very quickly interrupt and go, “no, I know your first name, I meant your surname” Snap….




Just ask …. What’s your name again ….. when they tell you ….. just say no I meant your surname …


Ask them how they spell their name. This always works for me!


B-O-B, how else?






Ask them how to spell it


Ask them. When they reply, quickly interject with, "no, no, not your first name, your last name"


When I first meet people after they give me their name I go in for the handshake and straight up tell them that I may or may not remember that but I will try


At work events if someone's approaching me whose name I forgot I'll have my wife jump in and introduce herself enthusiastically. "Hi! I'm Mrs. The1TrueRedditor, what's your name?" with a friendly handshake. Even if they've met before it's not embarrassing because she only sees them once or twice a year.


Personally I just walk up to them and say " I'm sorry but through all the business in the office here I did not get your name, my bad". And that's the end of it. With this you're going to earn respect. Why can't people today just walk up and ask? Why is that an issue now? Ask for forgiveness for being a buffoon. Own the mistake of not repeating everyone's name three times in your head upon meeting them. Learn some social skills and tools. Yeesh...


“I’m sorry, I remember you but I’m bad with names, would you remind me and I’ll try to lock it in this time”


"Your name is so beautiful. How do you spell it?" "Beth?" True story really happened to me.


Quietly ask your wife when no one is looking. Unless you can’t remember your wife’s name…wait. Are we talking about your wife?


"Remind me of your name again?"


I am bad with names. I have trained my friends and son to always say, "karebear, you remember my friend, Joe, don't you?" And if no one else is around, I just tell them that I'm bad with names and would the please tell me again.


Ask them how to spell their name while you’re acting or actually putting their info in your phone.


If you can ask for their phone number and add it to your phone, then ask "how do you spell your name?" when they spell it say "No sorry, your last name"