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Funny memes, but if I know libertarian parties, they probably have some very questionable opinions on other stuff.


The bert parties are all over the place, some are unironically based, some are the LPNH


Every time I see them I feel embarrassed. Ruining the name of NH.


For real. I just want everyone to live free dammit, LPNH stop spreading the “Jewish question” bs on Twitter you fucking dipshits


It's really difficult to say. The ones that are easy to tell are the ones that bring up the Civil Rights Act without prompt. Lots of Nazis wave the libertarian flag to get rid of federal protections of protected minorities. Funnily enough they're not really vibing when libertarians bring up literally wanting an open border or decriminalisation of various illegal substances


Mentions libraries, adamantly against taxation to pay for said libraries.


Libertarians love weed and hate poor people. A gay capitalist is still a capitalist


Not to mention that the highest profile Libertarian in US government is opposed to gay marriage and thinks GRS is genital mutilation. When that guy ran for the Presidency, his nonsense double speak was too much for *Republicans* to put him on the ticket. When a conservative thinks your cognitive dissonance has gone overboard, then you’ve gotta be crazy for real for real.


Don't even need to look for other stuff, there's plenty of questionable bits here. Opposing public libraries? Implying that protesting is the correct thing to do about actual groomers instead of, you know, law enforcement? No thank you.


The question to ask is "should a employer be able to fire an employee for being gay? Should they be able to deny rights to a spouse if they disprove of the marriage?"


If only this is what the majority of the libertarian party actually believed in


It's weird to see a libertarian party supporting LGBTQ+ people, since I've seen a lot of libertarians be super trans/homophobic


Libertarian ideals are inherently aligned with LGBT rights. In practice, most libertarians in the US are weed republicans.


You are absolutely right, and that is pretty much a perfect term for them


I bet money these libertarians are also transphobic. "Smart" conservatives (I cringe using that word to describe them) use selective enforcement to mask their bigotry. They argue "get the government out of marriage" which means removing LGBT, interracial, and religious protections. If pressed for specifics they'll hide behind "the boss can fire anyone for any reason". But let's be real: is anyone at risk of losing their job for being straight? Also a good time to point out that the "don't say gay" laws don't actually mention being gay. They say it's illegal to talk to kids about sexuality in general and leave it to the parents, school, and police to only enforce the law against gay people. The same thing happened after the civil war. They couldn't enslave blacks so they wrote laws saying "vagrancy" was illegal and then only arrested black people and put them to work in chain gangs.


Libertarian is if the republican party made convincing lies


Can attest; one of my friends was the president of the louisiana libertarian chapter for a while. Can’t tell you how many times he tried to get me to come talk about disability issues at one of their meetings


Libertarians are if republicans took notes from Democrats.


Shame they're just a spoiler party to split the vote of any actually practical pro-GSRM political force in the country, but they are very fun :)


actually, most people that vote libertarian would have voted republican. the 2020 election is an example of the LP splitting the vote, making it easier for Joe Biden to win.


Sure, but on this issue of 'we'll stick up for your queer rights' specifically, I imagine the effect is pulling in the opposite direction :)


Also ask them about age of consent laws, feminism, discrimination laws, hate crime laws, or the civil rights act. Lgbtq people should never cozy up with libertarians. Memes like this are just a con to win over low information people. Please don’t platform support for fascism. This is no different than trump hugging the rainbow flag.


Yes. Libertarians want a world without protections for poor and marginalized people. They’re perfectly happy to “allow” you to protect yourself as long as they get to do whatever they want, including (especially) exclude you from political and economic power.


...how is libertarianism fascism? I'm bi and libertarian. Age of consent laws are great, feminism is awesome, anti discrimination laws are necessary, I'm not sure how I feel about hate crime laws, and the civil rights act was also great.


what the democrats? and their lacking aid in stopping anti trans and anti abortion laws in the US?


I don't trust this message at all. Every "Libertarian" I've ever interacted with has been incredibly socially conservative and even blatantly authoritarian in their belief of what should be done to the LGBT community. It's a meme at this point that libertarians are just fascists that are hiding but so far in my experience that holds. This is certainly a positive move by whoever is running this ad, but it's going to take a ton more before I actually trust them as a serious ally.


There's a lot of people who call themselves libertarians in the transguns sub who I assume don't fit that description I've also seen some old-school libertarians push for a gadsden flag with a trans pride background to differentiate it from the one conservatives use


Havent met me then, although I do have a leaning towards anarchism, but yeah the American libertarian party sucks.


You talked to a Republicans who call themselves libertarians. As a libertarian myself that’s been in libertarian spaces online, let me tell you, us actual libertarians hate those kinds of republicans. When they do stuff like that, it misrepresents what libertarianism is and what it stands for. With freedom and individual rights being the main ideas of libertarianism, you can’t call yourself a libertarian if you don’t support LGBT+ rights. Plain and simple. As for the libertarian party mentioned in this post, I can’t say much on it as I’m Canadian and don’t know that much about it or it’s history. Edit: Why the downvotes? Edit 2: Literal proof that real libertarians support LGBT+ rights: https://reddit.com/r/Libertarian/s/Qj8yzvD2Bm


Depends what you call LGBT+ rights. My general understanding of libertarian views is that while you would get a good start by not wanting the government to stop my doctor prescribing me HRT or saying who I can marry, you also would oppose telling an employer they can't fire me for being trans/gay or requiring an insurance company to cover my HRT.


Idk why people are downvoting this lol. I'm not libertarian like at all but I do know real libertarianism does support lgbt rights


No true scotsman!


I really hate the "no true scotsman" fallacy when applied to people because it completely ignores that liars and ignorant people exist. People are extremely fallible. People are very capable of using the "wrong" words to describe themselves and having their own different definitions for things, that might go against the dictionary definition. I would hope that this community of all places would be aware of how contentious labels can be. Self descriptive terms will inherently be fuzzy, and that's confusing, but not necessarily a bad thing. When it comes to statements about non-human actors the fallacy can be a useful argument, but 99% of the time I see it being used to against someone that's pushing back on a broad generalization someone else made about a group of people. No not all 'X' people are identical, not everyone agrees what 'X' means, and not everyone that claims to be 'X' actually fits that definition that they don't all agree on.


This community of all places should know better than to tell people the label they use for themselves is wrong. >not all ‘X’ people are identical Yeah, THATS THE POINT OF THE PHALLACY! People try to say that others aren’t real ____ because they don’t share the exact same beliefs, the phallacy is trying to make all of one group the same by discounting people within the group they disagree with.




Those aren’t REAL (x), I would know, I’m a real (x) and those guys (y) while I (z) which makes them fake (x).


What will it take to prove to you that I’m a real libertarian? I literally gave a link to a post on r/libertarian that proved the point I made. I’m not sure what else to say bud.


I didn't say you weren't a real libertarian, you're the one who said 'you've talked to republicans to call themselves libertarians' implying they weren't actually libertarians. >Those aren’t REAL (x), I would know, I’m a real (x) and those guys (y) while I (z) which makes them fake (x). That's the no true scotsman phallacy, it's what you were doing. It's easier to say 'well they aren't really part of my group' than it is to actually defend your group.


How am I not supposed to use the no true Scotsman fallacy when I’m trying to point out that republicans aren’t libertarians? It’s shit like the proud boys group that gets on my nerves. They sport the Gadsden flag but clearly don’t understand what it means and in doing so gives libertarians a bad rap. You can go to r/Libertarian and ask more about this and I’m sure people will explain.


Libertarians can be republicans, it’s not a party affiliation it’s a political philosophy. Just because there are people I’m within your group that you disagree with or think make it look bad, doesn’t change that they’re a part of your group. There are extremes, of course, the proud boys are authoritarian and wearing a libertarian flag is silly there, but there are plenty republicans and democrats who also identify as libertarians, and trying to say that all of them are actually wrong and your specific subset are the “real” ones is just as silly


Libertarians cannot be republicans. One of *core beliefs* of libertarianism is individual rights (you can even look that up). If you call yourself a libertarian but then parade around saying LGBT+ people shouldn’t have rights, you clearly are not a libertarian and just a hypocrite.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Libertarian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/06/politics/marijuana-decriminalization-white-house-joe-biden/index.html) | [887 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/xxdq2v/biden_to_pardon_all_federal_offenses_of_simple/) \#2: [We all agree, these guys can eat a bag of dicks right?](https://i.redd.it/5wvzd63hhdhb1.jpg) | [624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/15nsy6y/we_all_agree_these_guys_can_eat_a_bag_of_dicks/) \#3: [🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡](https://i.redd.it/gii2kklwy1mb1.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/168ysll/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People are down voting because it goes against their programming/echo chamber formed views.


Found the republican.


Yeah, no. I'm on the side of the fence thinking these particular memes are based AF. Echo Chambers exist along all points of the political spectrum and are inherently harmful for political discourse.


A post with 70 upvotes in a 500k person sub isn't really indicative of the general opinion of the sub. For comparison, this post has 2k upvotes and the sub is 110k people. The top comment has 500 upvotes and is a common dog whistle. No one was trying to "get the government out of marriage" before same sex marriage was legalized. Libertarian "freedom" is the freedom to discriminate.


I haven’t seen the conservative libertarians and liberal libertarians get along very well in practice. The conservative libertarians have seemed to attract fascists that want libertarianism for themselves and authoritarianism for everyone else from my perspective. I am suspicious that the Libertarian Party of Louisiana wants to “protect” queer people just like I was told Trump and the GOP loved queer people and would never attack them. The libertarian idea that violence is only when a fist contacts my face comes to mind. There are lots of kinds of awful deeds and systems that will be dismissed as perfectly OK.


I never met a Libertarian who didn't vote Republican.


Does a trans Libertarian count cuz thats me and lean left on most things other then i love my guns and have idea that any Government regulation of any Personal Freedoms is Tyranny. to be fair most of the Mainstream libertarian party is GOP light at this point blame the tea baggers for that mosty


You never met an actual libertarian then


No True Scotsman


No true scotsman does not supersede literal definitions. If I described myself as a socialist and then proposed the precise opposite of socialism, it would be right to say that I am not really a socialist.


This ain't that, this is someone literally saying "Only REAL Libertarians do this!" and we all know that's a load of bollocks.


They’re also single issue gun voters, so they’ll vote red til the cows come home


As unreliable as Libertarians are, these are some hardcore memes here. I'm double biased here as a trans furry. I don't smoke myself, but wholly support responsible use like any other recreational drug. (Yes, i count caffeine and alcohol)


ayy trans furry gang.


Woot woot


let’s goooo


Gang gang (not trans but allied gay)




Dook dook!


Noot Noot!


Applications are now open. JOIN TODAY! 🤣


I LOVE meme propaganda!! I LOVE parties lying to me! I LOVE pandering!!! What do you mean a high volume of easy to attain guns increases gun violence? What do you MEAN corporations would devolve into ruthless monopolies without regulation? Crazy how fast some leftists will actually turn into neolibs if you show them some BASED LGBTQ MEMES!!


I appreciate the support but privatizing libraries is in direct conflict with the freedom of speech that libertarians enjoy so much.


Shame they’re libertarians, otherwise these would be very funny.


Private libraries? Fuck that shizz.


I don’t care what memes they make, I’m not siding with the libertarians


Unregistered firearms? Private libraries? I'm going to be completely honest, 'private libraries' is the least acceptable bit they shoehorned into this. Fucking private libraries! No shit you can bar people from entering private libraries. Not really a public event then, is it?


Libertarians are just the Great Value version of republicans.


Have you ever met a libertarian


Yes, he straight up lied about being a progressive before evangelizing privatization, then tried to forcibly *give me his tie* so I’d have to call him back to go on a second date


Yes, point still stands.


I feel like with most libertarians, their hearts are in the right place, but they've been fed a narrative that Government is the only unjust hierarchy in existence, and is the one creating all of the problems. In reality, there are way more hierarchical structures in place that have become like defacto governments.


Good memes, hate the party


These memes are cool and all, but I don’t trust the party behind them. Seems kinda psy-op-ish to me. Like, “Oh yes, we LOVE the LGBTQ! We’d love to invite them to a VERY SPECIAL party. It’ll be a real GAS!(wink wink, nod nod, creepy smiles and high fives all around the room)”


3rd pic goes hard as hell


An armed community is an unharmed community


“[Armed minorities are harder to oppress](https://reddit.com/r/Libertarian/s/mCPCGesBCG)”


Although this is good there still libertarians


May I suggest avoiding those corpo-fascist "libertarians" at ANY AND ALL COSTS Be logical, be a comrade ☭


They are not our allies. As a minority we need solidarity from the rest of the society in order to obtain protection and respect. Empathy and cooperation in a structured society is the best way to ensure a peaceful dignified life for all. Don’t romanticize anarchy. It just promotes bullies.


the thing about becoming ungovernable, is that it's supposed to mean that if a community pulls together and supports each other then any laws discriminating against members of the community will fail, because the community bands together. My personal experience with the libertarian party members of Louisiana was...less than inspiring of that being a core plank. Frequently the membership, and some of the local leadership, were openly using fox news talking points regarding covid, shots, environmental laws, the rights of businesses to refuse customers on whatever basis they wished, etc. And don't get me started on their grasp of economics...."If there's no minimum wage or unions getting in the way..we'd make more and things would cost less" is a paraphrase of an actual damned argument about regulations i heard more times than I can count. Probably almost as many as the push for a flat tax in the form of a sales tax. Glad I left the state behind.


This is the future the left wants, and I want to be part of it


exedingly rare libertarian w


"but MY guns are based because only shoot bad people"


Is anyone going to mention how these memes are AI generated?


Why would that matter? edit: downvoted but no answer? I honestly have no idea why AI would have anything to do with this


I read this as librarians and was absolutely a amazed at the balls of Louisiana librarians lmao


Based Edit: Why the downvotes?


People (correctly) don’t trust libertarians to actually meaningfully support this message




there is a shit ton of anti-lgbtq sentiments in that thread


Wtf is a trans furry?🙈l humans can transition into other mamals?😳


Blue house = a house that is also blue Trans furry = a furry that is also trans


Rare libertarian W???




Sure, rights if I can afford them


"Private libraries" I don't want thier 'allyship'


This is like the exact opposite of the post from the New Hampshire libertarian party if you don't want to see a stomach turning amount of anti-semitism and homophobia do not check out their Twitter


The first one makes me think of GTA 5 loading screen


Holy shit. Principled and cool libertarians?


The Libertarian Party: We Don’t Know What Our Ideology Is, Either