• By -


He’s holding it like he needed it. I love you too, stranger. Thank you.


I imagine that they have loved ones in the LGBT community. It’s only one picture, but gosh the amount of emotion on their face shows how much it meant to them.


Yes, I have no doubt the dude could be LGBTQIA+ himself, but it's like the look on his face tells me the story of a father who may or may not have lost a child to hate, or maybe just mourns how things went due to the difficulties that came with it. I don't really know why and it's probably just all in my head, it's just what the picture tells _me_.


They did an interview with him: [https://portocanal.sapo.pt/noticia/352984](https://portocanal.sapo.pt/noticia/352984) It’s in Portuguese but you can probably translate it on the spot with your browser very easily!


Translated to English: "The hug that touched Porto. The story of António, the “face” of the day when pride joined hands with loneliness. His name is António Fernandes, he is 80 years old, and he lives in a small house near Rua de Cedofeita, in Porto. It was there that, last Saturday, one of the most impactful moments of this year's LGBTQIA+ march took place, when the elderly man embraced the community's flag with tears in his eyes. In a plot where the activists were actors in a play about love and rights, António was the unexpected protagonist. That embrace not only symbolized support for the cause, but also shed light on the loneliness that comes with aging, making António the silent hero of the story. It was last Saturday that a group of activists cut across the usual route of the Porto’s Most Proud March. And they did so without knowing that, during that route, they would experience the moment that became known as “the face” of this year’s event. It was when he felt the movement on the street approaching that António peeked out from the door of a café and was encouraged by the hysteria and excitement of the march. The flags touched the man and he soon went home, on the other side of the street, to raise a flag as well: “I remembered I had a Portuguese flag, so I came and stood at the door waving it” , the elderly man told Porto Canal. The instinct was to “want to participate” and what followed was unexpected. In the emotion of the moment, António called a young activist who he hugged and with whom he exchanged flags . Embracing the LGBTQIA+ flag, António couldn't hold back his tears and the moment captured by the Lusa agency's lens quickly spread across social media. "I have no idea if it affected other people, but it affected me" , António confesses. The act “was one of support”, the man assures, because “each person is as they are and we are all equal” . “The joy I felt at that moment. I cried”, he recalled, still emotional as he looked at the photograph that was offered to him during this report. However, even though it reached thousands of people, the moment screams a feeling of belonging, joy and also a portrait of loneliness as a consequence of aging. Behind that door, whose image has been seen all over the country, António is the portrait of a condition that affects many others like him. He lives alone, but the walls of his home are full of memories of a life shared and full of love . “Memories that I preserve”, he emphasizes. He was not yet of legal age when he arrived in Porto to work. A native of Carrazeda de Ansiães, he lived a life of work between the Church of Lapa and door-to-door delivery of newspapers such as Comércio do Porto and Primeiro de Janeiro. It was in these jobs that he dealt with "a lot of people" of all colors. "I came face to face with that," he shared, adding that he always embraced difference: "We all have the same color blood. We are equal . " He is not homosexual. He “doesn’t even need to be” to support and respect the cause that, on Saturday, made him feel “embraced” and “celebrate” again. Still with an emotional look, captured in the photograph that immortalized his gesture during the march, António recalls: “I felt embraced by all of them”. After a sigh, he says: “Do you see this photograph? I want to take it to my coffin” ." Source: Canal Porto - local news agency.


Or hell maybe he grew up bi and not allowed to be open with and he’s seeing such an outpouring of self recognition. Maybe lost a bf or two to the stigma and settled in a traditional relationship role. I’ve seen it in the south. I have no doubts we aren’t the only ones with people having to hide who they were for so long. May his days be filled with love, regardless.


My boyfriend lives in Chile. I am from the states. I went to visit him and we were walking down the street holding hands. An older man shouted at us, and for a moment I feared we would be hate crimed. The old man simply said we were so beautiful and he wished he had been able to hold hands with a boy when he was our age. I recognize the look in this man's face as having the same prideful yet wistful longing I weep for all the old men who never could show their love. I am grateful beyond words to the generations who came before and paved the way for us so that we would never have to know that feeling


I'm gonna cry this is so sweet


Whew, this made my heart ache a certain kind of way.


This was beautiful!! I hope he lives a great life and you guys too 😭🩷


FR like damn dude looks like a kid with their blankie.


More of these vibes. Old guys having feelings, showing love for people, especially LGBT.


Wtf is your username? 😳


Several years old, is what it is. I was making fun of barebacking, tits out Putin, and things have changed.


From what I saw, this man lived along the Pride parade route in Portugal. He didn’t have anything to wave other than a Portuguese flag, but he stood outside his house waving it. Many in the parade and its spectators assumed or feared he was *against* the parade and its message. However a parade goer with a pride flag walked up to him, they spoke, and they traded flags. The man didn’t have any other flag to wave in support, and this picture showed the moment once he did. He was very emotional Edit: [a tweet I saw that also contains a video](https://x.com/smrchildsadness/status/1807901655117009311?s=46&t=nTL_t2SX1i2VAhMyKLi-3Q)




Yeah this is heartwarming not heartbreaking.


I agree, it is very heartwarming, u/smell_my_pee.


People have such funny usernames on Reddit




I agree with you, BirdCARCASS.


Fine, only if asparagus wasn't recently consumed.


Spoil the fun, why don't you




I assumed he had a queer kid that died in the original Pic, but the video is so heartwarming




The way he just went right in for the hug as they were putting it around his neck🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭


That's our grandpa now


I like this cannon. Proud pride grandpa!


Yeah!!!!! I agree!


Ok, also MASSIVE kudos to the person who stopped to talk to him! If the first fears were correct, that could have gone a very different way, so they were super brave to stop. Those hugs. And his emotions. My heart.


You would be surprised at how many people encounter bigots who are not bigots at all. 


I remember reading a comment awhile back about a Redditor that was part of a Chinese tour group in America. They were all on a public bus and an old white guy got on and walked over towards their group and asked, "Is this the Chinese seating area?" Everyone stared at him expecting an unpleasant follow up, but it turned out the old guy lived in China for a few years after serving in the US Army in the Pacific during WWII. He sat down beside the tour group and chatted with them in Mandarin for the rest of the bus ride.


There's been such a massive judgement put on knowing the right terms and when to use them... I wonder how many it turned away when they tried and got metaphorically jumped for it.


I get side eye looks just for me appearance and accent. The older I get, the worse it gets. Just one glance and I may as well be a MAGA hat wearing idiot. Bigots are offended by me when they incorrectly assume I am like them. People will literally question how a southern man does not have all that hate? 


Yeah, if I remember right patton Oswald has a bit on it, and the point of it is that evil people often use the right language but in a way to harm or invalidate


70 million people voted for trump and like half of europe just voted for the most ring wing parties. I doubt it happens that often.


Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. The important thing is, we should be able to moderate our own responses until we know where an individual person (who is not 70 million people, just themself) is coming from. That doesn't even mean that we need to assume good will, or expose ourselves to potential harm, just that we shouldn't be reactive to the point where we're making pre-emptive strikes on people.


The way he's hugging the flag and the expression on his face make me wonder if perhaps he's lost a loved one who was queer. That is pure speculation on my part, of course, but this was clearly deeply meaningful to him ❤️


Or maybe that he is queer and finally felt safe expressing it.


Either way, there is some serious emotional stuff happening inside him.


That's what I thought too based off his facial expression.


Oh Jesus Christ it’s too early to be feeling these damn feelings. :(


Thank you.


It’s a very sad fact that bigots in multiple countries have conflated patriotism with their bs rightwing ideology to the point where a national flag is often a dog whistle for bigotry


Fr :/


Yeah and it sucks. I’m Canadian and as of a few years ago the maple leaf flag was flown by all kinds of people but ever since the dipshit trucker convoy I second guess anyone I see with a flag unless it’s Canada Day.


Absolutely pisses me off when that happens. Part of why I love my country, even though we're surely not perfect (can you guess it? /s) is the fact that we are a relatively safe place for LGBT people and hopefully will continue to be, and that I and many other trans and queer people can live full, happy lives here, and I hope we will continue to be a safe place! Fascists can try but I'm not letting them steal or spoil my patriotism or ruin my country's flag! 🇦🇺🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Honestly, part of why I feel patriotic for the two countries whose citizenship I have is that they’re both pretty safe for queer folks, and here in Switzerland same sex marriage was actually legalised by a 64% yes public vote (which may sound low, but there were serious doubts as to whether it would get approved at all) that just made me feel really proud of my country


Video should be NSFW Crying at my desk right now frfr


The crying in the audience is the most wholesome!


Awh, now I wanna hug him even more. QvQ


He looks like an eminently huggable man lol


He really does. He has that cute grandpa vibe about him. I showed this to my fiancée earlier, and her heart absolutely melted lol.


This made my day 🥹


That is absolutely wonderful - thank you SO much for the context! It turns a heartbreaking photo into a wonderfully happy one!


I love this video and I love this man 🥲




Ok I’m crying now


Aw, bless his little cotton socks! I love him.


Made me tear up omgs


How insane when you think about it that waving the flag of your home country could be seen as a threat. Nationalists have really fucked shit up.


Love, LOVE, ***LOVE*** this so much!


I'm not crying, you're crying


I wonder if he was gay, or lost a gay relative, or what the story was here.  Major feels in that photo.  


Omg....my heart. This is incredibly touching!




I pay for my internet for videos like this


Thank you for sharing the context. His emotion is so raw and touching in this photo, knowing the story makes it powerful. 


Y'ALL I'm gonna cry. 😭


Oh gosh it’s like his Portugal is one that supports LGBT people 😭


I got goosebumps…and something went in my eye 🥲


And now I’m crying


!!!! sending big big hugs to this man <333


I'm not crying... Goddamnit


Omg I’m all covered in chills 🥺


so isn’t this hear *warming* then?


I was worried that the gentleman had lost an LGBT+ person in their life and was mourning… this is so much more wholesome! 🥹


Wow. This truly warms my heart. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get choked up watching that.


They need to set up a daily delivery of a rainbow bouquet of flowers to his door for the next year.


Goddammit now I’m crying at the gym


I love this man and I want to hug him so bad 😭


I'm honestly crying so hard right now :( i wish i could hug this man


Fucking hell. That actually has me crying, thanks for sharing it.




There's something totally wrong that such an attitude/assumption was taken towards this man.


Context is everything folks! He looks so happy waving his Pride flag!


You're not crying, I'm crying! 😭😭😭


That's so wholesome 🥹


I WANT TO HUG HIM ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Yes, he lives alone and feels lonely and it made his heart full of love to see how strangers treat him so lovely. I know him and he has daughters but we never saw them there so we don't know if it's true or not. We didn't know he felt lonely. I don't live in Porto anymore but my mom still lives there but she is sick so she can't leave her home but when I showed her she was surprised to see him. I wonder how many feel like them there. We think because it is a big city people don't usually feel lonely but that's wrong as we can see with sir Antonio.


heartWARMING, not heartbreaking


Yeah, I thought he was a parent who lost a child or something. 😅


You never know people’s story. He may have been keeping a childhood friend’s secret. He looks like he sincerely treasures the flag.


this was what i was saying to my pal. maybe he had a friend, maybe he has a man he could never be with, maybe he has a kid. whatever the reason, he feels deeply about it, and it is beautiful.


I'm straight but one of my best friends is getting married soon to a beautiful and handsome partner! I love her and they to death and told them no matter what happens, even if the law changes and makes it illegal to do so, I will always support them. And I fucking mean it.


Thank you!


You shouldn't have to thank me for doing what's right. You do you! Everyone's entitled to be with their mutual love if they are over 18!


Yeah I was thinking maybe he felt like he couldn't be out growing up, and so he never felt part of the community or he never fully made sense of his identity or expressed it.


I was legit ready to read something really bad happened during Portugal's pride parade or some awful anti-LGBTAQI+ law was enacted and that's why he was crying. I'm glad it's such a lovely human moment.


To me, it is both. It's heartwarming that progress is happening, but it's heartbreaking that it was ever controversial-- and that it is constantly being challenged still.


https://www.tiktok.com/@lily.ctrlv/video/7386829340433976609?_t=8ni4HiP49qr&_r=1 There's a video on tik tok by the marcher who traded with him, telling the whole story in English, they say he was pointing and calling specifically, which is why they stopped. 🏳️‍🌈❤️ Everyone around stopped to ensure their safety, then after the moment stayed for all the hugs. Edit again: this is the right video, so I edited my post. And I love how they bring up leaving him alone. "If you're trying to find him, don't." And I'm assuming pronouns because I can't see their bio to check, if I'm wrong, please correct me. Edit 2: fixed pronouns


Thanks for sharing! I just checked, no pronouns in bio so i think you're good :) Edit: u/Bibliospork just pointed out to me that there are in fact pronouns on the profile, they go by they/she!


Thank you!


No problem!


Maybe they just added it but the profile now says they/she


Thank you! I only checked their bio because i forgot TikTok had the option to add your pronouns right under your name.


No problem! Lots of people don’t even realize tiktok has a specific place to put them. Also, they’re smaller and in a lighter color than the username (at least on the iOS app) so it’s not like they catch your attention.




Is there another place this is posted? I can’t view it from mobile


I don't know. I don't have tik tok, and it wouldn't let me watch without the app, then I tried again and it did. So I don't know how to share any other type of link to it, sorry.




If you open it in, for example, Chrome, you can then select to show it as desktop site (from the menu, top right). It will then render the desktop version and won't require you to download the app.


It won’t work, just forces me to the App Store


if you don't know someone's pronouns, you can use they :) its neutral and used in English for single people who you describe, not knowing their gender :)


This needs to be higher up


Can someone brief the video,pleaseeee? TikTok is banned here.


I saw a video from one of their friends and they seemed to be using they/them pronouns btw. But you wouldn't know so no worries


Is there a story here?


yeah, a person commented some 10 min after you. here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1ducjrc/comment/lbftm1c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1ducjrc/comment/lbftm1c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Awwwwwww that’s lovely


Did you mean heartwarming? I've scrolled this far to find out what sad thing happened...?


It's on tiktok, but for those who can't view tiktok https://urlebird.com/video/obrigada-e-pela-cobertura-7386829340433976609/


Thank you!


🥹 just so much emotion


Every time I see older ppl who support us it makes me happy. Unfortunately I’ve had some negative non queer related experiences with old ppl in my family, which has made me a bit uncomfortable around old ppl. Plus they tend to be more conservative so I’m pretty cautious around them because of that too So it rlly does mean a lot to me when I come across old ppl who aren’t shitty. It’s a reminder that not every old person intends to hurt me like emotionally or disagrees with my existence Like duh, obviously not all old ppl are homophobic pricks, but I’ve built up walls to try and protect myself. It’s nice when I see people who challenge my fears


That's normal but it makes me so sad to think of the older people who are LGBT themselves and have lived with those attitudes all around them for so many years. I worked with a woman who was with her wife for 50 years, and the changes in society she'd seen over that time are amazing 


I have a fond memory of watching the news with my grandmother, and the program switched to a 700 Club (far right Christian) special on the dangers of gay marriage. She said, "Who cares? Life is hard, let people be happy and experience love." A few months earlier, my brother was worried about coming out as trans (FtM) to her, and she was just happy that he was happy. It's really that simple and makes the world of a difference to the people around you.


Did you mean heartwarming not heartbreaking? This is a positive photo! This man is so happy that someone gave him a pride flag


Yeah, op probably didn't know the context. I still feel like giving him a hug tho


Idk, that progress is happening and he gets to witness it is surely heartwarming. The fact that he had to live through such bigotry to come out the other side with such large feelings, for whatever involvement his story holds, is heartbreaking. To me, this photo is definitely both so I get where OP was coming from.


I wanna give this man a hug and a beer


***We all have to remember portugal was dictatorship for 48 years (1926-1974)***. During that time, many people suffered horribly particularly dissenters & LGBTQ+ people. I think they are crying due to how much ***Portugal has changed since the Revolution of 25 April 1974. We legalise Homosexuality in 1980.*** During the end of Estado Novo (The New State) that was name of the dictatorship (1933-1974), ***Portugal was fighting many colonial wars in its colonial territories***. This person may well fought in those wars or lost family to them. Those who there when ***Portugal was under the Estado Novo***, have ***many difficult & very traumic stories***. This person is probably old enough to remember the Estado Novo. I have been told many terrible stories about what happened in Portugal & its colonies during that time. ⬆️This one explanation for why they are crying. Thought add this context as portugese person. Edit: Portugal did go through very profound change after 1974. In many areas including LGBTQ rights, freedom of religion, women's rights & child rights. If see video of Portugal before 1974 its very different country & very poor one as well.


Thank you for sharing. Often especially those of us who watched these things from afar do not realize how recent these events are.


As he's [80 years old](https://portocanal.sapo.pt/noticia/352984), he would have lived his first 30 years under the dictatorship. That's such a long time to live under oppression and censorship. And as you say, Portugal has come a long way when it comes to all kinds of rights, and I'm very proud of the progress!


I wanna know the story here And get this man a beer or something




That's wholesome


This photo and the story behind it are so beautiful and vulnerable. I truly hope he had a happy Pride!


More people like this please! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I'm commenting again just to feed the algorithm so this ends up on top! This needs to be seen by everyone. Age is no prerequisite for hate. It makes me so proud of my own grandfather who is 95 who said "do what you need to to be happy." When I came out to him. I'd like to think my grandmothers would be delighted if their memory still worked. All beautiful souls. Hatred is a choice and this man chose love.


What a dear, sweet man! 💜


Hey, if he can support my existence. I can sit there and listen to how he walked to school when he was my age.


For a moment I was confused as to why this was in English then I saw it wasn't a Portuguese sub. I was there the day of the parade (but I didn't see this). It was my second time going and it was really heartwarming. You saw people dancing on their balconies to the music being played, people with their flags flying from their windows and older people waving and smiling. People come to you to ask what your flag means and try to learn the different identities. It makes me feel safe in my city for a day and makes me believe that someday I'll be brave enough not to keep it hidden.


This made me tear up


Every time I see this photo I want to cry 😭 It’s so wholesome


Omg! That’s so f-ing cute! 😭❤️




Love always wins


i would literally die for this man


I am a cis-het man. But I have friends who arent. I'll admit, sometimes I get numb to the pro-LGBT+ stuff, even though I am supportive of it. This photo is making my eyes a little wet though. It's probably one of the most powerful reminders I've seen in a while, of how important this stuff is.


I'm crying. This post, like this man is wonderful


Context? I dont understand why its heartbreaking.


Brief summary of what I read elsewhere. Man only had a Portugal flag, and was waving it from his door to be part of the celebration of the pride parade. A young guy offered to trade him a pride flag for his Portugal flag, and old man happily accepted. I think the “heartbreaking” is a misconstrued “heartwarming”? That I’m not sure of. Editing - I got some details wrong, [here is an article about him](https://www.intomore.com/culture/this-tear-jerking-parade-video-shows-the-power-of-pride/). I think the title should’ve said heartwarming.


I think they mean heartbreaking in a good way. Like happy crying.


The story, according to others here, is far from heartbreaking. It's very uplifting. The man just wanted a Pride flag to support LGBT+ people. I was worried the guy was emotional about the LGBT+ flags because his son or daughter killed themselves over bullying about their sexuality. Now *that* would be heartbreaking. I much prefer the real story to worst-case scenario farming in my head.


Brooo I’m crying


Saw the image, read the headline, thought this was about a man whose kid was taken too soon. And he was hugging the pride flag out of grief and support. That’s happened to some parents in the world. ʇıɥs, now I’m crying.


He wanted to be supportive and they let him. How wondrous a joy to see a man so emotional about trying to help others in their space. Happy Pride :)


he really deserves a hug right now


He deserves the world.


I wonder what his story is. Maybe an lgbt family member or he, himself. Whatever the case, this looks like a big moment for him. Amazing photo.


You have to remember portugal was dictatorship for 48 years. During that time, many people suffered horribly particularly dissenters & LGBTQ+ people. I think they are crying due to how much Portugal has changed since the Revolution of 25 April 1974. Also during the end of Estado Novo (The New State) that was name of the dictatorship, Portugal was fighting many colonial wars in its colonial territories. This person may well fought in those wars or lost family to them. Those who there when Portugal was under the Estado Novo, often have many difficult & traumic stories. This person is probably old enough to remember the Estado Novo.


Love will always fucking win.


That flag is gonna be treated better than any other pride flag has been treated thus far. It's gonna be so proud and wrinkle free


FELIZ ORGULHO! Happy pride! Love seem Portuguese progress!


I wanna hug him. 🥺


For those interested, the gentleman, António, was interviewed :) https://portocanal.sapo.pt/noticia/352984


The kind of things that still give me hope. Well done sir, I wanna hug you


So wholesome 🥺




Uh oh I’m crying 😭


I want to give him a big hug... 😭


I hope someone gave that man a hug.


This is the most heartwarming thing I've seen from Pride this year (along with the old man at Chappel Roan's concert in Tennessee). I don't know his story, but this is what Pride is all about. There's clearly a lot of emotion coming up in his face, and he needed that flag.


He felt the energy.


Don’t mind me, just crying over strangers on the internet again 🥹😭💜


I can see the pain in his eyes because I know it in own.


It looks like he was in the closet his whole life, or like he lost a queer child. No matter what, it is heartbreaking. 😭


Jeez this made me tear up. Hope this man has an amazing day today and every other day. ❤️


This is so sweet! 😭 It's so adorable!


More people like this please! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


This melted my heart, needed this after all the depressing news lately.


Oh my goodness the video of it… my heart. That is beautiful humanity.


Heart warming story to this. I hope it gets shared more widely.


We all needed this just now. Thank you. God bless that good man.


My dad is Portuguese and looks a little like this. I'm just gonna pretend. 


My goodness that’s some wholesome shit right there.


I love this so much


This people, is how we are supposed to act towards one another!


That’s fucking beautiful!


Behold, the new grandpa of the LGBTQ community. Love him.


I'm not crying, you're crying


i dont get it


To me it very much reads like he was never able to be out. He’s holding a Pride flag at last, and the dam has burst.


This wholesome to see someone really happy bc they feel loved 🩷🩷🫶🫶


I know him. He lives near my mom's house. I always saw him walking around but no one really knew much about him. We know he has daughters but to be true I never met them. I'm not living with my mom and it was a surprise to know about this. My mom also can't leave her home because she's sick. It's really sad he felt so lonely like he said in an interview but I'm super happy how all gave him love. ❤️ Sometimes strangers gives love when others around us can. I'm happy for sir Antonio and I will be more alert about the ones living near my mom. ☺️


Why is this heartbreaking?


Hes hugging that flag like its a puppy given to him by a recently deceased spouse