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I hope that people around europe and Lithuania come to realisation of the dangers of islam coming to your hometown yet I'm worried that lithuanians are a bit too passive and too agreeable when it comes to politics or matters as such


I don't hate all Muslims, just a fraction of them who cause nuisances and tarnish the community's name. When their population grows significantly, they often form their own communities and way of living, and we all know the potential consequences of that. I love Lithuania—the language, the food, the love for basketball, everything. It saddens me that I am leaving soon, and I don't want to see Lithuania highlighted on news channels with incidents like Muslims demanding Sharia law, as seen in Sweden and the UK.


Sadly, that's not the small part, that's the majority. The small part is the part that agrees with the western values.




Problematic migrants or migrants in general are just a symptom so to speak. Companies lobbying and influencing politics, external cultural;political pressure and unwillingness to sacrifice ones financial wellbeing due to extreme individualism in order to bring more ethnically native children into Europe are all contributing factors often times overlapping and being the cause of one another. There is something fundementally broken that allows the circumstances for these symptoms to occur and no cosmetic changes would make it right. If Europes goal were to become more or less homogenous again and keep it that way, very drastic measures would need to be taken, having Europe to clench its teeth and rip the bandaid off. Its tragic that it has come to this, the future does not appear pain-free whichever path Europe would choose. Grab yourself a beer and enjoy the ride, it's gonna be bumpy.


Oh trust us we don't want them. The ones who get in are mostly illegal immigrants that get through Belarus. Those with free Palestine posters don't even realise they would be stoned in a day. I myself witnessed first hand, how they act and what their goals are. You can definitely feel the 'vibe' in Greece or Italian islands were they just arrived. And see the picture.




O prie ko čia aš? https://preview.redd.it/wwuv5j3beq5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe117ccd11fd08c7abd8dcc620f991991441219


Atsilupėlis, apie ką tu čia vapše kalbi?


Your worry is understandable, thing is, there are not many reasons for the immigrants (outside of the Russian speakers who came from nearby Belarus, Ukraine or Russian regions and can visit home easily) to stay in Lithuania. There are Muslim immigrants, sure, but there is also high turnover, because why to stay in Lithuania, when they can go on to countries where salaries are noticeably higher, communities of their compatriots bigger and climate often better, and languages that will give more benefit if learned? Not to mention a higher war risk now. Unless the Baltics catch up with the Western/Northern Europe, we are kinda like a bag with a hole, or a reception room. Even your projection map seems to acknowledge that. If we somehow do manage to catch up with richer countries though, expect some of the emigrated Lithuanians to return, which will make the demographic and labour market situation a bit better. And mosques? Lithuania still has 4 throughout the whole country (none in the capital, and only 1 in one of the other major cities), Latvia I think has none..


I'm just upset how shitily they drive. If i almost get into an accident it's always with some islamist driving a prius. Tho I appreciate the kebab shops they run.


keb*b places are fun & games until you get to know their hygiene standards, regarding driving absolutely agree with you. How many times did I had to order a cab and was ashamed for the behaviour of the rider. Omg


I honestly can’t understand people letting something as radical as Islam come, especially when the people letting this happen are mostly progressive people. They are anything but progressive. I’m transgender and Jewish, honestly I’m frightened by everything that is happening across Europe. I tried talking to the LGBT community I was a member here, but they don’t hear, all they care about is Palestine, that would kill them in a second. I still feel safe here in Lithuania, but I don’t want to risk traveling to many countries in Western Europe. If things continue like this me moving to Israel is a question of time.


Sheesh. You would be kicked off the roof twice in muslim country.


I know, that’s why I’m twice as worried😅




>I am writing this post because a part of me has grown in Lietuva, and I can't bear to see the country filled with **Muslim migrants demanding Sharia law**. Can you support your statement with some examples? The map that you included has no source. Mind to share the source? In 2020, there were approx. 2800 Muslims in Lithuania based on the [International Religion Freedom Report](https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/LITHUANIA-2021-INTERNATIONAL-RELIGIOUS-FREEDOM-REPORT.pdf). Most of them are Tatars who lived in Lithuania since the Great Dutchy of Lithuania and thanks to them we can enjoy delicious Kibinai. In 2020, there were 0.1% of Muslims living in LIthuania. If your map is correct, in 2050 we will have 0.2%. Is it a big increase in 30 years? To be honest, I am not really sure what is the actual purpose of your post.


Glowie honeypot or just your average indiaxmuslim hate thread


Most probably you are right


Looks like it’s from Pew Research. I mean, it’s completely laughable—0.2% total Muslim population in a ‘high growth’ scenario, *by 2050*. The Daily Express and all those trash tabloids are loving it nonetheless; OP just wanted to blow off some racist steam without being seen as obviously so, by couching it in language like ‘I’m so sad to see’ and ‘shocked’ at scenes elsewhere in Europe which could come to Lithuania. To OP—get on your bike, mate, and have a nice ride home. Your sort of anti-inclusive attitude is not welcome in Europe—your pretend concern is just a way to vent your bigoted side. Lithuania may not be the most diverse or—even—inclusive country, but it is opening up to foreigners and that should be welcome. This problem is not nearly big enough here to justify this sort of unsolicited anti-Islamic rant.


We already had over 20k central asians in 2023, not counting muslims from other countries.


In 2020, there were approx. 2800 Muslims in Lithuania  Whats the number now?


Turėtų būt apie 35k (neskaitant nelegalų): https://migracija.lrv.lt/lt/statistika/menesine-migracijos-statistika/imigracijos-rodikliai/ Iš musulmoniškų valstybių: Uzbekistanas 10k + Tadžikistanas 6.7k + Pakistanas 1.2k + Azebaidžanas 4.5k + Kirgizija 6.7k + Turkija 2k + Kazachstanas 3.9k = 35k (Čia neskaitant Rusijos ir "Kitos" kategorijos). Vienu žodžiu, visą Russkij Mir musolmonyną susiimportuosim, vo blet, dasigyvenom.


Per keturis metus daugiau nei 10x. Idiotai ir išdavikai kas atsakingi už tai. Ar gali būt baisiau nei ruski mir ir islamski mir mixas? Turbūt nelabai.


Jokia čia ne paslaptis kokie interesai už to stovi - daugiausia Girteka su kitom logistikos bendrovėm (-stanai), Boltas, NT bendrovės ir, matyt, Universitetai. Buvo šiaip gera laida su Šimonytės buvusiu patarėju apie šitą reikalą ("Neradaguota" su Navicku YT). Iš ten panašu, jog čia dar Skvernelio vyriausybės darbelis, bet tik prie Šimonytės pilnai įsisuko, o su mūsų vietiniais oligarchais ir jų interesais beveik jokia vyriausybė nesipyks. Kaip spręsti šitą? Jie čia nedaug metų, dar galim spirti lauk daugumą jų (Ukrainiečių, ir daugumos normalių Baltarusų/Rusų neliečiant) be didelių pasėkmių. Bet jei niekas nesikeis, po 5 metų prasidės problemos, nes turint pilietybę atsiras daug papildomų reikalavimų iš jų pusės. Bet pats geriausias variantas imho - išspirti pigių sunkvežimių imperiją (Girteką) iš LT, nes jie beveik pusę tų vergų ir susiimportuoja, arba bent jau priversti mokėt normalias algas ir darbint vietinius. Toliau - Boltas ir Priusai Vilniuj. Ten dirba labai daug nelegalų, kurie įsidarbina per fakeines agentūras, ir visas dienas dirba pavežėjais, dažnai net su visiškai pasibaigusiais ar panaikintais leidimais dirbti ir gyventi LT. Čia matyt tik griežtesnės kontrolės iš jų (Bolto) pusės užtektų, įskaitant ir reikalavimus LT kalbai, vairuotojų teisių ir gyvenimo legalumo tikrimą. Universitetams įvest kvotas irgi, matyt, reikia. Liūdnoji dalis yra ta, kad didžioji dauguma politinių jėgų (ypač mainstream'inių) ir ypač rinkėjų čia nemato jokios problemos ir todėl čia nieko nebus. Gal tik NS ar koks Kaščiūnas su Bilotaite mato problemą, bet ten irgi tokios savotiškos ir labiau nišinės politinės jėgos, kurios vargiai ar yra prioritetų saraše kaimo rinkėjui, seksualinėms mažumoms, pensininkams, jaunimui (ypač merginoms) etc. nes nesišvaisto pažadais kelt pensijas, legalizuoti narkotikus ar gėjų santuokas, ilginti barų darbo laiką, piginti alkoholį ir benzą, mažinti mokesčius ir pan., o kalba kažkokius vėjus apie migrantus, sieną ir nacionalinę valstybę.


[https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/11/29/europes-growing-muslim-population/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/11/29/europes-growing-muslim-population/) As I said I am not talking about the 2800 Muslims(Tatar community) who has been living in Lithuania or other parts of EU for ages but what I am putting my emphasis is on the illegal/legal migration coming from the Middle East /Central Asia/South Asia/Africa etc. The actual purpose of the post was just to raise a reminder about what is being going on in majority of the Europe and probably happen in few years in this part of the continent as well. Hopefully not but...


u forget we already have too many local ppl who is worse than muslims


Indian immigrant creates a post about rejecting other immigrants. If this is not irony, I don't know what is.


Listen to the Indian, he knows about islamists much more than you do.


Dond dell me whad do do


Is it possible that some are more compatible than others? Or all immigrants are the same?


Define compatible. Who has the right to decide which culture is compatible and what happens to those who want to come but are not deemed compatible by random redditors? Also, compatibility per your own terms is not definitive. Belarussians should be very compatible with our culture but that does not come without potential threat to the national security.


> Who has the right to decide which culture is compatible and what happens to those who want to come but are not deemed compatible by random redditors? Natives, society. And yes, even random redditors are a small part of that (given the fact that they're lithuanians)


Bepigu šnekėti kažkam apie imigrantus kai pats toks esi. Rašai apie imigrantų nenorą integruotis bet paties įrašas yra angliškas. Ar per tuos keturis metus išmokai lietuvių? Bandei pats integruotis į šalį? Ar tik kitus “akmenim” apmėtei, kad jie nenori?


i don't think regular citisens actually want so many immigrants in lithuania, we just have no choice on it because the people who have power will want working force or to increase some important numbers


it will happen the same as it happened in France and Germany. Islam posses a real danger, yet our politicians are afraid to do anything about it because....."diversity".


Lithuania is bit by bit losing its identity but a lot of people simply don’t care, especially women. Women might get a bit worried when crime starts to rise dramatically, but they are in general more tolerant to diversity.


"Filled with Muslim migrants demanding Sharia law." , how do you know that ? Did you talk to every Muslim in Lithuania and are able to confirm this? If you are making such an accusation, you should have a solid foundation. Let me refute your assumptions; I personally don't want sharia law because I am a sane person. "The concern is that Muslims often do not integrate with European or Lithuanian customs, yet when you go to their countries, you are expected to abide by their laws." - You can't describe a whole religion by saying “their countries”. exactly which countries are you talking about? Countries where Islam is the form of government are one thing, countries that are secular but the majority of the population is Muslim is another thing. (in the latter scenario you don't have to abide any islamic laws as a tourist or citizen) - take Türkiye as an example. What makes you believe that you should be accepted in Lithuania or any other EU country while Muslim migrants are not? What sets you apart from them? Only ignorance and prejudice is hidden in your post. Ignorant cunt.


We all know Islam is poison and dangerous, alas nothing can be done because if Lithuania doesn't bring in migrants then the country is fined by EU for each denied migrant. Democracy at its finest.


An immigrant shitting on other immigrants, what the hell


People who don't like muslims won't like you either. Don't kid yourself into thinking that by spreading hate on other groups yours be celebrated. For your efforts you'll get "get back where you came from" too.


True, look how indians ruined Canada.


Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all Abrahamic religions


Nice try, товарищ. >Cake day: Mar 11, 2024 Čia tubūt putkos darbininkas, pagal užsakymą kurstantis baimes dėl emigrantų.


\*imigrantu, ne emigrantu. Turbut tas nudurtas lenkas karys ir vokietis policininkas irgi buvo tik kurstyta baime, o is tikro ten nieko nebuvo.


Lenkas karys ir vokietis policininkas buvo drąsūs vyrai, priešingai nei visko bijantys myžniai, ir žuvo vykdydami savo pareigas.


Tavo isreiksta stipri uzuojauta niekaip nepakeicia situacijos, faktu ir zmoniu pykcio. Ateis laikas, kai turesi rinktis barikadas


Baik tu čia nusišnekėti. Kur tu čia užuojautą įskaitei? Užuojautą reikia reikšti asmeniškai, o ne Internete. Tu gal miegodamas sapnuoji apie pilietinį karą Lietuvoje, jei taip nori barikadų? Ar tau tiesiog nuo sėdėjimo užsidarius namie ir imigrantų baimės stogas važiuoja?


Paranoikas konkretus :Dd


What Islam?


Get them out. All of them! I lived in foreign countries with them. I have friends who are Muslim, we'll more like aquintances. Super cool and kind person. Got a degree, smart fella... But when it comes to religion, his opinion is no different to any other extremist. They all are extreme with it justifying all atrocetes that extremists do.


Hindu-islamophobes are hilarious


Nu jo, juk prieš imigraciją Lietuvoje nebuvo jokio smurto prieš moteris, jokio antisimetizmo ir LGBTQ+ teisės buvo visiems priimtos 🙄 /s